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NPTEL course Finite Element Analysis and Constitutive Modelling in Geomechanics

Assignment-7: Construction and Excavation problems

January – April 2023 Total Marks: 15

(Write your answers neatly on white sheets of paper and upload scan copies on the course site
in a single file in pdf format)

Note: Marks for each question are shown in brackets.

1. Perform the finite element analysis for the following excavation problem with two sets of
Young’s modulus values of E=25000 kPa and E=50000 kPa. The strength properties are
cohesion, c=10 kPa and friction angle, =30. The excavation is supported by 1 m thick
diaphragm wall made of M40 grade concrete. The depth of excavation is 10 m from the ground
level. The unit weight of the soil is 19 kN/m3. The Ko may be assumed as 0.80. The data is
given in the file excv-25000.dat and excv-50000.dat. Compare the lateral deformations
undergone by the diaphragm wall and the maximum forces developed in the wall for the two
modulus cases. Which of these two results is more appropriate? Discuss with possible reasons.
There is a rock stratum at 15 m depth below the surface. The diaphragm wall may be assumed
to be socketed 3 m into the rock stratum. (10)

2. In the above problem, repeat the analysis with two different Ko values of 0.80 and 2.0. The
data files for these two cases are excv-kp8.dat and excv-k2p0.dat. Compare the lateral
deformations undergone by the diaphragm wall and the maximum forces developed in the wall
for the two cases. Assume the Young’s modulus as 25000 kPa. (5)

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