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EXERCISE IS A SUPER FUN PARTY FOR ME. All my cells are cell-ebrating with me!

1. Improving my pullups is so much fun. I love seeing myself do 10 with ease
2. Improving my tumbling is so much fun. I love seeing myself do forward and backward
rolls with ease.
3. Doing the money and the frogger and the bear crawl is so much fun. It’s fun to see
myself do these and improve my “prettiness” and stamina every time.
4. I love doing pushups – these are fun. It’s fun to improve my stamina and do more each
time and keep it up with ease. Nothing to it.
5. My deep squats make my heart sing. Letting them deepen is fun. I love my flexibility.
It’s divine.
6. I love working on my jumps and hand balancing skills too. This is fun and so satisfying.
7. Exercise is a happy party for me. Exercise makes me happy just like dancing.
8. Yoga is fun too. I can do it all with ease.
9. I love exercising. It’s so much fun. I feel so good when I do it too!

1. I love exercising as inspired. It’s fun. I love how freely and easily my energy flows
when I exercise. Exercise and dancing make me so happy.
2. Exercise is easy joy.
3. I love working on my tumbling skills.
4. It’s fun to be developing my forward roll now.
5. It’s really fun to be developing my backward roll now too.
6. It’s super fun to be working on my cartwheel now too.
7. I am enjoying working on my basic bodyweight skills. This totally rings my bells.
8. It’s fun and it’s easy. My energy flows naturally and extremely well in this area. I love
adding positive momentum to my feelings about this.
9. I love improving my strength and stamina and health and flexibility each and every day
with my mind. Just adding PPM (pure positive momentum) is enough.
10. I love how the tone in my legs and all my muscles are improving now with the wonderful
power of my thoughts and my visualizations. This is easy and fun.
11. Reaching daily for better feeling thoughts about exercise and stretching and my
amazing body is fun.

1. I cherish how much fun I am having exercising to my heart’s delight. Exercise is so
much fun. It’s so satisfying. I love how my energy flows so well when I exercise.
2. I love how much time I have to exercise the way I want. Time is my friend.
1. I only exercise because it is fun!
2. So clear that I don’t “need” to exercise to lose weight or maintain flexibility. Just
being in the thrilling feeling place will inspire me to do all the fun flexible exercise I
need and want to do.
3. That said, me doing pullups and handstands and pancake straddles et al successfully and
easily are already in my vortex. IT IS DONE. Just like my deep squats! OH YES!

1. Exercise is fun and exciting
2. Exercise is the easiest thing to do first thing in the morning
3. I am eager to get out of bed everyday and to get my exercise routine done
4. I relish my daily inspired exercise – I feel great all the way through
5. Exercise is a wonderful way to stay in shape.
6. Exercise is a fun way to get my heart pumping
7. Dancing is a great form of exercise
8. I love to exercise as much as I can
9. I love how slim and healthy exercise keeps me.
10. Exercise is a wonderful way for me to express myself.
11. Exercise is a wonderful way for me to stay slim and sharp and beautiful and radiant and
12. I really enjoy exercising everyday – it’s easy for me to find a way to exercise to my
heart’s delight under all conditions. WOW!

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