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Introducción a las aguas subterráneas- Fase 1

Código curso:



Mario Andrés Ibarra Ortiz


Asly castillo Borja

Código: 1.004324327

FECHA: 17 De febrero de 2023

Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia Unad

Escuela Ciencias De La Educación
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A través de la elaboración de un ensayo en idioma inglés no superior a tres hojas va
establecer las diferencias que existen entre riesgos, peligro, incidente, accidente de trabajo
y enfermedad laboral. Tenga en cuenta los criterios para la elaboración de ensayos.

There are several terms derived from this definition that should be taken into account, such
as a source of danger, which is the place where the danger comes from; dangerous
situations such as when we step on wet ground or carry out work at heights; or even
dangerous acts like smoking near flammable material. In some cases, when detecting
danger we can even find these three concepts at the same time.
Incident: Work-related event or events in which injury or ill health (regardless of severity)
or fatality occurs or could have occurred.
Risk: Combination of the probability of something dangerous happening times the severity
of the harm it could cause. Risk can be measured.

R (risk) = P (probability) x S (severity)

Example: Slippery floor (danger) and the probability of a fracture.

Once this is calculated, we can find different types of risks:
Pure risk: it is one on which no control measure has been applied.
Residual risk: it is the one on which measures have been applied to reduce or mitigate it.
Acceptable risk: is one that has been reduced or mitigated in such a way that it can be
tolerated by the company, taking into account the legal requirements of each country and
the occupational health and safety policy.
What is a work accident?
According to Law 1562 of 2012, a work accident is that "sudden event that occurs due to or
on the occasion of work, and that produces an organic injury, functional disturbance,
disability or death in the worker."
That is to say, a work accident is an injury produced while the worker complies with the
obligations that his boss has assigned him.

What is an occupational disease?

According to article 4 of Law 1262 of 2012, an occupational disease is "contracted as a
result of exposure to risk factors inherent to the work activity or the environment in which
the worker has been forced to work."
In this sense, an occupational disease is produced directly by the work environment or by
the functions for which the employee was hired.
In the event of suffering from a work-related illness, the ARL is in charge of covering the
expenses of work-related disabilities. Therefore, ARL insurance is mandatory for all
companies in the country.
In addition, you must take into account that the diagnosis of occupational disease must be
issued by a doctor attached to the employee's Health Promotion Entity (EPS).
Accidents and occupational diseases are eventualities that the Occupational Risk Insurers
(ARL) will help you prevent and attend to if you have your affiliated company.
In the event that your employees do not have a relationship with ARL, the company must
assume all the expenses that a work-related illness or accident causes the worker.
Fuente: Accidente de Trabajo y Enfermedad Laboral: Cuál es la diferencia (

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