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Appendix A

Conversion Factors
B e t w e e n Unit S y s t e m s

Table A-1
Permeability Conversions

To convert from To Multiply by Inverse

mD Darcy 1.000000E-03 1.000000E+03

mD meter 2 (m 2) 9.86923E-16 1.01325E+15
mD centimeter 2 (cm 2) 9.86923E-12 1.01325E+11
mD micrometer 2 (#m 2) 9.86923E-04 1.01325E-A)3

mD (cm3/s)cP 1.00000E-03 1.00000E-F03


mD (cm 3/s)cP 9.86923 E-10 1.01325 E-F09

mD 7.32441E-08 1.36530E-F07
mD 3.41780E-11 2.9258 5E+l 0
cm2[(cm water)/cm]
mD 1.12712E--03 8.87217E+02
mD 1.42515E-05 7.01681E+04
ft2 [(ft water)/ft]
mD ft 2 1.06232E-14 9.41340E+13

Table A-2
Temperature Conversions

~ ~ ~ K

Degree Fahrenheit 1.000 (~ 32)/1.8 ~ + 459.67 (~ + 459.67)/1.8

Degree Celsius (~ 1.8(~ + 32 1.000 1.8(~ + 491.67 ~ + 273.15
Degree Rankine (~ ~ 459.67 (~ - 491.67)/1.8 1.000 ~
Kelvin (K) 1.8(K) - 459.67 K - 273.15 1.8(K) 1.000

578 Oil Well Testing H a n d b o o k

Table A - 3
Volume Conversion Multiplication Factors

in3 ft 3 cm 3 m3

Cubic inches (in 3) 1.0 5.787035 x 10 -4 1.638706 • 10 1.638706 • 10 -5

Cubic feet (ft 3) 1.728 x 103 1.0 2.831685 • 104 2.831685 x 10 -2
Cubic centimeters 6.102376 • 10 -2 3.531466 • 10 -5 1.0 1.000 x 10 -6
(cm 3)
Cubic meters (m 3) 6.102376 • 104 3.531466 • 10 1.000 x 106 1.0

Table A - 4
Density Conversion Multiplication Factors

gm/cm 3 lb/ft 3 kg/l kg/m 3

gm/cm 3 1.0 6.242797 x 10 1.0 1.000 • 103

lb/ft 3 1.601846 x 10 - 2 1.0 1.601846 • 10 - 2 1.601846 x 10
kg/1 1.0 6.242797 x 10 1.0 1.000 x 103
kg/m 3 1.000 • 10 -3 6.242797 x 10 -2 1.0 x 10 -3 1.0

Table A-5
Rate of Flow Conversion Multiplication Factors

ft3/min US gal/day bbl]day m3/s

ft3/min 1.0 1.077195 x 104 2.564749 x 102 4.719474 x 10 -4

US gal/day 9.283374 x 10 -5 1.0 2.380952 x 10 -2 4.381264 x 10 -8
bbl/day 3.899017 x 10 -3 42.0 1.0 1.840131 x 10 -6
m3/s 2.11888 x 103 2.282477 x 107 5.434396 x 105 1.0

Table A-6
Mass Conversion Multiplication Factors

Ounces Pounds Metric ton Kilograms

(avoir) (oz) (avoir) (lb) (t) (tonne) (kg)

Ounces 1.0 6.25 x 10 - 2 2.834952 x 10 -5 2.834952 z 10 - 2

Pounds 16.0 1.0 4.535924 x 10 -4 4.535924 x 10 -1
Metric ton 3.527397 x 104 2.204622 x 103 1.0 1.000 x 103
Kilograms 3.527397 x 10 2.204622 1.000 x 10 -3 1.0
Appendix A 579

Table A-7
Velocity Conversion Multiplication Factors

ft[s ft[min ft]h m/s

ft/s 1.0 60.0 3600.0 3.048000 x 10 -1
ft/min 1.666666 x 10 -2 1.0 60.0 5.080000 x 10 -1
ft/h 2.777777 x 10 -4 1.666666 x 10 -2 1.0 8.466667 x 10 -5
m/s 3.28084 1.968504 x 102 1.181102 x 104 1.0

Table A-8
Viscosity (Absolute) Conversion Multiplication Factors

Pascal second
cP poise g/(cm s) lb(fl s) (Pa s)
Centipoise 1.0 1.00 x 10 -2 6.719689 • 10 -4 1.000000 x 10 -3
poise g/(cm s) 100.0 1.0 6.719689 x 10 -2 1.000 x 10 -1
lb/(ft s) 1.488164 x 103 1.488164 x 10 1.0 1.488164
Pascal second 1.000 x 103 10.0 6.719689 x 10 -1 1.0

Table A-9
Kinematic Viscosity: Absolute Viscosity in Mass Units Divided
by Mass Density Conversion Factors

gm/cm 3 lb/ft 3 kg/l kg]m 3

gm/cm 3 1.0 6.242797 x 10 1.0 1.000 x 103

lb/ft 3 1.601846 x 10 -2 1.0 1.601846 x 10 -2 1.601846 x 10
kg/1 1.0 6.242797 x 10 1.0 1.000 x 103
kg/m 3 1.000 x 10 -3 6.242797 x 10 -2 1.0 x 10 -3 1.0

Table A-IO
Land Measurement Conversion Multiplication Factors

gm/cm 3 lb]ft 3 kg/l kg/m 3

gm/cm 3 1.0 6.242797 x 10 1.0 1.000 x 103

lb/ft 3 1.601846 x 10 -2 1.0 1.601846 x 10 -2 1.601846 x 10
kg/1 1.0 6.242797 x 10 1.0 1.000 x 103
kg/m 3 1.000 x 10 -3 6.242797 x 10 -2 1.0 x 10 -3 1.0

1 League = 3 miles, 1 square mile = 640 acres, 1 township - 36 square miles, 1 section = 1 square
mile, 1 r o d - 16.5 feet.
Table A - I 1
Length Conversion Multiplication Factors
Centimeter Kilometer O

Inches (in) Feet (ft) Yards (yd) Miles (mi) (cm) Meter (m) (km)
I n c h e s (in) 1.0 8.333333 x 10 -2 2.777778 x 10 -2 1.578282 x 10 -5 2.540 2.540 x 10 -2 2.540 x 10 -5
F e e t (ft) 12.0 1.0 3.333333 x 10 -1 1.893939 x 10 -4 30.480 3.048 x 10 -1 3.048 x 10 -4
Y a r d s (yd) 36.0 3.0 1.0 5.681818 x 10 -4 91.44 9.144 x 10 -1 9.144 x 10 -4
Miles (mi) 6.336003 x 104 5.280 x 103 1.760 x 103 1.0 1.609344 x 105 1.609344 x 103 2.609344
C e n t i m e t e r (cm) 3.937008 x 10 -1 3.28084 x 10 -2 1.093613 x 10 -2 6.213712 x 10 -6 1.0 1.000 x 10 -2 1.000 x 10 -5
M e t e r (m) 39.37008 3.28084 1.093613 6.213712 x 10 -4 100.0 1.0 1.000 x 10 -3
K i l o m e t e r ( k m ) 39.37008 x 103 3.28084 x 103 1.093613 x 103 6.213712 x 10 -1 1.000 x 105 1.000 x 103 1.0
Table A - 1 2
Area Conversion Multiplication Factors

ft 2 mi 2 cm 2 m2 km 2

6.944444 x 10 -3 2.490977 x 10 -10 6.451600 6.451600 x 10 -4 6.451600 x 10 -1~

Square inches (in 2) 1.0
1.440 • 102 1.0 3.587007 • 10 -8 9.290304 • 10 2 9.290304 • 10 - 2 9.290304 x 10 -8
Square feet (ft 2)
4.014489 • 109 2.787840 x 107 1.0 2.589988 x 101~ 2.589988 x 106 2.589988
Square miles (mi 2)
1.550 • 10 -1 1.076391 x 10 -3 3.861022 x 10 -11 1.0 1.000 x 10 .4 1.000 x 10 -1~
Square centimeters (cm 2)
10.763910 3.861022 x 10 -7 1.000 • 104 1.0 1.000 • 10 -6
Square meters (m 2) 1.550 • 103
1.550 x 109 1.076391 • 1 0 7 3.861022 • 10 - 1 1.000 • 101~ 1.000 • 1 0 6 1.0
Square kilometers (km 2)

1 A c r e = 4 3 , 5 6 0 ft 2, 1 d a r c y = 1000 m D , 1 m D = 9.86 x 10 -16 m 2 = 9.86 x 10 -12 c m 2 - - 1.127 x 10 -3 ( B / D ) c P / f t 2 ( p s i / f t ) .





Table A - 1 3
Liquid Volume Conversion Multiplication Factors
gal UK gal bbl (oil) ft 3 1 m 3

G a l l o n s (US) (gal) 1.0 8.326739 • 10 -1 2.380952 • 10 -2 1.336805 • 10 -1 3.785412 3.785412 • 10 -3

I m p e r i a l gallons ( U K gal) 1.200950 1.0 2.859406 • 10 -2 1.605437 • 10 -1 4.546092 4.546092 • 10 -3
Barrels (oil, 42 gal) (bbl) 42.0 3.497230 • 10 1.0 5.614583 1.589873 • 102 1.589873 • 10 -1
C u b i c feet (ft 3) 7.48052 6.228833 1.781076 • 10 -1 1.0 2.831685 • 10 2.831685 x 10 -2
Liters (L) 2.641720 • 10 -1 2.199692 • 10 -1 6.289810 • 10 -3 3.531466 • 10 -2 1.0 1.000 x 10 -3
C u b i c meters (m 3) 2.641720 • 102 2.199692 • 102 6.289810 3.531466 • 10 1.000 • 103 1.0
Table A-14
Pressure Conversion Multiplication Factors

atm bar lbf/in 2 kgf/cm 2 inHg (32 ~ mmHg (32 ~ ftH20 Pa

a t m (std) 1.0 1.013250 1.46960 • 10 1.033228 2.992133 x 10 7.600 • 10 2 3.389952 x 10 1.013250
bar 9.869233 x 10 -1 1.0 1.450377 x 10 1.019716 2.953006 x 10 7.500638 x 10 2 3.345623 x 10 1.000000
lbf/in 2 (psi) 6.804573 x 10 -2 6.894757 • 10 - 2 1.0 7.030695 X 10 - 2 2.036026 5.171507 x 10 2.306730 6.894757
kgf/cm 2 9.678411 x 10 -1 9.806650 x 10 -1 1.422334 x 10 1.0 2.895909 x 10 7.355613 x 102 3.280935 x 10 9.806650
inHg (32~ 3.342097 x 10 - 2 3.386380 x 10 - 2 4.911529 • 10 - l 3.453147 x 10 - 2 1.0 2.54 x 102 1.132955 3.386380
mmHg (32~ 1.315789 x 10 -3 1.333220 x 10 -3 1.933672 x 10 - 2 1.359506 x 10 -3 3.93701 x 10 - 2 1.0 4.460451 x 10 -2 1.333220
ft H 2 0 ( 3 9 . 2 ~ 2.949894 x 10 - 2 2.988980 x 10 -2 4.335149 x 10 -1 3.047912 x 10 - 2 8.826475 X 10 -1 2.241926 x 10 1.0 2.988980
Pa 9.869233 x 10 - 6 1.000 x 10 -5 1.450377 x 10 - 4 1.019716 x 10 -5 2.953006 x 10 - 4 7.500638 • 10 - 3 3.345623 x 10 - 4 1.0




584 Oil Well Testing Handbook

Table A-15
Conversion of Common Field Units to Metric (SI) Units (Base conditions:
Field 60 ~ 14.65 psia; Metric (SI) 15 ~ 101.325kPa)

Field Unit Factor Metric (SI) u n i t Symbol
Acre 4.046856E+03 Square meter m2
Acre 4.046856E-01 Hectare ha
Acre-foot 1.233482E+03 Cubic meter m3
Atmosphere 1.01325E+02 Kilopascal kPa
Barrel (35 imp. gal.) 1.589873E-01 Cubic meter m3
Btu per standard cubic 8.799136E-01 Kilojoule per mole kj/mol
foot (60 ~F, 14.65 psia)
Centipoise 1.0E+00 Millipascal mPa* s
Cubic foot 2.831685E-01 Cubic meter m3
Cubic foot gas per gallon 7.494773E+00 Mole per cubic mol/m 3
(60 ~ 14.65 psia) meter
Darcy 9.869233E-01 Square micrometer #m 2
Degree Fahrenheit ( ~ 32)5/9E+00 Degree Celsius ~
Degree Rankine 5/9E+00 Kelvin K
Gallon (Cdn) 4.54609E-03 Cubic meter m3
Gallon (US) 3.785412E-03 Cubic meter m3
Gas constant 8.31432E+00 Joule per mole J/(mol*K)
Mcf (thousand cubic 1.191574E-+00 Kilomole kmol
foot) (60 ~ 14.65 psia) 2.826231E-+-01 cubic meter (API) m 3 API
Millidarcy 9.869233E-04 Square micrometer #m 2
MMcf (million cubic foot) 1.191574E+00 Megamole mmol
(60 ~ 14.65 psia) 2.826231E+01 cubic meter (API) m 3 API
Pound-force per square 6.894757E+00 Kilopascal kPa
inch (psi)
Pound-mass 4.535924E-01 Kilogram kg
Psi per foot 2.262059E+01 Kilopascal per KPa/m
Section (540 acres) 2.589988E+06 Square meter m2
Section (640 acres) 2.589988E-+02 Hectare ha
Standard cubic foot 1.191574E-+00 Mole mol
(60 ~F, 14.65 psia-ideal gas) 2.826231E-02 cubic meter (API) m 3 API
Tcf (trillion cubic foot) 1.191574E +00 Teramole Tmol
(60 ~ 14.65 psia) 2.826231E-02 cubic meter (API) m 3 API
Ton (US s h o r t - 2000 lb) 9.071847E-01 Tonne t
Ton (UK l o n g - 2240 lb) 1.016047E+00 Tonne t

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