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Artificial intelligence (AI)

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New Trends in Healthcare

           In healthcare, a trend means the tendency of progression in a particular direction or rate in

which the course of a disease, symptom, or disease management methods. There are new trends

that have come up in the healthcare sector in recent times. This research will focus on Artificial

intelligence (AI), which has been commonly used in the healthcare sector with the involvement

of natural language processing (NLP) applications that can classify and understand clinical

documentation. NLP systems are very helpful for the analysis of unformed patient's clinical

notes, treatment method improvement, and satisfying patient results. AI mimics human-like

thinking in the comprehension, presentation, and analysis of complex healthcare information

(Kohane et al., 2018). Four types of Artificial intelligence are applicable in the healthcare

system. They include; self-awareness, the mind-theory, limited memory machine, and reactive


           An advanced Practice Registered Nurse (APRN) has a role in the Artificial intelligence

trends as they are needed to diagnose, evaluate, and do diagnostic tests in order (Holtz et al.,

2019). Through the help of AI, an APRN can understand the needs and patterns of the patients

they take care of day-by-day, and through the understanding, they can provide good guidance,

support, and better feedback for a better lifestyle. Artificial intelligence plays a role in the impact

of a patient's safety and the quality of care they receive. AI makes computers more relevant in

solving the challenges and problems in a patient. The use of computers in AI helps interpret the

information received from a diagnosis of many chronic diseases such as diabetes, different kinds

of cancers, cardiovascular diseases, and Alzheimer's (Racine et al., 2019). Artificial intelligence

helps in the reasoning, perception, and learning of a patient through clinical diagnoses.  


Holtz, B., Vasold, K., Cotten, S., Mackert, M., & Zhang, M. (2019). Health care provider

perceptions of consumer-grade devices and apps for tracking health: a pilot study. JMIR

mHealth and uHealth, 7(1), e9929.

Yu, K. H., Beam, A. L., & Kohane, I. S. (2018). Artificial intelligence in healthcare. Nature

biomedical engineering, 2(10), 719-731.

Racine, E., Boehlen, W., & Sample, M. (2019, September). Healthcare uses of artificial

intelligence: Challenges and opportunities for growth. In Healthcare management

forum (Vol. 32, No. 5, pp. 272-275). Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA: SAGE Publications.

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