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Open Letter: Social Media Issues

“Social Media is not the same anymore”

Social media, a new and effective technology that everyone uses, including me.
A channel utilized to communicate and connect with our loved ones overseas.
A platform where anyone can freely express all their thoughts and opinions.
Social media is a place that gives comfort to millions and millions of populations.

Opening social media gives people a new sense of excitement and happiness.
From seeing new life updates about our friends and families,
Finding out shared posts of funny yet relatable pictures and memes,
Up to discovering trivias that are quite weird and unique.

However recently, I realized that social media is not the same as it used to be.
Instead of having a positive atmosphere, it is now full of negativity.
Numerous problems and issues are currently arising,
Fake news, harassment, humiliation, and cyberbullying.

So many times, I witnessed people get slanders and how their dignity slowly shatters.
A single statement made by anyone is very powerful and strongly,
That the outlook and attitude of other towards us changes instantly.
Which is why nowadays, no one tries to be open anymore for the fear that they might be bullied and

Unlike before where social media is utilized to uplift someone’s feeling,

Now it is used to shame people and bring down their confidence,
By saying countless mean and hurtful words as well as degrading comments.
These leads others to become anxious, stress, and depress.

Disinformation is a social media issue that is happening until today.

It is completely wrong, but it is still continuously practiced every day,
For only two objectives,
That is to look good in front of people and make others look bad.

What did go wrong?

The once peaceful and beautiful social media,
Now tainted with ugliness and malice.
It will continue to get worse if no one tries to fix it.

As a responsible student and a member of the community,

Share awareness and advocacy are what we should do,
And spread the things we should and should not do,
So that social media will go back to the way it was before.

Sincerely yours,
Saño, Girl Krisha Angela R.
A concerned Citizen

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