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1. 이건희(삼성전자 회장/1 위/8 조 5 천억), 이재용(삼성전자 사장/4 위/2 조 9 천억),

정몽구(현대기아자동차 회장/2 위/7 조 2 천억), 정의선(현대자동차 부회장/5 위/2 조 8 천억)
박현주(미래에셋 회장/6 위/2 조 4 천억), 김택진(NCSOFT 대표이사/12 위/1 조 8 천억)
 The richest 1 percent of Americans possess over a third of the country’s wealth, more than the
combined wealth of the bottom 90 percent of American families.
 경제개발협력(OECD) 30 개 회원국 중 한국의 경제적 불평등이 미국을 제외하고 가장 심한 것으로 나타났다. 20 일
기획재정부와 OECD 에 따르면, 2007 년 기준 소득 조사 결과, 소득수준을 9 개 구간으로 구분한 뒤 최상위인 9
분위의 소득을 최하위 1 분위의 소득으로 나눈 배율은 4.74 로 미국의 4.85 에 이어 두 번째로 높았다. 한국에서
최상위층의 소득이 최하위층보다 평균 4.7 배 높다는 뜻이다. 특히 이 배율은 1997 년 3.72 에서 0.72 포인트 상승한
것이어서 지난 10 년간 소득 불균형이 더욱 심화됐음을 보여준다.(2009 년 9 월 프레시안)
(1) Should we tax the rich to help the poor?
(2) Is economic inequality fair as long as it arises without force or fraud?

Two Objections to wealth redistribution

A. High tax rates will reduce the incentive to work, thus leading to a decline in productivity.
B. Taxing the rich to help the poor is unjust because it violates a fundamental right. Taking money
away from the rich without their consent is violating their liberty.

Libertarians favor unfettered markets and oppose government regulation, not in the name of economic
efficiency but in the name of human freedom. Each of us has a fundamental right to liberty – the right
to do whatever we want with the things we own, provided we respect other people’s rights to do the

2. The Minimal State

Only a minimal state – one that enforces contracts, protects private property from theft, and keeps the
peace – is compatible with the libertarian theory of rights.

Three types of policies that the libertarians reject

(1) No ______________: Seatbelt laws, motorcycle helmet laws, Social Security
“If a man knowingly prefers to live for today, to use his resources for current employment, by what
right do we prevent him from doing so?” – Milton Friedman
Milton Friedman also objects to minimum wage, laws against employment discrimination, and
occupational licensing.
(2) No __________ Legislation: Laws against prostitution, homosexuality, adultery(간통죄)
형법 제 241 조 ① 배우자가 있는 자가 간통한 때에는 2 년 이하의 징역에 처한다. 그와 상간한 자도 같다.
(3) No _____________ of Wealth: Redistributive taxes are a form of theft
Any attempt to bring about greater economic equality was bound to be coercive and destructive of
a free society. –Freidrich A. Hayek

The libertarian philosophy does not map neatly onto the political spectrum.
Conservatives are libertarians only when it comes to economic policies.
Liberals are libertarians only when it comes to cultural issues such as gay marriage.
3. Free-Market Philosophy
No one should be forced to help other people. Taxing the rich to help the poor coerces the rich. It
violates their right to do what they want with the things they own. -Robert Nozick

Distributive justice depends on two requirements: Justice in initial holdings and Justice in transfer.

4. Park Ji-Sung’s Money

“Taxing of earnings from labor is on a par with forced labor.” – Robert Nozick
(1) If I own myself, I must own my labor.
(2) If I own my labor, I must be entitled to the fruits of my labor.
(3) So taxing some of Park’s $10 million to help the poor violates his rights. In effect, the state is a part
owner of her. Park JS is a slave!

5. Do We Own Ourselves?
Objection 1: Taxation is not as bad as forced labor. If you are taxed, you can always choose to work less
and pay lower taxes.

Objection 2: The poor need the money more.

Libertarian reply:______________________________________________________________________________________________.

Objection 3: Park doesn’t play alone. He therefore owes a debt to those who contribute to his success.
Libertarian reply:______________________________________________________________________________________________.

Objection 4: Park is not really being taxed without his consent. As a citizen of a democracy, he has a
voice in making the tax laws to which he is subject.
Libertarian reply:______________________________________________________________________________________________.

Objection 5: Park is lucky. Park cannot claim credit for his natural gifts, or for living at a time when
basketball is popular and richly rewarded. These things are not his doing. He is not morally entitled to
keep all the money his talents reap.
Libertarian reply:______________________________________________________________________________________________.

The notion of self-ownership is appealing, especially for those who seek a strong foundation for
individual rights. The idea that I belong to myself, not to the state or political community, is one way of
explaining why it is wrong to sacrifice my rights for the welfare of others.
Self-ownership in other domains: Government should not ban contraceptives or abortion. The law should
not punish adultery, prostitution, or homosexuality, because adults should be free to decide what to do
with their bodies. Some even defend a right to assisted suicide. It’s my body.

If you truly believe the idea of self-ownership, you should also support the following. Do you?
Selling kidneys Assisted suicide Consensual cannibalism


1. The second objection regards these calculations as beside the point. 논지와 관련이 없는
2. Libertarians favor unfettered markets and oppose government regulation. =not confined and restricted
3. Only a minimal state is compatible with the libertarian theory of rights. 양립할 수 있는
4. The libertarian rejects three types of policies and laws that modern states commonly enact. =법제화하다
5. paternalism 온정주의, 가부장적 태도
6. Such help should be left up to the individual to undertake, not mandated by the government. 권한을
7. choosing a penurious old age… 몹시 가난한
8. if I want a bargain appendectomy 저렴한 맹장수술
9. [가정법] If you made a fortune selling stolen goods, you would not be entitled to the proceeds. ~을
받을 자격이 있다, 수익
10. gifts bestowed upon you by others =to bestow something on somebody ~을 ~에게 주다
11. the expropriation of property (토지 등의) 수용, 몰수
12. these measures are for the sake of redressing past wrongs 바로잡다, 시정하다
13. two problems with patterned theories of distributive justice. 정형화된 이론
14. The moral stakes go beyond money. (내기)에 걸린 돈, 걸려있는 것
15. At issue is nothing less than human freedom. 이슈가 되는 것은
16. Taxation of earnings from labor is on a par with forced labor. ~와 등급이다
up to par 보통 정도는 되는 / below par 기대 이하의 / be par for the course 보통이다, 당연하다
17. This line of reasoning takes us to the moral crux of the libertarian claim. 핵심, 중요한 부분
18. Chicago Bulls fans were bereft. 상실감에 빠진
19. Nor may the state lay claim to one of my kidneys more than I do. 소유권을 주장하다
20. Jordan gives his consent to abide by the majority’s will and obey the laws. 준수하다
21. Many who reject laissez-faire economics invoke the idea of self-ownership in other domains. ~을

이용하다, 불러내다
22. What matters is not the purpose but the right to dispose of our property as we please. ~을 제거하다
23. He was charged, tried and convicted of second-degree murder. 유죄로 판결받다.
24. The libertarian rationale for assisted suicide is hard to disentangle from the compassion rationale. 이유,
25. The lurid fascinated the public and confounded the court. 끔찍한 / 당혹스럽게 하다
26. The court attempted to resolve the conundrum. 난문제, 수수께기
27. In a bizarre denouement to the sordid tale, the cannibal killer has reportedly become a vegetarian in
prison. (연극, 소설) 대단원, the sequence of events at the end, when things come to a conclusion.

다음 주 진도 Ch.4.
Debate #2 중간고사 이후로 연기 5 월 1 일 실시
Team C(조영상, 이혁기, 이주영, 최희현) VS. Team D(신동일, 최영수, 윤혜린)
Motion: “This house believes that adultery law should be abolished. ”

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