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FAMILY NAME: Dueñas FIRST NAME: Krizza Camille CLASSCODE: 1777


“My Essence as a Person and a future Flight Attendant”

Growing up, I have always known myself as a curious, confident, friendly,

and goal-oriented person. These characteristics may be due to the fact of what
I value and believe most in life. What I value and believe most gives me a
reason to do the things I do or act the way I do. Furthermore, they are the sole
purpose as to why I continue with my life and why I am the person I am today.

I am now a second year college student, taking a Bachelor of Science in

Tourism Management and I can say that my essence as a person will play a
major role in my future profession. And as a future flight attendant, I know that
my unique essence as a person will eventually help me in creating memorable
experiences for passengers. I can use my natural talent to possess a warm
personality and use these traits to engage with passengers and make their flight
experience more enjoyable. Additionally, my capability to speak a few
languages could be an asset in communicating with passengers from diverse
backgrounds and making them feel more comfortable during their journey.
These unique essences of mine will set me apart from other flight attendants and
can make a significant impact on the overall flight experience for passengers.
By being aware of and utilizing my unique qualities, I am positive that I would be
able to create a positive atmosphere on the flight that passengers will
remember for years to come.
Rubric for Grading Journal Entry

CRITERIA Strong (3 points) Satisfactory (2 points) Weak (1 point)

Purpose Introduces and presents Introduces and Introduces and presents

reflections and learnings presents reflections the reflections poorly;
effectively and clearly; adequately purpose is generally

Strong (4 points) Satisfactory (3-2 points) Weak (1 point)

Cohesion The writer shows clear The writer shows Writing is incoherent and
and Insight evidence of having evidence of having shows little or no insight;
understood and read, understood, and there is no evidence
synthesized course correctly applied the that the writer has
concepts into their course concepts to understood course
personal reflection; the their personal reflection concepts
application of concepts to
the assigned topic is

Strong (3 points) Satisfactory (2 points) Weak (1 point)

Creativity The writer offered an The paper offered an The paper was not
imaginative new insight or imaginative idea complete and offered
a very interesting idea no new information or
new insight

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