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The Red Badge of Courage Character Chart

Character Name Role? (Pro, Ant, etc.) Dynamic or Static? If Details about what they are like as
dynamic, where do we a character.
see them change?
Henry Fleming Protagonist Dynamic; he is much Henry is a young soldier who
more courageous and is wants to prove himself by going
willing to fight for his to war and behaving like a hero.
country, even if he loses While he is at war, he notices that
his life by doing so. he isn’t as important as he
thought; he is only one more cog
in the wheel.
Jim Conklin Supporting Character Static; he is born brave Jim is a very brave soldier, and he
and dies brave. dies after receiving a wound in

Wilson Supporting Character Dynamic; at the Wilson is a soldier who delights

beginning he is referred in arguing with other people, so
to as the loud soldier, and being called the loud soldier.
he would always argue, During his presence at war, he
but during the war he becomes a better person and is
becomes gentle and one of Henry’s best friends.
caring towards other
The tattered soldier Supporting Character Static; he does not The tattered soldier is called like
change during the story. that because he has many wounds
from battle. He tries to be Henry’s
friend, but he makes Henry
dislike him because he asks him
well-intentioned questions that
seem to Henry as accusations for
having run at war.

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