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1. The Cave
- Symbolizes the human brain
> The cave’s reflection on social media in the Philippines shows the similarity of thinking of the people
who express or post on social media because the cave symbolizes the human brain. There is a
misunderstanding as a symbol of the human brain because what we see and know is what we believe
2. Prisoners
- The prisoner symbolizes a person or us.
> The reflection of the prisoner on social media in the Philippines is our imprisonment on social media,
where we believe more in what we see, hear or watch than in knowing its truth.
3. Puppeteer
- The puppeteers are the influential people in real life
- Puppeteers are the people who can manipulate us.
> The puppeteer’s reflection on social media in the Philippines controls social media where they reverse
what is going on. Examples of this are fake accounts, fake pages, and so on.
4. Puppet
- Things that are strained to be believed
5. Fire
- Fabricated reality
6. Shadow
- This is what we assume to be the truth
> The reflection of the shadow on social media in the Philippines is the things people post on social
media that people believe and learn from misinformation.
7. Freed/freed person
- Educated person
8. Sun
- Truth/Reality
9. Reflection

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