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RTI teacher and main teacher will show planning also to the audience. IEP will be discussed.

Differentiated Instruction – Lesson Plan

Concept: Reading Comprehension – An Idiom Story- Copy of the story to be made.

Loc: Students will be able to

1. Identify the main idea of the lesson.
2. Frame question on their own based on the passage.

Methodology: OFFLINE
1. 5mins – Settling down. Welcome and welfare. BrainGym
2. 8 mins – Introduction Activity – Draw Idiom (Their literal and figurative meaning)- extra examples for T2 level.
When class does 3 examples, T 2 does only one. Sangeetha will explain the perception motor skills. Review the task
with the child through probing.
3. 10 mins – Introduction to the story and connect it to the activity they did. Students read the title and identify the
main idea, they also identify the main idea of the 1 st 2 paragraphs.
4. While reading- two groups will be formed.
5. 10 mins – Task three- students individually frame 2 question and answer the same. RTI teacher to help the children
with framing questions by giving sentence starters.
6. 5 mins – Students share question and answers. Peer and teacher feedback. RTI teacher will nudge the children to
take part.
3. 2 mins – Recap and wrap up.

1. main idea identified – Chalk board splash
2. Q&A written – Ice-cream sticks/picker wheel.

Methodology: ONLINE
7. 5mins – Settling down. Welcome and welfare. BrainGym
8. 8 mins – Introduction Activity – Draw Idiom ( Their literal and figurative meaning) OR Idiom Online Game.
9. 10 mins – Introduction to the story. Students read the title and identify the main idea, they also identify the main
idea of the 1st 2 paragraphs
10. 10 mins – students individually frame 2 question and answer the same. Breakout Room
11. 5 mins – Students share question and answers. Peer and teacher feedback
4. 2 mins – Recap and wrap up.

1. main idea identified – Chat splash
2. Q&A written – picker wheel.

1.Teacher PPT.
2.Para – 1 and 2

3. Online Game -

Assignment :
Frame sentences with the idioms identified in the story.

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