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Iliyassova Kamilla and Baibachenov Turar

Lesson plan.
Student level: A2
Subject: English Language
Topic: The Past Simple Tense
Lesson Objective: Explore and repeat the past tense through games and familiar themes.

The first assignment is to warm up the students. We start with a question about famous
people (practice speaking). Students will talk about famous people and what they know
about them. This assignment will take 2-3 minutes of time.
Next is a mini quiz using the past tense. Students must determine the truth and lies about
the information of famous people. This task will take 2 minutes of time.
Next is a repetition of the past tense form. The teacher will explain the form and
construction of the tense. This will take 1 minute.
The last task is a game of Ka hoot. Students will answer questions related to the past tense.
This will take 3 minutes.

The presentation.

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