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“The 2nd Topic”

Quantitative Inquiry

Quantitative inquiry is an object type of specific inquiry in which the researcher

attempts to be detached from the actual subject of the study.

The characteristics:

a. Use numerical data to describe the phenomena

b. Assumes objective reality
c. Construct a hypothesis

The types of this inquiry are experimental, causal comparative, correlational,

descriptive or survey.

Qualitative Inquiry

In this inquiry, the researcher is much more personally involved with their study.
This inquiry is more naturalistic, emergent, and case oriented.

The characteristics;

a. Studies the natural setting of the subject\

b. Assumes the researcher are involved in the study more extent.
c. Assumes each study is more independent to itself and emergent.

The types are historical, ethnography, phenomenology and cultural, case and study.

Inductive Reasoning

Inductive reasoning is a logical process in which multiple premises, all believed true
or most of the time, are combined to obtain a specific conclusion or to supply the evidence
for the truth of conclusion.

The main points in this reasoning are; logically true, and may or may not be
realistically true.


1st statement : Mango is a fruit (specific)

2nd statement : The box is full of fruits (specific)

Conclusion : The box is full of mangoes (general)

The first and second statements are true, but the conclusion is wrong. It can be true,
it can be false. The basket may be full of other fruits. It’s logically true but not definitely

Deductive Reasoning

Deductive reasoning is an argument that is intended of argues to be deductively

valid, that is to provide a guarantee of the truth of the conclusion provides that the
arguments premises are true.
Theory Testing and Theory Formulation

Theory Testing

Theory testing is the purpose of doing research through quantitative design. It is

why we need to have hypothesis in quantitative r. then verify the hypothesis. Theory
Testing is primarily applied by the graduate student, as the name suggests, doing a test
whether a certain theory of his choosing is a plausible explanation of phenomenon he
would like to investigate.

The main focus of theory testing is to find evidence to confirm or refute a theory.
Theory testing, in this instance, tries to find out if there is there sufficient evidence to
substantiate the Anthropogenic Global Warming Theory.

Theory Formulation

Theory formulation is the purpose of doing research through qualitative design. We

start from collecting the specific evidences to generalize/formulate a new theory. Theory
formulation is development of theories. Some scientific explanations are so well established
that no new evidence is likely to alter them. The explanation becomes a scientific theory.

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