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DOCUMENT NO 538 September 2021

PRN: 167028

A.P.A.C. Ltd.
Archaeological Perspectives Analysis Consultancy


Land at Cefn Llan, Llangammarch Wells

Powys County Council

Planning Application, No: P/2017/0823

A.P.A.C. Ltd Cefn Llan, Llangammarch Wells WSI:WB/LW/21


Instigated by a planning condition; an archaeological watching brief was

conducted on a small area of a development site; previously noted during a
topographic survey, as an anomaly with potential for archaeological interest.

The watching brief recorded a small area of riverine deposition of unknown

purpose with modern inclusions but nothing of any archaeological importance.

Wedi’i sbarduno gan amod cynllunio, gwnaethpwyd gorchwyl gwylio

archeolegol ar ran fechan o safle datblygu a nodwyd o’r blaen yn ystod arolwg
topograffig fel anomaledd gyda photensial ar gyfer diddordeb archeolegol.

Cofnododd y gorchwyl gwylio ardal fechan o ddyddodion afon anhysbys eu

pwrpas gyda chymysgedd o ddeunydd modern ond dim oll o bwysigrwydd

Copyright Notice:
A.P.A.C. Ltd. retains copyright of this report under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act, 1988.

The Ordnance Survey has granted A.P.A.C. Ltd a Copyright Licence (No. 100046577) to reproduce map information; Copyright remains
otherwise with the Ordnance Survey.

Frontispiece Photograph: DSCN0767, General view of site looking east

A.P.A.C. Ltd Cefn Llan, Llangammarch Wells WSI:WB/LW/21


Summary ......................................................................................................................................... 1
Contents ........................................................................................................................................... 2
Figures ............................................................................................................................................. 3
Plates ............................................................................................................................................... 3
Appendices ...................................................................................................................................... 3
Introduction ..................................................................................................................................... 4
Location of the Site ......................................................................................................................... 4
Brief archaeological and historical background .............................................................................. 4
Aims and Objectives ....................................................................................................................... 5
Scope of the Work ........................................................................................................................... 5
Procedures ....................................................................................................................................... 5
Discussion ....................................................................................................................................... 6
Conclusion....................................................................................................................................... 7
Archive ............................................................................................................................................ 7
Health & Safety: .............................................................................................................................. 7
Project Management:....................................................................................................................... 8
Staff Resources:............................................................................................................................... 8
Copyright ......................................................................................................................................... 8
Bibliography and References: ......................................................................................................... 9

A.P.A.C. Ltd Cefn Llan, Llangammarch Wells WSI:WB/LW/21


Fig 01: Topographical contour survey of the field in 2007 with anomalies highlighted
Fig 02: Site Location map
Fig 03: Historic Asset Map
Fig 04: Mapping
a 1844 Tithe Map
b 1887 6 inch/mile Ordnance Survey Map, Breconshire
c 1948 6 inch/mile Ordnance Survey Map, Breconshire
d 2021 Magic Map Llangammarch Wells


PL01: Hedge cut back to boundary, raised area visible, contexts: {100} over (101) over lens (102) over
PL02 Aerial cam view from 3m, two lenses of (102). One linear1.5m x 0.6m, one 0.9m x 0.5m, both
over (106)
PL03 Detail of larger lens (102), half sectioned. Dished profile with a depth to 70mm. Post hole {104}
to top. Core tool in situ
PL04 Detail of: Profile (102) location of {104} and core sample hole to right (north-west of post) centre
of area under (102)
PL05 SE edge of site active levelling showing sequence (101) over (106) over (107)
PL06 3 inclusions in (102) water worn brick fragment, 20th c brown glaze ceramic sherd, water worn
aqua glass bottle fragment


Appendix I Context record

Appendix II Digital Photographic record

A.P.A.C. Ltd Cefn Llan, Llangammarch Wells WSI:WB/LW/21


This archaeological watching brief report has been prepared by Dr Neil Phillips, A.P.A.C. Ltd, in response to
planning condition for a proposed program of works, RE: Construction of 25 residential plots and associated
structures and landscaping Powys County Council (PCC) Planning Pl.App.No: P/2017/0823.

The planning condition: P/2017/0823 is worded:

Condition 13 08/03/18

The developer shall afford access at all reasonable times to any suitably qualified
archaeologist and shall allow him/her to observe the excavations and record items of interest
and finds in the platform area of land referred to in paragraph 4.6 of the Topographical
Survey Report submitted with the application. Within one month of the completion of the
watching brief, written confirmation shall be provided by or on behalf of the developer, to the
Local Planning Authority, that the findings have been deposited with the Clwyd Powys
Archaeological Trust

The reason for the condition was an observation remark on a topographic land survey report in 2008 for an earlier
pre-planning application: APAC.Ltd: P/2008/0402. As well as providing the required contour map of the area, fig
01, it was felt appropriate to the then client’s intertest, to mention a ground anomaly that was noticed during the
fieldwork, LLGM/SY/07.

NB. It should be noted that the remit of the Topographic Survey did not include archaeological assessment.

As per CIFA standards and guidance for an archaeological watching brief, a Written Scheme of Investigation (WSI)
was supplied to the client, although, it was not requested by PCC planning and in this instance the design brief for
the work was limited to the condition wording itself.

Excavation of the anomaly was undertaken on 07/09/2021.

Location of the Site

Llangammarch Wells itself can be found partway between Llanwrtydd Wells and Builth Wells. When travelling
between the two along the A483, turn southwest at Garth along a road to Llangammarch Wells. The site is on the
right just before the village.

The location of the development site is northeast of the hamlet of Llangammarch Wells at National Grid Reference
(NGR) 293714, 247590, fig 02.

The actual anomaly was a 3m x 2m slightly flat area at NGR: 293659, 247574; partially overgrown by a roadside
hedge to the northwest. The ground slopes down towards the south and east but rises to the southwest and all is

Brief archaeological and historical background

The archaeological record for the Llangammarch Wells is ‘sketchy’ according to CPAT’s Historic Settlements
Survey. The possibility of an early medieval origin for the church is postulated with little conviction; however, a
documentary reference to Llangammarch as a settlement is given as AD 1249, but source not cited.

Specific to the development site; CPAT listed PRN 2675: ‘slight earthworks visible to the east of the village and
these may represent some sort of field system for the village, though they could easily post-date the medieval era’. It
is possible these could relate to the anomaly mentioned in APAC. Ltd, LLGM/SY/07.

A.P.A.C. Ltd Cefn Llan, Llangammarch Wells WSI:WB/LW/21

A 500m search diameter, Heritage Asset Map for the area has been produced, fig 03; centred on NGR 293714,
247590 reveals no listed buildings, scheduled sites or conservation and historical interest areas.

The 1844 Tithe Map, fig 04a, shows a few houses around the church area southwest with the development field
known as field: 631 Cae Pant Cefn, arable and leased by Joshua Morgan from the Rev, Thomas Evans. There is no
cartographic evidence of development at the site over the next 43 years; fig 04b, other than the cutting of the railway
along the south-eastern edge, cited as c 1867, Llangammarch Wells History Society. This work produced a deep
cutting along the southeast and a walled enclosure planted with trees. By 1948; fig 04c, the field has been shortened
at the southwest corner with a cross wall, behind which are three structures. The current map, fig 04d, shows no
further changes preceding the current development.

Aims and Objectives

The aim of the watching brief is to establish the presence/absence of archaeological structures or other significant
features within the works area. Should any archaeological resources be revealed their presence will be recorded and
a decision made as to any mitigation measures.

The archaeological watching brief will be carried out to the standards laid down in the Chartered Institute of Field
Archaeologists, Guideline for Watching Briefs 2014 (updated 2020).

An archaeological watching brief:

The definition of an archaeological watching brief is a formal programme of

observation and investigation conducted during any operation carried out for non-
archaeological reasons. This will be within a specified area or site on land, inter-tidal
zone or underwater, where there is a possibility that archaeological deposits may be
disturbed or destroyed. The programme will result in the preparation of a report and
ordered archive.

This definition and Standard do not cover chance observations, which should lead to an
appropriate archaeological project being designed and implemented, nor do they apply
to monitoring for preservation of remains in situ. A watching brief will preserve by
record, within the resources available, any archaeological deposits uncovered during

The watching brief will ensure that: in the event of archaeological resources of
significance, being discovered and requiring treatment beyond the remit of the
watching brief; then steps would be implemented to ensure that their treatment would
be undertaken within the standards recommended by the CIFA.

Resulting from the watching brief, a report on the results will be produced, which will
include a detailed summary of the methodology, site history, deposits/features/
structures/artefacts uncovered and interpretation of the results.
(CIFA. 2014).

Scope of the Work

The archaeology of the application site as a whole, in its wider local or regional context, will be considered,
although, the watching brief will be confined to the area of anomaly mentioned in the planning condition.

Any remains of potential interest will be considered, whatever their date.

Documentary Research

Under normal conditions, sufficient documentary research would be undertaken to complete a brief background

A.P.A.C. Ltd Cefn Llan, Llangammarch Wells WSI:WB/LW/21

history of the site in order to place the results of the watching brief in their historic context.

NB Unfortunately, current Covid 19 restrictions have made usual visits to museums, libraries, and record offices etc,
impossible, with research dependent entirely on online sources.


• All encountered contexts were recorded on pro-forma APAC Ltd context sheets and an ordered site
archive was maintained.

• All photographs were taken with a recognised scale and were recorded as JPEG at 16 MP.

• No on-site illustrations (plans and sections) were necessary

• A metal detector was present on site throughout the course of the watching brief and all excavated areas
and spoil heaps were scanned for finds.

• No small finds were discovered and no significant remains of and interest were encountered

• No remains of potential archaeological interest were encountered.

The watching brief.

A date for the proposed commencement of the work was arranged by the client: 07/09/2021, and archaeological
cover was provided as required by the condition: during the development work in the area of the aforementioned
anomaly. The hedge and overgrowth, (100) were first removed to the accepted boundary line with the highway,
after which, a mechanical excavator fitted with a toothless bucket was used to remove the topsoil (101). The
surviving profile of the anomaly can be seen in PL01, the ranging rod is along the cut section, to the left is the fence
for the new site access and to the right the mound drops off. The mound under the hedge was not pursued as it was
outside the necessary development boundary.

At this point a linear area of small stone in a darker grey deposit (102) was noted and mechanical excavation was
replaced by hand trowelling.

By this means (102) a distinct irregular oval lens of grey fine gravel with water eroded flat pebbles was exposed
measuring c 1.5m by 0.5m PL02. The alignment of the oval was not the same as of the adjacent boundary hedge.
Approximately 1.3m to the northeast was a further but more ephemeral instance of (102) measuring 0.9m x 0.5. The
main lens was sectioned to reveal a dished profile section with a maximum depth at the centre line of 70mm over
natural deposit (106), PL03. No cut was observed as the surface interface of (106) with (102) was entirely irregular.

The clearing for recording also revealed an 80mm x 80mm post hole void {104) filled with loose deposit (105),
PL04. It should be noted that {104} and (105) had not been noticed in (102) but this would be consistent with the
fill nature of (102).

Once recording was complete a metal detector was used on the area of interest and the spoil heap but noting was

Finally, a core sample was taken through (106) which showed a consistency to a depth of 240mm at which point
rock was encountered, PL04. Examination of a site edge being cut at the southeast boundary of the site confirmed a
similar section, PL05.


The area denoted in the condition was quite small and its north-western section extended beyond the site boundary,
under a mature hedge; therefore, there was little anticipation of any significant results. The lenses of gravel that
were discovered were not naturally occurring in the area of the site and had not been discovered elsewhere

A.P.A.C. Ltd Cefn Llan, Llangammarch Wells WSI:WB/LW/21

according to the site manager. There was no evidence of any cut below the lenses and therefore it must be assumed
that they have been dropped or poured onto the surface for some reason that remains unknown. Of the three
fragments of manufactured items included in the context, PL06: the brick is non diagnostic, the glazed ceramic
would tend to be no earlier than the 20th century, likewise the fragment of glass bottle. However, the water wear on
the brick, glass and abundant stones suggests a riverbed, therefore it can be inferred that this is where they came
from before deposition in fairly recent times.


The anomaly that formed the focus of this watching brief was easily identified and was still apparent at the start of
excavation, as a noticeable isolated change of slope and plateau. However, a section through the mound revealed no
artificially derived reason for the mound but it did identify a small area of modern tipping of potentially riverine

The anomaly therefore had no archaeological significance and was furthermore not related to the early field systems
postulated in the CPAT PRN listing.


In the event of artefacts being collected, APAC Ltd will endeavour to persuade the legal owner (landowner) of any
artefacts to transfer them to a suitable local museum. In such a case, a suitable local museum will be notified of the
intention to deposit the project archives with them after APAC Ltd have received a signed transfer of ownership.
The project will be designated a unique project code with all significant documents and packaging carrying this code

If the archive has no artefacts, then copies of the archive will be deposited with RCAHMW with the original
copy retained by A.P.A.C. Ltd. The project archives will consist of all original records, and relevant
documentation relating to the building recording. The archives will be prepared according to the Management of
Archaeological Projects, English Heritage, MoRPHE V1.2 (2015) so the records will be fully ordered and

The copies of the archive, following current guidelines;
will be deposited with RCHAMW.

A copy of the report and associated documentation will be sent to CPAT HE, following current guidelines:

A synopsis will be submitted for inclusion in CBA Wales Journal Archaeology in Wales.

The archives will be deposited within twelve months of the completion of the watching brief and with the
agreement of the landowner.

Health & Safety:

The Project Team will operate in accordance with the health and safety procedures as set out in: -

 The Health and Safety Work Act (1974) and related legislation.
 The Standing Conference of Archaeology Unit Managers Health and Safety Manual (2002).
 A Risk Assessment for the project will be drawn up by a competent CIEH risk assessor in accordance with
CDM 2015 as appropriate.

All necessary protective clothing and equipment will be used.

A First-Aid kit and Accident Book will be kept on site at all times, with a Health and Safety file.

A.P.A.C. Ltd Cefn Llan, Llangammarch Wells WSI:WB/LW/21

Project Management:

Dr Neil Phillips, A.P.A.C. Ltd, will manage the project.

Dr N. Phillips has been active in archaeology since 1997, completing his 1st degree in 1999
followed by a research Phd in 2004. Dr Phillips started and has been director of A.P.A.C. Ltd since

A.P.A.C. Ltd is an archaeological consultancy specialising in landscape archaeology and survey

work. Dr Phillips interests lie locally with the medieval period and industrial period although he has
been involved in international Palaeolithic projects both in the UK as well as Europe and Africa.
Scibd currently carries a range of archaeological projects completed by APAC Ltd (search APAC.
Ltd or Dr N Phillips).

APAC. Ltd has current Public Liability and Professional Indemnity Insurance with Towergate (24765101 CHC)

Staff Resources:

• Project Manager: Dr Neil Phillips

• Site director Dr Neil Phillips
• Ceramicist: Steve Clarke & A.O. Phillips
• Small Finds Analysis: Lynne Bevan
• Finds Processing: A.O. Phillips
• Industrial Specialist: Dr G Mc Donnall
• Faunal Remains: P. Forward
• Environmental Samples: Dr T Davies

Any changes to the management or supervision of the project will be relayed to CPAT.


A.P.A.C. Ltd will retain full copyright of any reports and specialist reports, under the Copyright, Designs and
Patents Act of 1988 with all rights reserved.

A.P.A.C. Ltd hereby gives permission for the monitoring authority to use any documentation directly relating to the
project as described in this Project Design.

A.P.A.C. Ltd Cefn Llan, Llangammarch Wells WSI:WB/LW/21

Bibliography and References:

APAC. Ltd 2007 Project 26. LLGM/SI.07 Topographical Survey, Development Site Llangammarch Wells

Davies,R., 1999 The Tithe Maps of Wales. A guide to the tithe maps and apportionments of Wales in the
National Library of Wales.

English Heritage Management of Research Projects in the Historic Environment (2006).

Chartered Institute
For Archaeologists. Standards and Guidance for an Archaeological Watching Brief. 2014, Updated 2020.

FAME. The Standing Conference of Archaeology Unit Managers Health and Safety Manual. 2002.

HSE. Health and Safety at Work Act, 1974.

HSE. Construction (Design and Management) Regulations. 2015

Pembroke Design Proposed Site Plan. Residential Development at Llangammarch Wells. Job no 876.
PSPB01A Jan 2018
Powys County
Council Planning Ref: P/2017/0823. Schedule of planning conditions to be discharged.

RCAHMW. National Standard and Guidance to Best Practice for Collecting and Depositing
Archaeological Archives in Wales, 2017.

The Welsh Archaeological

Trusts. Guidance for the Submission of Data to the Welsh Historic Environment Records (HERs)

Online Sources:

CPAT Historic
Settlements Survey

Google maps

Llangammarch Wells
History Society

Magic Maps

National Library of

National Library of

A.P.A.C. Registered Address: Wyastone Estate, Wyastone Leys, Monmouth, NP25 3SR.
Tel: 07734962919. Mobile: 07734962919 Email:
Company Registration No 05041541 VAT Reg No 826 3628 19
Director: Dr. N. Phillips D.Phil. BA (Hons).

Cefn Llan, Llangammarch Wells

Surface anomaly
from 2007 topographic survey

Fig 02: Location A.P.A.C. Lttd. WB/LW/21

The Ordnance Survey has granted A.P.A.C. Ltd a Copyright Licence (No. 100046577)
A.P.A.C. Ltd WB/LW/21
Cefn Llan, Llangammarch Wells

Fig 01: Location

Land at Cefn Llan, Llangamarch Wells


NGR: 293714 247590

Fig 03: Heritage asset map A.P.A.C. Ltd. WB/LW/21

Cefn Llan, Llangammarch Wells


Tithe Map

Llangammarch P., Treflys T. 13972 (45/77)

Powys St D/S&B. 28/03/1844.
Dvies, R., 1999


Ordnacnce Survey 6” to mile

Breconshire X.SE 1887


Ordnacnce Survey 6” to mile

Breconshire X.SE 1948

The Ordnance Survey has granted A.P.A.C. Ltd a Copyright Licence (No. 100046577)


Ordnacnce Survey

Magic Map 09/09/2021

A.P.A.C. Ltd WB/LW/21

Fig 04: Maps
Cefn Llan, Llangammarch Wells

Hedge cut back to boundary, raised area visible,
contexts: {100} over (101) over lens (102) over





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Plate 01 A.P.A.C. Ltd WB/LW/21

Cefn Llan, Llangammarch Wells

Aerial cam view from 3m, two lenses of (102).
One linear1.5m x 0.6m, one 0.9m x 0.5m, both
over (106)





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Plate 02 A.P.A.C. Ltd WB/LW/21

Cefn Llan, Llangammarch Wells

Detail of larger lens (102), half sectioned. Dished
profile with a depth to 70mm. Post hole {104} to top.
Core tool in situ





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Plate 03 A.P.A.C. Ltd WB/LW/21

Cefn Llan, Llangammarch Wells

Detail of: Profile (102) location of {104} and core
sample hole to right (north west of post) centre
of area under (102)





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Plate 04 A.P.A.C. Ltd WB/LW/21

Cefn Llan, Llangammarch Wells

SE edge of site active levelling showing sequence
(101) over (106) over (107)





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Plate 05 A.P.A.C. Ltd WB/LW/21

Cefn Llan, Llangammarch Wells

3 inclusions in (102)
water worn brick fragment,
20th c
brown glaze ceramic sherd,
water worn aqua glass bottle fragment





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Plate 06 A.P.A.C. Ltd WB/LW/21

Site name: Llangammarch Wells Appendix I A.P.A.C. Ltd
Project No:538, Code: WB/LW/21 Context list Contexts: <Surface> (Deposit) {Structure} [Cut]
Context Area Feature Description Date Initials Modified Initial Finds
{100} West Feature Mature hedge row overhanging area od interes with accumulated surface growth and occaisional rubbish 07 09 2021NP 08 09 2021 NP X
(101) General Deposit Pasture grass in 250mm of crumbly yellow/grey sandy clay with fine rooting 07 09 2021NP 08 09 2021 NP X
(102) Central Deposit Grey deposit of sandy soil with high percentage of small water worn pebbles. Mostly flat and rounded averaging 20mm 07 09 2021NP 08 09 2021 NP 
{104} Central Feature 80mm x 80mm post hole for site peg 07 09 2021NP 08 09 2021 NP X
(105) Central Deposit Fill for post hole grey silty sand, similar to 102 but relativly little stone 07 09 2021NP 08 09 2021 NP X
(106) General Deposit Yellow clay sand degraded from (107) 07 09 2021NP 08 09 2021 NP X
7 09 2021 NP X Angular rock bedding which has been geologically disturbed. 07 09 2021NP 08 09 2021 NP X

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Site name: Llangammarch Wells Appendix II A.P.A.C. Ltd
Project No:538 Project Code: WB/LW/21 Digital Photographic Record Contexts: <Surface> (Deposit) {Structure} [Cut]

Photo ID View Description Photographer Date of Compiled Date

facing photograph by compiled
DSCN0758 NW Area of platform, under mature vegetation, contexts {100}over (101) over (106) NP 07/09/2021 NP 10/09/2021
DSCN0759 W Hedge cut back to boundary, raised area visible, contexts: {100} over (101) over lens (102) over (106) NP 07/09/2021 NP 10/09/2021 PL01
DSCN0760 V Aerial cam view from 3m, two lenses of (102). One linear1.5m x 0.6m, one 0.9m x 0.5m, both over (106) NP 07/09/2021 NP 10/09/2021 PL02
DSCN0761 V Aerial cam view from 3m, two lenses of (102). One linear1.5m x 0.6m, one 0.9m x 0.5m, both over (106) NP 07/09/2021 NP 10/09/2021
DSCN0762 V Detail of larger lens (102), half sectioned. Dished profile with a depth to 70mm. Post hole {104} to top. Core tool in situ NP 07/09/2021 NP 10/09/2021 PL03
DSCN0763 V Detail of: Profile (102) location of {104} and core sample hole to right (north west of post) centre of area under (102) NP 07/09/2021 NP 10/09/2021 PL04
DSCN0764 3 inclusions in (102) water worn brick fragment, 20th c brown glaze ceramic sherd, water worn aqua glass bottle fragment NP 07/09/2021 NP 10/09/2021 PL06
DSCN0765 SE SE edge of site active levelling showing sequence (101) over (106) over (107) NP 07/09/2021 NP 10/09/2021 PL05
DSCN0766 NE General view of northern half of site NP 07/09/2021 NP 10/09/2021
DSCN0767 NE General view of full site. Anomaly position just off photograph, centre left. NP 07/09/2021 NP 10/09/2021

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