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Isabel De la Calle

Mrs. Ochs

English Grammar and Composition 8


48 Hours and No Sleep (timeline)

1. My grandma drove us to the airport.

2. We said goodbye to her at the entrance of the airport.

3. My family and I strolled around the airport to pass the time.

4. We boarded the plane with some quarreling about the window seat.

5. We took off and admired the speed of the plane.

6. I watched a total of 6 movies during the ride, which was about 11 hours long and I did not


7. The airplane landed at 8 am in Madrid.

8. My Father picked us up and we did some schoolwork, and I did a fantastic job trying not to

fall asleep.

9. In the afternoon, my mom announced cheerfully that I was going to train that day and told

me to get ready. Yay!

10. That night I slept as never before. Next time I would get some hours of sleep in the plane!
[Last Name] 2

1 3 5 7 9

2 4 6 8 10

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