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I have recently interacted with a database of the library in the previous week, therefore, I have

been able to use the databases enabled by the library which would help in looking for reliable

and authentic information from trusted sources. The library database which has been accessed by

me was Wikipedia and I have interacted with them through searching with the User Interface.

This library has helped me a lot in order to gain access to a world of wisdom through which I

have not merely been able to prosper my academic knowledge but future professional knowledge

as well. I have also been able to know that this library database has appeared as one of the

pivotal online searchable information collection data frames. I must state that the organized

collection of the information has significantly allowed me as the end-user to further search for

the different topics, books, or articles eventually in multiple ways for instance, subject, title,

keyword and certainly the author of the books. Despite accessing the pivotal information from

them, I have also used the library database in the form of an online newspaper reading segment.

Indeed, in this case, they have been proven as reliable sources as well.

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