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attach 1

Statistical table of equip

检查单位Inspected by: CCDC-29

隐患所在基 检查时间 隐患描述

序号 检查人员
S.No. 层单位 Inspector Inspect Hidder risk
Unit time description

If the motor temperature

Chief goes to high then the motor
winding get heat up and as a
1 Draw works Electrician 8:00 result motor will stop working
blower motor B Arshad that can damage main draw
works DC motor that will
effect the drilling operation.

The charged batteries

camp site C15 Chief discharged due to continous
2 generator Electrician 10:00 working that decrease the
battery switch Mehmood batteries life and also effect
the generator.

If the motor temperature

Chief goes to high then the motor
Mud Pump no 1 Electrician winding get heat up and as a
3 9:00 result motor will stop working
Blower fan Arshad that can damage main mud
Mehmood pump A DC motor that will
effect the drilling operation

Statistical table of equipment hidden risk inspection

整改负责人 验收时间
原因分析 整改情况
Reason Analyze Rectification Responsible Rectificatio
by n time

From basket reserve blower

motor brought to workshop
and worked on
sometime noise coming from
motor and temperature was maintenance and then 9:00
little bit high. performed the function test
which was ok ,no noise was
coming and then install on
draworks b motor.

Tried to repair it but we

were out of stock and
sometime it gives output and purchased through camp 17:00
sometime not working . boss and installed the new
one on time to get rid of

Reserve blower motor

brought to workshop and
worked on maintenance
sometime noise coming from and then performed the
motor and temperature was 10:00
little bit high function test which was
ok ,no noise was coming
and then install on draworks
b motor.
整改前照片 整改后照片
Acceptance Picture before Picture after

Reserve blower fan

intsalled of same rating #NAME?


installed the new battery



Reserve blower fan

intsalled of same rating


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