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Subject: Math Diagnostic Test Marks: 20

Name ____________ Grade 2___ Date ____________

1. Write the number: 1m

a. Fifty-six __________ b. Nineteen __________

2. Write the number name: 1m

a. 11 _________________ b. 90 _________________

3. Write the missing numbers: 2m

a. 10 ____ b. _____ 70 c. 19 _____ 21 d. ______ 90

4. Compare the numbers using these signs >, < or = 1m

a. 36 ______ 63 b. 32 _________32

5. Arrange the following in ascending order:(small to big): 1m

a. 35 54 53 45 20 ______________________________________

6. Arrange the following in descending order:(big to small) 1m

a. 76 67 34 43 90 _______________________________________

7. Write the place value of the underlined digit: 2m

a. 45 ______________ b. 60 ______________
8. Write the ordinal numbers: 1m

____________ ________________

9. Look at the picture and circle the number and write the place value : 1m

10. Solve: 2m

5 2 6 4

+ 1 4 - 2 3

11. Draw the hands on the clocks to show the time: 2m

5:00 4:30

12. Look at the calendar and answer the following questions: 5m

December     2015 

Sunday  Monday  Tuesday  Wednesday  Thursday  Friday  Saturday 

    1  2  3  4  5 

6  7  8  9  10  11  12 


13  14  15  16  17  18  19 


20  21  22      24  25  26 

23 Christmas

27  28  29  30   31    


1. How many days are there in this month? ________ 

2. What is the day on the 15th of December?  ________________ 
3. How many Friday’s are there in this month?  ___________________ 
4. Write the day and date of the circled date.

____________     _______________ 
5. When is the Christmas ? (Write the day and the date)

_____________     ___________ 

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