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DNA REVIEW  Mitosis follows interphase.

 During mitosis, one parent cell divides into
 Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA) contains the two daughter cells.
information for life – all the instructions needed  All somatic cells ( cells that are not sex cells
to make proteins (including enzymes) that make eggs & sperm) undergo mitosis.
 A segment of DNA that controls the production  There are FOUR phases of Mitosis (PMAT):
of a protein is called a gene. Hundreds of genes - Prophase
together make up a chromosome. - Metaphase
DNA → Gene → Chromosome - Anaphase
 DNA is a polymer made up of a chain of - Telophase
 Each nucleotide has three parts: PROPHASE
 simple sugar (deoxyribose)
 1st and longest phase in mitosis
 phosphate group
 Chromosomes in the cell condenses
 Nitrogen base (adenine, guanine, thymine,
 Nuclear envelope disappears.
or cytosine)
 Centrioles (organelle that produces spindle
THE CELL CYCLE fibers) have separated and move to opposite
ends of the cell.
 We have learned that the basic unit of life is  Spindle fibers form and radiate toward the
the cell. center of the cell.
 Like all living things, the cell goes through a
cycle of growth and reproduction.
 The sequence of growth and division of a cell is
called the Cell Cycle.
 Most of the cell’s life is spent in in the growth  Shortest phase of mitosis
phase known as interphase.  Chromosomes line up across the middle of the
- Made up of three phases: G1, S, and G2 cell.
 The shortest phase in the cycle is the cell  Spindle fibers connect the centromere of each
division phase known as mitosis and sister chromatid to the poles of the cell.
cytokinesis.  Sister chromatids are pulled to the middle of
the cell and line up on the midline.
 One sister chromatid from each pair points to
 Once a cell becomes a certain size, it will divide one pole while the other points to the opposite
into two cells pole.
 The larger a cell grows
- The more demands on the cell’s DNA
- Proteins and other substances are not  Centromeres that join the sister chromatids
produced quick enough for a large cell split.
to maintain.  Sister chromatids separate becoming
- The more demands on the cell’s membrane individuals’ chromosomes.
- Nutrients and wastes have a hard time  Separated chromatids move to opposite poles
crossing the membrane because of the of the cell.
lack of surface area.
 Last phase of mitosis TUMORS
 Chromosomes (each consisting of a single
 Mass of cancer cells= tumor
chromatid) uncoil.
 Benign Tumor- abnormal mass of cells stays at
 A nuclear envelope forms around the
original site.
chromosomes at each pole of the cell.
 Malignant Tumor- abnormal cells that break
 Spindle fibers break down and dissolve.
off, enter the blood and lymph systems and
 Cytokinesis begins.
invade other organs and form new tumors.
CYTOKINESIS  A tumor grows from a single cancer cell, Cancer
Cells invade neighboring tissue, Cancer Cells
 Cytokinesis is the division of the cytoplasm into spread through lymph and blood vessels too
two individual cells. other parts of the body
 Each new cell has its own nucleus and
 Different process in animal and plant cells:
 Radiation Therapy- uses radiation to kill cancer
 In animals: the cell membrane forms a cleavage
cells and shrink tumors
furrow that will pinch into two cells.
- Damages the cell’s DNA so that it cannot
 In plants: the cell plate forms midway the cell
wall of the plant cell. Between the divided
- Usually localized so it won’t kill healthy cells.
nuclei, which gradually develops into a
 Chemotherapy- uses drugs to kill actively
separating membrane
dividing cells and healthy cells.
CYTOKINESIS IN ANIMAL AND PLANT CELLS - Travels throughout the entire body

•Animal cells – cell membrane starts to pinch CELL DEATH

around middle of cell (forms a cleavage furrow)
until it completely separates 2 new cells
- programmed cell death
•Plant cells – cell wall starts to lay down pieces of
- Internal or external signals produce self-
cell wall between 2 new cells (called cell plate) until
destructive enzyme
it is completed
 Cell membrane and wall then forms around
each new cell - Human embryos have webbing between their
fingers and toes.
- Before birth, these cells go through apoptosis
 Cancer cells are an example of cells that do not so that the webbing disappears.
listen to the cell’s control system.
 Cancer cells keep dividing even though they
may be closely packed together, or no growth
factor is present.
 Cancer begins as a single cell.
 This cell is normally found and destroyed by the
body’s immune system. If not, this cell could
divide into a mass of identical daughter cancer

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