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Journal of Animal Breeding and Genomics JABG.

2019 March, 3(1): 027-036

pISSN:1226-5543 eISSN:2586-4297
Research Article OPEN ACCESS

Identification of Single Nucleotide Polymorphism and

Restriction Enzyme in FASN and CAPN-1 Genes in Ongole
Grade cattle
Rahmatika Choiria1, Rusman2, Dyah Maharani1,*
Department of Animal Breeding and Reproduction, Faculty of Animal Science, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta 55281, Indonesia
Department of Animal Product and Technology, Faculty of Animal Science, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta 55281, Indonesia

FASN have responsible for the activity of FASN enzymes and fatty acid synthesis. CAPN-1 gene is the primary enzyme
in the postmortem tenderization process. This study aims to identify Single Nucleotide Polymorphism (SNP) FASN and
CAPN-1 genes, and restriction enzymes that will be used in determining animal genotype. Thirty-eight meat samples from
22 Ongole Grade cattle slaughter in Giwangan slaughter house and 16 Kebumen Ongole Grade cattle were collected in
Kebumen slaughter house. The samples were analyzed using the PCR method and sequencing for SNP identification. Two
SNPs of FASN were detected in intron region (g.17066 G>A and g.17104 T>C) by direct sequencing. Restriction enzyme Fat I
has been identified to digest FASN gene target in the SNP g.17104T>C. However, no enzyme detected in SNP g.17066 G>A
of FASN gene. Nine SNPs was detected with GenBank’s alignments (g.16838G>A, g.16844G>C, g.16986G>A, g.17058C>A,
g.17091G>A, g.17100G>A, g.17104T>C, g.17194C>A, g.17195C>A). Using direct sequencing, the CAPN-1 gene was revealed
three synonymous polymorphism (g.4481A>G, g.4519C>A, which located in intron 4 and g.4631T>C which located in intron
5) and one non-synonymous polymorphism (g.4554C>T) located in exon 4. Only one SNP detected (g.4732T>G) with
GenBank’s alignment. The AciI and Fau I for SNP g.4481A>G, Mnl I and Bcc I for SNP g.4519C>A, and Sau3A I, Mbo I, Dpn II,
Dpn I, and Bcl I restriction enzyme could digest the SNP g.4554C>T. In conclusion, the identified the SNPs could be utilized
for genotyping of Ongole Grade and Kebumen Ongole Grade cattle for future studies

Keywords: CAPN-1 gene, FASN gene, Ongole Grade cattle, Restriction Enzymes, SNP


Ongole Grade cattle are the result of a cross between local cattle from Java and Ongole cattle from
India that have an important role in meeting beef demand in Indonesia (Astuti, 2004). The qualitative
characteristics of Ongole Grade cattle based on Indonesian National Standards (SNI 7356: 2008) are white-
gray fur, fur around black eyes, large body, large hump, neck and short horns (Anonymous, 2008).
Another Ongole grade namely Kebumen Ongole Grade cattle, is a result of crossing between Java, Ongole
and Brahman cattle (Nugraha, 2014). Kebumen Ongole Grade cattle have special characteristics with a
black muzzle, black tail fan, black color around the eyes, long and hanging ears and has a large hump

*Corresponding author: Dyah Maharani

Department of Animal Breeding and Reproduction, Faculty of Animal Science, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta 55281, Indonesia

Ⓒ Journal of Animal Breeding and Genomics 2018. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-
Commercial License ( which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in
any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
SNP and enzymes detection of FASN and CAPN-1 gene

and dewlap (Ngadiyono et al., 2017). The population of beef cattle in DIY (Yogyakarta Special Regency) in
2016 is ranked 12th at the national level with Ongole Grade cattle composing 40% of the total population
of beef cattle (Ditjennak, 2016). The population of beef cattle in Kebumen Regency was higher, with it
composing 90% of the total population (Department of Agriculture and Animal Husbandry of Kebumen
Regency, 2011). In order to fulfill the demands and tastes of consumers for quality beef, several efforts
such as analysis of meat quality and identification of superior livestock should be conducted. One of the
methods to improve meat quality is through molecular approach with DNA markers of the gene encoding
the meat quality as a selection tool.
FASN is a gene that encodes the quality of meat, including carcass weight and fat content. The FASN
gene is responsible for the activity of FASN enzymes and fatty acid synthesis. Zhang et al. (2008) identified
SNP in exon 39 (g.17924G>A) which resulted in changes amino acids from threonine to alanine, and was
associated with fatty acid composition. In addition, variations in 5 locations (g.15531C>A, g.16907T>C,
g.15603G, g.17250–17251A>T in del>, and g.17924G>A) have a significant relationship with the percentage
of C14: 0 on the cow adipose tissue and milk fat (Morris et al., 2007). Fat metabolism and the characteristics
of obesity have been associated with FASN expression or polymorphism in cattle (Abe et al., 2008). Studies
in humans show an increase in FASN expression in adipose tissue from obesity subjects and there is an
SNP association in FASN with its expression in cases of obesity (Berndt et al., 2007; Schleinitz et al., 2010).
Rempel et al. (2012) found that there were SNP in the genotypes of FASN markers that were associated
with growth traits includes final body weight and carcass weight. Maharani et al. (2012) obtaining SNP on
the genotypes of FASN markers on fatty acid composition in Hanwoo cattle which revealed this marker
had a significant effect on the fatty acid composition.
CAPN-1 gene, encoding protease cysteine which is the primary enzyme in the postmortem tenderization
process, is responsible for the breakdown of the myofibrillar protein associated with meat tenderness
(Chung et al., 2014). The coding gene for 1-calpain (CAPN1) is located on cattle chromosome number 29,
considered a strong functional candidate for beef tenderness (Curi et al., 2009). Some SNPs have been
developed for the CAPN-1 gene and these markers have been reported to be associated with meat
tenderness in Bos Taurus (White et al., 2005). Two non-identical Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs)
in the CAPN1 gene have been associated with the traits of meat quality in Bos Taurus (Page et al., 2004).
CAPN316, located on exon 9, and CAPN530, is located on exon 14, which is responsible for substitution
of amino acids p.Gly316Ala and p.Val530Ile. White et al. (2005) have identified markers in the CAPN1
gene on Bos Indicus. The results showed a separation of CAPN4751 polymorphism (AF_248054.2:
g.6545C>T), which was located at intron 17, and there was a significant relationship with meat tenderness
in the Bos Indicus, Bos Taurus and the cross of Bos Indicus and Bos Taurus.
Identification SNP of FASN and CAPN-1 genes in this study was conducted on Ongole Grade and
Kebumen Ongole Grade cattle. SNP detected will be suggested to be used for genotyping and genetic
diversity analysis of Ongole Grade and Kebumen Ongole Grade based on FASN and CAPN-1 gene.

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SNP and enzymes detection of FASN and CAPN-1 gene

Materials and Methods

Meat Samples and DNA Isolation
The meat samples were collected from twenty-two Ongole Grade cattle in Giwangan slaughter house
Yogyakarta and sixteen Kebumen Ongole Grade cattle were collected from slaughter house in Kebumen.
The meat samples were taken from longisimuss dorsi which was a part of sirloin. The longisimuss dorsi
samples were collected for Genomic DNA isolation using SYNCTM DNA Extraction Kit (Geneaid, Taiwan).

Target Gene Amplifications

Primer used for PCR amplification of FASN is forward: 5 '-TCTTCACAGAGCTGACGGAC-3' and reverse:
5 '-GGAGGAAGAGCTGTTGCAGT -3' with GenBank Acc.No.: NC_032668.1 (Maharani et al., 2012) and
with GenBank Acc.No. : AF248054 (Chung et al., 2014). Amplifications for FASN were performed under
the following conditions: 10 minutes for 94oC, 35 cycles of 30 seconds at 94oC, annealing 61oC for 30
seconds, extension 72oC for 30 seconds and the final extension 72oC for 10 minutes. Amplifications for
CAPN-1 run with conditions: pre-denaturation occurred at 95oC for 2 minutes, denaturation 94oC for 1
minute, annealing 65oC for 1 minute, extension 72oC for 90 seconds and the final extension 72oC for 10
minutes in 35 cycles. The products were visualized in 1.5% agarose gels and stained with ethidium
bromide then visually with Ultra Violet (UV) light and documented using a digital camera.

Determination of SNP and restriction enzymes

SNP determination was carried out using the sequence alignment method of various types of cattle
based on the FASN and CAPN-1 GenBank from and alignment sequences of Ongole
Grade and Kebumen Ongole Grade samples. Sequencing was performed by 1st Base PT Genetika Science
Indonesia. Determination of restriction enzymes was performed using Bioedit and Nebcutter software

Identification SNP of FASN gene and Restriction Enzyme
In order to detect SNPs of FASN gene, alignment based on three GenBank sequence (NC_032668 as
target sequence, AF285607, NC_037346) from Bos Taurus cattle and direct DNA sequencing of Ongole
Grade and Kebumen Ongole Grade cattle were performed. As a results, nine SNPs in the FASN gene
based on the GenBank’s alignment sequences have been identified namely SNP g.16838G>A, g.16844G>C,
g.16986G>A, g.17058C>A, g.17091G>A, g.17100G>A, g.17104T>C, g.17194C>A, and g.17195C>A (Fig 1).
Moreover, all of the nine SNPs have a non-synonymous mutation with the amino acid changes shown in
Fig 2. Based on the direct sequencing, two SNP were found in intron 27, namely SNP g.17066G>A and SNP
g.17104T>C (Fig 3). SNP g.17104T>C found in both GenBank alignments and direct sequencing. The SNPs
g.17066G>A and g.17104T>C were not induce to amino acid changes.

Journal of Animal Breeding and Genomics Vol. 3, No. 1, 2019 • 29

SNP and enzymes detection of FASN and CAPN-1 gene

Restriction enzymes are determined based on the SNP identified in GenBank alignment and SNPs
found in this study. The list of restriction enzymes and their fragment size based on the results of
GenBank alignment shown in Table 1. One recommended enzymes for genotyping the Ongole Grade

Fig 1. Multiple alignment of FASN gene with 4 GenBank Acc No. NC_03228, AF285607, and NC_037346

Figure 2. Amino Acid Changes Based on SNP in the GenBank alignment of FASN Gene

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SNP and enzymes detection of FASN and CAPN-1 gene

cattle and Kebumen Ongole Grade cattle in SNP position g. 17104T>C was FatI enzyme. However, no
restriction enzyme detected in SNP g.17066G>A.

SNP identification of CAPN-1 Gene and Restriction Enzymes

Only one SNP detected (g.4732T>G) on the sequence alignment with three GenBank (AF248054 as a
target sequence, NC_032678, NC_037356) (Fig 4). However, four SNPs were found indirect sequencing of
Ongole Grade cattle and Kebumen Ongole Grade cattle, namely g.4481A>G, g.4519C>A, g.4554C>T, and
g.4631T>C (Fig 5). Two SNPs located in intron 4 (SNPs g.4481A>G and g.4519C>A) and one SNP in intron

(A1). g.17066G>A (A2) g.17066G>A (B1) g.17104T>C (B2) g.17104T>C

Figure 3. SNP identification of FASN in Ongole Grade cattle and Kebumen Ongole Grade cattle based on

Table 1. The list of restriction enzymes based on GenBank alignments of FASN gene
No. SNP location Restriction enzymes Location Fragmen Size (bp)
1 g.16838G>A BmrI exon 37 GG: 41, 582, AA: 623,
AG: 41, 582, 623
BsrI exon 37 GG: 47, 579, AA: 623,
AG: 47, 579, 623
2 g.16844G>C MwoI exon 37 GG: 59, 199, 67, 28, 68, 9, 17, 23, 55,
111, 38 CC: 59, 199, 67, 28, 68, 9,
17, 23, 55, 111, 38, CG: 59, 199, 67, 28, 68, 9, 17, 23, 55,
111, 38
3 g.16986G>A AciI exon 37 GG: 137, 59, 130, 5, 80, 148, 9, 12,
46, AA: 137, 189, 5, 80, 148, 9, 12, 46, AG: 137, 59, 189,
130, 5, 80, 148, 9, 12, 46
4 g.17058C>A BstXI intron 12 CC: 276, 347, AA: 623,
AC: 276, 347, 623
5 g.17091G>A MnlI intron 12 GG: 86, 72, 73, 65, 97, 121, 34, 75,
AA: 86, 72, 73, 162, 121, 34, 75,
AG: 86, 72, 73, 65,
97, 121, 34, 75, 162
6 g. 17100G>A BlpI intron 13 GG: 204, 104, 315, AA: 204, 419,
AG: 204, 104, 315, 419
7 g. 17104T>C FatI intron 15 TT: 623, CC: 315, 308,
CT: 308, 315, 623
8 g. 17194C>A ApaI exon 38 CC: 99, 308, 216, AA: 99, 524,
AC: 99, 308, 216, 524
9 g. 17195C>A PspOMI exon 38 CC: 95, 308, 220, AA: 95, 528
AC: 95, 308, 220, 528

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SNP and enzymes detection of FASN and CAPN-1 gene

5 (SNP g.4631T>C). The SNP g.4554C>T was located in exon 4. This SNP have synonymous mutation
without amino acid changes.
Determination of restriction enzymes was carried out in accordance with SNP results from GenBank
alignment and SNP identified from direct sequencing of both sample breeds. Restriction enzymes based
on the results of GenBank alignment with SNP g.4732T>G, namely DpnII, Sau3AI, MboI, DpnI, TaqI,
PvuI, ClaI, and BspDI. The restriction enzymes and the fragment size of SNP detected in Ongole Grade
cattle and Kebumen Ongole Grade cattle shown in Table 2.

Table 2. The list of restriction enzymes based on SNP of CAPN-1 gene detected in Ongole Grade cattle and
Kebumen Ongole Grade cattle
No. SNP location Restriction enzymes Fragmen Size (bp)
1 g.4481A>G AciI AA: 358, GG: 39, 319, AG: 39, 319, 358
FauI AA: 358, GG: 46, AG: 46, 358
2 g.4519C>A MnlI CC: 15, 20, 25, 29, 45, 99, 102, AA: 358
AC: 15, 20, 25, 29, 45, 99, 102, 358
BccI AA: 358, CC: 86, 272, AC: 86, 372, 358
3 g.4554C>T Sau3AI CC: 358, TT: 69, 111, 178,
CT: 69, 111, 178,358
MboI CC: 358, TT: 69, 111, 178,
CT: 69, 111, 178, 358
DpnII CC: 358, TT: 69, 111, 178,
CT: 69, 111, 178, 358
BclI CC: 358, TT: 111, 247, CT: 111, 247, 358
DpnI CC: 358, TT: 67, 113, 178,
CT: 67, 113, 178, 358
4 g.4631T>C - -

Figure 4. Multiple alignment of CAPN-1 gene with 3 GenBank Acc No AF248054, NC_032678, NC_037356

(A). SNP g.4481A>G (B). SNP g.4519C>A (C). SNP g.4554C>T (D). SNP g.4631T>C

Figure 5. SNP identification of CAPN-1 gene in Ongole Grade cattle and Kebumen Ongole Grade cattle based on

32 • Journal of Animal Breeding and Genomics Vol. 3, No. 1, 2019

SNP and enzymes detection of FASN and CAPN-1 gene

The FASN enzyme consists of two multifunctional polypeptides identical to the three catalytic domains
in N-terminals (b-ketoacyl synthase, malonyl acetyl transferase, and dehydrase). The catalytic domain is
separated by 600 residues from the C-terminal region formed by four other domains (enoyl reductase,
b-ketoacyl reductase, acyl carrier protein, and thioesterase). The FASN enzyme is one of the most complex
multifunctional enzymes. This enzyme has the catalytic component needed to catalyze a series of 37
reactions that lead to the formation of palmitic acids from acetyl-CoA and malonyl-CoA (Asturias et al.,
2005). The mechanism of action of the FASN gene is by catalyzing the synthesis of palmitate from acetyl-
CoA and malonyl-CoA. One by-product of the pyruvate reaction is acetyl-coenzyme (CoA); together with
malonyl-CoA, it becomes a substrate for FASN, which catalyzes the biosynthesis of palmitic fatty acids in
nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate - reduced (NADPH) - depending on the reaction. Palmitate
is then conjugated with other proteins or converted to other fatty acids and lipid complexes which are
essential for (i) synthesis of lipids and membrane structures, such as lipid rafts, (ii) protein modification
and localization function, and (iii) receptor localization and signaling main pathways oncogenic
conditions such as PI3K / AKT / mTOR pathway (Jones and Infante, 2015).
In this study, there were 2 polymorphisms detected in the 623 bp fragment of FASN gene of Ongole
Grade cattle and Kebumen Ongole Grade cattle. This study discovered 8 different SNPs and one similar
SNP FASN gene in 5’UTR region when we compared with the direct sequence and 3 GenBanks from
NCBI. This study revealed that sequence of FASN Ongole Grade cattle and Kebumen Ongole Grade cattle
was a similiar with another sequence from Bos Taurus cattle (Maharani et al., 2012). The FASN gene in
this region may be used to distinguish Ongole Grade cattle and Kebumen Ongole Grade with other
species. Both of two SNPs based on direct sequencing (g.17066G>A and g.17104T>C), were located in non-
coding region. Non-coding sequences are important for regulatory functions. An untranslated region
that controls their translation, degradation, and localization include stem-loop structures, upstream
initiation codons and open reading frames, internal ribosome entry sites and various cis-acting elements
that are bound by RNA-binding proteins (Mignone et al., 2002). Five SNPs from GenBank alignments
(g.16838G>A, g.16844G>C, g.16986G>A, g.17194C>A, and g.17195C>A) have amino acid mutation: valine to
isoleucine, aspartic acid to histidine, arginine to histidine, proline to threonine, proline to histidine,
respectively. Therefore the SNPs may control the genotype and phenotypic expression.
An attempt at determining restriction enzymes with SNP in Ongole Grade cattle and Kebumen Ongole
Grade cattle obtained results that only SNP g.17104T>C can be digested by restriction enzymes, namely
FatI enzyme. Therefore, SNP g.17104T>C can be used in the stage of determining the genotype of livestock
by PCR RFLP method. The enzyme can be digested the gene target and revealed TT genotype with similar
size of the gene target (623 bp). The homozygote CC having fragment sizes: 308 bp and 315 bp, and TC
genotypes revealed having fragment size: 308 bp, 315 bp, and 623 bp. Based on previous studies, there are
several SNPs detected in FASN gene that are associated with meat quality. Maharani et al. (2012) found
SNP g.17924G>A with a MscI restriction enzyme associated with myristic acid, which is one of the fatty
acid compositions of meat.
Calpain is a group of cysteine protease enzymes that require calcium ions for their activities. CAPN-1

Journal of Animal Breeding and Genomics Vol. 3, No. 1, 2019 • 33

SNP and enzymes detection of FASN and CAPN-1 gene

has a broad sub-network and reflects a large number of targets, such as vimentin (VIM), collagen bonds
(COL1A1), or desmin (DES). Calpain has implications for various calcium-dependent cellular processes
such as apoptosis (Perrin and Huttenlocher, 2002). Functional analysis of CAPN-1 tissue involves
developmental process (23%), regulation and apoptosis (19%), an organization of cellular components
and biogenesis (15%), and response to external stimuli (10%). Mechanisms such as development and
stress, apoptosis, glucose metabolism, and muscle contraction contribute to the proteolytic pathway of
CAPN-1. This allows the interaction in the muscle to explain the relationship of protein to tenderness.
Stress plays an important role in forming SUMO4, H2AFX, and HSPs and involves certain cells so that
cells can survive with stressful conditions by maintaining metabolic functions and structural proteins
(Guillemin et al., 2011).
This study in CAPN-1 gene discovered one SNP based on the alignment of three sequences from
GenBank in NCBI. However, it was found that 4 polymorphisms detected in the 358 bp fragment of
CAPN-1 gene in Ongole Grade cattle and Kebumen Ongole Grade cattle. This reveals that sequence of
CAPN-1 from direct sequencing was a difference compared with another sequence from Bos Taurus
cattle. The SNPs in CAPN gene in this region may be used to recognize Ongole Grade cattle and Kebumen
Ongole Grade with other species. Three SNPs in this study were located in noncoding region and 1 SNP
were identified in coding region in exon 4 and were not induced by amino acid changes.
Restriction enzymes based on SNP detected in Ongole Grade cattle and Kebumen Ongole Grade cattle
exhibited that 3 SNPs can be digested by restriction enzymes, and 1 SNPs (SNP g.4631T>C) can not be
digested by enzyme restriction. In previous studies, there are several SNPs from the CAPN-1 gene that are
related to meat quality. Chung et al. (2014) discovered SNP g. 4558A>G with MboI restriction enzyme,
which is responsible for the breakdown of a myofibrillar protein associated with meat tenderness.
In conclusion, we detected two synonymous polymorphisms of FASN gene in Ongole Grade cattle and
Kebumen Ongole Grade cattle in the location g.17066G>A and g.17104T>C. Restriction enzymes FatI may
be used for genotyping Ongole Grade cattle and Kebumen Ongole Grade cattle by applying PCR-RFLP
method in future researches using SNP g.17104T>C. The study of CAPN-1 gene in both cattle detected
three synonymous polymorphism in location g.4481A>G, g.4519C>A, and g.4631T>C and one non-
synonymous polymorphism in location g.4554C>T in exon 4. Restriction enzymes AciI, FauI, MnlI, BccI,
Sau3AI, MboI, DpnII, DpnI, and BclI may be used for genotyping Ongole Grade cattle and Kebumen
Ongole Grade cattle using PCR-RFLP method in the future research.

This study was supported by Agricultural and Livestock Bureau of Bantul and Kebumen region in
Central Java Province through their assistance in the collection of tissue samples from the slaugther
house. We would also like to express our utmost gratitude to the research team, Retno Setyawati and Dwi
Nur Happy Hariyono, for laboratory assistance and data analysis.

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SNP and enzymes detection of FASN and CAPN-1 gene

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36 • Journal of Animal Breeding and Genomics Vol. 3, No. 1, 2019

J. Indonesian Trop. Anim. Agric.
J I TAA pISSN 2087-8273 eISSN 2460-6278
44(2):125-134, June 2019
Journal of the Indonesian Tropical Animal Agriculture
Accredited by Ditjen Penguatan Risbang No. 60/E/KPT/2016 DOI:10.14710/jitaa.44.2.125-134

Polymorphism of the SNP g. 1180 C>T in leptin gene and its

association with growth traits and linear body measurement in
Kebumen Ongole Grade cattle

A. Fathoni, D. Maharani*, R. N. Aji, R. Choiri and S. Sumadi

Department of Animal Breeding and Reproduction, Faculty of Animal Science,
Universitas Gadjah Mada,Jl. Fauna No. 3 Bulaksumur, Yogyakarta 55281 - Indonesia
*Corresponding E-mail :

Received November 30, 2018; Accepted April 21, 2019


Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui polimorfisme gen leptin sapi PO Kebumen dan asosiasinya
dengan sifat pertumbuhan. Seratus sampel darah sapi dikoleksi untuk analisis molekuler. Polimorfisme
gen leptin dianalisis menggunakan 2 teknik: Polymerase Chain Reaction - Restriction Fragment Length
Polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) menggunakan enzim restriksi HpyCH4V dan sekuensing. Asosiasi antara
gen leptin dan sifat pertumbuhan dianalisis menggunakan T-test. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan ada SNP
g. 1180 C>T pada gen leptin populasi Sapi PO Kebumen, yang merubah asam amino dari arginin
menjadi sistein. Dua alel, C dan T, dengan frekuensi masing-masing 0,885 dan 0,115 dan 3 genotip, CC,
CT dan TT, dengan frekuensi masing-masing 0,78; 0,21 dan 0,01 telah dideteksi. Populasi yang diamati
berada dalam Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. Terdapat asosiasi yang signifikan antara genotip dan lingkar
dada saat sapih. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa gen leptin merupakan kandidat gen yang dapat digunakan
sebagai marker seleksi untuk lingkar dada saat sapih pada sapi PO Kebumen.
Kata kunci: identitikasi, polimorfisme, gen Leptin, sapi Peranakan Ongole Kebumen


The aim of this study was to identify the polymorphism of leptin gene and its association with
growth traits in Kebumen Ongole Grade cattle. One hundred blood samples were collected for molecular
analysis. Polymorphism of the leptin gene was analyzed using Polymerase Chain Reaction - Restriction
Fragment Length Polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) with HpyCH4V restriction enzyme and DNA sequencing.
Association analysis of the leptin gene with growth traits was analyzed by T-test. The results showed
that SNP g. 1180 C>T was found in the population. The SNP changed amino acid from arginine to
cysteine. The SNP was significantly associated with a high chest circumference at weaning age in
animal having CC genotype (P<0.05). There were two identified alleles, namely C and T, with
frequencies were 0.885 and 0.115, respectively. The genotype frequencies of CC, CT and TT were 0.78,
0.21 and 0.01, respectively. Allelic and genotypic distribution in the studied population were in Hardy-
Weinberg equilibrium. Animals with CC genotype had a higher circumference at weaning age (WCC)
than those with CT genotype. In conclusion, SNP g. 1180 C> T in the leptin gene is potential as genetic
marker for growth traits in Kebumen Ongole Grade cattle.
Keywords: identification, polymorphism, leptin gene, Kebumen Ongole Grade cattle

Association of Leptin Gene with Growth Traits in Cattle (A. Fathoni et al.) 125
INTRODUCTION isoform because it is the strongest signal which
affect in animal growth (Nanjappa et al., 2011).
Kebumen Ongole Grade cattle are potential Several studies revealed that mutations in the
for beef production in Indonesia. They are exon 2 based on SNP 1047C>T/R25C influenced
registered as local cattle by the Indonesian body weight, fatness and muscle fat composition
Ministry of Agriculture (No.47/Kpts/SR.120/ (Woronuk et al., 2012; Orru et al., 2011,
I/2015). They are widely distributed throughout Kawaguchi et al., 2017). Identification of the
Kebumen regency, making it as a source of bovine leptin gene shows a correlation between
breeding for the cattle (No. polymorphism of this gene and body weight and
358/Kpts/PK.040/6/2015). Productivity of fatness (Woronuk et al., 2012; Kononof et al.,
Kebumen Ongole Grade cattle could be 2017), and meat quality (Shin and Chung, 2006).
maintained and increased by selection. SNP mutation in exon 2 of the leptin gene is
Quantitative traits, such as growth traits and strongly associated with carcass quality (DeVuyst
carcass characteristics are important economic et al., 2011). A causative mutation of A1127T
traits, which can be used as a selection criteria in disturbs the leptin function in the body's
cattle (Vann et al., 2017; Thompson et al., 2014). physiological processes (Fortes et al., 2009).
Studies on quantitative genetics in Kebumen Identification of the leptin gene polymorphism in
Ongole Grade cattle was previously carried out by 5’flanking (promoter) region has been reported in
Sumadi et al. (2017) and Maharani et al. (2017) in Brangus (Corva et al., 2009) and Holstein
analyzing of breeding value and prediction of Friesian cattle (Matteis et al., 2012). Recently,
body weight at puberty using a nonlinear one synonymous (SNPs g.1025T>C/S17S) and
mathematical model, respectively. two non synonymous SNPs (g.1047C>T/R25C
Nowadays, molecular technology based and g.1048G>A/R25H) found in Ongole grade
marker-assisted selection (MAS) has been widely cattle (Hilmia et al., 2018). The
used in cattle genetic improvement (Putri et al., SNPg.1025T>C/S17S indicated no change amino
2015; Seong et al., 2012). PCR-RFLP is acids and SNP g.1047C>T/R25C and
commonly used to determine gene polymorphism g.1048G>A/R25H changed amino acids from
by identifying the individual genotype (Agarwal arginine to cysteine, and arginine to histidine,
et al., 2009). Genetic characterization of respectively. Moreover, A SNP g. 1180 C>T was
Kebumen Ongole Grade cattle has been carried found and converted amino acid from arginine to
out in the analysis of MC4R and Cyt b genes cysteine. Detection those mutation of the leptin
(Maharani et al., 2018; Hartatik et al., 2018). gene in Kebumen Ongole Grade cattle has not
Many of studies reported the usefulness of been performed. Thus, this study was conducted
molecular markers in the genetic analysis of to identify the polymorphism of leptin gene and
several cattle populations, i.e. Malaysian its association with growth traits.
(Romaino et al., 2014), Jabres and Rambon
(Sutarno and Setyawan, 2015; Sutarno et al., MATERIALS AND METHODS
2015), Aceh and Pesisir (Hartatik et al., 2015),
Madura (Hartatik et al., 2014) and Bali cattle Animals, Data Collection and Genomic DNA
(Jakaria and Noor, 2015). Extraction
Leptin is a protein hormone released from One hundred blood samples of Kebumen
adipose tissue and plays an important role in Ongole Grade cattle were used in this study. All
animal growth such as body weight regulation, fat animals studied were reared in Klirong district,
mass and energy metabolism (Sainz et al., 2015; Kebumen regency, Central Java province. An
Wasim, 2015; Sharifzadeh and Doosti 2010). approximately 3 ml blood sample for each animal
Leptin gene in bovine located in BTA 4q32. It was collected from the jugular vein using
consists of three exons and two introns. The first sterilized venoject and vacutainer EDTA.
intron is more than 8 kb and the second intron has Genomic DNA was extracted by using gSYNC TM
a length of 1.6 kb (Liefers et al., 2002). The DNA Extraction Kit (Geneaid, New Taipei City,
activity of leptin is regulated by leptin receptor Taiwan). This genomic DNA product was used as
(LEPR). LEPR is included in the gp130 family of a template for PCR amplification. Growth data,
cytokine receptor. There are six isoforms from such as body weight and body size were obtained
LEPR (LEPRa, LEPRb, LEPRc, LEPRd, LEPRe, from recording, provided by Kebumen Ongole
LEPRf) but LEPRb was the most important Grade cattle Breeder Association and used for

126 J.Indonesian Trop.Anim.Agric. 44(2):125-134, June 2019

association analysis with the leptin gene. The NEBcutter V2.0 (
maintenance management such as feeding and NEBcutter2/). HpyCH4V restriction enzyme was
housing is almost uniform under the authority of used to digest the 466 bp of the leptin gene with a
the Kebumen Ongole Grade cattle Breeder recognition site of 5'-TG│CA-3' (Figure 1). PCR-
Association. The samples are unrelated family RFLP was carried out in 20 µL reaction volume
indicated based on their recording. containing 15 µL of PCR product, 2 µL 10x
buffer, 0.2 µL HpyCH4V and 2.8 µL DDW. The
Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) reaction mixture was incubated at 37oC for 4
Ampification hours in multi-heater. The digestion products were
Genbank, primer, gene target and SNP in visualized onto 3% agarose gels.
according to Shin and Chung (2006) and
Hernandez et al. (2016) are presented in Table 1. Statistical Analysis
PCR was performed in 25 µL total volume Allelic and genotypic frequencies were
containing 2 µL of genomic DNA, 12.5 µL PCR calculated by a simple allele counting method
kit (MyTaqTM HS Red Mix), 0.5 µL of each primer according to Warwick et al. (1990):
forward and reverse, and 9.5 µL double-distilled The Frequency of C allele = ∑ C locus/∑ (C locus
water (DDW). PCR condition was performed in 5 + T locus)
min at 94˚C (pre-denaturation) and 35 cycles of The Frequency of T allele = ∑ C locus/∑ (C locus
30 s at 94˚C (denaturation), 30 s at 60˚C + T locus)
(annealing), 30 s at 72˚C (extension), and 5 min at The Frequency of CC genotype = (∑ CC/N ) x
72˚C for the final extension in a SEDI Thermo 100%
Cycler PCR machine. PCR products were The Frequency of TT genotype = (∑ TT/N ) x
visualized onto 1.5% standard agarose gels 100%
stained with ethidium bromide. The Frequency of CT genotype = (∑ CT/N ) x
Sequencing and SNP Identification Where :
Sequencing was carried out to confirm the ∑ CC = the number of individual of CC genotype
gene target and SNP position based on reference
∑ TT = the number of individual of TT genotype
study and eight Kebumen Ongole Grade cattle
PCR product. The PCR products were used for ∑ CT = the number of individual of CT genotype
direct sequencing which was performed by 1st N = total of individual samples
BASE DNA Sequencing Service Company Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium for identified
(Malaysia). Determination of the nucleotide locus was determined in a Pearson’s Chi-square
sequences was performed in one direction using test, with the following mathematical model
the forward primer. Nucleotide sequences results (Kang and Shin, 2004):
were analyzed using MEGA 7.0.9 (Tamura et al.,
2011). SNP g. 1180 C>T was further used to
genotype all animals investigated by using PCR-
PCR-RFLP and Genotyping
X2 = Chi-square test value
Restriction enzyme was determined using

Table 1. Genbank, Primer, Target Location of Leptin Gene, SNP to Location of Leptin Gene

Genbank Target Primer (5’-3’) SNP Region Fragment

Location size (bp)
U50365 877-1342 GATTCCGCCGCACCTCTC 1127A>T Exon 2 466
978C>T Intron
1180 C>T Exon 2

Association of Leptin Gene with Growth Traits in Cattle (A. Fathoni et al.) 127
Oi = observed frequency RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
Ei = expected frequency
Growth Traits Profile
n = the number of compared data
Mean and standard deviation for each growth
Association analysis between leptin gene and
trait, including birth weight (BW), birth body
growth traits was analyzed with IBM SPSS
length (BBL), birth chest circumference (BCC),
Statistics v. 25 using the following formula (Kim,
birth shoulder height (BSH), weaning weight
2015) :
(WW), weaning body length (WBL), weaning
chest circumference (WCC), weaning shoulder
height (WSH), average daily gain (ADG),
yearling weight (YW), yearling body length
(YBL), yearling chest circumference (YCC) and
yearling shoulder height (YSH) are presented in
Table 2. The results of this study were in
agreement with previously reports in Kebumen
Ongole grade cattle (Maharani et al., 2018).
Polymorphism, Genotyping and Allele
Distribution of Leptin Gene
n1 = Sample size (i.e., number of observations) of Based on reference sequence, only SNP g.
the first sample 1180 C>T was confirmed, while SNP 1127A>T
n2 = Sample size (i.e., number of observations) of and 978C>T were not identified in our population
the second sample (Figure 2). The SNP was identified by the
S1 = Standard deviation of the first sample presence of "double peak" at position 1180 based
on GenBank accession number U50365 (Figure
S2 = Standard deviation of the second sample 3). The SNP resulting two alleles, C and T (Figure
Sp = Pooled standard deviation 4). Digestion of 466 bp of the leptin gene by
HpyCH4V restriction enzyme generated three

Table 2. The Growth Profile of Kebumen Ongole Grade Cattle

Variable n Mean±SD Minimum Maximum

Birth Weight (kg) 99 29.76±3.09 22.00 41.00
Birth Shoulder Height (cm) 99 71.44±5.14 48.00 80.00
Birth Body Length (cm) 99 57.03±5.82 44.00 74.00
Birth Chest Circumference (cm) 98 68.12±4.19 56.00 76.00
Weaning Weight (kg) 67 129.98±40.33 66.00 275.00
Weaning Shoulder Height (cm) 67 103.30±11.82 69.00 125.00
Weaning Body Length (cm) 67 92.55±12.02 70.00 127.00
Weaning Chest Circumference (cm) 67 114.67±12.17 74.00 151.00
Average Daily Gain (kg/d) 48 0.58±0.15 31.00 101.00
Yearling Weight (kg) 8 237.45±59.23 158.00 325.00
Yearling Shoulder Height (cm) 8 115.45±14.73 73.00 125.00
Yearling Body Length (cm) 8 110.91±14.39 84.00 127.00
Yearling Chest Circumference (cm) 8 137.27±12.88 122.00 159.00
n= number of animal; Means in the same row with different superscripts differ significantly (P<0.05); n=
number of animal;

128 J.Indonesian Trop.Anim.Agric. 44(2):125-134, June 2019

Figure 1. The Site and Cut Position of HpyCH4V Restriction Enzyme

Figure 2. SNPs Identification using Sequences Alignment (466 bp). Note : SNP 1 and 2 were not found
in the Kebumen Ongole Grade cattle; SNP 3 was indicated in the samples

genotypes: an undigested PCR product (466 bp) below 100 bp were not visible during the
fragment of genotype TT; 6, 8, 147 and 305 bp visualization process. Allelic frequencies of C and
fragments of genotype CC; and 6, 8, 147, 305 and T were 0.885 and 0.115, respectively, while
466 bp fragments of genotype CT. CC and CT genotypic frequencies of CC, CT and TT were
genotypes were found in 78 and 21 animals, 0.78, 0.21 and 0.01, respectively (Table 3). Based
respectively, while TT genotype was found only on the frequency values, the population was
in 1 animal. Therefore, only 2 genotypes (CC and dominated by C alleles and CC genotypes. The
CT) were used for next steps. The fragment size Chi-square test revealed that SNP g. 1180 C>T in

Association of Leptin Gene with Growth Traits in Cattle (A. Fathoni et al.) 129
the studied population was in the Hardy-Weinberg 0.36 for T allele (Shin and Chung, 2006). The
equilibrium. frequencies of C allele was also higher than T
PCR-RFLP products revealed polymorphism allele in Turkey cattle which were 0.52 and 0.28
of the leptin gene, resulting two alleles, C and T. respectively (Kaygisiz et al., 2011). In this study,
Similarly, C and T alleles at SNP g.1180 C>T the genotypic frequencies of CC, CT and TT were
were also identified in Brahman (Hernández et 0.78, 0.21 and 0.01, respectively. CC genotype
al., 2016) and Simmental bulls (Orrù et al., 2011). had a higher frequency than CT and TT
The frequency of C allele was higher than T genotypes. Previously, CT genotype had the
allele. This results with the same SNP g.1180 C>T highest frequency in Korean (Shin and Chung,
indicated similar to those observed in Korean 2006), Sistani and Sarabi cattle (Aslaminejad
cattle, with frequencies of 0.64 for C allele and 2010). The genotype of CC was predominat
genotype found in crossbred cattle and CT was
the most frequent genotype observed in Friesian
Holstein (Choundhary et al., 2005). In contrast,
TT genotype was absence in Golpayegani cattle
(Nassiry et al., 2007). The differences of allelic
and genotypic distribution might be due to
difference of cattle breeds, which may produce
different genetic expression.
A Chi-square test showed that the
distribution of allele and gentoype in the
population was in to Hardy-Weinberg
equilibrium. This indicate the population will
remain constant from one generation to the next
generation in absence of disturbing factors
(Moonesinghe et al., 2010). This is similar with
reports in Hanwoo (Han et al., 2010), Qinchuan
(Zhang et al., 2009), Zebu (Mukesh et al., 2008)
and Holstein Turkey cattle (Ozdemer, 2012).
HWE in a particular population is determined by
the absence of several factors, such as gene
recombination, genetic drift, inbreeding, mutation
Figure 3. The Electrophoregram which Indicated
and gene flow from other populations (Banos et
the Polymorphism of Leptin Gene (SNP g. 1180 al., 2008).
C> T)

Figure 4. The Results of PCR-RFLP with HpyCH4V Restriction Enzyme. Note: M=Marker, CC, CT,
TT=Genotype Sample

130 J.Indonesian Trop.Anim.Agric. 44(2):125-134, June 2019

Effect of Leptin Gene to Growth Ttraits expression of leptin gene on WCC in Kebumen
Genotypes of animals based on the SNP g. Ongole Grade cattle. Circulation of leptin in fat
1180 C>T were associated with their growth tissue in the human body and animals correlates
traits. TT genotype was not used in association with body weight which is body weight had
analysis due to it contains only 1 individual in the possitive correlations with WCC (Friedman, 2011;
population. The results showed that SNP g. 1180 Sahu et al., 2017). Moreover, leptin which is
C>T had a significant effect (P<0.05) on WCC bounded by neural receptors in the hypothalamus
(Table 4). Animals with CT genotype had higher will increase the concentration of
WCC than those with CC genotype. However, Proopiomelanocortin (POMC) and Cocaine and
there was no significant association between Amphetamine Regulated Transcript (CART).
genotype and several growth traits, such as BW, Increased POMC and CART concentrations
BSH, BBL, BCC, WW, WSH, WBL, WCC, ADG, stimulate the formation of α-melanocortin
YW, YSH, YBL and YCC (P>0.05). stimulating hormone (α-MSH). The α-MSH
The SNP g. 1180 C>T changed amino acid activated the melanocortin receptor (MC4R)
from arginine to cysteine (Javanmard et al., signal and stimulated the hypothalamus to secrete
2010). This mutation may effect on the different thyrotropin releasing hormone (TRH) and

Table 3. Frequency of Alleles and Genotypes based on Leptin Gene with SNP g. 1180 g C>T

Allele Frequency Genotype Frequency

N 177 23 78 21 1
Value 0.885 0.115 0.78 0.21 0.01
N = Number of sample

Table 4. The Mean and Standard Error of the Growth Traits and Level of Significant for the Leptin Gene
using SNP 1180 g. C>T

Variable n
Birth Weight (kg) 99 29.53±2.94 30.62±3.54
Birth Shoulder Height (cm) 99 71.15±5.44 72.52±3.76
Birth Body Length (cm) 99 57.54±5.57 55.14±6.47
Birth Chest Circumference (cm) 98 67.99±4.37 68.62±3.51
Weaning Weight (kg) 67 127.05±37.80 146.7±51.69
Weaning Shoulder Height (cm) 67 103.46±11.66 102.8±12.80
Weaning Body Length (cm) 67 92.58±13.71 92.4±8.59
Weaning Chest Circumference (cm) 67 113.42±11.77a 121.8±12.54b
Average Daily Gain (kg/d) 48 0.57±0.12 0.65±0.22
Yearling Weight (kg) 8 297.0±24.43 225.8±61.90
Yearling Shoulder Height (cm) 8 123.67±1.15 118.6±4.67
Yearling Body Length (cm) 8 124.0±2.64 110.8±13.66
Yearling Chest Circumference (cm) 8 146.67±13.65 134.2±12.1

Association of Leptin Gene with Growth Traits in Cattle (A. Fathoni et al.) 131
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