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Matrik no. : DOS09212033


Explain in detail the concept of ‘Cradle To Grave’ for chemical safety management.

Since cradle to the grave works as a process, it’s vital to have a clear understanding of what each step is and how
it works. To practice the process correctly, you must handle each stage correctly and safely. There are always five
specific stages:

Generation: All hazardous waste begins with the company’s generation of the material. The “cradle”
refers to the generation stage since it’s where it all begins. The first thing for a company to do once they
have generated such material is to identify whether it is hazardous waste or regular waste. Once the
hazardous material is determined, you should document it and then ensure that it’s properly labeled. The
correct labeling is vital for the safety of those on your worksite and the rest of the process.

Transportation: The waste must be picked up and transported to the proper treatment facility for it to be safely
disposed of. A major part of the transportation responsibility of a hazardous waste generator is to make sure the
waste and transportation methods meet the requirements of the Department of Transportation (DOT). Shipping
your waste to the DOT standards means that you must have the material properly labeled, stored in the
appropriate containers, and sealed so there is no chance of leakage which could cause contamination to the
environment around it. Any waste transportation provider must be compliant with DOT standards as well, as they
may use public roads, highways, rails, or waterways to transport the material.

Treatments: Some wastes that don't contain any dangerous elements can be recycled securely in their current
form. Dealing with hazardous garbage requires a very different approach. Before being disposed of, such material
requires special handling. This is essential to ensuring that no harmful material enters the soil, groundwater, or
atmosphere. Facilities then employ stabilization and solidification techniques.

Storage: At various phases of the waste management process, it is common that garbage must be held for a
while. This may happen while you're there, while you're being transported, or when you're getting treated there.
Wherever the garbage is being kept, it has to be in a secure environment where spills and leaks may be
prevented. It must be stored away from anything that may become contaminated by the waste or react badly
with it. To reduce the chance of interaction with the substance, the area should also be apart from where staff
must be operating.

Disposal: The procedure has reached its conclusion, thus this is what the term "grave" alludes to. This happens
when the garbage has either undergone sufficiently thorough reuse and recycling or has been safely processed.
When garbage is eventually disposed of, it must be placed in the proper landfill to protect the people and the
environment from any harmful impacts. Additionally, the waste may be burnt for energy. Making sure the landfill
will accept the sort of garbage, and the volume, and that it is appropriately licensed to manage it is the waste
generator's last main duty in this last phase of the process.

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