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Chapter I



Wikipedia Encyclopedia defines Tardiness is The habit of being late or delaying arrival. Being

late as a form of misconduct may be formally punishable in various arrangements, such as

workplace, school, Etc. An opposite personality trait is punctuality.

Theoretical Framework

To understand why the average middle/secondary school student is chronically tardy, we

must understand what the student is experiencing or expressing by performing the tardy

behavior. According to some theorists, the behavior could be conditioned upon stimuli prior

to or resulting From the behavior, while others may suggest that it is based upon lack of sleep,

low self esteem- or even depression, anxiety, playing video games, doing some house chores,


wake up. There are many theorist with several varying theories. A few are discussed here.
Of course reason for being late to class and other factors like school events, school deadlines,

may affecting the punctuality of a student vary. There have been some theories that pointed out

that tardiness is caused by the personality of a person. Santillano(2010) stated that

psychological theorist considered some personality trait, including low self esteem

and anxiety as triggering factors of tardiness. She/he also mentioned Being early

that while some theorist considered tardiness as an “inborn quality” since our

or being late is “partially biologically determined”, which She/he also agreed,

other expert Also believed that some people are chronically tardy for the reason that they

consciously and unconsciously get good things from it.

In the book cited by Santillano, “Never be late again: 7 cures for the punctually challenged”,

The “author Diana DeLonzer” suggested that some personality traits could most likely lead

To a person being often late. Some of the traits included were “struggling with self control”,

“feeling nervous or uncomfortable with social situations”.

Statement of the Problem

The most Crucial learning hours of a school day are the morning hours, because they are

When students are most attentive. It can cause Distraction or habit to them and they also cause
A distraction when they arrive late to class. It can impact attitude and behavior to the selected

Senior high school students of Montessori Academy Southern Cebu Inc. because the

Researcher believes that being late many times could impact there Attitude and their behavior.

Thus, this study ought to answer the following questions:

1. How to Motivate or Inspire your classmate to avoid being tardy?

2. How can we lessen the negative effect and pursue the positive ones?

3. What are the possible way to make students avoid tardy or being late to the selected Senior

high school students of Montessori Academy Southern Cebu Inc. towards the attitude

and their behavior?

Significance of the study

The purpose of the researcher’s study is to know the effect of being tardy on the selected

Senior high school students in terms of their attitude and behavior. This study have

The following objective:

1. To let the students know their limitations

2. To motivate the students to prioritize their school hours

3. To determine the effects of tardy to the attitude and behavior of the students.

Scope and Limitations

This research use different methods of determining the effects of Tardiness towards

Attitude and behavior of the selected Senior high school students in Montessori Academy

of Southern Cebu Inc. , School year 2022-2023. It is more narrowed to determine

whether it serve as distraction or inspiration to the students , the negative and positive effects

and how this effect to their lives. The total respondents has a quantity of 20, compose of 10

Boys and Girls respectively, all are tardiness. The needed information is done in the

Researcher’s school, Montessori Academy of Southern Cebu Inc. due to reason that it is

More expedient. The purpose of the study is for the welfare of the students and the about

Tardiness and let them obtain knowledge that might provide good result when using it.

And for the parents, this research could reveal the hidden thoughts of and provide them

Proper guidance.
Definition of Terms

To make it easier to understand of the study: the following terms are

Operationally defined:

Wiki - a website that allows collaborative editing

of its content and structure by its users.

Researcher - The creation of new knowledge and/or the

use of existing knowledge in new and

creative way so to generate new

concepts ,methodologies and


Expedient - convenient and practical

Tardiness - the quality or fact of being late; Lateness.

Attitude - A settled way of thinking or feeling



Behavior - The way in which one acts or conduct

oneself especially towards others

Excessive - more than is necessary, normal, or

desirable; immoderate.

Outcome - the way a things turns out; a


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