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ABBRAHAM HICKS Alaska 2004 Cruise

CD6: Track 6
[3:36] You summon and you manifest whatever you are giving your attention to.
[3.50] Law of Attraction just responds to whatever you have got active in your
[3:59] I am a powerful focuser. Whenever I get focused on something, I darn near
give it my undivided attention. And so whatever it is manifests.

1. I have a very high income and I love it.
2. My current income of over $100K+ per month totally rings my bells. And I expect to
raise it to even more when I am ready. YES! I give myself raises with ease. For sure!
3. I am totally worthy of my high income. I am totally worthy of income that makes my
heart sing with glee. YES!
4. I have a high monthly income of over $100K+ which rings my bells and I look forward to
increasing it even more in the years to come. Because it’s fun and fruitful and useful
for me to be so rich. It’s super enjoyable.
5. I adore how easily my high income comes to me. This is so fun!
6. I am having so much fun receiving my high income here and now with ease. Wow. What
a triumph. This is bliss. My income matches my state of triumphant bliss. YES!
7. My high income comes easily and effortlessly to me and is super fun for me to receive.
Safe too! Lots of good safe clean fun!

1. Trading and poker and all avenues of income that excite me are wonderful extremely
lucrative avenues of income for me.
2. I am allowing myself to receive the annual income of my dreams for the rest of my life.
This feels so good and fills me with joy in every single moment.
3. It’s normal and easy for me to have a six-figure income that increases every year with
ease for the rest of my life. I enjoy being rich and getting richer all the time.
4. Being in pure harmony with my annual six-figure income is easy and relaxing and normal
for me. I am effortlessly allowing myself to tune purely to it now for the rest of my
life and I am allowing it to improve every year for the sheer joy of it.
5. Being tuned to the frequency of my high six plus figure income is normal and totally
relaxing for me. Trading and poker are easy fun avenues for me to receive this for the
rest of my life. I love how effortlessly I am called into action with perfect timing to
receive this every day per my intentions. It feels so good.
6. I love letting myself receive all this. It’s normal fun. YES!
7. My high six plus figure income keeps increasing for the rest of my life. Receiving this is
so fun. This suits me perfectly. YES! I love my wonderful income. I appreciate how my
feelings about my income keep improving all the time. This is so fun!
8. Trading and poker are wonderful extremely healthy avenues of income for me. They
make me feel so good and they are so good for me. All my cells are constantly
replenishing with ease whenever I trade or play. FUN!
9. The Universe is continuously bringing me gifts of vibrant life energy and I adore this.
10. I adore having the six or seven figure annual income of my dreams for the rest of my
life. This so rings my bells. OH YES!
11. My income from all sources that call to me is so good for me. I feel the energy of you
now. You are so good for me. You are so good to me. OH YES! You call me into action
to receive you with ease. I adore you!

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