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1. Make your own definition of globalization.

 Globalization are the changes/ transformations that we are experiencing and

adopting right now in this modern world. It is also one of the reasons why there
is a unity and alliances between two or more countries. Moreover, it promotes,
integrates, and improve/developed our communication and interaction skills
among nations.

2. On whose perspective is the definition of globalization anchored (political,

scientist, economists, or culture and communications experts). Give at least two
(2) reasons to support your choice.

 For me the definition of the word “globalization” is anchored to the culture and
communications experts. According to them, globalization refers to the concept
of the global village. Based on the definition of the globalization, it is clearly
explain that there is interaction/relationship between two or more different

 The said experts are also responsible on the helping our country developed and
prosper. Thus, creating a context for interaction and negotiation among other
nations are being achieved.

A. Cite five (5) advantages of globalization.

1. Broadened access to goods and services due to good relationship with other nations.
2. Increased job opportunities.
3. Advancement in technology and new innovations.
4. Economic growth and development.
5. Brings awareness and knowledge in cultural awareness around the globe or the

B. Insights

a. The three things that I have learned after reading this module are:

1. I learned the concepts and different definitions of globalization.

2. I learned the importance of globalization in the success and development of our
3. I learned that globalization has also disadvantages (job displacement, increased
income inequality and etc.) and advantages (advancement in technologies,
increased global cooperation and etc.).

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