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Cloud Service Providers are providers that provide customers access to use their cloud services,
such as Google Cloud and Microsoft Azure (Chai, Brush, & Bigelow, 2022).
2. Platform as a Service (PaaS) is when the actual cloud platform is provided to people as the
service without a need to manage the actual servers for them. This is usually for people who
have experience in developing applications, and not the average user.
3. The main benefits of cloud computing is the ease of storage and access; you no longer have to
rely on using the same computer in order to have access to your files and you can add in new
files even when you’re not at the office. Cloud computing is also very cost effective, according to
a study published by the Department of Software Engineering in Firat University.
4. In the same study, the researchers concluded that the main disadvantages of cloud computing is
that hackers who can identify the host of the cloud can steal and spread sensitive information to
the world to see with ease and the requirements to host such a platform needing top of the line
hardware and software (Abdalla & Varol, 2019).

Works Cited
Beskeen, D. W., Campbell, J. T., Ciampa, M., Cram, C., Duffy, J., Friedrichsen, L., . . . Wermers, L. (2020).
The Illustrated Collection, Microsoft Office 365 & Office 2019. Boston: Cengage.

Chai, W., Brush, K., & Bigelow, S. J. (2022, February). What is PaaS? Platform as a Service definition and
guide. Retrieved from TechTarget:

Abdalla, P. A., & Varol, A. (2019, June). Advantages to disadvantages of cloud computing for small-sized
business. In 2019 7th International Symposium on Digital Forensics and Security (ISDFS) (pp. 1-6). IEEE.

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