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Reviewer in ASL 1(Finals)

 Multiple Choice
 Essay Test - type of test is believed as the easiest type of assessment
instrument to construct and score but actually not true
 Arrangement Test - type of test item in which learners are required to sequence
and order the sentences and letters
 Knowledge – it is the level where usually measures in multiple choice of test
especially in memorization aspects.
 Come up with TOS – first step in making a test.
 Essay - most appropriate type of test to use if teachers want to measure learners’
higher order thinking skills, particularly their abilities to reason, analyze,
synthesize and evaluate
 Completion item test - type of test item in which learners are required to answer a
question by filling in a blank with the correct word or phrase
 Constructive response type - type of test in which the learners are asked to
formulate their own answers
 Oral presentation – usually used in subjects with performance based
 Learning activities - not a factor in choosing particular test format
 Desired learning outcome - statements that learners are expected to do or
demonstrate as a result of engaging in the learning process.


 Discrimination Index - It is a type of item discrimination where more students from the
upper group got the right answer than lower ones.
 Item Analysis - It is the percentage of students answering correctly in each
 test item
 Index of Mastery - It is a procedure used to identify good items by determining index of
difficulty and index of discrimination.
 It tells the teacher something meaningful about the comprehension or performance on
material or task contained in an item.
 Item Difficulty - It is the percentage of high scoring individuals responding correctly
to an item.
 Grammar - is one of the sources of difficulty in the use of essay test because the language
dimension is very critical to the parameters of the task.
 Analogy test - used in measuring the student’s skill in sensing association between paired
words or concepts.
 Verbal/Oral Test - a test that is appropriate to use in measuring verbal associative
 knowledge.
 Identification - test that seems easy to construct but difficult in nature as there are few
assertions and are sensitive to guessing.
 Multiple choice of Test - the most widely used form of test because of its versatility
True or False
Read the following statements carefully.

 Including test items on questions covered in the class

 Implementing the school policy on cheating.
 The examiner should not leave the room while testing is in progress.
 Encouraging students to do their best in the test.
 Discussing the result of the test in the class.
 Giving long test to cover everything multiple discussion during a marking
 Be vigilant to the name of the examinee before scoring each question
 Constructing an essay test consisting of multiple question or topic .
 Making essay item relevant and limited in scope.
 Rereading essay answers a second time after initial scoring

 Giving weight to content rather than handwriting in scoring the essay item.

 Requiring students to answer all essay questions included in the test.

 Determining in advance points to be given for each essay question

 Use creative way in preparing questions answerable by yes or no.

 Making generalized estimate of the worth of the entire paper.

Strategies Before Testing
1. Teach well.
2. Give students sufficient time to prepare for the test.
3. Acquaint the students with the nature of the test and its coverage.
4. Define to the students what is meant by cheating.
5. Explain the discipline to be imposed when caught cheating.
Guidelines in Administering the Test
1. Provide a quite and comfortable setting
2. Anticipate questions that students may ask
3. Set a proper atmosphere for testing
4. Discourage cheating
Strategies During Testing
1. Require the students to remove unnecessary materials from their desk.
2. Have the students sit in alternating seats.
3. Go around the testing room and observe students during testing.
4. Prohibit the borrowing of materials like pen and eraser.
5. Prepare alternate forms of the test.
6. Implement established cheating rules.
7. Help students keep track of time.

Distractors on students responses on scoring essay item

1. Handwriting
2. Style
3. Grammar
4. Neatness
5. Knowledge of the students
Sources of Difficulty in the Use of Essay Tests
1. Question Construction
2. Reader Reliability
3. Instrument Reliability
4. Instrument Validity

Guidelines in Matching Type of Test

1. Using heterogeneous material must be avoided in matching exercise. For
instance, dates and terms, persons and events, measurement and definitions,
persons and dates, and many others must not be mixed with each other.
2. More options, from which selections are made, must be included than items
to minimize the guessing factors, in other words. Unbalanced matching type
is preferable.
3. Each category must be grammatically consistent.
4. All options, including distractors or wrong responses, must be plausible or
closely related with each other.
5. The item column must be placed at the left or Column A and option Column at
the right or Colum B.
6. . Option column must be arranged in alphabetical order and dates in
chronological order to facilitate the selection of the correct answer so that the
student will not read all of the options if he knows the answer starts with letter
Z; hence, he look for the answer at the last part or at the bottom. Each option
is assigned a code number or letter.
7. There should be only one correct response in each item.
8. Be sure each item has a pair in the option column.
9. The ideal number of items is 5 to 10 and maximum of 15.
10. All items must be appeared on one page to avoid waste of time and energy in
turning the pages.
Guidelines in constructing binary response
1. The test items must be arranged in groups of five to facilitate learning. The
groups must be separated by two single spaces and the items within a group by
single space.
2. In indicating responses, it must be simple as possible where a single letter is
enough to facilitate scoring.
3. The use of similar statements from the book must be avoided to minimize rote
memory in studying.
4. The items are carefully constructed so that the language is within “nothing.” And
“no” are more likely to be false and should be avoided.
5. Specific determiners like “all,” “always,” “none,” “never,” and “usually,” and “often”
are more likely to be true, thus, the aforementioned determiners must be avoided
because they give indirect suggestion to probable answers.
6. Qualitative terms, for instance, “few,” “many,” “great,” “frequent”, “and large” are
vague indefinite and must be avoided.
7. Statements which are partly right and partly wrong must be avoided.
8. Statements must be strongly considered that they are represent either true or
9. Ambiguous and double negative statements must be avoided.
10. Make sure the answer in item number 1 is “YES”.

Guidelines in constructing completion items

1. As a general rule, it is best to use only one blank in a completion item.
2. The blank should be place near or at the end of the sentence.
3. Give clear instructions in indicating whether synonyms will be correct and
whether spelling will be a factor in scoring.
4. Be definite enough in the incomplete statement so that only one correct answer
in possible.
5. Avoid using direct statements from the textbook with a word or two missing.
6. All blanks for all items should be of equal length and long enough to
accommodate the longest response.
Guidelines in constructing correction items
1. Underline or italicize the word or phrase to be corrected in a sentence.
2. Specify in the instruction where students will write their correction of the
underlined or italicized the word or phrase.
3. Write items that measure higher levels of cognitive behavior.
Guidelines in constructing Enumeration items
1. The exact number of expected answers should be specified.
2. Spaces for the writing of answers have to be provided and should be of the same length.

Form of Grades
1. Percentage Grade
2. Letter Grade
3. Narrative Grade
4. Norm-Referenced Grading

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