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Student: Daniel Nicolás González Sánchez

Smart Academy
Interchange 3
Bogotá D.C.

My bestfriend is Diego, he’s easygoing and doesn’t take life too seriously. Diego is
go-getter and challenge seeker person, so He’s someone who loves to learn new
things and be challenged. I have known my friend Diego since we were 12 years
old. He lived in my building and since I met him he has always been the same
asshole but a good person. When we were kids we talked about what we wanted
to be when we grew up. He said he wanted to be an astronaut because he wanted
to take his mom to the moon, but the reality may not be different, since he
graduated as a writer from the national university of Colombia and he was able to
take his mom to the moon, with one of the stories he has written.


I’ll never forget that day

Yesterday, I was walking in the park when someone cut me in, so I realized that I
had thrown my keys on the floor, therefore the person picked them up and gave
them to me, I was receiving the keys and I remembered that I had forgotten to
send my homework. Then, I came back home quickly and when I arrive, I noticed
that I had not locked my door, fortunately no one had entered my house I was
finally able to submit my homework and decided to stay home to watch a movie
with my girlfriend.


When you visit Bogotá, there are some important things you should know:
1. If you are visiting Monserrate, you’re sopposed to wear comfortable clothes and
since we are in the winter season, do not forget to bring an umbrella.
2. If you plan to know the downtown, You’re supposed to keep your things secure.
3. when you visit the Plaza de Bolívar, it’s the custom to feed the pigeons and it’s
acceptable to take photographs.
4. When you visit the Candelaria neighborhood, it’s the custom to go to the
museums and get to visit the Chorro de Quevedo. Also You’re expected to drink
the chichi de colores.

Don’t buy From “Maricaditas varias”

Last week I bought some headphones through the, in the online
store "Maricaditas varias". The headphones arrived at my house yesterday, but
these were damaged, they had the following defects:
 The cable is torn and there are a few scratches on these one, it needs to be
 the headphone jack is not inserted correctly into the input of any device, it
needs to be fixed.
My headphones need changing. I do not recommend buying from this online store
cause When I contacted the store to report my problem with my headphones, the
store told me that they had no more headphones in stock and that I had to wait one
month until these ones arrived again.

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