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Rose Ann A. Elardo BIT-2G FPST Date Feb.

28, 2023

Noli Me Tangere brilliantly described Philippine society with its memorable characters. The
melancholic fate of Maria Clara and the insanity of Sisa characterized the country's pitiful
state, which was once beautiful, turned miserable. Reading Noli Me Tangere will open one's
mind about oppression and tyranny. It teaches us the values of wisdom, fighting what is
right, and loving our country. This novel is being taught in school in order to not repeat the
history itself by learning how to love our country and to empower the youth as the catalyst
of change for our country. El Filibusterismo was written in dedication to the three martyred
priests Mariano Gomez, Jose Burgos, and Jacinto Zamora, whose deaths left an indelible
mark in his mind. Like Noli Me Tangere, Fili aims at enlightening the society, at bringing the
Filipinos closer to the truth. El Filibusterismo showed us how anger and vengeance can
take over a person's being. I also find very much delight in the conversation between Ibarra
and Father Florentino. El FIlibusterismo also shares the theme that violence is not the
answer with Noli Me Tangere. Simouns grand plan warted. As a student and teen-ager, this
novel brings lessons and realizations in life. No matter how old it is, or how old-fashioned
,we can still relate ourselves and the present occurrences in the things that had happened
in the novel during Spanish colonization. Although we are freed from enslavement, we are
still blocked from the truth of our government, Many officials are greedy and dishonest
that opposed on what they show to the public. I think Dr. Jose Rizal wants us to realize
that revolution is not the solution, but it can help us get closer to gain our independence.
Peacefulwar is good solution in battle since no one will be sacrificed for something. Just like
today, rallies and people fighting for their rights and demands peacefully can be an eye
opener for some. Our country needs to change, that in times of election, we need tobe wise,
or else either our time ,resources ,and trust to our leader.

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