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This chapter discussed the research method used in this study. It covered

the presentation of the research design, variable, population, sampling and sample,

data collection method, research instrument, and data analysis.

A. Research Design

The most important requirements and the essential factors in

conducting a research is a method of the research. By using a method of

research the writer will doing the research. Tanzeh (2011:56) stated that the

research design is considered by the types of the research. While Sukardi

(2003:183) explains that research design is all the proccess needed in

designing and implementing research.

In this research the researcher wants to find the students’ intrinsic

motivation and extrinsic motivation in learning English. In this research the

researcher used survey research design with the use of quantitative approach.

Ary et al (2010:372) stated that “In survey research, investigators ask

questions about people beliefs, opinions, characteristics, and behavior”.

Surveys was useful when a researcher collect the data on phenomena that

cannot be directly observed (such as motivation in learning English).


Surveys was used extensively in library and information science to

assess students’ motivation of a wide range of subjects. Surveys represent one

of the most common types of quantitative, social science research. In this

survey research, the researcher selects the samples of respondents from a

population and administers a standardized questionnaire to them. The type of

survey which used in this research is Cross-sectional surveys. Cross-sectional

survey is used to gather information on a population at a single point in time.

B. Variable

According to Ary (2002:34) “A variable is a construct or a

characteristic that can take on values or score”. In the research, variable can

be classified in several ways, Ary et al, (1985:30) said that the most important

classification is on the basis of their use in the research with the consideration

when they are classified as independent and dependent variables.

There were two variables in this research; those are intrinsic

motivation and extrinsic motivation. Both variables are included in

independent variables, because both of intrinsic motivation and extrinsic

motivation were connected indirectly and did not give influence each other in

this research.

C. Population Sampling and Sample

1. Population

Population is the object or subject that has some qualities and

characteristics that are chosen to be learned and to be concluded by the

researcher (Sugiyono, 2010:117). Population based on Ary et al in

Sukardi (2003:53) population is all numbers of well defined class of

people, events or object.

This research was conducted at MAN Kunir Wonodadi Blitar. The

researcher chooses MAN Kunir Wonodadi Blitar as the research object

because the school has good enough quality and the researcher has

conduct PPL there. In this research the population was all of the students

in MAN Kunir Wonodadi Blitar. That was consisting of three grades. In

the first year, there are eight classes that are class A, B, C, D, E, F, G, and

H. Then, for the second year there are also eight classes that are class IA

1, IA 2, IS 1, IS 2, IS 3, IS 4, AG 1, and AG 2. For the third year there are

class IA 1, IA 2, IS 1, IS 2, IS 3, AG 1, AG 2, and AG 3. Each class has

different number of students.

Because students of the third year have finished the final exam and

the researcher did not have opportunity to conduct the research with them,

the researcher did not able to cover all of the population.


2. Sampling

The concept of sampling involves taking a portion, making

observation on the smaller group, and then generalizing the finding to the

large population from which the sample was drawn (Ary, 2002:163). In

other word, sampling is the process or technique that used to take a

sample. Sampling has the purpose to gain information about the


The researcher took sample of four classes from first and second

year. In this research, the researcher did not take sample from the third

year. Because the students was free and did not doing the activity in the

class after they conducted final examination. So, the researcher just took

sample from the first and second year. The researcher takes two classes

from the first year and two classes from second year. The total samples of

the students from those classes are 117. The researcher took the sample

based on (Sekaran: 2006) in Gitawaty (2010) which stated that the

number of minimum sample taking for survey research are 100

respondents. Techniques of sample taking which is used in this research

are stratified sampling and random sampling. The researcher used

stratified sampling because there were three grades on the school that are

first year, second year and third year of the students. Then, the researcher

used Random sampling technique by using “fishbowl” method, Sevilla

(1993:63). The researcher wrote the name of class for each grade which is

gathered in sampling list on pieces of paper. One number for each


population member, then the papers are rolled up and shuffled in the

bowl. The group of population divided into two divisions based on the

level. Then, the researcher took the rolled paper from the bowl twice for

each division. From this, the researcher gets four classes as a sample.

3. Sample

According to Arikunto (2010:174) sample is a part of population

which is researched. From the technique of taking sample above, the

researcher got four classes as samples that are class XC, XD, XI IPA1,

and XI AG2. The total numbers of sample are 117.

D. Data Collection Method

According to Tanzeh (2011:193) data collecting is a systematic and

standardized procedure to obtain the necessary data. In the process of

collecting data, the researcher distributing questionnaires to the classes which

selected by using stratified and random sampling. In 28 April 2014, the

researcher gives the questionnaire to the class XC, XD, and XI Agama 1.

Some teachers in MAN Kunir Wonodadi Blitar give the opportunity to the

researcher to distribute the questionnaire after they finished their teaching and

learning process. Then after the researcher distributes the questionnaire, the

researchers asked the students to complete a questionnaire by giving a check

in the questionnaire based on their opinion and feeling. After the students

have completed answering the questions, students submitted the


questionnaires to the researcher. Distribution of a questionnaire was

conducted about 10-15 minutes. From the first day, the researcher got 93

respondents from those classes.

The following day, 30 April 2014, the researcher conducted the survey

for the second time. The researcher distributes the questionnaire to the class

XI IPA 1. The researcher distributed the questionnaire to the class IPA 1

when the class is free. There are 24 students in this class.

After the researcher got all the data collected from the questionnaire,

the researchers calculated the results of the questionnaire using Microsoft

excel. Questionnaire used in this research is close questionnaire. In this

questionnaire, the students were asked to answer the question by choosing

four categories SA=4, A=3, D=2, and SD=1. In this questionnaire there are

two categories from ten questions that are intrinsic and extrinsic motivation.

So, the highest score for each category are 20 and the lowest score are 5. We

can see the table below:

Table 3.1 The Likert Scale Rating

Optional Intrinsic Motivation Extrinsic Motivation
Strongly Agree 4 4
Agree 3 3
Disagree 2 2
Strongly Disagree 1 1

After that the researchers calculated the score from the questionnaire

to know how percentage of students that have intrinsic and extrinsic


E. Research Instrument

In this research, the researcher used questionnaire as instrument to

collect the data. In oxford dictionary questionnaire is a set of printed or

written questions with a choice of answers, devised for the purposes of a

survey or statistical study. Persons James (1997) stated that a questionnaire is

a written or printed form used in gathering information on some subject or

subjects consisting of a list of questions to be submitted to one or more.

In this research, the questionnaire distributed to know the student

motivation in learning English. The researcher adopted the questionnaire

from Gardner’s Attitude and Motivation cited in Jefiza (2011). It consists of

two parts of close ended questions which contain about intrinsic and extrinsic

motivation. In questionnaire there are ten questions that was written in

English and also translated into Indonesia to give easier the students to

understand and answer the questions. The question number 1-5 are the

questions to collect the information about intrinsic motivation and question

number 6-10 are questions for extrinsic motivation. In this questionnaire,

students were asked to answer the question by choosing four categories SA


(Sangat Setuju), A (Setuju), D (Tidak Setuju), and SD (Sangat Tidak Setuju).

Each students were assigned the question based on their opinion and feeling.

F. Data Analysis

As stated in the earlier chapter, the researcher takes 117 students as

the sample. We can see the detail of sample in the following table:

Table 3.2 Data Respondents

Grade Class Total Respondent

XC 31
XD 34

XI IPA-1 24
XI Ag-1 28

Total 117

To know about the students’ motivation in learning English in MAN

Kunir Wonodadi Blitar, the researcher used descriptive quantitative method

based on how many students answer each item in questionnaire. Items in the

questionnaire were drawn on the descriptive table of frequency distribution

and mean score.


Table 3.3 Intrinsic motivation (Frequency Distribution and Mean Score)

Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5
OPTION SCORE F % F % F % F % F %
SA 4 63 54 67 57 40 34 54 46 19 16
A 3 54 46 47 40 63 54 58 50 58 50
D 2 3 3 14 12 5 4 37 32
SD 1 3 2
Total 117 100 117 100 117 100 117 100 117 100
Mean 3,53 3,54 3,22 3,42 2,79
Overall Mean = 3,3

Question 1. I Learn English in order to improve my English language skills.

Question 2. Learning English will allow me to be more at ease with English


Question 3. Learning English allows me to participate more freely in the

activities of other cultural groups.

Question 4. I learn English because it is something that I always want to do.

Question 5. I study English because I enjoy learning it.

Table 3.4 Extrinsic motivation (Frequency Distribution and Mean Score)

Q6 Q7 Q8 Q9 Q10
SA 4 35 30 20 18
34 29 14 12 8 7
A 3 54 46 46 39
61 52 62 53 34 29
D 2 24 21 47 40
14 12 31 26 48 41
SD 1 4 3 4 3
8 7 10 9 27 23
Total 117 100 117 100
117 100 117 100 117 100
Mean 3,02 2,7 3,05 2,7 2,2
Overall Mean = 2,73

Question 6. Learning English is useful in getting a good job.

Question 7. I learn English because I need it to further my studies overseas.

Question 8. I study English because I want to do well in my examination.

Question 9. I study English in order to please my family.

Question 10. I feel that no one is really educated unless he is fluent in

English language.

Then, the researcher determines percentage both intrinsic and

extrinsic motivation by the following formula:

P= f × 100 %

Where : P = percentage of intrinsic/extrinsic motivation

f= frequency of intrinsic/extrinsic motivation

n= total of score from questionnaire

The researcher calculate the students’ intrinsic motivation by

including the total of score from the questionnaire number 1-5 (see appendix

3 ) into the formula as follows:


1. Percentage of intrinsic motivation = 1933 × 100 %


= 55 %

The researcher calculates the students’ extrinsic motivation by

including the total of score from the questionnaire number 6-10 (see appendix

4) into the formula as follows:

2. Percentage of extrinsic motivation = 1600 x 100%


= 45 %

From the calculation showed that intrinsic motivation has score 55%

and extrinsic motivation has score 45%.

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