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The local artist

The artist started on her house when she was a kid, she got interested by drawing on
walls with crayons and eventually she got gifted colored pencils and paint. The common
features of her art were traditional and “a bit realistic she” said. She got influenced by
her cousins who also draws and her uncle who is a well-known artist. Her art career is
mostly is just a hobby and her boredoms. She also encountered difficulties such as art
blocks and self-criticism
Pictures of her art:

Part II
1. What have you learned after researching the significant regional artist you have
- I have learned that every person has a secret talent that only that person knows about.
2. How do you feel now that you have learned about the artist's life?
- I feel amazed by the life that the artist has
3. How are you going to develop further and promote the arts of the artist from your
- By sharing their arts through social media to the point where the government
recognizes their art.

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