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Document No: 518

A.P.A.C. Ltd.

Archaeological Perspectives Analysis Consultancy


Whitton Court, Whitton, Shropshire

Planning Application No: 17/04607/Ful

Listed Building Consent No: 17/04608/LBC

Dr N Phillips 30/Aug/2022
A.P.A.C. Ltd Whitton Court, Whitton, Ludlow WB/WCE/20


This document is a report on an Archaeological Watching Brief undertaken during ground

disturbance works necessary for the replacement of a power supply at Whitton Court, Whitton,
The works involved the removal of overhead power cables and the installation of a sub-surface
power cable for which a suitable trench needed to be excavated.
APAC. Ltd, who was undertaking a larger watching brief on site at the time, was contracted by the
client to undertake this additional watching brief for which Written Scheme of Investigation in
response to a planning condition from Shropshire County Council was prepared and approved.
The watching brief revealed a series of pre-existing services but no significant archaeology

Copyright Notice: A.P.A.C. Ltd. retains copyright of this report under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act, 1988.

The Ordnance Survey has granted A.P.A.C. Ltd a Copyright Licence (No. 100046577) to reproduce map information; Copyright remains otherwise
with the Ordnance Survey.

Frontispiece: img_0652 western section of main cable trench between buildings; viewed looking west

A.P.A.C. Ltd Whitton Court, Whitton, Ludlow WB/WCE/20


List of Plates .......................................................................................................................................................4
Appendices .........................................................................................................................................................4
1 Introduction ................................................................................................................................................5
1.1 Planning Condition .............................................................................................................................5
1.2 Additional Condition ..........................................................................................................................5
2 Location, Geology and Topography ...........................................................................................................5
2.1 Location ..............................................................................................................................................5
2.2 Geology ..............................................................................................................................................5
2.3 Topography ........................................................................................................................................6
3 Brief Historical and Archaeological Background ......................................................................................6
4 Aims and Objectives ..................................................................................................................................6
4.1 Watching Brief ...................................................................................................................................6
4.2 Scope of work.....................................................................................................................................6
5 Methodology ..............................................................................................................................................7
5.1 General ...............................................................................................................................................7
5.2 Ground Disturbance ...........................................................................................................................7
5.3 Recording ...........................................................................................................................................7
6 Results ........................................................................................................................................................7
6.1 Geology ..............................................................................................................................................7
6.2 Trench 1..............................................................................................................................................8
6.3 Trench 2..............................................................................................................................................8
6.4 Trench 3..............................................................................................................................................8
6.5 Trench 4..............................................................................................................................................8
6.6 Trench 5..............................................................................................................................................9
6.7 Trench 6..............................................................................................................................................9
6.8 Trench 7..............................................................................................................................................9
6.9 Finds ...................................................................................................................................................9
6.10 Environmental ....................................................................................................................................9
7 Discussion and Interpretation .....................................................................................................................9
7.1 Discussion ..........................................................................................................................................9
7.2 Discussion ..........................................................................................................................................9
8 Archive .....................................................................................................................................................10
9 Acknowledgements ..................................................................................................................................10
10 Bibliography and references .................................................................................................................11

A.P.A.C. Ltd Whitton Court, Whitton, Ludlow WB/WCE/20

List of Figures

Figure 1 Location
Figure 2 Proposed Electric Cable Layout.
Figure 3 Electric cable trenches completed
Figure 4 Plan of watching brief observed, with main contexts and trench sequence

List of Plates

Plate 01 View along main trench to junction with north trench

Plate 02 Section view: Initial cut trench 1, eastern end. Main sequence <1000> over (1002) over (1003) over
(1004). Left extent <1001> over (1005) in cut [106] over (1003).
Plate 03 Overview: Initial cut trench 1, eastern end. Main sequence <1000> over (1002) over (1003) over (1004).
Left extent <1001> over (1005) in cut [106] over (1003).
Plate 04 Main trench western area against wall, Internal brick chamber {1014} with fill (1021). Natural (1004)
to left, Pipe {1012} and cable duct {1022} to right
Plate 05 View along main trench to junction with north trench. brick wall {1014}
Plate 06 Main trench western area against wall, Internal brick chamber
Plate 07 Main trench western area against wall, Internal brick chamber
Plate 08 Main trench western end. <1007> over (1005) over (1003) over (1004). Clay pipe {131} to rear at
junction with main trench
Plate 09 North eastern off-shoot full trench. <1007> over (1003) over (1008) plus water pipe {1009}
Plate 10 North eastern off-shoot trench <1007> over (1003) over (1008)
Plate 11 Detail: Central northern offshoot trench against cottage. <1007> over (1020) over (1004)
Plate 12 Central northern offshoot trench against cottage
Plate 13 Central northern offshoot trench against cottage. Drain structure {1017} to rear
Plate 14 Central northern offshoot trench against cottage. Old cast-iron drain cover 'Doulton'
Plate 15 South trench western edge with main trench top left. Sequence <1007> over (1008) over (1004). Pipe
{1023} and cables {1026}
Plate 16 Modern concrete drain spanning main trench at western end.


I Context record and matrix

II Digital photographic record and contact sheets

A.P.A.C. Ltd Whitton Court, Whitton, Ludlow WB/WCE/20

1 Introduction

1.1 Planning Condition

A planning application and listed building consent was applied for by Andrew Warner of Hawkes Edwards acting as
agent for Mr & Mrs Hoosenally (the clients). The application was for: works and alterations at Whitton Court, (the site)
to include the erection of a two-storey extension to rear elevation; a porch to side elevation; (part) underground 6-bay
garage; creation of self-contained flat; re-routing of vehicular driveway to include change of use of land; reinstatement of
garden terraces, ponds, and pavilions; and removal of trees. The planning application number is 17/04607/FUL and the
listed building consent number is 17/04608/FUL.

The wording of the original condition is laid out below:

No development approved by this permission shall commence until the applicant, or their agents or
successor in title, has secured the implementation of a programme of archaeological work in
accordance with a written scheme of investigation (WSI). This written scheme shall be approved in
writing by the planning authority prior to the commencement of works.

Reason: The site is known to hold archaeological and architectural interest.


The original conditions, above, were for a level 1 & 2 Building Recording Survey to be followed by an archaeological
watching brief. At the time of writing, the Building Recording had been completed in 2018: BS/WCW/18 but the main
watching brief: WB/WCW/2018 is still current but did begin in 2018.

1.2 Additional Condition

In addition to the above stated works, a later alteration was proposed, requesting removal of the current overhead
electricity supply to the house and its replacement with below surface shielded cables: to improve the visual setting of the
site. As this alteration and the ensuing landscaping works would have the potential to impact upon potential archaeological
resources below ground, Shropshire County Council (SCC) again advised that any planning approval should include a
condition requiring a program of archaeological work, an archaeological watching brief.

As a result of this advice, APAC. Ltd drew up a separate written scheme of investigation (WSI) for this additional work:
WSI:WB/WCE/20 and sent it to the agent who forwarded to planning for approval. That WSI was drawn up using
information provided by the agent and the SCC planning portal.

This report therefore concerns only the watching brief conducted during the excavation of the trenches for the re-routing
of the electric supply cable only.

2 Location, Geology and Topography

2.1 Location

Whitton Court, Whitton, Ludlow, Shropshire, SY9 3AB, NGR SO 57825 73496, fig 01, site location.

Whitton court is situated 27 miles north of Hereford.; when travelling north from Hereford on the A49 towards Shropshire,
a right turn towards and through Caynham Village leads east towards Whitton, (signposted).

Continue along the road taking the third left into Whitton Court.

2.2 Geology

Whitton Court area is located on a bedrock geology of Raglan Mudstone which presents within the excavation depths as
:a red/brown overburden of sandy clay with occasional banding and isolated patches of green sandy clay.

A.P.A.C. Ltd Whitton Court, Whitton, Ludlow WB/WCE/20

2.3 Topography

Whitton Court is located approximately 1km to the north of the small village of Whitton, to the east of Ludlow, Shropshire.
It is set in a gently undulating landscape characterised by irregularly shaped pastoral fields, narrow lanes, and small
nucleated settlements.

The site is situated at NGR SO 57825 73496 (Fig 2) and lies at approximately 173m above ordnance datum.

3 Brief Historical and Archaeological Background

A background history of the site with mapping and documentary references was provided in the earlier Building Recording
Survey report: APAC.Ltd. BS/WCW/18. To summarise the manor house has visible C16th/C17th century remains, but
much of the structure is mid to late Victorian. Documentary evidence suggests a mid C12th origin for a building at the site
and there was some evidence that will be presented in the main watching brief: WB/WCW/18 that may support this.

4 Aims and Objectives

4.1 Watching Brief

The aim of the watching brief was to establish the presence/absence of archaeological structures or other significant
features within the works area. Should any archaeological resources be revealed their presence would be recorded and a
decision made as to any mitigation measures. The archaeological watching brief was be carried out to the standards laid
down in the Chartered Institute of Field Archaeologists, Guideline for Watching Briefs 2014, upd 2020.

An archaeological watching brief:

The definition of an archaeological watching brief is a formal programme of observation and investigation
conducted during any operation carried out for non-archaeological reasons. This will be within a specified
area or site on land, inter-tidal zone or underwater, where there is a possibility that archaeological deposits
may be disturbed or destroyed. The programme will result in the preparation of a report and ordered

This definition and Standard do not cover chance observations, which should lead to an appropriate
archaeological project being designed and implemented, nor do they apply to monitoring for preservation
of remains in situ. A watching brief will preserve by record, within the resources available, any
archaeological deposits uncovered during groundwork.

The watching brief will ensure that: in the event of archaeological resources of significance, being
discovered and requiring treatment beyond the remit of the watching brief; then steps would be
implemented to ensure that their treatment would be undertaken within the standards recommended by the

Resulting from the watching brief, a report on the results will be produced, which will include a detailed
summary of the methodology, site history, deposits/features/ structures/artefacts uncovered and
interpretation of the results.
(CIFA. 2020).

4.2 Scope of work

The archaeology of the application site as a whole, in its wider local or regional context, was considered but the watching
brief was confined to those areas that were directly affected by the development. The original proposed development is
shown in the fig 02; plan provided by Western Power, but the completed layout is shown in fig 03.

It can be seen that there are some differences between the two layouts. These adjustments reduced ecological and
environmental concerns, namely, the disturbance to the mature trees along the steep eastern scarp above the ponds. The
re-sited route also reduced disturbance along the current access track for the current residents of the northern housing.

A.P.A.C. Ltd Whitton Court, Whitton, Ludlow WB/WCE/20

The revised route for the northern trench to the sub-station runs across the open field to the west of the houses and returns
under the 19th/20th century wall to the north of the properties. It should be noted that the single northern trench from pond
and out past the fence, including the excavation of the substation, was done without archaeological cover due to lack of
communication. The trench with included cable run, was later visually examined, and its approximated 100m route
plotted with GPS, before being fully backfilled.

5 Methodology
5.1 General

Except for the above-mentioned northern extent, all the trench work was completed over a period of seven days which
included: periods of back fill and cable duct laying as certain portions of the trench were unstable.

All work was carried out in accordance with the Health and Safety at Work act 1974 and the Management of Health and
Safety Regulations 1992. Health and Safety considerations were of paramount importance in conducting all fieldwork.
Safe working practises overrode archaeological considerations at all times.

5.2 Ground Disturbance

After marking the trenches and cutting the tarmac surface with a disc cutter to reduce disturbance, a combination of a
50mm ditching bucket and a 100mm grading bucket; both toothless, were used to excavate down to the required depth.
All excavation work was conducted under constant archaeological supervision. Where potential archaeological horizons
were identified during the work, mechanical trenching was stopped in the immediate vicinity, and the features cleared by
hand using shovel or trowel as appropriate.

All spoil from the excavation was visually examined for artefacts and was scanned using a metal detector before its
removal from site in a dumper.

With the exception of the aforementioned northern run, the order of the trenching sequence was dictated by logistics of
the site access for both the residents and the spoil removal. The plan shown in fig 04, which concentrates on only the
active watching brief area shows the trenching sequence; numbered 1 to 7 from east to west.

5.3 Recording

A unique site code (WB/WCE/20) was allocated for all aspects of the project archive to be produced as a result of the
on-site works. All encountered contexts were recorded on pro-forma APAC Ltd context sheets and an ordered site
archive was maintained. Within this report text: all cuts are denotated with square brackets [ ], deposits with curved
brackets ( ), walls/structures with brackets { } and surfaces with angled brackets < >. A full list of contexts is given in
appendix I with Harris Matrix.

All photographs were taken with a recognised scale, saved in either TIFF, Raw or Jpeg format, with a resolution of at
least 12MP+. All photographs are listed in Appendix II, with a contact sheet included. Photographs used in the text are
denoted PL### and included in Plates listed in Appendix II.

No on-site illustrations were undertaken as the work yielded no significant archaeology.

No small finds were retrieved, or archaeological assemblages were recovered from Site.

6 Results
6.1 Geology

Superficial geology (1004) was encountered 750mm below the present-day ground surface; in areas disturbed by existing
tarmac and service runs, whilst in undisturbed areas, natural varied from 550mm in the east to 450mm in the northern
field run.

A.P.A.C. Ltd Whitton Court, Whitton, Ludlow WB/WCE/20

6.2 Trench 1

Trench 1, fig 04, PL01, consists of the main, 22m x 1m, east/west trench extending across the whole of the site; from the
grassy bank <1000>, towards the east, cutting through the parking space and compacted track <1001> and the tarmac,
<1007> along the centre and west. The most consistent sequence of deposition within the excavated area can be seen at
the eastern end where the grassy surface <1000> overlays a 200mm bioturbation layer (1002), which overlays a 200mm
deposit with some smaller building debris, (1003), before a sterile clay is reached (1004) at 750mm, PL02.

NB. Excavation for the new garage during the main watching brief WB/WCW/2018 and located some 2m west has
revealed the sterile clay to at least 7m depth.

Proceeding westward, the sequence changes: within the area of compacted trackway <1001> covers a bedding deposit of
gravels in a grey/black deposit, (1005), which fills a cut [1006] into the underlying deposit (1003), PL03. Context <1001>
is then replaced by a tarmac surface <1007> which accounts for the rest of the site up to the northwest bank. As stated
earlier the northern trench was excavated prior to the watching brief. Ostensibly, the sequence seemed similar to that of
the eastern grassy bank.

Within the main trench 4 were three existing disturbance events:

{1012} a length of grey plastic pipe and blue water pipe within cut [1003], with a band of yellow electric just visible
above, PL04, left edge of photograph. The pipes are new but the cut not discernible, but they are above (1005) and below

{1031} salt glaze pipe, also in trench 3 laying under (1005) but cut{1032} into (1003), PL01.

{1014} a brick chamber {1014}, cut [1015] into natural (1004), PL05. The chamber has an external length of 1.4m and
an internal length of 1m, neither of the widths are known as the chamber extended beyond the southern trench wall. Worth
noting: alignment to the adjacent stable block wall south is 5° out and the chamber is positioned only 84mm away; the
combination of which may suggest the chamber predates the stable block. On cleaning the brickwork for recording, a
central mortared brick lid for the chamber collapsed revealing a central fill (1021) and some construction detail. The
longest edge being a single brick width whilst the end walls were double, PL04. A section of the fill was excavated with
a spade to a depth of 1m, PL06 & PL07, without finding a bottom. The fill was a black greasy sludge with an unpleasant
odour and a decision was made to not take a sample or disturb further on health grounds.

6.3 Trench 2

Trench 2 was a short 6m x 0.5m southern offshoot to a small outbuilding PL08. The stratigraphy here was <1001> over
(1005) over (1003) over (1004). The only disturbance was the exposure of {1031} just before it continued into Trench 1
(see above).

6.4 Trench 3

Trench 3 was another 0.5m wide section, this time extending 15m north along and into the house, PL09. The upper
sequence here was{1007} over (1005) but with no evidence of (1003). In its place, was a layer of building rubble (1008)
extending beyond the required depth of the trench, PL10. The rubble: some of it whole brick, was mixed with clay.
Natural (1004) was not encountered, the only disturbance was from a modern blue plastic water pipe {1009}, cut [1010]
into [1005]. (1008) was probably a ground levelling event possibly, contemporary with the construction of the house.

6.5 Trench 4

Trench 4 was another connection to the house; this time only measuring 3.4m x 0.5m, but otherwise identical in its main
stratigraphic sequence with trench 3. There was however, one difference, with a layer of potential laid brick surface (1020)
at the northern end, directly under (1007), replacing (1005), PL11. (1020).

A further disturbance was also encountered: abutting the house foundation, and continuing some 500mm below present
ground surface, was a brick chamber, {2017}, PL12 & PL13. This chamber was allocated a cut [1018] as the base does
cut natural (1004). The shaft when discovered was redundant and filled-in, with lighter building debris (2019).

A.P.A.C. Ltd Whitton Court, Whitton, Ludlow WB/WCE/20

Interestingly, the drain had a hinged lid for lifting; a usual fitting for a surface drain but unlikely for one at a depth of
500mm. The hinged, cast-iron drain cover was embossed Doulton, PL14.

NB Doulton & Co are well were known throughout the world for their ceramic products but in 1846 one of the
family; Henry Doulton, started a new enterprise in sanitary wares. It wasn’t until the late 19th century to pre-1937
that Doulton began involvement in Iron Founding:

The presence of the surface drain cover at such a depth tends to support an original, lower ground surface in this area; in
keeping with the interpretation offered above for trench 3: a raised ground level with building rubble.

6.6 Trench 5

Trench 5 is a short 500mm length of trench to connect with the stable block. Unsurprisingly, its stratigraphy is the same
as trench 1 and it also contains a continuation of pipe {1012} and associated cut and fill, PL05.

6.7 Trench 6

Trench 6 is a 6m southern extension carrying the electric cables to the courtyard area of the stable block. Its continuation
beyond is unknown and was probably completed prior to the watching brief. The trench again had an identical sequence
to that of trench 1 including a grey plastic pipe, yellow electric tape and four electric cables {1026}, PL15. Context
{1026} is more than likely a continuation of {1012} and therefore, relatively modern.

6.8 Trench 7
Trench 7 was a short length of excavation to join trench 1 to the pre-dug section of the northern extension. Apart from a
concrete encased drainage duct{1029}, PL16, cut [1030] into <1007> the sequence was the same as trench 1. The
photograph also shows the depth of 500mm at the edge of the tarmac (ranging rods) at the join with the northern trench.

6.9 Finds

Some small fragments of 20th century domestic ceramics and a few shards of glass were observed but were not collected
as they could offer no useful information to the outcome.

6.10 Environmental

No material suitable for environmental analysis was retrieved from the watching brief. The fill (1021) of the brick chamber
was a potential health risk and was left in situ.

7 Discussion and Interpretation

7.1 Discussion

Undisturbed superficial geology (110) was encountered at a relatively shallow depth and the general fill above consisted
of recent levelling work using reused building debris and modern bedding and surfacing materials.
Later disturbances of the levelling events were present, but these consisted of service and drainage runs the oldest of
which would be mid Victorian.

7.2 Discussion

The results from the watching brief undertaken at during the trenches for the re-routing of the electricity supply were
successful in determining the general absence of any preserved archaeological resource within the development area.

A.P.A.C. Ltd Whitton Court, Whitton, Ludlow WB/WCE/20

8 Archive
The archive has been prepared according to the Management of Archaeological Projects, English Heritage, MoRPHE
V1.2 (2015) with the records fully ordered and indexed. The project archives consist of all original records, all
documentation that relates to the watching brief; copies of the WSI and any relevant correspondence included. The archive
is digital/documentary only and includes no physical samples or assemblages.

The original archive for the watching brief will be retained by A.P.A.C. Ltd.

A digital copy of the archive will uploaded to Oasis, and a copy of the report and relative data will be deposited with both
Shropshire Archive and HER.

The archives will be deposited within twelve months of the completion of the watching brief with the agreement of
the landowner.

A synopsis of the project will be submitted to CBA Midlands and the full client report published online through Scribd.

9 Acknowledgements

Thanks to the groundworkers and clients for allowing APAC. Ltd., to undertake the required work as efficiently as

A.P.A.C. Ltd Whitton Court, Whitton, Ludlow WB/WCE/20

10 Bibliography and references

APAC Ltd Report No. 209. BS/WCW/18 – Whitton Court, Whitton, Ludlow, Shropshire. Level 1 & Level 2
Building Recording Survey.

Report No 435, WB/WCE/20 Written Scheme of Investigation for an Archaeological Watching

Brief, Whitton Court, Whitton, Ludlow.

Method Statement for the Deposition of Archives 2019

CIFA. Standards and Guidance: For the creation, compilation, transfer and deposition of archaeological
archives 2014 upd 2020

Standards and Guidance: For an Archaeological Watching Brief. 2014 upd 2020

English Heritage. 2014. Management of Research Projects in the Historic Environment. 2nd Ed

2011. Environmental Archaeology: A Guide to the Theory and Practice of Methods, from Sampling
and Recovery to Post-excavation. 2nd Ed

2018. Science for Historic Industries: Guidelines for the Investigation of 17th to 19th Century Industries.

Health & Safety

Executive. 2015. Construction (Design and Management) Regulations

Edwards, Heritage Impact Assessment July 2020

SCAUM. 2002. Health and Safety Manual

Watt, S. 2011. The Archaeology of the West Midlands. A Framework for Research. Oxford: Oxbow Books.

Online Sources:

British Geological


Google maps

Graces Guide


National Library of


A.P.A.C. Registered Address: Wyastone Estate, Wyastone Leys, Monmouth, NP25 3SR.
Tel: 07734962919. Mobile: 07734962919 Email:
Company Registration No 05041541 VAT Reg No 826 3628 19
Director: Dr. N. Phillips.

Whitton Court, Whitton, Ludlow, Shropshire

The Ordnance Survey has granted A.P.A.C. Ltd a Copyright Licence (No. 100046577)

Fig 01: Location A.P.A.C. Ltd WB/WCE/20

Whitton Court, Whitton, Ludlow, Shropshire.


Fig 02 Proposed Electric Cable layout

A.P.A.C. Ltd WB/WCE/20

Whitton Court, Whitton, Ludlow, Shropshire.

0 5 10 20 30




Stable block

Stable block

Fig 03 Electric Cable Trenches

A.P.A.C. Ltd WB/WCE/20

Whitton Court, Whitton, Ludlow, Shropshire.

<1007> House
N. 273524.9783
Z. 175.1550
7 <1000>

<1007> 4
{1026} <1007>

5 1
Stable block {1026} {1014}
6 2

Stable block <1000>

E. 357859.7252
N. 273500.8428
Z. 174.3295

0 5 10 20
GPS: Co ordinates:
Geomax Zenith 25

Fig 04 Plan of watching brief observed, with main contexts and trench sequence A.P.A.C. Ltd WB/WCE/20
Whitton Court, Whitton, Ludlow, Shropshire.


N View along main trench, 1, to junction with

north trench�

Stable block

Stable block <1000>

0 5 10 20

A.P.A.C. Ltd WB/WCE/20

Whitton Court, Whitton, Ludlow, Shropshire.


Section view: Initial cut trench 1, eastern
end. Main sequence <1000> over (1002)
over (1003) over (1004). Left extent <1001>
over (1005) in cut [106] over (1003).

Stable block

Stable block <1000>

0 5 10 20

A.P.A.C. Ltd WB/WCE/20

Whitton Court, Whitton, Ludlow, Shropshire.


N Over view: Initial cut trench 1, eastern

end. Main sequence <1000> over (1002)
over (1003) over (1004). Left extent <1001>
over (1005) in cut [106] over (1003).

Stable block

Stable block <1000>

0 5 10 20

A.P.A.C. Ltd WB/WCE/20

Whitton Court, Whitton, Ludlow, Shropshire.


N Main trench, 1, western area against wall,

Internal brick chamber {1014} with fill
(1021). Natural (1004) to left, Pipe {1012}
and cable duct {1022} to right

Stable block

Stable block <1000>

0 5 10 20

A.P.A.C. Ltd WB/WCE/20

Whitton Court, Whitton, Ludlow, Shropshire.


N View along main trench, 1, to junction with

north trench. brick wall {1014}

Stable block

Stable block <1000>

0 5 10 20

A.P.A.C. Ltd WB/WCE/20

Whitton Court, Whitton, Ludlow, Shropshire.


N Main trench, 1, western area against wall,

Internal brick chamber

Stable block

Stable block <1000>

0 5 10 20

A.P.A.C. Ltd WB/WCE/20

Whitton Court, Whitton, Ludlow, Shropshire.


Main trench, 1, western area against wall,
Internal brick chamber

Stable block

Stable block <1000>

0 5 10 20

A.P.A.C. Ltd WB/WCE/20

Whitton Court, Whitton, Ludlow, Shropshire.


N Trench 2 . <1007> over (1005) over (1003)

over (1004). Clay pipe {131} to rear at
junction with main trench

Stable block

Stable block <1000>

0 5 10 20

A.P.A.C. Ltd WB/WCE/20

Whitton Court, Whitton, Ludlow, Shropshire.


N North eastern off-shoot, 3, full trench.

<1007> over (1003) over (1008) plus
water pipe {1009}

Stable block

Stable block <1000>

0 5 10 20

A.P.A.C. Ltd WB/WCE/20

Whitton Court, Whitton, Ludlow, Shropshire.


North eastern off-shoot trench 3, <1007>
over (1003) over (1008)

Stable block

Stable block <1000>

0 5 10 20

A.P.A.C. Ltd WB/WCE/20

Whitton Court, Whitton, Ludlow, Shropshire.


N Detail: Central northern offshoot trench, 4,

against cottage. <1007> over (1020) over

Stable block

Stable block <1000>

0 5 10 20

A.P.A.C. Ltd WB/WCE/20

Whitton Court, Whitton, Ludlow, Shropshire.


Central northern offshoot trench, 4, against

Stable block

Stable block <1000>

0 5 10 20

A.P.A.C. Ltd WB/WCE/20

Whitton Court, Whitton, Ludlow, Shropshire.


N Central northern offshoot trench, 4, against

cottage. Drain structure {1017} to rear

Stable block

Stable block <1000>

0 5 10 20

A.P.A.C. Ltd WB/WCE/20

Whitton Court, Whitton, Ludlow, Shropshire.


N Central northern offshoot trench, 4, against

cottage. Old cast-iron drain cover 'Doulton'

Stable block

Stable block <1000>

0 5 10 20

A.P.A.C. Ltd WB/WCE/20

Whitton Court, Whitton, Ludlow, Shropshire.


N South trench, 6, western edge with main

trench top left. Sequence <1007> over
(1008) over (1004). Pipe {1023} and cables

Stable block

Stable block <1000>

0 5 10 20

A.P.A.C. Ltd WB/WCE/20

Whitton Court, Whitton, Ludlow, Shropshire.


N Modern concrete drain spanning main trench

at western end.

Stable block

Stable block <1000>

0 5 10 20

A.P.A.C. Ltd WB/WCE/20

Site name: Whitton Court, Electric Appendix I A.P.A.C. Ltd
Project :518, Code: WB/WCE/20
Context list Contexts: <Surface> (Deposit) {Structure} [Cut]
Context Area Feature Description Date Initials Modified Initial Finds
<1000> E lawn Lawn area to western side of site and buildings, abutting compacted track way <1001> and tarmac <1005> 21/10/2020 NP 01/11/2020 NP
<1001> E Path Gravel track way giving access north to housing. Compacted stone and earth 21/10/2020 NP 01/11/2020 NP
(1002) E Deposit Fine grained DK brown sandy deposit with occasional roots from lawn <1000> . Depth to c .200mm below surface 21/10/2020 NP 01/11/2020 NP
(1003) E Deposit Silty orange clay deposit with occasional small rounded stone and plaster. Depth from 200mm below surface to 750mm. 21/10/2020 NP 01/11/2020 NP
(1004) Site Deposit Orange clay with no inclusions, Natural at around greater than 750mm below surface 21/10/2020 NP 01/11/2020 NP
(1005) E Deposit Small, rounded gravel in sandy grey matrix, bedding for <1001> and over (1003) 21/10/2020 NP 01/11/2020 NP
[1006] E Cut Probable cut for (1005) into (1003) but not discernible. 21/10/2020 NP 01/11/2020 NP
<1007> Central Road Tarmac surface 22/10/2020 NP 01/11/2020 NP
(1008) N Deposit Deposit of cbm (ceramic building material), mostly brick 22/10/2020 NP 01/11/2020 NP
{1009} N Structure Modern blue plastic water pipe 22/10/2020 NP 01/11/2020 NP
[1010] N Cut Cut for {1009} visible through tarmac <1007> 22/10/2020 NP 01/11/2020 NP
(1011) N Deposit Fill for {1009} modern 22/10/2020 NP 01/11/2020 NP
{1012} Central Structure Grey plastic pipe E/W along wall of stable block. Cut [1013] into (1003) 22/10/2020 NP 01/11/2020 NP
[1013] Central Cut Cut into (1003) for pipe {1013}. Under (1005) 22/10/2020 NP 01/11/2020 NP
{1014} Central Structure Brick and lime mortar wall (Manhole chamber?) 23/10/2020 NP 01/11/2020 NP
[1015] Central Cut Cut for {1014} into (1004) 23/10/2020 NP 01/11/2020 NP
(1016) Central Deposit Backfill of smaller cbm in sandy, lime flecked matrix 23/10/2020 NP 01/11/2020 NP
{1017} Central Structure Brick drain chamber 26/10/2020 NP 01/11/2020 NP
[1018] Central Cut Cut for {1017} into (1004) 26/10/2020 NP 01/11/2020 NP
(1019) Central Deposit Coarse gravel backfill of [1018] with smaller cbm in sandy, matrix 26/10/2020 NP 01/11/2020 NP
(1020) Central
Deposit Single line of brick under <1007>. Possible former surface. This overlays a further deposit of (1008) 26/10/2020 NP 01/11/2020 NP
(1021) Central
Deposit Greasy, humic, black sludge fill of chamber {1014} 26/10/2020 NP 01/11/2020 NP
{1022} Central
Deposit Modern ducting for cable under yellow tape. Same trench event as {1012} 26/10/2020 NP 01/11/2020 NP
{1023} South Pipe Ceramic foul pipe. 27/10/2020 NP 01/11/2020 NP
[1024] South Cut Cut for {1023} into (1008) 27/10/2020 NP 01/11/2020 NP
(1025) South Deposit Coarse gravel backfill of [1024] with smaller cbm in sandy, matrix, Similar to (1011) 27/10/2020 NP 01/11/2020 NP
{1026} South Structure 4 individual cables under yellow tape. 27/10/2020 NP 01/11/2020 NP
[1027] South Cut No discernible cut for {1026} 27/10/2020 NP 01/11/2020 NP
(1028) South Deposit No discernible fill for [1027] 27/10/2020 NP 01/11/2020 NP
{1029} W Drain Preformed, concrete box section surface drain 27/10/2020 NP 01/11/2020 NP
[1030] W Cut Cut into (1005) for {1028} 27/10/2020 NP 01/11/2020 NP
{1031} Central Pipe Pipe across southern trench and main trench under (1005) within in cut [1032] into (1003) 27/10/2020 NP 01/11/2020 NP
[1032] South Cut Cut for {1031} into (1003) but under (1005) 27/10/2020 NP 01/11/2020 NP
(1033) South Deposit No discernible fill 27/10/2020 NP 01/11/2020 NP

Page 1 of 1
Site name: Whitton Court, Electric Appendix I A.P.A.C. Ltd
Project :518, Code: WB/WCE/20 Context list Contexts: <Surface> (Deposit) {Structure} [Cut]

<1000> (1011) (1021)

<1001> (1002) (1009)



{1012} 1 {1022} 1 (1005) {1019} (1025) {1026} (1020)

{1029} (10330 [1013] [1006] (1016) {1017} {1023}

[1030] {1031} [1018] [1024]

20th c
19th c


Site name: Witton Court, Electric re-route Appendix II A.P.A.C. Ltd
Digital Photographic Record Project No:518.........Project code..WB/WCE/20....

Photo ID View Description Photographer Date of Compiled by Date

facing photograph compiled
Section view: Initial cut trench 1, eastern end. Main sequence <1000> over (1002) over (1003) over (1004). PL02
_142325 N N. Phillips 21/10/2020 N. Phillips
Left extent <1001> over (1005) in cut [106] over (1003). 01/11/2020
Overview: Initial cut trench 1, eastern end. Main sequence <1000> over (1002) over (1003) over (1004). Left PL03
_111255 N K. Phillips N. Phillips
extent <1001> over (1005) in cut [106] over (1003). 22/10/2020 01/11/2020
_114832 W Southern side trench to outbuilding. <1007> over (1005) over (1003). N. Phillips 22/10/2020 N. Phillips 01/11/2020
_114854 N Trench 2 . <1007> over (1005) over (1003) over (1004). Clay pipe {131} to rear at junction with main trench N. Phillips 22/10/2020 N. Phillips 01/11/2020 PL08
_131106 S North eastern off-shoot trench 3, <1007> over (1003) over (1008) N. Phillips 22/10/2020 N. Phillips 01/11/2020 PL10
_145804 N South off-shoot from full trench. <1007> over (1003) over (1008) plus water pipe {1009} N. Phillips 22/10/2020 N. Phillips 01/11/2020
_145818 N North eastern off-shoot, 3, full trench. <1007> over (1003) over (1008) plus water pipe {1009} N. Phillips 22/10/2020 N. Phillips 01/11/2020 PL09
IMG_0652 W View along main trench, 1, to junction with north trench N. Phillips 23/10/2020 N. Phillips 01/11/2020 PL01
_141545 W View along main trench to junction with north trench. brick wall {1014} N. Phillips 23/10/2020 N. Phillips 01/11/2020 PL05
_094842 V Central northern offshoot trench, 4, against cottage N. Phillips 26/10/2020 N. Phillips 01/11/2020 PL12
_094849 V Central northern offshoot trench, 4, against cottage. Old cast-iron drain cover 'Doulton' N. Phillips 26/10/2020 N. Phillips 01/11/2020 PL14
_112321 N Central northern offshoot trench, 4, against cottage. Drain structure {1017} to rear N. Phillips 26/10/2020 N. Phillips 01/11/2020 PL13
_112352 E Central northern offshoot trench, 4, against cottage. <1007> over (1020) over (1004) N. Phillips 26/10/2020 N. Phillips 01/11/2020
_112358 E Detail: Central northern offshoot trench, 4, against cottage. <1007> over (1020) over (1004) N. Phillips 26/10/2020 N. Phillips 01/11/2020 PL11
_143208 V Main trench western area against wall, Internal brick chamber N. Phillips 26/10/2020 N. Phillips 01/11/2020 PL07
_143214 SW Main trench western area against wall, Internal brick chamber N. Phillips 26/10/2020 N. Phillips 01/11/2020 PL06
_143245 SE Main trench western area against wall, Internal brick chamber N. Phillips 26/10/2020 N. Phillips 01/11/2020
Main trench western area against wall, Internal brick chamber {1014} with fill (1021). Natural (1004) to left, PL04
_143231 V Pipe {1012} and cable duct {1022} to right N. Phillips 26/10/2020 N. Phillips
_143253 V Main trench western area against wall, Internal brick chamber {1014} with fill (1021) N. Phillips 26/10/2020 N. Phillips 01/11/2020
_125737 S Main trench western area against wall, Internal brick chamber N. Phillips 27/10/2020 N. Phillips 01/11/2020
View along main trench into stable area courtyard. Sequence <1007> over (1008) over (1004). Pipes {1012},
_141549 S {1022} and {1023} N. Phillips 27/10/2020 N. Phillips
South trench western edge with main trench top left. Sequence <1007> over (1008) over (1004). Pipe {1023} PL15
_141629 E and cables {1026} N. Phillips 27/10/2020 N. Phillips
_141810 NE Western end north west offshoot trench N. Phillips 27/10/2020 N. Phillips 01/11/2020
_105128 E Modern concrete drain spanning main trench at western end. N. Phillips 28/10/2020 N. Phillips 01/11/2020 PL16
_112922 S Eastern north trench foreground, Main trench across and south east trench N. Phillips 30/10/2020 N. Phillips 01/11/2020

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