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Document No: 491

PRN No: E006403

A.P.A.C. Ltd.

Archaeological Perspectives Analysis Consultancy



Stelvio Park, Newport

Planning Application No: 17/0323

Dr N Phillips October 2022
A.P.A.C. Ltd Stelvio Park, Newport WB/SPN/19F


APAC. Ltd was contracted by the client to undertake an archaeological watching brief in response
to a planning condition imposed by Newport City Council.
The watching brief revealed some remains of ornamental gardens: including a pool and landscaping
features, associated with the curtilage of the former late 19-century house: previously demolished
and re-developed in the late 20th century.
Evidence of later intrusive work was evident across the development area, particularly at the
southern extent of the site.
No archaeological resources were encountered.

Contractiwyd APAC Cyf. gan y cleient i wneud gorchwyl gwylio archeolegol yn ymateb i amod
cynllunio a osodwyd gan Gyngor Dinas Casnewydd.

Datgelodd y gorchwyl gwylio olion gerddi addurniadol gan gynnwys pwll a nodweddion
tirweddol o fewn cwrtil tŷ o’r 19eg ganrif a ddymchwelwyd ac a ailadeiladwyd yn hwyr yn yr
20fed ganrif.

Roedd tystiolaeth amlwg am waith andwyol diweddarach i’w gweld ar draws ardal y datblygiad
ac yn arbennig felly ger ffin derfyn ddeheuol y safle.

Ni ddaethpwyd o hyd i unrhyw nodweddion archeolegol.

Copyright Notice: A.P.A.C. Ltd. retains the copyright of this report under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act, 1988.

The Ordnance Survey has granted A.P.A.C. Ltd a Copyright Licence (No. 100046577) to reproduce map information; the
Copyright remains otherwise with the Ordnance Survey.

Frontispiece: PICT_084926 Aerial Shot of Plots 1 and 2

A.P.A.C. Ltd Stelvio Park, Newport WB/SPN/19F


List of Plates .......................................................................................................................................................4
Appendices .........................................................................................................................................................4
1 Introduction ................................................................................................................................................5
1.1 Planning Condition .............................................................................................................................5
2 Location, Geology, and Topography ..........................................................................................................5
2.1 Location ..............................................................................................................................................5
2.2 Geology ..............................................................................................................................................5
2.3 Topography ........................................................................................................................................5
3 Brief Historical and Archaeological Background ......................................................................................6
3.1 Newport ..............................................................................................................................................6
3.1 Stelvio House .....................................................................................................................................7
3.2 Historic assets in the locality ..............................................................................................................7
3.3 Cartographic search ............................................................................................................................7
4 Aims and Objectives ..................................................................................................................................8
4.1 Watching Brief ...................................................................................................................................8
4.2 Scope of work.....................................................................................................................................8
5 Methodology ..............................................................................................................................................8
5.1 General ...............................................................................................................................................8
5.2 Ground Disturbance ...........................................................................................................................9
5.3 Recording ...........................................................................................................................................9
6 Results ........................................................................................................................................................9
6.1 General ...............................................................................................................................................9
6.2 Geology ..............................................................................................................................................9
6.3 The Pool/Pond ....................................................................................................................................9
6.4 Plots 1 and 2 .....................................................................................................................................10
6.5 Plot 3 ................................................................................................................................................10
6.6 Plot 4 ................................................................................................................................................11
6.7 Finds .................................................................................................................................................11
6.8 Environmental ..................................................................................................................................11
7 Interpretation and Discussion ...................................................................................................................11
7.1 Discussion ........................................................................................................................................11
8 Archive .....................................................................................................................................................12
9 Acknowledgements ..................................................................................................................................12
10 Bibliography and references .................................................................................................................13

A.P.A.C. Ltd Stelvio Park, Newport WB/SPN/19F

List of Figures

Figure 1 Location Map

Figure 2 Heritage Asset Map
Figure 3a 1841 Tithe Map
Figure 3b 1887 OS Monmouthshire XXXIII
Figure 3c 1902 OS Monmouthshire XXXIII.NE
Figure 3d 1922 OS Monmouthshire XXXIII.NE
Figure 3e 1947 OS Monmouthshire XXXIII.NE
Figure 3f 1954 OS Monmouthshire XXXIII.NE
Figure 4 Pre-excavation Site Plan
Figure 5a Representative Section – Southeast Facing Section of Foundation Trench
Figure 5b Representative Section – Northwest Facing Section of Foundation Trench
Figure 6a Representative Section – Northwest Facing Section of Foundation Trench
Figure 6b Representative Section – Northwest Facing Section of Foundation Trench
Figure 07 Post-ex plan and section of plot 4 with contexts

List of Plates

Plate 01 Pre-ex shot of site prior to machining - view from the entrance
Plate 02 Pre-ex shot of site prior to machining - view southeast of the pool
Plate 03 Pre-ex shot of site - view of steps at the northern end site
Plate 04 Plot 2 - NW facing section of foundation trench - easternmost trench
Plate 05 Same section as DSCN1931. Also showing stratigraphy on surface, (211)/(209) interface at ranging
rods. Angle shown NW quadrant
Plate 06 In situ slab of mudstone on east side of eastern long trench. Inclinometer shows tip slope at -14°
Plate 07 View along N foundation trench note land drain {201} at rear and no visible cut [202]
Plate 08 Southwest facing section of Plot 1 levelling section
Plate 09 5m Pole-cam. Plot 4. Possible edge of bedrock (211) along angle of ranging rod
Plate 10 5m Pole cam. (211)/(209) interface at ranging rods. Angle shown NW quadrant. Also note natural green
banding in (209)
Plate 11 Pre-ex shot of pool
Plate 12 SSW facing elevation of northern end of pool
Plate 13 Working shot - close up of moulded stone at northern end of the pool
Plate 14 5m Pole-cam. Initial view of Plot 4 area prior to ground disturbance Pool {214} left. Surface <200> &
disturbed ground (210)
Plate 15 South-southwest facing elevation of Pool {114} showing metal pipe
Plate 16 Working shot of pool being backfilled
Plate 17 Plot 4 NW mound at TPO. <200> over (213) 400mm coarse red sandy soil over (212) with occasional
coal over (210)
Plate 18 Pre-ex shot of pool


I Context record and matrix

II Digital photographic record and contact sheets
III Finds

A.P.A.C. Ltd Stelvio Park, Newport WB/SPN/19F

1 Introduction

1.1 Planning Condition

This report results from a decision to a planning application for the construction of: ‘four new dwellings on the site of
swimming pool, land adjacent to and east of 61 Stelvio Park Avenue, Newport’ (hereafter the Site), PL.App.No.:17/0323,
Newport City Council (hereafter NCC). The decision required several conditions, one of which stated:

Condition 13, in place:

No development shall take place until the applicant, or their agents or successors in title, has secured an
agreement for a written scheme of historic environment mitigation which has been submitted by the
applicant and approved by the local planning authority. Thereafter, the program of work will be fully
carried out in accordance with the requirements and standards of the written scheme.

Reason: To identify and record any features of archaeological interest discovered during the works, in
order to mitigate the impact of the works on the archaeological resource.

Due to the Site’s location within a historically registered park and garden (reference PGW (Gt) 58(NPT)), CADW was
informed of the proposed development, which resulted in concerns of an adverse impact on the registered garden
(CADW, 2018a). Subsequently, a Heritage Impact Assessment was commissioned (CADW, 2018b) which determined
that a detrimental effect will result on the visual character of the Site; however, the physical structures are sited in areas
designed to have minimal impact upon any physical remains or planting. The outline of the pool area is to be preserved
and the upper areas restored, which will benefit the Site in the long term, Cadw RECONEX/17/0323.

In April 2022 an interim report was produced providing details of the archaeological monitoring of the Pool/Pond, Plots
1, 2, and 3; Interim WB/SPN/19. The interim report was requested by the client as it was needed to enable the release of
Plots 1, 2, and 3 from Condition 13, of the planning application.

This current report concerns the ground disturbance work required for the foundations, and ground area, for Plot 4. This
later work was undertaken over four days in October 2022. Much of this report originates from Interim WB/SPN/19;
however, there are some additions and amendments; as well as information resulting from the later work on Plot 4, and
its environs. Unfortunately, some of the additions have required changes to both Plate and Figure sequences throughout
the interim report, hence the rewrite.

2 Location, Geology, and Topography

2.1 Location

The Site is located in the western half of Newport, approximately one-mile west-southwest of Newport City Centre and
one-mile east-southeast of Junction 27 of the M4 motorway, Figure 1, and within the Stow Park Conservation Area. The
Site is centred on Nation Grid Reference (NGR): ST 29989 87319. The Site is bounded to the northwest, northeast, and
southeast by residential dwellings whilst to the southwest by Stelvio Park Avenue roadway.

2.2 Geology

The underlying natural geology of the area comprises interbedded sandstone from the St Maughans Formation (British
Geological Survey, 2022) with overlying superficial geological deposits of silty-clays.

2.3 Topography

Topographically, the Site occupies a predominantly level parcel of land on the south-facing slope of a hill. Broadly
rectangular in plan and on north-northeast to south-southwest alignment, the Site encompasses an area of approximately
0.392 acres and lies at a height of approximately 73m above Ordnance Datum (aOD).

A.P.A.C. Ltd Stelvio Park, Newport WB/SPN/19F

Within the confines of the Site, various levels and terraces were apparent indicating former landscaping and features. A
few of these can be seen in PL01, which shows some metalled surfaces, PL02, which shows the swimming pool between
raised banks and PL03, a flight of steps down to the pool from the northern end.

3 Brief Historical and Archaeological Background

3.1 Newport

Newport is located at the confluence of the River Usk and Severn offering good fishing and water transport opportunities;
arguably, one of the attractions for settlement in the area from prehistoric times onwards. The town has a strong
relationship with the Romano/British occupation of Wales and the neighboring town of Caerleon, to the northeast, is the
site of the early, first century AD, the Roman legion fortress of Isca, still one of the ‘best preserved military sites in
Britain’ (Newport City Council, 2021).

Newport town is thought to have originated from the building of its first church, St Woolos (CADW Ref: 2998) in the
fifth or sixth century. The church is thought to have been built on what is now Stow Hill, an area possibly the site of an
earlier large hillfort owing to:

“…the sub-kingdom (cantref) of Gwynllŵg. The cantref’s boundaries appear to have stretched from the
mouth of the River Usk in the east, to Rumney in the west, and from the sea to the border of the later
(Trett, 2010)

Not much is known about the early history of Gwynllŵg with areas of it appearing to shift between boundaries until part
of it ‘consisting of the area next to the coast, became known as Wentloog (a corruption of Gwynllŵg)’ (Ibid).

After the Norman invasion in the 11th century, ‘Robert fitz Hamon, earl of Gloucester, began the conquest of the lowland
areas of Gwynllŵg’ (ibid). The area was then ruled over by Robert de la Hay, a fief for Robert Fitz Hanon, who it is
thought had a motte built on Stow Hill; however, contrary evidence suggests it was William Rufus who had led a punitive
raid against the Welsh (Coplestone-Crowe, 1998).

In the late 13th and early 14th centuries, Newport suffered heavy costs from the affrays between the Welsh Princes and
Norman barons, with many conflicts devasting the area:

‘During a conflict in 1265, Simon de Montfort devastated the area and ‘spared neither women nor
children’. Again in 1296, 66 of the town’s 256 burgages were laid waste during warfare involving the Welsh
lord Morgan ap Maredudd ap Llywelyn. In 1316 there was further destruction during the rebellion of
Llywelyn Bren.’
(Trett, 2010)

Newport castle was then built ‘between 1327 and 1368 by Hugh d’Audele or his son-in-law Ralph, Earl of Stafford,
replacing earlier motte-and-bailey castle on Stow Hill’ (CADW Ref: 2997).

There is some question as to whether the castle was ever actually completed at this time, and not much remains of its
surviving medieval structure. The castle and St Woolos Cathedral (CADW Ref: 2998) are some of the only surviving
structural remains of medieval history in Newport.

Newport was granted its first charter in 1385, however, during Owain Glyndŵr’s rebellion in 1402, ‘Newport and Newport
Castle were devastated’ after which ‘the Lordship of Newport was said to have no value to the lord because all were
burnt, destroyed and wasted’ (Kirby, 1987).

The town itself later became prosperous with travelers to the areas noting how ‘what once was an inconsiderable sea-
port town it is now the most important place in the country both as regards its population and the export trade in coal’
(Bradney, 1993). This change to Newport would be due to the Industrial Revolution in the 18th Century. Newport became
one of the country’s leading areas in the exporting of coal and iron ore and as a direct result, the population expanded
from what was only 1,000 in 1801, to around 19,000 by 1851 (Lambert, 2021).

A.P.A.C. Ltd Stelvio Park, Newport WB/SPN/19F

3.1 Stelvio House

One such prominent 19th-century industrialist was Charles H. Bailey who commissioned the construction of Stelvio house
in 1893 (later extended in 1912) with its gardens laid out between 1914 and 1920. Unfortunately for Bailey, he never got
to see the finished product as he died in 1907 leaving the property to his wife. It was sold in 1924 and again in 1930, the
latter purchaser being Newport Borough Council who briefly turned the building into a children’s home until the second
world war when it became the offices for the vehicle licensing department. The building was unfortunately demolished
in the late 20th century; however, the early 20th century gardens remain (Cofflien, 2021).

As already mentioned, the site is situated within the historically registered park and garden which:

‘…contains a derelict swimming pool, which previously formed part of a rock and water garden built for the
owners of Stelvio House, a late Victorian house demolished in 1996” and “the garden is likely to have been
designed by James Pulham and Sons and an “exceptional grotto survives in the grounds of No 15 Stow Park
circle’ (Cairns, 2008).

3.2 Historic assets in the locality

A 500m Historic Asset Search, Figure 2 centred on the NGR features a section of Historic Parks and Gardens (PGW (Gt)
58(NPT)), and Newport St Woolos Cemetery (Gt38), a Grade II “well Persevered, mid-Victorian landscaped garden
cemetery” to the northwest. The Search also features a single Grade II listed building to the northeast of the Site, namely
Rothbury House (CADW Ref: 87630).

A more immediate search of 50m centred around the NGR only shows the Conservation and Historic Park Area associated
with the works.

3.3 Cartographic search

The 1841 Tithe map, Figure 3a depicts the area devoid of any structures with blank parcels of land portioned into fields.
The Apportionment listing for the land associated with the Site is No. 267 is classed as arable land occupied by Morgan
Edwards and owned by Sir Charles Morgan. The apportionment of the parcel of land adjoining directly to the north is
No. 268 and called a pasture occupied by John Shelton and owned by Devisees of the late Edward Blewitt.

Little had changed to the area by the 1887 Six-Inch OS map, Figure 3b, although, to the northeast, a curvilinear trackway
is depicted as a dotted line. This will later form the road for later development. Also of note are a line of trees on a broadly
east-to-west alignment at the southern edge of the Site boundary suggesting the presence of a potentially established field
boundary. This may be a remnant field boundary; an earlier field system not recorded, or an established boundary only
partially recorded by 1882.

By 1902, Figure 3c there is no mention of Stelvio House, its park, or its gardens, on the map, which is interesting
considering the structure was dated to 1893 and the survey was revised in 1899. However, a structure is visible in the
north-western corner of the map, although it bears no name. The only suggestion for this omission could be that this
section of the map was drawn before the building was completed, or it was simply missed; although, for such a prominent
building, that would be unlikely. The area immediately north of the Site boundary also depicts extra structures to the
north; along the trackway noted above, suggesting an influx of people to the area. Of particular interest, however, is the
southeast corner where a rectangular area is marked out, precisely where the swimming pool becomes located.

The 1922 map, Figure 3d depicts ‘Stelvio’ in the north-western corner of the map within formal woods and a large
fishpond to the southwest of that. The park area, possibly the ‘grotto’, and the swimming pool, immediately east of the
fishponds, are now clearly visible, indicating the area south of Stelvio House has undergone extensive landscaping.

By the 1947 map, Figure 3e the estate had shrunk in size, the short-lived fishpond already filled in and removed, along
with a large section of the southern garden; replaced by the present-day road layout. Stelvio House, the terrace lawn, the
grotto, and the swimming pool were still present.

By 1954, Figure 3f the lands south of Stelvio House have been filled with what appears to be the beginnings of modern
housing. Stelvio House, terrace lawn, grotto, and pool are still present with no alterations. The next major change to the

A.P.A.C. Ltd Stelvio Park, Newport WB/SPN/19F

area is evident by the modern map, Figure 01 inset & Figure 02 both reveal the entire area encompassing the Site has
been built up with structures sporadically placed; most probably from the boom of 1950s housing. The biggest change
has been the subsequent demolition of Stelvio House, the development of the terraced lawn, and the loss of further sections
of the garden. A remnant of Stelvio House’s layout is still vaguely present in the form of present-day boundaries.
Although not mentioned on the map, a section of the historic park, gardens, and grotto remain immediately northwest of
the development area. The swimming pool, PL02, is still present within the landscape.

4 Aims and Objectives

4.1 Watching Brief

The watching brief aimed to establish the presence/absence of archaeological structures or other significant features within
the works area. Should any archaeological resources be revealed their presence would be recorded and a decision made
as to any mitigation measures. The archaeological watching brief was to be carried out to the standards laid down in the
Chartered Institute of Field Archaeologists, Guideline for Watching Briefs 2014, updated in 2020.

An archaeological watching brief:

The definition of an archaeological watching brief is a formal programme of observation and investigation
conducted during any operation carried out for non-archaeological reasons. This will be within a specified
area or site on land, inter-tidal zone or underwater, where there is a possibility that archaeological deposits
may be disturbed or destroyed. The programme will result in the preparation of a report and ordered

This definition and Standard do not cover chance observations, which should lead to an appropriate
archaeological project being designed and implemented, nor do they apply to monitoring for preservation
of remains in situ. A watching brief will preserve by record, within the resources available, any
archaeological deposits uncovered during groundwork.

The watching brief will ensure that: in the event of archaeological resources of significance, being
discovered and requiring treatment beyond the remit of the watching brief; then steps would be
implemented to ensure that their treatment would be undertaken within the standards recommended by the

Resulting from the watching brief, a report on the results will be produced, which will include a detailed
summary of the methodology, site history, deposits/features/ structures/artefacts uncovered and
interpretation of the results.
(CIFA. 2014 upd 2020).

4.2 Scope of work

The archaeology of the application site as a whole, in its wider local or regional context, was considered. The watching
brief was confined to those areas that were directly affected by the development. All remains of potential interest were
considered, whatever their date.

5 Methodology
5.1 General

All land within the boundaries of the Site was subjected to archaeological monitoring.

All work was carried out in accordance with the Health and Safety at Work act 1974 and the Management of Health and
Safety Regulations 1992. Health and Safety considerations were of paramount importance in conducting all fieldwork.
Safe working practices overrode archaeological considerations at all times.

A.P.A.C. Ltd Stelvio Park, Newport WB/SPN/19F

5.2 Ground Disturbance

The ground disturbance was undertaken over two distinct periods: the first from May 2021 to February 2022, which
included the initial site clearance and the foundation excavations and services for plots 1 to 3. The second phase was
undertaken in October and included the ground preparation and foundation excavations for Plot 4. All ground disturbance
work was under constant archaeological supervision.

The land within the footprint of the development area was cleared using a three-tonne tracked excavator fitted with a
toothless grading bucket. The 600mm wide toothless ditching bucket was used to excavate down to the top of the
archaeological horizon, undisturbed natural geology, or the limit of the dig depth, whichever occurred first. In areas
where undisturbed natural geology was encountered, a toothed bucket was used due to the presence of bedrock.

All spoil from the excavation was visually examined for artefacts, and a metal detector was used to search areas of spoil
before they were removed from the site

5.3 Recording

A unique site code (WB/SPN/19) was allocated for all aspects of the project archive; produced as a result of the on-site
works. All encountered contexts were recorded on Pro-forma, APAC Ltd context sheets, and an ordered site archive was
maintained. All photographs were taken with a recognized scale, in TIFF or Jpeg format, with a resolution of at least
12MP+. All on-site illustrations were drawn onto drafting film at recognized scales. No small finds were retrieved, and
limited archaeological assemblages were recovered from the Site.

6 Results
NB: All contexts are denoted with brackets: cuts [ ], deposits ( ), walls/structures { } and surfaces < >. Figures are
provided for illustration, fig##The complete context index is given in Appendix I. Photographs referred to in the text are
denoted PL##; a complete list is given in Appendix II, including a contact sheet of all photographs taken during the work.
Finds assemblages are denoted AS## and a list is provided in Appendix III.

6.1 General

The initial watching brief: Site, Pool, & Plots 1 to 3, was conducted over 10 days by Simon Reames who wrote the
interim report. The second phase covering the excavations for plot 4 was undertaken over 4 days and N Phillips (writer)
undertook the work.

6.2 Geology

During the initial groundwork for the southern plots, 1-3 sandstone bedrock (105) was encountered 0.1m below the
present-day ground surface, at the south-eastern area of the Site (72.4m aOD). At that point, it was observed falling away
to the northwest, suggesting deposit (105) was an outcrop of bedrock, its highest point, confined to the south-eastern
corner of the site PL04.

The subsequent work on plot 4; situated 20-30m to the northwest, uncovered another instance of bedrock (105 (211)),
this time within the north/south foundation trenches PL05. The bedding formation is a thinly laminating mudstone, which
slopes south/north, at an angle of -14°. PL06. In the northern part of the site, the inclination of the slope has continued
from the south at almost surface level to a depth of over 2 meters below the original surface PL07.

At the southern portion of the site, immediately above bedrock (105), a firm reddish-brown silty-clay superficial geology
(102) was recorded, PL08. In the northern portion, (210), PL09, would appear to be the same as (102), although, with
green mottling rather than banding characteristic of the natural in (209), PL10; possibly suggestive of redistribution than
the natural deposit.

6.3 The Pool/Pond

The swimming pool was located at the northern end of the Site set back from the Site entrance; Figure 4, PL11.

A.P.A.C. Ltd Stelvio Park, Newport WB/SPN/19F

Swimming pool {114}, lies on a north-northeast to south-southwest alignment in the eastern half of the Site and measured
20m in length by 8 meters in width. The depth of the pool/pond varied from 0.95m at the northernmost extreme, 1.1m in
the centre and 1m at the southernmost extreme. No apparatus or steps for entering or exiting were in evidence, but a single
metal pipe was visible in the north-eastern extent of the pool in the upper course of stonework. PL12. The construction
fabric of {114} was an initial cement base with abundant stone and CBM inclusions that measured 0.2m in depth, followed
by nine courses of brick with mortar bonding. The swimming pool had a 0.05m deep cement base with a white-washed
render over the bricks. Immediately above the bricks were two courses of dressed stone with mortar bonding that had
also been whitewashed. A single decorative stone piece was located at the centre of the northernmost boundary PL13.
Structure {114} sat within cut [113] which truncated (210, (211) & (209).

6.4 Plots 1 and 2

Plots 1 and 2 were situated in the southwestern corner of the Site immediately adjacent to the southernmost boundary,
Figure 4.

Situated in the northeastern corner of Plot 2 were a linear cut [111] which measured 0.45m in width and 0.1m in depth.
Cut [111] contained wall {112} which extended on a north-northeast to south-southwest alignment, Figure 5a. Wall
{112} was heavily damaged and consisted of dressed-facing stone with a rubble core and lime mortar bonding. No
evidence of the wall was visible at ground level, however wall {112} aligned with an existing boundary wall situated
outside of the development area. This was upstanding to five courses.

Situated in the northeasternmost corner of Plot 1, and extending the length of Plot 2, a cut [103] for a pipe trench (104)
was discovered on a north-northwest to south-southeast alignment. Cut [103] consisted of vertical, straight sides with a
flat base extending to a depth of 1.01m below present-day ground level (71.97m aOD). Deposit (104) consisted of a loose
silty-clay material of redeposited natural geology over and around a modern ceramic drain, Figure 5b.

Running immediately northeast of the southernmost Site boundary, cut [106] was observed in the south-eastern corner of
Plot 1 extending along the southern extent of Plot 2 and consisted of a straight southern side with a flat base at a depth of
0.42m below the present-day ground level (72.53m aOD). Immediately above [106], was a 0.05m thick layer of compact
asphalt (107), which was superseded by a 0.32m deep band of deliberate backfill (108) consisting of a mixture of top and
subsoils with superficial geology. The overlying deposit (108) was a 0.05m thick band of mixed material (109)
representing a thin band of redeposited material or trample, Figure 6a. Confined mainly to the southern extent of Plot 2,
was a 0.22m thick mixed band of redeposited bedrock, superficial geology and modern refuse (110), predominantly
modern concrete.

Deposit (101) consisted of a loose, heavily root bioturbated subsoil that was present across the Site. This was immediately
superseded by a silty-loam topsoil (100) with similar heavy root bioturbation throughout, which was present across the
entirety of the Site bar the pool/pond.

6.5 Plot 3

Plot 3 was located in the southeastern corner of the Site immediately adjacent to the southmost Site boundary.

The subsurface stratigraphy of Plot 3 closely resembled Plots 1 and 2 with bedrock (105) encountered at 0.9m below the
present-day ground level (72.1m aOD) followed by a 0.33m thick band of superficial geology (102) and a 0.21m thick
band of remnant top and subsoil (100). Deposit (100) was the present-day ground level before the current development

The overlying deposit (100) was a loose, 0.25m thick band of redeposited superficial geology (115) originating from
excavations associated with the current development. The overlying deposit (115) was a 0.11m thick dump layer (116)
of modern refuse associated with the current development works, Figure 6b.

A.P.A.C. Ltd Stelvio Park, Newport WB/SPN/19F

6.6 Plot 4

The majority of the ground surface before the start of the watching brief at the plot 4 excavation had been subject to
disturbance as a result of the construction work of plots 1,2 & 3, as can be seen in PL14. Worth noting, to the left in the
photograph, the blue portacabin, is on backfill (216). The backfilled ground is retained behind wall {215}, which was
built across the end of the pool to provide necessary access to both the site and the proposed building. Some of the backfill
operation is shown in PL15. & PL16.

At the northwest corner of the plot is a Hornbeam tree with a TPO listing, Figure 07. The area supporting the tree was
fenced off, and the work around it was observed by a tree preservation officer. The mound supporting the tree can be
seen in PL17, the stratigraphy is topsoil <200> over a disturbed deposit of coarse, friable, clay (213), over a narrow band
of darker sandy clay (212) with some flecks of coal and bits of a metal strap, over possibly re-distributed sandy clay (210).

Plot 4 is the area of ground enclosed between the swimming pool {215} to the west, and the retaining walls north, east
and south, PL09. The plate shows the footprint for the proposed building after levelling by around 200mm, and before
foundation trenching. Features visible at the top end are left the cast iron pipe to the pool {203}, centre and right, across
the base of the north wall the ceramic land drain {201}. The linear stain with a right-angle corner at the ranging rod “T”
is the foundation deposit (216) of a wall that is used to edge the swimming pool. The wall was photographed in May
2021, PL18. The TPO tree area is top right and under grass <200>. The northern half of the levelled is redeposited natural
(210), the centre dark band is the mudstone outcrop (211) the fault angle is marked with the centre ranging rod whilst in
the foreground is natural clay (209).

A representative section of the eastern side of the easternmost trench is also shown in Figure 07 to show the main
stratigraphic relationship (210 over 211 over (209.

6.7 Finds

The watching brief produced a very limited amount of finds and these were processed and accessed by Mr A Phillips
before disposal back at the site. No finds were collected from plot 4. A complete finds index of all artefacts retrieved
during the excavation and watching brief are listed in Appendix III.


A total of 14 pottery fragments were recovered during the watching brief, all from the deposit (100), which had a date
range from the late 19th to 21st centuries.

Finds Summary

The limited finds assemblage from the development watching brief at Stelvio Park represents an entirely 19th to 21st-
century date. All ceramic sherds present represent domestic pieces that have been disposed of in the recent past. No
evidence was encountered on the Site to suggest prolonged or specific dumping. The predominance of 19th to 20th-century
pottery across the development area as a whole indicates the period when the landscape was more intensively utilised.

6.8 Environmental

No material suitable for environmental analysis was retrieved from the watching brief.

7 Interpretation and Discussion

7.1 Discussion

The results from the watching brief undertaken at Stelvio Park, Newport were successful in determining the general
absence of any preserved archaeological resources within the development area.

A.P.A.C. Ltd Stelvio Park, Newport WB/SPN/19F

The swimming pool {114} and associated boundary wall {112} represent the earliest features within the development
area based on cartographic sources which provide dating to between 1900 and 1920, Figure 3c – 3d.

The extensive landscaping associated with the creation of the rock and water garden for Stelvio House accounts for the
general level nature of the Site, even though it is on the side of a hill. It also accounts for the broadly uniformly thick top
and subsoil deposits across the Site, Unfortunately, this was not verified in plot 4 as the ground had been disturbed. The
lower stratigraphy (102 (210)) and natural deposits of bedrock (105 (211) and clay (209) appear to rise naturally from the
northwest to the southeast until they stop abruptly where the ground has been landscaped.

No evidence for the demolition of Stelvio House was apparent within the boundaries of the Site. The next form of ground
disturbance comes with the presence of modern ceramic pipes {104}, {201} and {203} laid across the development area.
Later still, the southern extreme of the Site was further reduced with a tarmacadam surface <107> laid down suggesting
from which is inferred a possible alteration to the southern boundary of the Site. At that point, the Site appears to have
gone out of active use with dumps of material appearing across the area.

8 Archive
The archive will be prepared according to the Management of Archaeological Projects, English Heritage, MoRPHE V1.2
(2015) so the records will be fully ordered and indexed. The project archives will consist of all original records, and all
documentation that relates to the watching brief; copies of the WSI and any relevant correspondence will be included.

The original archive for the watching brief will be retained by A.P.A.C. Ltd.

A digital copy of the archive will be deposited with RCAHMW in keeping with their published guidelines:

A further digital copy of the relevant information and report will be deposited with GGAT HER in keeping with
their published guidelines:
The archives will be deposited within twelve months of the completion of the watching brief with the agreement of
the landowner.

A synopsis of the project will be submitted to CBA Wales and the full client report published online through Scribd.

9 Acknowledgements

Thanks to the groundworkers and developers for allowing APAC Ltd to undertake the required work as efficiently as

A.P.A.C. Ltd Stelvio Park, Newport WB/SPN/19F

10 Bibliography and references

APAC Ltd 2022. WB/SPN/19 Stelvio Park Newport Interim Report

Bradney, J., 1993, A History of Monmouthshire Volume 5 The Hundred of Newport, National Library of Wales

British Geological Survey, 2022, Geology of Britain Viewer,

(accessed 26/08/2021)

CADW, 2018a, Construction of four new dwellings on site of swimming pool, land adjacent to and east of 61 Stelvio Park
Avenue, Newport, CADW Ref: CONEX/17/0323 (Correspondence)

CADW, 2018b, Heritage Impact Assessment for Proposed Dwellings on the Site of the Stelvio Park Swimming Pool

Cairns, F., 2008, Prosecution: Stelvio House, Bassaleg Road, Newport, Context Magazine, Vol. 106, September

(CIFA) Charted Institute for Archaeologists, 2014 updated 2020, Standard and Guidance for and Archaeological
Watching Brief

Coplestone-Crow, B., 1998, Robert de la Haye and the lordship of Gwynllwg: the Norman settlement of a Welsh cantref,
in Gwent Local History, Vol. 85, p.3-46

Coflein, 2021, Stelvio House, (accessed 28/08/2021)

GGAT (Glamorgan-Gwent Archaeological Trust), 2018, Re: Construction of four new dwellings on site of swimming
pool Land Adjacent of and east of 61 Stelvio Park Avenue, Newport, Pl.App.No.: 17/0323, GGAT Ref:
NEW1381/RD (Correspondence)

Kirby, J. L., 1987, Inquisitions Post Mortem, Henry IV, Entries 804-856, in Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem:
Volume 18, Henry IV, p.268-294, accessed online at
mortem/vol18/pp268-294 (accessed 27 August 2021).

Lambert, T., 2021, Local Histories: A History of Newport, A History of Newport - Local Histories (accessed 27/08/2021)

Newport City Council, 2021, History, (accessed 27/08/2021)

Trett, B., 2010, Newport Past: An Outline History of Medieval Newport,, (accessed 27/08/2021)

Online Sources:

Google maps

The National Library

Of Wales

National Library of


A.P.A.C. Registered Address: Wyastone Estate, Wyastone Leys, Monmouth, NP25 3SR.
Tel: 07734962919. Mobile: 07734962919 Email:
Company Registration No 05041541 VAT Reg No 826 3628 19
Director: Dr. N. Phillips.

A.P.A.C. Ltd WB/SPN/19F

The Ordnance Survey has granted A.P.A.C. Ltd a Copyright Licence (No. 100046577)
Stelvio Park, Newport

Fig 01: Location

Stelvio Park, Newport



NGR: 329990 187316

Conservation area

Cadw historic parks

Cadw Listed Buildings

Fig 02: Heritage asset map A.P.A.C. Ltd. WB/SPN/19F

Stelvio Park, Newport

The Ordnance Survey has granted A.P.A.C. Ltd a Copyright Licence (No. 100046577)

Fig 03a: 1841 Tithe Fig 03b: Monmouthshire XXXIII.

Surveyed 1875 - 1882
Published 1887


Fig 03c: Monmouthshire XXXIII.NE Fig 03d: Monmouthshire XXXIII.NE

Revised 1899 - 1900 Revised 1916 - 1920
Published 1902 Published 1922


Fig 03e: Monmouthshire XXXIII.NE Fig 03f: Monmouthshire XXXIII.NE

Revised 1938 - 1947 Revised 1948 - 1949
Published 1954
A.P.A.C. Ltd WB/SPN/19F
Stelvio Park, Newport

Plot 4


Site Boundary
Plot 1 J
Plot 2 Drainage Trench
D Section Line


Plot 3

0 25m

Figure 4: Site Plan A.P.A.C. Ltd WB/SPN/19F

Stelvio Park, Newport

Southeast Facing Section of Foundation Trench Northwest Facing Section of Foundation Trench

72.8m 72.5m

[111] (100)

(101) (101)

(102) (102)


[103] (105)

Key Key
Stone Ceramic Drain

0 1m 0 1m

Figure 5a: Representative Section Figure 5b: Representative Section A.P.A.C. Ltd WB/SPN/19F
Stelvio Park, Newport

Northwest Facing Section of Foundation Trench Northwest Facing Section of Foundation Trench

71.9m 72.5m




(102) (105)

0 1m 0 1m

Figure 6a: Representative Section Figure 6b: Representative Section A.P.A.C. Ltd WB/SPN/19F
Stelvio Park, Newport

0 0

1 1

2m 2m

(206) in [205]
{207} in [208]

Pool Area {201} in [202]

{203} in [204]

0 1 2 3 4 5

Fig 07: Plan and western section of Plot 4 with trenches complete A.P.A.C. Ltd. WB/SPN/19F
Stelvio Park, Newport

Photo ID: DSCN5269

Plot 4

Plot 1 J

Plot 2


Plot 3

0 25m

Pre-ex shot of site prior to machining - view from the entrance

PLATE 01 A.P.A.C. Ltd WB/SPN/19F

Stelvio Park, Newport

Photo ID: DSCN5270

Plot 4

Plot 1 J

Plot 2


Plot 3

0 25m

Pre-ex shot of site prior to machining - view southeast of the pool

PLATE 02 A.P.A.C. Ltd WB/SPN/19F

Stelvio Park, Newport

Photo ID: DSCN5276

Plot 4

Plot 1 J

Plot 2


Plot 3

0 25m

Pre-ex shot of site - view of steps at the northern end site

PLATE 03 A.P.A.C. Ltd WB/SPN/19F

Stelvio Park, Newport

Photo ID: DSCN5351

Plot 4

Plot 1 J

Plot 2


Plot 3

0 25m

Plot 2 - NW facing section of foundation trench - easternmost trench

PLATE 04 A.P.A.C. Ltd WB/SPN/19F

Stelvio Park, Newport

Photo ID: DSCN1933

Plot 4

Plot 1 J

Plot 2


Plot 3

0 25m

Same section as DSCN1931. Also showing stratigraphy on surface,

(211)/(209) interface at ranging rods. Angle shown NW quadrant

PLATE 05 A.P.A.C. Ltd WB/SPN/19F

Stelvio Park, Newport

Photo ID: DSCN1931

Plot 4

Plot 1 J

Plot 2


Plot 3

0 25m

In situ slab of mudstone on east side of eatern long trench.

Inclinometer shows tip slope at -14°

PLATE 06 A.P.A.C. Ltd WB/SPN/19F

Stelvio Park, Newport

Photo ID: DSCN1912

Plot 4

Plot 1 J

Plot 2


Plot 3

0 25m

View along N foundation trench note land drain {201} at rear and no
visible cut [202]

PLATE 07 A.P.A.C. Ltd WB/SPN/19F

Stelvio Park, Newport

Photo ID: img_5827

Plot 4

Plot 1 J

Plot 2


Plot 3

0 25m

Southwest facing section of Plot 1 levelling section

PLATE 08 A.P.A.C. Ltd WB/SPN/19F

Stelvio Park, Newport

Photo ID: DSCN1907

Plot 4

Plot 1 J

Plot 2


Plot 3

0 25m

5m Pole-cam. Plot 4. Possible edge of bedrock (211) along angle of

ranging rod

PLATE 09 A.P.A.C. Ltd WB/SPN/19F

Stelvio Park, Newport

Photo ID: DSCN1934

Plot 4

Plot 1 J

Plot 2


Plot 3

0 25m

5m Pole cam. (211)/(209) interface at ranging rods. Angle shown NW

quadrant. Also note natural green banding in (209)

PLATE 10 A.P.A.C. Ltd WB/SPN/19F

Stelvio Park, Newport

Photo ID: IMG_5288

Plot 4

Plot 1 J

Plot 2


Plot 3

0 25m

Pre-ex shot of pool

PLATE 11 A.P.A.C. Ltd WB/SPN/19F

Stelvio Park, Newport

Photo ID: IMG_5302

Plot 4

Plot 1 J

Plot 2


Plot 3

0 25m

SSW facing elevation of northern end of pool

PLATE 12 A.P.A.C. Ltd WB/SPN/19F

Stelvio Park, Newport

Photo ID: IMG_5299

Plot 4

Plot 1 J

Plot 2


Plot 3

0 25m

Working shot - close up of moulded stone at northern end of the pool

PLATE 13 A.P.A.C. Ltd WB/SPN/19F

Stelvio Park, Newport

Photo DSCN1895

Plot 4

Plot 1 J

Plot 2


Plot 3

0 25m

5m Pole-cam. Initial view of Plot 4 area prior to ground disturbance

Pool {214} left. Surface <200> & disturbed ground (210)

PLATE 14 A.P.A.C. Ltd WB/SPN/19F

Stelvio Park, Newport

Photo ID: IMG_5332

Plot 4

Plot 1 J

Plot 2


Plot 3

0 25m

Pool - Working shot of base of pool after breaking up

PLATE 15 A.P.A.C. Ltd WB/SPN/19F

Stelvio Park, Newport

Photo ID: IMG_5335

Plot 4

Plot 1 J

Plot 2


Plot 3

0 25m

Working shot of pool being backfilled

PLATE 16 A.P.A.C. Ltd WB/SPN/19F

Stelvio Park, Newport

Photo ID: IMG_5335

Plot 4

Plot 1 J

Plot 2


Plot 3

0 25m

Plot 4 NW mound at TPO. <200> over (213) 400mm coarse red sandy
soil over (212) with occasional coal over (210

PLATE 17 A.P.A.C. Ltd WB/SPN/19F

Stelvio Park, Newport

Photo ID: IMG_5292

Plot 4

Plot 1 J

Plot 2


Plot 3

0 25m

Pre-ex shot of pool

PLATE 18 A.P.A.C. Ltd WB/SPN/19F

Site name: Stelvio Park, Newport Appendix II A.P.A.C. Ltd
Project No: 491 Code: WB/SPN/19 Context list Contexts: <Surface> (Deposit) {Structure} [Cut]

Context Area Feature Description Date Initials Modified Initial Finds

Plot 1 & Loose, mid-dark brown silty-loam with clear edges, heavy root bioturbation throughout. Deposit is the present-day turf and topsoil of the site that
100 2 Deposit 27/05/2021 SR 25/08/2021 SR X
extends to all areas bar the pool.
Plot 1 &
Deposit Loose, mid-reddish-brown silty-clay with clear edges, moderate root bioturbation throughout. Present-day subsoil present across the site. 27/05/2021 SR 25/08/2021 SR 
Site Firm, reddish-brown silty-clay with clear edges. Sparce sub-angular poorly sorted 10-250mm coarse components. Superficial geology present
102 Deposit 27/05/2021 SR 25/08/2021 SR
Wide across the site.
Plot 1 & Linear service trench cut with straight, vertical sides and a flat base extending approximatey north to south. Contains a ceramic waste water drain
103 Cut 27/05/2021 SR 26/08/2021 SR
2 pipe and a deliberate backfill (104).
Plot 1 & Loose, reddish-brown silty-clay deposit with sharp edges. Sparse poorly sorted sub-angular 10-100mm coarse components present throughout.
104 Deposit 27/05/2021 SR 26/08/2021 SR
2 Single deliberate backfill of modern waste water drainage service trench [103].
105 Plot 2 Deposit Compact, reddish-brown sandstone with sharp edges. Bedrock outcrop within the site. Only visible in the eastern area of the site. 27/05/2021 SR 26/08/2021 SR
Plot 1 & Unknown shape in plan, moderate, straight southern side, unknown northern side, flat base. Cut for modern disturbance in the southern area of
106 Cut 27/05/2021 SR 26/08/2021 SR
2 site.
Plot 1 & Firm, black, ashphalt. Sharp edges. A thin (0.1m deep) band of ashphalt within cut [106] situated in the southern area of the site. Suggests a
107 Deposit 27/05/2021 SR 26/08/2021 SR
2 sucken area that was designated for repeated use so a durable surface was laid down. Unknown if a road or pathway.

Plot 1 & Firm, brownish-red silty-clay with sharp edges and rare poorly sorted, sub-angular 10-90mm coarse components. A thin band of deliberate
108 Deposit 27/05/2021 SR 26/08/2021 SR
2 backfill overlying (107) suggesting the surface below had gone out of use. Unknown origin or date of deposit. Fill of [106], indirectly.

Plot 1 & Loose, greyish-brown silty-clay with clear edges and sparse sub-angular, moderately sorted 10-90mm coarse components. Deposit is a layer of
109 Deposit 27/05/2021 SR 26/08/2021 SR
2 backfill or potentially trample. Very thin. Only observed in the southern area of site. Fill of [106].

Loose, reddish-brown silty-clay deposit with clear edges and common to abundant sub-angular 10-90mm poorly sorted coarse components. This
Plot 1 &
110 Deposit is a dump of redeposited natural mixed with modern refuse. Located in the southern extreme of site only. Contained modern concrete within 27/05/2021 SR 26/08/2021 SR

Cut is a linear on a NNE to SSW alignement in the central area of site. Very shallow. Flat base, unknown sides (too shallow to determine). Cut
111 Plot 2 Cut 27/05/2021 SR 26/08/2021 SR
for a foundation trench for a wall encompassing the pool.
Wall consisting of dressed facing stone with a rubble core and lime mortar bonding. Wall {112} lies within cut [111]. No evidence of wall at
112 Plot 2 Structure ground surface within the development area however, wall is visible and upstanding to four to five coarses high to the northwest of the pool where 27/05/2021 SR 26/08/2021 SR
it is a small boundary wall.
Cut for a swimming pool/pond {114} on a NNE-SSW alignment in the eastern half of the site. Unknown original shape of cut, rough shape
113 Pool Cut 27/05/2021 SR 26/08/2021 SR
derived from existing pool plan. Surrounding area is terraced, unknown if this is part of this cut or later/earlier phases.

Structure is a pool/pond on a NNE-SSW alignment measuring approximately 20m by 8m. Poor state of repair. Very shallow for a pool, if a pool,
maybe an ornamental one? Possibly more like a pond. No visible steps into pool. Accessed by spoil ramp from the south. 0.95m deep in
northermost extreme, 1.1m deep in the approximate middle and 1m in the southern end. Constructed of a cement base and brick walls extending 9
114 Pool Structure courses from the base to dressed stone blocks for the top two courses. This is covered in a white washed render over the base and walls of the 27/05/2021 SR 26/08/2021 SR 
structure. Some decorative stonework present at central northern end and a metal pipe bedded into the northern wall, unknown if drainage or for
filling. South-western corner of wall appears to be demolished/broken as it is sunken where the spoil access ramp is located. Unable to observe to
what extend damage is done.

Page 1 of 2
Site name: Stelvio Park, Newport Appendix II A.P.A.C. Ltd
Project No: 491 Code: WB/SPN/19 Context list Contexts: <Surface> (Deposit) {Structure} [Cut]
Loose, light pinkish-red, silty-clay depoist with sharp edges and common to abundant sub-angular 10-110mm moderately sorted coarse
Plot 3 Deposit components. Deposit is a dump of redeposited superficial geology located in the south-westerned corner of site. Deposit is most likely to be 01/02/2022 SR 22/02/2022
115 modern in date resulting from groundworks within the immediately environ.
Loose, mid-brown silty-clay with sharp edges and common sub-angular, poorly sorted 10-250mm coarse components. Deposit is a modern
116 Plot 3 Deposit deliberate backfill of waste material generated from the current development. 01/02/2022 SR 22/02/2022

Page 2 of 2
Appendix Ia
Stelvio Park, Newport

(116) (216)

(115) {215}

<100> <200>







Relative time line

20th to late 19th century




{114} (206) {207} {201} {203}

[113] [205] [208] [202] [204]

(102) (210)
(105) (211)


Harris Matrix Plots 1 to 4

A.P.A.C. Ltd WB/SPN/19F

Site name: Stelvio Park, Newport Appendix II A.P.A.C. Ltd
Project No: 491 Project Code: WB/SPN/19 Digital Photographic Record Contexts: <Surface> (Deposit) {Stucture} [Cut]

Photo ID View Description Phographer Date of Compiled Date

facing photograph by compiled
IMG_5269 NE Pre-ex shot of site prior to machining - view from the entrance S.Reames 26/05/2021 S.Reames 25/08/2021 PL01
IMG_5270 NE Pre-ex shot of site prior to machining - view southeast of the pool S.Reames 26/05/2021 S.Reames 25/08/2021 PL02
IMG_5271 N Pre-ex shot of site prior to machining - view southeast of the pool S.Reames 26/05/2021 S.Reames 25/08/2021
IMG_5272 NW Pre-ex shot of site prior to machining - view of the pool and land to the west of the pool S.Reames 26/05/2021 S.Reames 25/08/2021
IMG_5273 W Pre-ex shot of site prior to machining - view of the land to the northwest of the pool S.Reames 26/05/2021 S.Reames 25/08/2021
IMG_5274 SSW Pre-ex shot of site prior to machining - view of the entrance to site from the northern area of the pool S.Reames 26/05/2021 S.Reames 25/08/2021
IMG_5275 W Pre-ex shot of site prior to machining - view of the northern area of the pool S.Reames 26/05/2021 S.Reames 25/08/2021
IMG_5276 NE Pre-ex shot of site - view of steps at the northern end site S.Reames 26/05/2021 S.Reames 25/08/2021 PL03
IMG_5277 SW Pre-ex shot of site - view of the pool from the northern end S.Reames 26/05/2021 S.Reames 25/08/2021
IMG_5278 SW Pre-ex shot of site - view of the pool from the northern end S.Reames 26/05/2021 S.Reames 25/08/2021
IMG_5279 NW Pre-ex shot of site prior to machining - view of the area to the west of the pool S.Reames 26/05/2021 S.Reames 25/08/2021
IMG_5280 WNW Pre-ex shot of site prior to machining - view of the area to the west of the pool S.Reames 26/05/2021 S.Reames 25/08/2021
IMG_5281 SE Pre-ex shot of site prior to machining - view of the area to the west of the pool S.Reames 26/05/2021 S.Reames 25/08/2021
IMG_5282 NNE Pre-ex shot of site prior to machining - view of the area to the west of the pool S.Reames 26/05/2021 S.Reames 25/08/2021
IMG_5283 SE Pre-ex shot of site prior to machining - view of the area to the west of the pool S.Reames 26/05/2021 S.Reames 25/08/2021
IMG_5284 NE Working shot of area west of the pool after topsoil removal S.Reames 26/05/2021 S.Reames 25/08/2021
IMG_5285 ENE Working shot of area west of the pool after topsoil removal S.Reames 26/05/2021 S.Reames 25/08/2021
IMG_5286 NW Working shot of Plot 1 after levelling S.Reames 27/05/2021 S.Reames 25/08/2021
IMG_5287 NE Southwest facing section of Plot 1 levelling section S.Reames 27/05/2021 S.Reames 25/08/2021 PL08
IMG_5288 NNE Pre-ex shot of pool S.Reames 27/05/2021 S.Reames 25/08/2021 PL11
IMG_5289 NW Pre-ex shot of pool S.Reames 27/05/2021 S.Reames 25/08/2021
IMG_5290 W Pre-ex shot of pool S.Reames 27/05/2021 S.Reames 25/08/2021
IMG_5291 SSW Pre-ex shot of pool S.Reames 27/05/2021 S.Reames 25/08/2021
IMG_5292 ESE Pre-ex shot of pool S.Reames 27/05/2021 S.Reames 25/08/2021 PL18
IMG_5293 SW Pre-ex shot of pool S.Reames 27/05/2021 S.Reames 25/08/2021
IMG_5294 NE Working shot of vegetation removal in pool S.Reames 27/05/2021 S.Reames 25/08/2021
IMG_5295 NE Working shot of vegetation removal in pool S.Reames 27/05/2021 S.Reames 25/08/2021
IMG_5296 W Working shot of vegetation removal in pool S.Reames 27/05/2021 S.Reames 25/08/2021
IMG_5297 ESE Working shot of vegetation removal in pool S.Reames 27/05/2021 S.Reames 25/08/2021
IMG_5298 S Working shot of vegetation removal in pool S.Reames 27/05/2021 S.Reames 25/08/2021
IMG_5299 N Working shot - close up of moulded stone at northern end of the pool S.Reames 27/05/2021 S.Reames 25/08/2021 PL13
IMG_5300 NNE Working shot - close up of moulded stone at northern end of the pool S.Reames 27/05/2021 S.Reames 25/08/2021
IMG_5301 NNE SSW facing elevation of northern end of pool S.Reames 27/05/2021 S.Reames 25/08/2021
IMG_5302 NNE SSW facing elevation of northern end of pool S.Reames 27/05/2021 S.Reames 25/08/2021 PL12
IMG_5303 ESE WNW facing elevation of pool - middle area S.Reames 27/05/2021 S.Reames 25/08/2021
IMG_5304 ESE WNW facing elevation of pool - middle area S.Reames 27/05/2021 S.Reames 25/08/2021

Page 1 of 5
Site name: Stelvio Park, Newport Appendix II A.P.A.C. Ltd
Project No: 491 Project Code: WB/SPN/19 Digital Photographic Record Contexts: <Surface> (Deposit) {Stucture} [Cut]
IMG_5305 ESE WNW facing elevation of pool - southern area S.Reames 27/05/2021 S.Reames 25/08/2021
IMG_5306 ESE WNW facing elevation of pool - southern area S.Reames 27/05/2021 S.Reames 25/08/2021
IMG_5307 NW Plot 1 - SE facing section of foundation trench - westernmost trench S.Reames 01/06/2021 S.Reames 25/08/2021
IMG_5308 NE Plot 1 - Working shot of westernmost trench excavated S.Reames 01/06/2021 S.Reames 25/08/2021
IMG_5309 NE Plot 1 - SW facing section of foundation trench - central trench S.Reames 01/06/2021 S.Reames 25/08/2021
IMG_5310 SE Plot 1 - Working shot of northernmost trench excavated S.Reames 01/06/2021 S.Reames 25/08/2021
IMG_5311 SW Plot 1 - Working shot of northernmost trench return excavated S.Reames 01/06/2021 S.Reames 25/08/2021
IMG_5312 SE Plot 1 - Working shot of southernmost trench excavated S.Reames 01/06/2021 S.Reames 25/08/2021
IMG_5313 SE Plot 1 - Working shot of internal westernmost trench excavated S.Reames 01/06/2021 S.Reames 25/08/2021
IMG_5314 SE Plot 1 - Working shot of southernmost trench excavated S.Reames 02/06/2021 S.Reames 25/08/2021
IMG_5315 SW Plot 1 - Working shot of southernmost trench return excavated S.Reames 02/06/2021 S.Reames 25/08/2021
IMG_5316 NE Plot 1 - SW facing section of foundation trench - southernmost trench S.Reames 02/06/2021 S.Reames 25/08/2021
IMG_5317 SE Plot 1 - Working shot of southernmost trenches excavated S.Reames 02/06/2021 S.Reames 25/08/2021
IMG_5318 NE Plot 1 - Working shot of southernmost trenches excavated S.Reames 02/06/2021 S.Reames 25/08/2021
IMG_5319 SE Plot 1 - Working shot of southernmost trenches excavated S.Reames 02/06/2021 S.Reames 25/08/2021
IMG_5320 NE Plot 1 - SW facing section of foundation trench - northermost trench S.Reames 02/06/2021 S.Reames 25/08/2021
IMG_5321 SW Plot 1 - Working shot of easternmost trench excavated S.Reames 03/06/2021 S.Reames 25/08/2021
IMG_5322 NW Plot 1 - Working shot of northernmost trench excavated S.Reames 03/06/2021 S.Reames 25/08/2021
IMG_5323 NW Plot 1 - Working shot of central trench excavated S.Reames 03/06/2021 S.Reames 25/08/2021
IMG_5324 NE Plot 1 - Working shot of easternmost trench excavated S.Reames 03/06/2021 S.Reames 25/08/2021
IMG_5325 SE Plot 1 - NW facing section of foundation trench - eastermost trench S.Reames 03/06/2021 S.Reames 25/08/2021
IMG_5326 SE Plot 2 - NW facing section of foundation trench - westernmost trench S.Reames 03/06/2021 S.Reames 25/08/2021
IMG_5327 SSW Working shot of concrete removeal in the base of the pool S.Reames 03/06/2021 S.Reames 25/08/2021
IMG_5328 NNE Working shot of concrete removeal in the base of the pool S.Reames 03/06/2021 S.Reames 25/08/2021
IMG_5329 ESE Pool - WNW facing section of pool base S.Reames 03/06/2021 S.Reames 25/08/2021
IMG_5330 SE Pool - Working shot of base of pool after breaking up S.Reames 04/06/2021 S.Reames 25/08/2021
IMG_5331 SW Pool - Working shot of base of pool after breaking up S.Reames 04/06/2021 S.Reames 25/08/2021
IMG_5332 N Pool - Working shot of base of pool after breaking up S.Reames 04/06/2021 S.Reames 25/08/2021 PL15
IMG_5334 SW Plot 2 - NE facing section of foundation trench - southernmost trench S.Reames 04/06/2021 S.Reames 25/08/2021
IMG_5335 NE Working shot of pool being backfilled S.Reames 04/06/2021 S.Reames 25/08/2021 PL16
IMG_5336 SW Plot 2 - Working shot of westernmost trench excavated S.Reames 04/06/2021 S.Reames 25/08/2021
IMG_5337 SE Plot 2 - Working shot of southernmost trench excavated S.Reames 04/06/2021 S.Reames 25/08/2021
IMG_5338 NE Plot 2 - Working shot of southernmost trench return excavated S.Reames 04/06/2021 S.Reames 25/08/2021
IMG_5339 SE Plot 2 - Working shot of southernmost trench excavated S.Reames 04/06/2021 S.Reames 25/08/2021
IMG_5340 NE Plot 2 - Working shot of southernmost trench return excavated S.Reames 04/06/2021 S.Reames 25/08/2021
IMG_5341 NE Plot 2 - SW facing section of foundation trench - northernmost trench S.Reames 04/06/2021 S.Reames 25/08/2021
IMG_5342 NE Plot 2 - SW facing section of foundation trench - northernmost trench - wide shot S.Reames 04/06/2021 S.Reames 25/08/2021
IMG_5351 SE Plot 2 - NW facing section of foundation trench - easternmost trench S.Reames 14/06/2021 S.Reames 25/08/2021 PL04

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Site name: Stelvio Park, Newport Appendix II A.P.A.C. Ltd
Project No: 491 Project Code: WB/SPN/19 Digital Photographic Record Contexts: <Surface> (Deposit) {Stucture} [Cut]

IMG_5352 SE Plot 2 - NW facing section of foundation trench - easternmost trench S.Reames 14/06/2021 S.Reames 25/08/2021
IMG_5353 SW Plot 2 - Working shot of central trench excavated S.Reames 14/06/2021 S.Reames 25/08/2021
IMG_5354 SW Plot 2 - Working shot of central trench excavated S.Reames 14/06/2021 S.Reames 25/08/2021
IMG_5355 SW Plot 2 - Working shot of central area excavated S.Reames 14/06/2021 S.Reames 25/08/2021
IMG_5356 E Plot 2 - Oblique shot of central area section S.Reames 14/06/2021 S.Reames 25/08/2021
IMG_5357 SW Plot 2 - Working shot of easternmost trench excavated S.Reames 15/06/2021 S.Reames 25/08/2021
IMG_5358 NW Plot 2 - Working shot of southernmost trench excavated S.Reames 15/06/2021 S.Reames 25/08/2021
IMG_5360 N Post-ex shot of foundation trenches S.Reames 15/06/2021 S.Reames 25/08/2021
IMG_5363 NNE Working shot of backfilling of pool S.Reames 11/08/2021 S.Reames 25/08/2021
IMG_5364 WNW Working shot of backfilling of pool S.Reames 11/08/2021 S.Reames 25/08/2021
IMG_5365 W Working shot of backfilling of pool S.Reames 11/08/2021 S.Reames 25/08/2021
IMG_5366 WSW Working shot of backfilling of pool S.Reames 11/08/2021 S.Reames 25/08/2021
IMG_5367 WNW Pool - ESE facing section of base of pool S.Reames 11/08/2021 S.Reames 25/08/2021
IMG_5368 WNW Pool - ESE facing section of base of pool S.Reames 11/08/2021 S.Reames 25/08/2021
IMG_5369 WNW Pool - ESE facing section of base of pool S.Reames 11/08/2021 S.Reames 25/08/2021
IMG_5370 NNE Pool - Working shot of base of pool after reduction for soakaway S.Reames 11/08/2021 S.Reames 25/08/2021
IMG_5371 N Pool - Oblique shot of base of pool after reduction for soakaway S.Reames 11/08/2021 S.Reames 25/08/2021
IMG_5372 N Pool - Oblique shot of base of pool after reduction for soakaway S.Reames 11/08/2021 S.Reames 25/08/2021
IMG_5373 WNW Pool - ESE facing section of base of pool S.Reames 11/08/2021 S.Reames 25/08/2021
IMG_5374 WNW Pool - ESE facing section of base of pool S.Reames 11/08/2021 S.Reames 25/08/2021
IMG_5375 WNW Pool - ESE facing section of base of pool S.Reames 11/08/2021 S.Reames 25/08/2021
IMG_5376 WNW Pool - ESE facing section of base of pool S.Reames 11/08/2021 S.Reames 25/08/2021
IMG_5377 N Pool - Post-ex shot of soakaway area S.Reames 11/08/2021 S.Reames 25/08/2021
IMG_5413 SE Pre-Ex shot of Plot 3 before excavation S.Reames 01/02/2022 S.Reames 22/02/2022
IMG_5414 NE Pre-Ex shot of Plot 3 before excavation S.Reames 01/02/2022 S.Reames 22/02/2022
IMG_5415 N Pre-Ex shot of Plot 3 before excavation S.Reames 01/02/2022 S.Reames 22/02/2022
IMG_5416 S Post-Ex shot of pool with modern wall division S.Reames 01/02/2022 S.Reames 22/02/2022
IMG_5417 SSW Post-Ex shot of pool with modern wall division S.Reames 01/02/2022 S.Reames 22/02/2022
IMG_5418 NNE Plot 3 - Working shot of easternmost trench excavated S.Reames 01/02/2022 S.Reames 22/02/2022
IMG_5419 SSW Plot 3 - Working shot of easternmost trench excavated S.Reames 01/02/2022 S.Reames 22/02/2022
IMG_5420 WNW Plot 3 - Working shot of southernmost trench excavated S.Reames 01/02/2022 S.Reames 22/02/2022
IMG_5421 ESE Plot 3 - WNW facing section of foundation trench - south-easternmost corner S.Reames 01/02/2022 S.Reames 22/02/2022
IMG_5422 SSW Plot 3 - NNE facing section of foundation trench - southernmost trench S.Reames 01/02/2022 S.Reames 22/02/2022
IMG_5423 ESE Plot 3 - Working shot of southernmost trench return excavated S.Reames 01/02/2022 S.Reames 22/02/2022
IMG_5424 WNW Plot 3 - Working shot of westernmost trench corner excavated S.Reames 01/02/2022 S.Reames 22/02/2022
IMG_5425 SSW Plot 3 - NNE facing section of foundation trench - south-westernmost corner S.Reames 02/02/2022 S.Reames 22/02/2022
IMG_5426 WNW Plot 3 - Working shot of internal southernmost trench excavated S.Reames 02/02/2022 S.Reames 22/02/2022
IMG_5427 ESE Plot 3 - Working shot of internal southernmost trench excavated S.Reames 02/02/2022 S.Reames 22/02/2022

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Site name: Stelvio Park, Newport Appendix II A.P.A.C. Ltd
Project No: 491 Project Code: WB/SPN/19 Digital Photographic Record Contexts: <Surface> (Deposit) {Stucture} [Cut]

IMG_5428 WNW Plot 3 - Working shot of internal northernmost trench excavated S.Reames 02/02/2022 S.Reames 22/02/2022
IMG_5429 NNE Plot 3 - SSW facing section of northernmost foundation trench S.Reames 03/02/2022 S.Reames 22/02/2022
IMG_5430 WNW Plot 3 - ESE facing section of westernmost interal foundation trench S.Reames 03/02/2022 S.Reames 22/02/2022
IMG_5432 ESE Plot 3 - Overall post-ex shot S.Reames 03/02/2022 S.Reames 22/02/2022
IMG_5433 NE Working shot of Plot 4 prior to development S.Reames 03/02/2022 S.Reames 22/02/2022
IMG_5434 E Oblique shot of Plot 3 - post-ex S.Reames 03/02/2022 S.Reames 22/02/2022
IMG_5565 NW Plot 1 - Post-ex shot of garden landscaping S.Reames 08/03/2022 S.Reames 21/03/2022
IMG_5566 NE Plot 1 - Post-ex shot of garden landscaping S.Reames 08/03/2022 S.Reames 21/03/2022
IMG_5567 SE Plot 1 and 2 - Post-ex shot of garden landscaping S.Reames 08/03/2022 S.Reames 21/03/2022
IMG_5568 SW Plot 1 and 2 - Post-ex shot of drainage trench - Side S.Reames 08/03/2022 S.Reames 21/03/2022
IMG_5569 E Plot 1 and 2 - Post-ex shot of drainage trench - Rear S.Reames 08/03/2022 S.Reames 21/03/2022
IMG_5570 SE Plot 1 and 2 - Post-ex shot of drainage trench - Front S.Reames 08/03/2022 S.Reames 21/03/2022
IMG_5571 NW Plot 2 - Post-ex shot of drainage trench - Front S.Reames 08/03/2022 S.Reames 21/03/2022
IMG_5572 SE Plot 2 - Post-ex shot of drainage trench - Front S.Reames 08/03/2022 S.Reames 21/03/2022
IMG_5573 NE Plot 2 - Post-ex shot of drainage trench - East side S.Reames 08/03/2022 S.Reames 21/03/2022
IMG_5574 NE Plot 2 - Post-ex shot of drainage trench - East side S.Reames 08/03/2022 S.Reames 21/03/2022
143408 NE Aerial shot of Plot 1 S.Reames 14/06/2021 S.Reames 25/08/2021
143444 NE Aerial shot of Plot 1 S.Reames 14/06/2021 S.Reames 25/08/2021
143503 NE Aerial shot of Plot 1 S.Reames 14/06/2021 S.Reames 25/08/2021
143520 ENE Working aerial shot of trench excavation S.Reames 14/06/2021 S.Reames 25/08/2021
84101 NE Aerial shot of Plot 2 S.Reames 15/06/2021 S.Reames 25/08/2021
84245 NE Aerial shot of Plot 2 S.Reames 15/06/2021 S.Reames 25/08/2021
84408 NE Aerial shot of Plot 2 S.Reames 15/06/2021 S.Reames 25/08/2021
84438 NE Aerial shot of Plot 2 S.Reames 15/06/2021 S.Reames 25/08/2021
84811 NE Aerial shot of Plots 1 and 2 S.Reames 15/06/2021 S.Reames 25/08/2021
84837 NE Aerial shot of Plots 1 and 2 S.Reames 15/06/2021 S.Reames 25/08/2021
84926 NE Aerial shot of Plots 1 and 2 S.Reames 15/06/2021 S.Reames 25/08/2021

Plot 4

DSCN1895 V 5m Pole-cam. Initial view of Plot 4 area prior to ground disturbance Pool {214} left. Surface <200> & disturbed ground (210) N Phillips 13/10/2022 N Phillips 22/10/2022 PL14
DSCN1897 V 5m Pole-cam. Initial view N Plot 4. Disturbed ground (210), mound to top right <200>. 4" land drain {201} in [202] not visible N Phillips 13/10/2022 N Phillips 22/10/2022
DSCN1898 W Plot 4 NW mound at TPO. <200> over (213) 400mm coarse red sandy soil over (212) with occasional coal over (210) N Phillips 13/10/2022 N Phillips 22/10/2022 PL17
DSCN1900 V NW end of plot 4 against retaining wall. 6" reducing to 4" cast iron water pipe {203} to pool. No visible cut [204] into (210) N Phillips 13/10/2022 N Phillips 22/10/2022
DSCN1901 V 5m Pole-cam. Initial surface down 150mm. (210), Linear "L" old wall Cut [205] fil (206) sandy gravel dark brown N Phillips 13/10/2022 N Phillips 22/10/2022
DSCN1902 V 5m Pole-cam. Initial surface down 150mm. (210), Linear "L" old wall Cut [205] fil (206) sandy gravel dark brown N Phillips 13/10/2022 N Phillips 22/10/2022
DSCN1903 V S end of plot 4, 1 of two brick bases for steps {207}, cut [208] into (210) N Phillips 13/10/2022 N Phillips 22/10/2022

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Site name: Stelvio Park, Newport Appendix II A.P.A.C. Ltd
Project No: 491 Project Code: WB/SPN/19 Digital Photographic Record Contexts: <Surface> (Deposit) {Stucture} [Cut]

DSCN1904 V Plot 4 S end. Both instances of {207} N Phillips 13/10/2022 N Phillips 22/10/2022
DSCN1905 V 5m Pole-cam. Plot 4 S end. Both instances of {207} with end of wall cut [205] East boundary of plot shown. N Phillips 13/10/2022 N Phillips 22/10/2022
DSCN1906 V 5m Pole-cam. Plot 4. Possible edge of bedrock (211) along angle of ranging rod N Phillips 13/10/2022 N Phillips 22/10/2022
DSCN1907 V 5m Pole-cam. Plot 4. Possible edge of bedrock (211) along angle of ranging rod N Phillips 13/10/2022 N Phillips 22/10/2022 PL09
DSCN1908 V 5m Pole-cam. Plot 4 S end. Both instances of {207} with end of wall cut [205] East boundary of plot shown. N Phillips 20/10/2022 N Phillips 22/10/2022
DSCN1910 N Northern end of plot 4 against wall. 2nd surface reduction (210) surface and section Cut off {203} cast iron pipe N Phillips 20/10/2022 N Phillips 22/10/2022
DSCN1911 N Northern foundation trench 800mm into (211) bedrock N Phillips 20/10/2022 N Phillips 22/10/2022
DSCN1912 E View along N foundation trench note land drain {201} at rear and no visible cut [202] N Phillips 20/10/2022 N Phillips 22/10/2022 PL07
DSCN1913 E Detail View along N foundation trench note land drain {201} at rear and no visible cut [202] N Phillips 20/10/2022 N Phillips 22/10/2022
DSCN1914 E Detail View along N foundation trench note land drain {201} at rear and no visible cut [202] N Phillips 20/10/2022 N Phillips 22/10/2022
DSCN1915 E Section of eastern foundation trench (210) over (211) N Phillips 20/10/2022 N Phillips 22/10/2022
DSCN1916 E Location of photograph DSCN1915 N Phillips 20/10/2022 N Phillips 22/10/2022
DSCN1918 V 5m-Pole cam. Location of photograph DSCN1915 N Phillips 20/10/2022 N Phillips 22/10/2022
DSCN1919 V 5m-Pole cam. Location of photograph DSCN1915 N Phillips 20/10/2022 N Phillips 22/10/2022
DSCN1920 NE Detail of bedrock (211) under (210) but over (209) clay N Phillips 20/10/2022 N Phillips 22/10/2022
DSCN1921 W Dip of bedding plain from S to N at -14° N Phillips 21/10/2022 N Phillips 22/10/2022
DSCN1922 V 5m Pole-cam N end of Plot 4 with E & W foundation trenches complete. Note foundation feature for wall (206) remains N Phillips 21/10/2022 N Phillips 22/10/2022
DSCN1923 V 5m-Pole cam Centre section of plot 4. bottom (210) centre (211) at ranging rods, top (209) N Phillips 21/10/2022 N Phillips 22/10/2022
DSCN1924 V 5m-Pole cam. Northern plot 4. Completed foundation trenches N Phillips 21/10/2022 N Phillips 22/10/2022
DSCN1927 V 5m-Pole cam. Full view of Plot 4 with both outcrop of (211) between (210) and (209) and mark of (206) N Phillips 21/10/2022 N Phillips 22/10/2022
DSCN1928 W Detail of (211) and (209). Error with N arrow pointing east N Phillips 21/10/2022 N Phillips 22/10/2022
DSCN1929 S Interface of (211) (209). See also section in foundation trench left. Black rectangles are {124} N Phillips 21/10/2022 N Phillips 22/10/2022
DSCN1931 E In situ slab of mudstone on east side of eatern long trench. Inclinometer shows tip slope at -14° N Phillips 24/10/2022 N Phillips 27/10/2022 PL06
DSCN1932 SE Position of inclinometer for image DSCN1931. Stratigraphy: (210 over (211) over (209) N Phillips 24/10/2022 N Phillips 27/10/2022
DSCN1933 NE Same section as DSCN1931. Also showing stratigraphy on surface, (211)/(209) interface at ranging rods. Angle shown NW quadran N Phillips 24/10/2022 N Phillips 27/10/2022 PL05
DSCN1934 V 5m Pole cam. (211)/(209) interface at ranging rods. Angle shown NW quadrant. Also note natural green banding in (209) N Phillips 24/10/2022 N Phillips 27/10/2022 PL10
DSCN1935 S Marking out for centre trench N Phillips 24/10/2022 N Phillips 27/10/2022
DSCN1936 E Marking out for northern, east/west trench N Phillips 24/10/2022 N Phillips 27/10/2022
DSCN1937 NE Excavation of foundation trench SW corner. Recent backfill of rubble (216) against breeze block wall {215}.{214|} cut through N Phillips 24/10/2022 N Phillips 27/10/2022
DSCN1938 N Excavation of foundation trench SW corner. Recent backfill of rubble (216) , {214|} cut through N Phillips 24/10/2022 N Phillips 27/10/2022
DSCN1939 V Removal of (216) white paper bag centre was part of infill which confirms recent backfill event N Phillips 24/10/2022 N Phillips 27/10/2022
DSCN1940 V 5m Pole cam. Intersection of middle center trench with southern trench, Partial survival of northern{207} N Phillips 24/10/2022 N Phillips 27/10/2022
DSCN1941 V 5m Pole cam. Overview of completed rtrenches N Phillips 24/10/2022 N Phillips 27/10/2022
DSCN1942 V 5m Pole cam. Overview of completed rtrenches N Phillips 24/10/2022 N Phillips 27/10/2022
DSCN1943 V 5m Pole cam. Overview of completed rtrenches N Phillips 24/10/2022 N Phillips 27/10/2022
DSCN1944 V 5m Pole cam. Overview of completed rtrenches, note pool wall {214} remains as does{215} N Phillips 24/10/2022 N Phillips 27/10/2022

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A.P.A.C. Ltd Appendix III FINDS WB/SPN/19


Find Area Context Description Period Date

1 100 2 sherds blue and white decorative China 19 26/05/21
1 sherd glazed earthenware 19th- 20th
1 sherd stoneware with yellow buffed decoration 20th
4 sherds, (including 1 rim) modern earthenware plant pot 20th-21st
1 sherd stoneware cup rim, with decoration
A.P.A.C. Ltd Appendix III FINDS WB/SPN/19


Find Area Context Description Period Date

2 100 1 sherd blue and white decorative China 19th 27/05/21
1 sherd Mochaware
1 sherd salt glazed stoneware utility pipe
1 sherd earthenware plant pot 20th
1 sherd CBM

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