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1. The skin is the largest organ in your body.

Which of the following

describe the function of the skin?
I. Protects the body from physical and chemical injuries
II. Makes the skin darker
III. Acts as sensory response
IV. Helps in the formation of Vitamin D
V. Regulates body temperature
VI. Carries the body wastes

A. I, III, V, VI
B. I, II, III, IV, V
D. I, II, III, V, VI

2. Which of the following statements best describes the skin?

A. receives information on environment C. digest and absorb
B. protects your body in any way D. the largest sense organ

3. The skin is one of the first defense mechanisms in your immune system,
A. Tiny glands in the skin secrete water that increase the function of
the skin to protect against microorganism
B. Tiny glands in the skin secrete oils that increase the function of the
skin to protect against micro-organism.
C. The skin secret hormones to protect the immune system
D. The skin regulates the blood temperature

4. How do Musculo-Skeletal and Integumentary Systems work in the human

A. Both the systems are responsible for breaking down food to allow
your body to absorb the nutrients from what you ate.
B. The organs of the Musculo-Skeletal and Integumentary Systems
involved in some physical activities of the body.
C. They provide oxygen to your tissues and get rid of carbon dioxide in
your body.
D. The two systems control various organs of the body directly.
5. The following statements shows the function of the integumentary
system EXCEPT _.
A. It serves as the barrier of the body from physical damage.
B. Serve as the framework of the body
C. It protects the body against UV rays.
D. It is the body’s outer covering

6. All of the following are functions of the integumentary system EXCEPT

A. Regulates body temperature.
B. It gives your body shape and support.
C. Protect the body’s internal living tissues and organs.
D. Acts as a receptor for touch, pressure, pain, heat and cold

7. How does digestion occur?

A. mouth -- esophagus -- stomach --small intestine --large intestine --
anus and rectum
B. mouth --stomach --esophagus --small intestine --large intestine --anus
and rectum
C. esophagus ---mouth---small intestine -- esophagus --anus and rectum
--large intestine
D. esophagus ---- mouth ---- large intestine ---- small intestine ---- anus
and rectum

8. Which of the following statements best describes the function of the

digestive system?
A. It releases acids and mixes food.
B. It aids in absorption of nutrients from food.
C. It carries food from stomach to the intestine.
D. It breaks down food so that the body can absorb food nutrients.

9. What is the main function of the heart in the circulatory system?

A. The organ that pumps blood to the different parts of the body.
B. The red fluid that flows inside the blood vessels.
C. Known as the transport system of the body.
D. The tubes through which the blood flow
10. When you exhale, how does the diaphragm behave as you breath in?
A. relaxes B. contracts C. sinks D. expands
11. Which of the following explains how the respiratory system works?
I. Transport air into the lungs.
II. It helps dispose of waste materials.
III. Helps remove carbon dioxide from the body.
IV. Facilitates the diffusion of oxygen into the bloodstream.


12. Which of the following happens to air during the process of breathing?
A. air moves from area of higher pressure to an area of lesser pressure
B. air moves up and down
C. air gets warm
D. air gives off oxygen

13. How are the major organs of digestive, respiratory, circulatory system
work together?
A. The ability to digest food helps you breathe properly and thus, work
for the same goal: to provide oxygen to your tissues and get rid of carbon
dioxide in your body.
B. They depend on the heart so it could circulate and could reach to the
different parts of the body.
C. It also coordinates muscle movements of the heart, stomach
diaphragm and esophagus.
D. They control the activities of the body.

14. Which tells about the distinct characteristics of reptiles?

I. It has legs for crawling
II. are warm blooded animals
III. has gills and fins
IV. dry scaly skins
A. I and III B. II and IV C. II, and III D. I and IV

15. Dog, cats and cow are examples of mammals. Which of the following is
a characteristic of mammals ONLY? They________.
A. have four legs. C. feed their young with milk.
B. They creep and live on land. D. They have scales and live on water.
16. Animals possess body parts which are distinct to them. Which
characteristic BEST distinguishes birds from the other vertebrates?
A. have bones C. are covered with feathers
B. lay eggs with shell D. take care of their young

17. Which of the following animal is a vertebrate?

A. worms B. snakes C. snail D. jellyfish

18. Which of the following describes the characteristics of

a. Are hollow-bodied or soft-bodied animals
b. Marine animals full of pores or holes
c. Are soft-bodied or shelled animals
d. Are spiny-skinned sea animals.

19. Describes the distinguishing characteristics of

a. Are hollow-bodied or soft-bodied animals
b. Marine animals full of pores or holes
c. Are soft-bodied or shelled animals
d. Are spiny-skinned sea animals.

20. Which among the following describes the characteristics of Mollusks?

a. Are hollow-bodied or soft-bodied animals
b. Marine animals full of pores or holes
c. Are soft-bodied or shelled animals
d. Are spiny-skinned sea animals.

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