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2 Impulse and Collision

The left side of th is equat ion gi ves m the chang e in mome
Jn daily life, collis ion i.s the most comm on phenomeno mum:
n . In - P, = t:.jJ . The right side, which has a
ft 1
collision proce ss two obJects may or may not touch physic measure of both the
. . ~ h . al! . magni tude and the durati on of the colJi.sion f.orce, is
called the
They interact or a s ort time for excha nging their mome y
ntum Impulse J of the collisi on:
and energy. The force that two colliding bodie s exert
on one
an~ther acts only f~r a short tim~, giving a brief but strong
Tots type of force 1s called an impul sive force. In other
pus h. ]= f' Fdt ...( iii)
words Thus, the change in an object 's mome ntum is equal
impulsive force is a huge force acting for a very small to the
time ~ impulse on the object, which is also area under force- time
a body. In this chapt er we will learn about impulsive forces 0 graph.
and Equat ion (iii) can also be writte n in the vector form.
mv1 =mv, + J, Fdr
- or mv , =mv -
..,.J ...(iv )

Equation (iv) is called Im:pulse-:~,fomenrum equat ion.

There are many situat ions in which the force acting
on an
object is not const ant but varies with time. For examp INSTAN TAN EOUS lMPUl.SE
le, when
batsman hits the ball, the period of contact is very There are many occasions when a force acts for soch a short
less but time
force is huge, Fig. (a) shows a cricke t ball being hit by that the effect is instantaneous, e.g., a bat striking a balL
bat, and In such
Fig. (b) illustrates appro ximat ely how the force applie cases, although the magnitude of the F •
d to the
ball by the bat chang es durin g the time of contact. The force and the time for which it acts may r
of the force is zero at the instan t t; (just befor e the bat each be unknown, the value of their
touches p,- p
the ball). Durin g conta ct, the force rises to a maxim um product (i.e., impulse) can be knov."D by
and then
returns to zero at the time ~ (when the ball leaves the measuring the initial and final
bat). The
time interval 6.t = t - ti durin g which the bat and ball
1 are in
momenta. Thus, we can write .,
contact is quite short, being only a few thous andth s of
although the maxim um force can be very large, often
a second,
J = F dt = 6jJ = p1 - P;
thousands of newto ns. Regarding the impulse, it is impor tant to note that impuls
applied to an object in a given time inte:r,al can also be calcul
r.F ated
from the area under the force-time (F --1) graph in the same
Ball • time
~ x .y
Important Points:
• Magn itude of impul se is equal to area under the F - t
t1 ,,
Force applied by bat on ball J
J = Fdt =F.,._At.
(a) (b) • It is not a property of any particle, but it is a me&l>,U -C of
the :
degree to which an external force changes the mome ntum
The ball exper ience s a force F(t) that varies during the
collision of the particle.
and chang es the linear mome ntum P of the ball . That
change is
related to the force by Newt on's secon d law writte n in
the form
F = dp!dt . By rearra nging this secon d-law expression, w~ see
that, in time interv al dt, the chang e in the ball's mome The hero of a stunt film fires 50 g bullets from .a maclrine
ntum is gun.
each at a speed of 1.0 km/s. lf he fires 20 bullets in 4 s,
dp = F(t)d t ... (i) average force does he exert against the machine gun
If we integrate both sides of Eq. (i) from a time t, just before this period?
the collision to a time t just after the collision~ - The linear momentum of each bullet
1 p = mv = 0.050 x 1000 = 50 kg m/s
Pr 'r
Jdp = JF(t)dt ... (ii) is impar ted to gun. Thus, the rate of change of linear mome
P, t, of the gun is
- - tum o f the ba ll.
Final linear mome no _J·k ) x (25 cos 3 7"; + 25 sin 3 70 i) "''
2.2 Mechanics II .- -. = (200 XI g ·1u1
dp _ 50 x 20 = 250 N - = (4i + 3}) N-s tu
⇒ P nnnl d
dt - 4 force of "50 N . . . le of im pulse an mo m en rn
the hero must exert n - Now apply ing pnn~•P .
In order to hold the gwl. ·
- -p- .. ,+J ·,.. ,. ,..
against the gW1. Pfino l - in111 0
. _ _ _ _ - . .. ) = (4i +3 }) - (-2i)= (6i + 3J )N-s
~~ on a fri ctionle ss honzonta
· I Ol J - ( Pnnnl P n111al
rt e d by the bat on a ,
b II

F. which varies as The averag e force exe

A box of mass m = 10 kg hres _mgntal force .
d. t d upon by n onzo hen . _ ] _ (6i + 3}) N
groWl 1s ac e . 1 . the force ceases to act.
sho\\'11. Find speed of the part1c e w Fm. =M- !1t
Force = 0.50 s, in Eq. (i) w e g et
(a) Substi tuting !1t
!OON -- - -
- _ ] =( 6 l + 3)) =1 2 f+6 ) N
F,,v - /1t 0.5
(b) Substi tuting M = 0.05 s, in Eq. (i) we get

- (6i+ 3)) =l20i +60) N

iii) The area under force-time graph gives the impulse. Fm. = M 0.05
Hence impulse acting on the box (c) Substi tuting !J.t = 0.005 s, in Eq. (i) we get
] = r 1
Fdt = Area under the graph= X l00x 2 = 100 N-s 2
ft = J (6 i + J)) l200f + 600) N
/J.( 0.005
Using Impulse-Momentum equation: av

a s the duratiq
mv =mv+ J
Fdt or mvf =mv;+J (d) It is clear from the above result s that
contac t betwe en the ball and the bat decrea ses, effect a
/ I 1,

} 0 XV = }0 XO+ 100 ⇒ V = 10 m/s weigh t of the ball also decrea ses as comp ared with th
the force of the bat and for suffic iently short time inte
Al it can be neglec ted.
A ball of mass 200 g is moving horizontally with a speed of
l 0 mis. It is struck by a bat, as a result it starts movin g with a
speed of 25 mis at an angle of 37° above the horizontal in the IMPULSIVE FORCE
same vertical plane as shown in the figure. A force of relativ ely higher magni tude and acting for re lab
shorte r time is called impuls ive force . An impul si ve fore(
change the mome ntum of a body in a finite magni tude in

short time interval. Impul sive force is a relativ e term . There!

clear bound ary betwe en an impuls ive and a non-im pulsive

Note: Usuall y collidi ng forces are impul sive in nature .
Since the applic ation time is very small, hence , very I
of motion of the particl e takes place.
(a) Find the average force exerted by the bat if duration
impact is 0.50 s. Important Points:
(b) Find the average force exerted by the bat if duration of
impact is 0.05 s. • Gravit ationa l force and spring force are always tr
of impulsive.
(c) Find the average force exerted by the bat if duration
impact is 0.005 s. • No~a l, te~sio n and frictio n are case depen dent.
(d) What do you conclude for impulse of weight of the ball as • :'-11 un?uls1ve force can only be balanc ed by anoO
unpuls1ve force .
duration of contact decreases?
~ Init~ally the_ball is moving horizontally with 10 mis atafter
Impulsive normal: In case of collisi on norma l forcl
colhs10n with bat, 1t starts moving with a speed of 25 mis the surfac e of collisi on are alway s impul sive.
angle of 37° above the horizontal

25 sin 37° Impulsive normal ~eaction
YL x j~/
vw,~S v0 ,..1 "' 25

25 cos3 7°
GR N2 N,

Initial linear momentum of the ball,

* t
PinitiaJ = (200x l0- kg)x lOm/s (-i)= - 2l N-s In Figs (a) and (b) , N ts. . . pJl
• 1 unpuls ive· N. is non-1rn
In Figs . (c) and (d), both the norma {s a!e impulsive.
Impulse and Collision 2.3

reac ti on betwee n ground and wedge (N 2 ) . Hence friction

force betwee n wedge and ground will be impulsive in
10 J.
natu re.
Impulsive tension : Wh en a strin g jerk s, equal and opposite

•s<s :2
R Sphere ' I' is resting on
tension acts suddenl y at each end . Consequently, equal
and opposite impul ses ac t on the bodi es attached with the
strin g in th e directi on o f th e string. There are two cases to
be cons idered.
ground. sphere '2' is moving
and coll ide ,vith sphere ' I ' Note: In case of rod, tension is always impulsive. In case of
spring. tension is always non-impulsjve.

Case (a) Case (b) Case (c)

(c) (d)

tn Figs. le) and ( t) . the nonnal reaction between the spheres

(N 1) is impulsive . This impul sive reaction is inclined
with horizontal. Its vertical component of this impulsive
reaction is in verti cal up direction on the sphere 'I' , while
the vertical component of this impulsive reaction will be
in yertical downward direction of sphere '2 ' . Hence the
normal reaction between sphere ' 2 ' and ground will be
Tis non-impulsive
Ti s non-impulsive
- - 01_
T is non-impulsive

The impulsive
The impulsive The impulsive
impulsive. normal reaction normal reaction
normal reaction
lmpulsive between the spheres between the' between the spheres
ormal reaction
is in horizontal spheres will has component in
2 vertical downward
direction. It will have component
__.- , T">. lmpulsive not have any in vertical up direction on sphere
Sp,il= T and sphett "2' are moving N, ! N, !normal reaction ' 1 ' . Hence tension
component in direction on
ID"'7 llds each other and collide
t \!/ vertical downward sphere 'I' . in the string should
direction, hence the The string will be impulsive in
(e) (f)
tension in this case slack. Hence nature.
. Impulsive friction: If the normal between the two objects non-impulsive. no impulsive
is impulsive, then the friction between the two will also be reaction.
Imp ulsive normal reaction

A right angled wedge of mass Mand

--- ~ .. N1
base angle 0 resting over a smooth v=?-+-
!~ Rough //, horizontal surface. A small ball of ; \.!o
-+- I

The wedge is at rest and Friction is non-impulsive

mass m, moving horizontally with '--------9
moving particle collides
Y.-ith the wedge
i /,
velocity v0 collide with wedge on
sloping surface. If after collision the
ball starts moving in vertical, upward
(a) (b)
direction, then ca.lculate:
The impulsive normal reaction (N1) is in horizontal (i) impulse of normal reaction applied by wedge on the ball
direction. Hence the normal reaction between ground and (ii) impulse of normal reaction applied by ground on wedge
wedge (N 2) is non-impul sive. It means here friction should (iii) velocity of the ball just after collision.
be non-impulsive. (iv) velocity of the wedge just after collision.
(v) If the coefficient of friction between ground and wedge is

Impulsi ve nonnal reactio~·- ...\
µ. Th.en calculate frictional impulse.
~ <_\
Friction is impuls ive o (l) In this case both the normal renctjons (between the ball and
~ "'-p,-==zlt!:i: - - --' w edge and between wedge and ground) will be impulsive
~ N2)
f F .dt
Moving particle bits the incli ne
face of tbe wedge at reSI. lmpulsi ve normal reaction \J/ /~ in nature. We know impulse ] =

Hence the direction of impulse will be same as the direction

(c) (d)
of impulsive force, here in this case it is normal reaction.
In this case the vertical component of impuls ive normal Making impulsive diagram of the situation (impulsive
reaction (N 1) will be responsible for impulsive normal diagram will be same as FBD in laws of motion)
2.4 Mechanics II

- ·
Ve locity of the particle JUSt bfi .
e ore impact With th -
1 1
u = J2 gh

usin0 lu
-- Jg~'n0

0 Jcosl)
) -

Now app ly ing impul se m o me ntum equation for ball,
ln x-direction. (Pm;.,., ), + (]1), = (Pr.n.1),
.1J----,,. tmpul sc by ground on wedge -2+- --
~ vcosO
0 ~ l.
The linear momentu m o~ the partic~e just after LllJP.,_
-m1·0 + .!1 sin fJ= 0 ... (i) the direction no~al to impulse. wil_l not chan~e. - ~
Final linear momentum of the ball in x-direction will be velocity of the particle parallel to mchned plane Just\
zero as the ball starts moving in upward direction . collision and just after collision should be same. t
mv0 v cos 0 = u sin 0 ⇒ v = u tan 0 on
Hence from (i), 1 1 = - - = mv0 cosec fJ ,u ll
sin fJ or v = .j2ih tan fJ ,an
(ti) As \vedge is not moving in vertical direction, then from (ii) The particle just after collision started moving in hor{ tl
impulse diagram of wedge direction . Hence the compone nt of the velocity of '1e
1-::. = 1 1 cos 0= mv0 cot fJ in vertical direction after impact should be zero. i-1e
( iii) The ball just after collision starts moving up. Now we can impulse momentu m equation to the particle in 1Ql
apply impulse momentum equation in y-direction direction. -:w,
(pimw,JJ +(]I\. =Colina]\ (.PinitiaJ )y + J = (pfinal) y 1si1
⇒ -mu +Jcos 0 = 0
: s:
0+11 cosfJ= mv
1 cos 8 mv0 cot fJ or J = mu = mu sec fJ or J = m.jiih sec 8
or v = -1 - - --=---- ⇒ v = v cot 0 cos&
m m
(iii) Loss of kinetic energy due to impact
(iv) after collision the wedge starts moving towards left.
Now we can apply impulse- momentu m equation for ( M)1oss = Kinitial - K final = ..!. mil - ..!. mv 2
wedge in horizontal direction. 2 2
(piniti,il).. +(]It = (pfinal)x = ..!.m(✓2gh) 2 _..!_m(✓2gh) 2 tan 2 (J
2 2
O+ (- J 1 sin 6') = -MV 1 ,
= m•2gh[l -tan- 6]
or V - - - - - - -
_ J 1 sin 8 _ mv0 2
M M or (M) 10,, = mgh [1- tan 2 6]
(v) As the normal reaction between ground and wedge is )r

impulsiv e, it means the friction force between the wedge Fo

and ground will also be impulsiv e. Hence the impulse of
friction force will be
A bob of mass M iis suspende d by an inextens ible br
string: A particle of mass m, moving with velocity
J tnrooo =µJ 2 = µ(mv0 cot 6')
v0 s~e the bob as shown in the figure . If the
, ~~Fr,
or frictional impulse J friciion = µmv0 cot fJ particle comes to rest just after collision then
calculate: '
✓ ;_-· ....... , ·~

,' "~

(!) impu~se of tension in the string

• / .. ..,,,, y .. "''-:.-:...--

(ii) velocity of the bob just after collision . e

A particle of mass m is released from height h on an inclined
plane. If after collision with the plane, the particle starts
moving horizonta lly as shown in figure .
(i) Here tension in the string will be impulsiv e in natuJI
f~i us make the impulse diagram of the situation. A~
impulse moment um equation for the particle :a)
------ --()
- mv0 - 1 1 = 0 or J = mv 'b)
I O '
Find:- ·
~ ·(i) velocity of the particle just after collision. Ii
Jtcnsion 1)
. (ii) impulse provided by th~ plane to the particle.
(iii) loss of tl,J.e kinetic energy of the particle due to impact. -+V
_ _ _ _ _ _ ___::,:Im
~pulse and Collision 2.5
/\s the string is inextensible, the bob cannot move in vertical
direction. Hence, Jtcnsion == J cos 0 or J . == mv cos 0 blocks 'A' and '~'- is also impulsive. Let th~ eed of the
1cns1on ·
system after collts1on be V. Let us make impulse diagram
(Ii) The hoi:izon~al con~ponent of impulse (J, sin 0) will be
of the bullet and blocks .
responsible for motion of the bob in horizontal direction
~~e , } normal--..

J sin 0 == M V or v = J, sin 0 "2-IT]

J ,ension
• 1111 10 sin
fJ Impulse on lmpulse on the Impulse on
=> V = - ' - - - th e block 'A' ' bullet' the block ' B'
Now writing impulse momentum equation
Aner collision the bob slarts moving in the circu lar path.
P ,nilial +J = Pr.nal
~ TRAT-IC N 2.7
For block 'A': 0 + J,en,ion =mV
A block of mass m and a pan of equal mass are
connected .~Y a string going over a smooth light or ]tension=mV ... (i)
pulley. lmt1ally. the system is at rest, then a For bullet: mu - J nonnal = m V ... (ii)
partkle of mass m falls on the pan and sticks to it.
lf the particle strikes the pan with a speed v, find For block 'B': Q + J normal - ] tension = mV
the speed with which the system moves just after or Jnonnal -J,en,ion =mV .. . (iii)
the collision.
From (i), (ii) and (iii), v= ~
When the particle strike the pan the normal reaction 3
between the pan and the particle is impulsive in nature. Hence Alternative: If we take both blocks and bullet as system,
ension in the string should also be impulsive. Let the speed of then both the tensile impulse and normal impulse will be
the system just after collision be V. internal to the system. Hence no external impulse acting on
the system, then linear momentum of the system should be

''! '!1 !v
t, Ill
!v GJ tv i-x or V=~
Pinitial = Prmal ⇒ rnu+mx0+mx0= (m+m+m)V

lmpulse on lmpulse on Impulse on 3

the particle the pan the block
(b) From impulse equation of the block 'A' [Eq. (i)]
Writing impulse momentum equation Impulse on A due to tension in the string
PinitiaJ + J = PrmaJ J,ension = m( ~) = ~u (towards left)
For the particle: -mv + 1 1 = -m V ... (i)
(c) From impulse equation of the bullet ' C' [Eq. (ii)]
For the pan: O+ J 2 -11 = -mV
or J2 - 1 1 = - rn V ... (ii) mu -}normal= m( ~)
For the block : 0 +1 2 =m V
or 12 = mV ... (iii) 2mu
or J norma, = - - (towards left)
From Eqs. (i), (ii) and (iii), V =~ (d) The impulse on the block 'B' due to normal force of
collision will be equal to the impulse on bullet i.e. , 2mu
li1FM..1"1tl)II Ze!,, (towards right). 3
Two identical blocks A and B, connected by a massless string,
are placed on a frictionless horizontal plane. A bullet having the iliii!iffiiisa;w
same mass, moving with speed u, strikes block B from behind as
shown. Lf the bullet gets embedded into block B, then find
Two particles A and B of equal mass m are attached
by a string of length 2/ and initially placed over a
~ T A

~ c~:31].
smooth horizontal table in the position shown in 1
figure . Particle B is projected across the table with l 8
speed u perpendicular to AB as shown in the figure. _u
(a) the velocity of A, B, C after collision; Find the velocities of each particle after the string
(b) impulse on A due to tension in the string; becomes taut and the magn1tude of the impulse tension.
(c) impulse on C due to nonnal force of collision;

- 1st Approach: When the particle 'B' is proje~ted ?n the
(d) impulse on B due to normal force of collision.
table with velocity u, it moves with constant velocity till the
string open to its full length. At this time t~e strin~ b~come~ ta~t.
(a) The normal reaction between bullet and block B is The tension developed in the string at this state 1s rrnpulSive m
impulsive nature . Also the tension in string connecting the nature.
Mechanics II - -: -. - ; this moment. will be impul sive in

2.6 m the stnng a · .
make impulse diagram of this s1tuat1on . ·l
OA A9'. J fix ed fix ed Th

T ' i ~ ~ A9', ,._J

I '
~ ~V

80- -- -- -- ----- ---- - - B' 0

/ :
2/ !\J c

l : ~ / V
" 11 86- -- - ------- - - - - -(} - F
~u B' ',~ ~ o
Initial configurati on . When string hccomcs I.nut ) r
When strin g becomes ta ut
Initial con figuration ::c
In MBB' ; sin fl =.!_ = _!_ => fl = 30"
2/ 2
lnMBB', sinf/=.!.__= -
⇒ &= 300
✓(il)i -/ ✓3
21 2
and cos fJ=
2 21
= .,,
✓(2/) 2 - / 2 - ✓3
As both the particles are connected by a string, the velocities and cos fl= -
of the particles along tl,e string should be equal say (v11 ). Now
(a) As string is inextensib le and it is fixe~ at end A. Her{I
applying impulse momentum equation for the particles
••• (i)
componen t of the velocity of the ~art1_cle along the ~.
For particle A : J = "n' 11 of the string should be zero. Usmg impulse mo8-
For particle B: mu cos 0 - J = m v11 ... (ii) equation along the length of the string.
ucosfl mucos/J -J = 0
F rom Eqs. (1.) an d (")
11 , v = --
11 2 mu ✓3
✓ Ju or J = mucos/ J=--
or v = - -
(b) The linear momentum of the particle normal to in
2ac1 approach: Ifwe take both particles and string as a system. The direction will not change. Hence the velocity of the I\
impulse generated in the string will be internal to system. It means will remain unchanged perpendic ular to the length ('
no external impulse on the system. Hence the linear momentum string.
will be conserved in any direction parallel to horizontal table. Let . 1 u
us conserve the linear moment in the direction of length of string. v=usml J=u·-=-
2 2
Prmtia1 =ft~ After this the ball starts moving in circular path of 1
O+ mu cos fl= (m+m)1-j 1

u cos (1 u cos 30° .fj u

or v, = - - =
2 2 4 A mass 2m rests on a horizontal table. It is attached
The linear momentum of the ball B will not change in the light inextensib le · string which passes over a smooth ~
direction normal to impulse. Hence the velocity of ball B will and carries a mass m at the other end. If the mass m is a
remains unchanged perpendicu lar to length of the string. vertically through a distance h and is then dropped, whatl
speed with which the mass 2m begins to rise?
or v , =usin6= usin30° =!!..
- 2

A string AB of length 2/ is fixed at A to a point on smooth

horiz.ontal table. A particle of mass m attached to Bis initially at
a distance I from A as shown in figure. The particle is projected
horiz.ontally with speed u at right angles to AB
- When the block B is released, it moves under,_
After moving a distance h, it pull the string in do~'
TC!A direction. At this time tension developed in string is impu_J9
, )! nature. This impulse pulls the block 'A' in upward direcU~

both the blocks starts moving with common velocity. 6

(a) Find the impulse of tension developed in the string. y

(b) Velocity of the particle just a'fter the string become taut.
- The particle connected at B slides on the table with speed
u till the string opens to its full length (2/). The tension developed
Just before string gets taut Just after string is taut

l mpu~e and Collisi on 2.7

The velocity of block B j ust before tJ1 c stri ng becomes tou t 7. A part ic le of mass I kg is attached to a stri ng of length
u=M ...(i) 5 m. The string is attached to a fixed point 0 . It is released
from the position as <;hown in figure . Calculate
Now usi ng impulse momentum equation
- ri•unlJI., + .I =
P /lr,,n,.J

For block A: 0 ➔ .J = 2n11

or J == 111 ' ' ... (ii)
For block 8: -mu +- J =- Ill\' .. (iii)
") (""11 ) an d \rn)
From Eqs. (1.
. . : ,. =- -11 = - 'i:h
- (11) the impulse developed in the string when it becomes
3 J
Hence the block A sta.rts 1rnwin g up with velocity ✓ 2 gh . (b) the velocity of the particle just after lhe string becomes
J taut:
(c) the impulse developed in this stri ng PQ at this ins tant.

J. A ball of mass l kg is attached to an inextensible string.
The ball is rele~ed from tbe position shown in figure . Find 1. 2✓10 kgm/s 2. (a) 2 mv cosec fJ (b) 2 mv cot fJ
the impulse imparted by the string to the ball immediately
3. v = m,vo 4. 260 N 5. 120 6. Mg
after the string becomes taut mu
m1 +m 2
16 12 48
7. (a) - kg mis (b) r; mis (c) r; kg mis
✓ 5 '15 5'15

2. A sphere of mass m slides with velocity v on a frictionless

swface towards a smooth inclined wall as shown in figure. COLLI SION OR IMPACT
If the collision with the wall is perfectly elastic, find: The term collision represents an event during which two panicles
(a) the impulse impaned by the wall on the sphere, come close to each other and interact by means of forces . The
(b) the impulse imparted by the floor on the sphere. interaction forces are assumed to be much greater than any
external forces present, so we can use the impulse approximatio n.
)8 0 The basic idea of a 'collision' is that the motlon of the colliding
particles ( or of at least one of them) changes rather abruptly and
3. Two panicles of masses m I and m 2 are connected by a light that we can make a relatively clean separation of times that are
and inextensible string which passes over a fixed pulley. 'before the collision' and that are ' after the collision'.
I.nitially, the particle m 1 moves with a velocity v0 when During collision, two particles may or may not touch physically,
the string is n.ot taut. Neglecting friction in all contacting they interact for a short time exchanging their momenta and, find the velocities of the particles m I and m2 just 4
energy, e.g., when an alpha particle (He ) 'collides· with the
after the string is taut. 197
nucleus of gold (Au ), the force acting between them being
repulsive-the particles may not touch, even then it may be called
a 'collision'

4. A 3.00 kg steel ball strikes the wall with a speed of

l 0.0 mis at an angle of 60° with the surface. It bounces off
with the same speed and angle. ff the ball is in contact with The collision is, in fact, a redistribution of total momentum
the wa,JJ for 0 .200 s, what is the average force ex.erted by of the particles. Thus, law of conservation of linear momentum
the wall on the baU'? is indispensable in dealing with the phenomenon of collision
5. A machine gun ,can fire buJlets of 50 grams at a speed of between particles.
2000 ms- 1; the man holding the gun can exert an average
force of 200 N again_st ,the gun. Calculate the maximum Note:
number ofbu11ets which he can fire per minute. • The duration of collision Ar is negligible as compared to the
6. A plate of mass M is held at rest by firing bullets from usual time intel'Vals of obser:vution of motion.
below. Each bullet has a mass m, ~ - - - - - 1 M • In a collision, tht:1 d'fects of external non-impvJsive forces
velocity u (up) just before hitting 0
o s uch as grnvity are nor taken into account as due to small
and stops after hitting the plate for duration of co llision (L\r). Average impulsive forcerespons ible
a moment and falls. Detennine the for collision is mllch huger than ex ternal forces acting on the
number of buUets striking the plate ~ll£m.
per unit time.

2 ..8 Mec-h<1m,s II


Ill • ....._ k ;
,~ ,

\ ,,f

I llh' 11\\\'t,I .11~1

,,\1\\1\h \l\ 11, ,1m.~l

[)e-fC,n1 l3tll'll RIC'Stlt\l t i1Jll <:.1Mi4?-fJ< l m{',l.' f ti ·c1u,~i 1.'Jl l
perioJ ps'ri,xi \Vhe-u the litw ,, r ,m,th ,n ,)f tht' ~"1k:- t:h't.'~ n\,t ~'' 11 h'hkc
\\ ben two bodies collide, the impuh in· forct'S n~ny \'a_ry in lint;' '-'flmp~ll..'t. " ._,, m il it '\,b\14, \c.' imt~ll..'t".
· • licated waY. Regardless of tht' complexity of the t1m~
m comp . . -
beha,; or of the impu.lsi,·e . t' • · l ',,
fol"C'e. however. thts orce ~s mte:11a
to the svsiem of 1wo partid es. There fore. the two particl ' ,, ~

an isol~ted system and the momentum of the system

es form lil,_,. ,,f ''11~0 I Ill, ,,f 111,11 1,111
nmst be ~~ ,,f\':11\ ~
c-f -
conse rved in anv collisi on. ~'\l\ 8
""' ......... . . -...' . (\ '
In contrast. the total kinetic energy of the system l) f particl
may or may not be conserved. depen di ng on the type of l'Ollisi
m1. ,, . ~

lfthe bodies possess elastic prope rty they will try to regain -~ ', \ m, ,,f il\l\':1,:1
sh.ape that is the elastic potent ial energ y stored in _ctefo~
period will get conve rted imo kinetic ener~y . H bodies
. are
perfectly elastic than total potential ener~y will convertec!
kinetic energy . This type of the collision 1s known as perfec
elastic c.ollisioo .
Thus in a perfectJy elastic collision, the particl es regain their
shape and size comp letely after coll ision. That is. no
fmctio n
of mechanical energy remains stored ns ddo nnntio n poten
energy in the bodies . h me.ans , k.inetic ent>rgy of u system
collision is equal to kjne tic energy of a system before collisi
Thus, in additi on to the linear momentum, kineti c t1nergy
remains conserved before and afler co llision.
If the bodfo s do not possess elastic prope rties, the two bodies llrau·-on lmpu l'I (Collision)
will continue to mo ve togeth er ru1d the process of collis
ion When th\) b1.,th linQs M motion a.tH.\ lines . _,r impm:t ,,f th"\''
ends here at maximum defon nation, this is known as perfe bodies coind d~. tht• impnc t is ~11\lc(l'\.'l't k" H<'i\tr:1I 1111
inelastic colUJion . ctly
hend-on eo\lisiun. hu- instnHl..'c . l..'\,\\ision ,,ft\\\ ' id~11ti,'1
Actually, colJision between aU real ~, bjects is neithe r perfoll mew ing in srun~ lin~ 1;a.n have h~ad-on l..' \,\\isi'-,n,
elastic nor perfec tly inelas tic, its inelas tic in nmurti. Thus.
inelastic collision, the particles do not regn in their shape, and
size --
- U n<- ,,r ,11,1'-\1.' t :,1111
. .
l11w 1., t m,111,,11
~ompl~tely after colli~i~n. Som~ fra~ tion of mechanicul t•nt.1rg
1s retained by the coll1dmg particles in the fo rm of
dt.1 fom,ntion
y "''C .1
Impulse and Collision 2.9

Impulse of reformation :
lfiii11'.A1PI II,-, a• ' a) .lfl =. change in momentum of any one body during reformation
A ht1ll l1I of IH flrud 11110 11 ln.rg1> hlock of wooJ of
11111 1111 111 l - m2( v 2 v) for m 2
11 11,H~ 111, H11Hpe11(1~d nom tJOl11Q lluht wlrQH, The bullet embed11 = m I ( V - VI) fo r m I
1, 1 th" bl1luk, nnd thQ ~nllr~ RyHte1n liWln~fi lhl'Ough n height
of reformation (J fl) v2 - v
/,, Ilow cun wti. d~lt, rnli11tl lht.1 i.poed qf' lht.1 projeclil e from n ~; lmpulse =--
tlH.IIINlll'QOI Olll Of /, ,' lmpulseof deformation (JD) v - u2
[substituting v from Eq. (i)]

v2 (m1 + r11i) - (m1v1 +m 2 v2 )


,n 1( v1 - v1) ( v2 - V1) V2 - VI
Tho hull ot 1111d tho block lcmn 1111 hm l111.ed 11y1ne111 in Lerm11 ⇒ e ::; =
V2 -
ore= - - = - - -

if' 1l11e11r 1no111onluH1 if wu c1t11 con11crvc the lineur' momentum m, (u, - ''2) (11, - /.fl ) V - Uz Ut - U2
lnm1odl11toly hcforo 11nd lmrnediulcf y uf'l or the collifdon, Because
along line of impact
Velocity of separation ---"--
tho bullot l111hed11 in the hluck, we cun cutegorize the collision P :::-- ---C----'c._- - - ~-
,c1woc11 them ur-1 pl;lrfcctly i11cl111,llc. Vclocity of approach along line of impact
.. . (i)
This is also known as Newton' s experimental law .
11·1111 ·f m, x O • (m 1 + m, )v ~, v • m1 _
(m 1
<i· m, ) Note: e is independent of shape and mass of the object but
After colliHlon the impulr-1ivc force11 di11uppear, now we can depends on the material.
•on11orve the 111cchonicul energy of the 11y11tem (bullet + hlock). The coefficient of restitution is constant for two particular
I\K ... I\()
,, ,(ii) I . Fore = I
⇒ Impulse of reformation = .Impulse of deformation
⇒ Velocity of separation = Velocity of approach
⇒ Kinetic energy is conserved
⇒ Elastic colli sion
2. Fore = 0
⇒ Impulse of reformation = 0
t iii 1hc 111eo11urcrmmt of degree of clm1licity of 1.1 collision. The ⇒ Velocity of separation = 0
'1Jcf'fi c1en1 of' rclititulion is defined uR the rutio of the impulses of ⇒ Kinetic energy is not conserved
ccovcry and deformation of either body. ⇒ Perfectly inelastic collision
lmpul.,c of rcformution f J.; dt 3. For O< e < I
(' . - ------- C
lmpulriC of dcJbrmution f F:, dt
⇒ Impulse of reformation < Impulse of deformation
⇒ Velocity of separation < Velocity of approach
Two 11rnooth ballli A ttnd 8 approach tiuch other such that their ⇒ Kinetic energy is not conserved
centers arc moving along the line CD in the absence of external ⇒ Inelastic collision
mpult,ivc force. Let Urn velocities of A and lJ just before collision
e u1and u2, rcspcclivoly, and the velocities of A and 8 just after Note: ln case of contact collisions, e is always less than or equal
to unity.
colliHion be v1 and v2, respectively .
11 1 .,. U2
- t@®ii,;1'fON111 13)
.J'...,. V2

U1 I'

·~· .......
m, ~
e n· ..;1.:- ::\.. ~ 2/
_ _ _ _-,,.1.;,
A sphere ' A' having mass m is moving with velocity u makes
a head on collision with another sphere ' B' . After collision
velocity of the sphere 'A' was found to be v in the direction
, l ~ 11 2
- v of its original motion. The interaction force between the two
Duformation lldon rwtion
spheres during their collision has been shown in the graph. The
Since, Unear momentum is com,erved tor the system. area of the shaded part of the graph is same as the area of the
unahaded part. Find the velocity of the spheres at the instant
:::> m1u1 + m2u2 • (m, + mz)v c: m1v1 + mlv1
they were having equal velocity.
~ v • m1u, + m2u1 ..:: m1v1 + m. v, .. .(i) F

m1 + m1 m1 + m2
Jmpul,e of defonn1tlon:
JIJ .. chaniie in momcntum or any one body during deformation
"" m2(v u1) for m2
~ mI ( V I u I) for m I
2. 10 Mechan ics II
- - - - - - -- -
~ The area under F-t graph is the impulse. Hence , the shaded
area in the graph = Lmpulse during the period of deformation.
(i) The veloci ty of the ball when it strikes the
And unsha ded area= impuls e during the period of restitution gro,.
l st time ~nd\
At the time of max imum defom1ation both the spheres move
w ith comm on veloci ty v . Considering the impulse of sphere
0 'A ' u0 = . .;~
~f5"o and h0 = -l gt 2 0 ⇒ t0 == ~......J!.
2 g
(Impu lse )dcfonnation = (Impulse)rcst, n,tion for calcul ating veloci ty of the ball just after c .
. .
use coeffic ient of rest1tu . o1l1r
t10n equati on I
u+ v
2 e==(~~) UI - U z n

(ti..LU STAA .TICN 2. 1 ~ The equati on is applic able along the direction ofi~
A block of mass 111 = 2.0 kg initially moving to right with force .
1 a
sp_eed of u = 4 .0 mis on a frictionless , horizontal track, collide
Here u1 u 0 , u2 = 0 ; v1 = -u 1 and v = 0
with a Jjght spring attache d to a second block of mass
m2 =
1.0 kg initial ly movin g to left with a speed of u = 2.0 mis Hence e O- (-u1) ⇒ U1 = euo = e J2gho
as u 0 -0
shown in figure . Find the velocities of the blocks2 when spring \.
again comes to origin al length . Simila rly, veloci ty of ball just after second collisio? 1

11 1=4.0m/ s

11,=2.0m /s u2 = e( e.)2gh = e
u=0Qh 0
0 )
.j2gh0 ~

: e2ho
{iii ) If w e take the ' block + spring ' as a system , no external : Q ~ ho
forces acting on the system. Hence linear mome ntum of : : Q e6 h
the l : : Qo
system will remain conserved. Let the velocities of the blocks
when the spring is again relaxe d be v and v respectively.
using conser vation of linear mome ntum
1 2 Now 110 O,..._
ji ,i6~
1! ~-e'_'o_~ ti Q..
Hence the veloci ty of ball just after n 1h collisi on
Un = en .)2gho
Just before collisio n Just after collision (ii) The maxim um height attain after l st collision
~ = !{_ e2 . 2gho = e2ho
2g 2g
2X4- IX 2 = 2 X "1+ IX V2 The distan ce covere d betwe en I st and 2 nd collision
or 2v + v =6 d 1 = 2h1 = 2e 2 h0
1 2 ••.(i)
The collisi on of the spring block system can be treated Similarly, d 2= 2h2 = 2e 4 h0
perfec tly elastic collisi on . Hence we can use the coefficient
of d 3 = 2~ = 2e 6 h0 and so on
restitu tion equati on
The total distan ce covere d,
"2 - V1
e = - -- D = h0 + d 1 + d 2 + ...
u1 -u2
Here e = I , u 1= 4 .0 mis, u2 = - 2.0 m/ s == h 0 + 2e 2 h0 + 2e 4 h0 + ...

V - V1 =h0 [1+2( e 2 +e 4 + .. .)]

Hence J = 2

= h0 [1 + 2~] = l( 1+
4- (-2)
or v2 - v1 =6 .. . (ii) 1-e
e: l
l-e) h0
from Eqs. (i) and (ii), v1 = 0 and v2 = 6 mis (iii) Time of flight of the ball after first collision,

~ •.
f,LLU erT'fl llATfD N --
l .s~
,, = 2;, = 2 e ~ z,p~
A ball is releas ed from rest from _a height '1 . It collides with Simila rly time of flight after 2 nd collision,
0 a
horizo ntal inelas tic floor many ttmes and finally stops. If
the 2
cient of restitu tion is e, find _ 2u 2 _ 2e ~2gh0 l?h
C Oeffi
t2 --- - ~-- 2e 2 - 0
(i) the veloci ty of the ball JUSt, ft th g
a er n co ]J 1s1on.
' . g g
C) the total distan ce covere d by the ball.
(~i) the total time after which the ball stops bounc ing. and !3 = 2e
3 µ,;;
~g and so on
Total time of flight, I L,Lt:la1'flATfDH 2• 1 ?
T == 10 + 11 + 12 + ..· A partic le i11 moving w ith ve locity u - Z rnlsri 1Jm,1r,.h 1i h{:tt'ls,'
wall moving towards the particle with c~.m~t~m ~pe.--A v0 - l rnh
as shown in figun.:. Astmming e<11J,"'i,.1r1 u, be !;J;,:;tic, Ynld 1},e
velocity of the particle immediately after the w JJM t1fi
==yg[l+2e(l+ e+ e 2 +·· ·)]
O .J!..

II - : 11!J
~N 2.
A smooth ball of mass m strikes an inelastic smooth floor with
(Ii) Let the velocity
collision be v 1•
,,rthe particle im,n~f ,~tcl:r , ti~
a velocity u at an angle 0 with the nonnal to the floor. If the 2
coefficients of restitution is e, determine:
(a) the rebound velocity and angle of rebound of the particle.
(b) the impulse on the ball.

·;;.., ,,-'p
I u 1=u
o- ~i] i .:_J
/u.~ c,ttte:'f e-,fHw.ll'i
Jum before oollisiun
0: ,,,,,
, ,,
For calculating velocity of the ball jus,1 afu..-r colh~itfll, we we
_ __,.x...,. _ __,.,... ...

coefficient of restitution equation

e = ( v1 - v1 ) = relative vcloc:ity of ~ aratioo
ta) Let the ball rebound with velocity is v at angle q, with u1 - u 2 relative velocity of a:ppr<Y.4Ch
normal. The impulse of normal reaction during the collision
acts on the ball in vertical direction. This equation is applicable along the directiun of irr1pul~1'1e
A. Here u, = u , u2 == - v,, , v1 = -v and vi = -v,,
:1 <P v Y Commo~ normal
~.o u Here v2 = -v0 , since the wall being very hca·vy (infinite ma.!l<l ) ,
:::,, ---;si;4> L x !
moves with constant velocity,
Hence e - vo -(~v) v - v,,
Common tangen~ --. u +v,,
As coJlision is elastic. Putting the value of e = I , we olrusrn
The component of velocity along common tangent direction v - v0
will remain unchanged, i.e., l=-- ~ v =u+2v1,
u+ v0
v, = vsin t/J= usin 0 ...(i)
Putting u =2 mis, v0 = I mis, we get
The component of velocity along common normal direction
after collision. Applying relative speed of separation = V = 2+ 2(1) = 4 m/s
e x (relative speed of approach) along common normal
direction, we get - ~TION 2 . 1 ~
.. .(ii)
vn = vcos t/J= eu cos 0 In the figure show n, a semj cylindrical frictionles5 track of
. .. v, tan 0 radius R, centered at point 0. A particle is released from point
From Eqs. (1) and (11) : tan r/J= - = - - A (OA = R/2 ). Find the coefficient o f restitution e, if
v. e
2 2 2
and rebound velocity v = uJsin 0+ e cos 0
. '~-
·~ -~~-t .
~b) The linear momentum will change in normal di.rection. : I

Using impulse momentum equation

(Pinit1al ) y + ] = (p final ) y (a) after collision with the track, the particle mov~ along the
-mu cos 0+ J =meu cos 0 (b) the veloc ity of the particle becomes just after
Therefore J = m(l + e )u cos 0 collis ion with the track.
, . nergy and total energy arc b,,th ~
(h) K1nct~<.;tcu• m iB conserved only if the tw,, ;:i,,
P11 11 "'
1 11111 \/ l "i JI 1lll f'
111 • 11 ,wk . 'f fl lµ
lm·il y. I fcn~·c
cquil I rrlfJ ijSC'i .
, kin '-1ic energy and total <mer,
(11) 1\ tln r 11lli
M omcntum
11 ln11 1111: ,
ti !' il lllfHlll !.' 111 • ( C) ~ ; l. 1
m e 1111 !. thf'n' IN ,111 11 11 11111
<.: Ol1scrvcd. . .
,· rl , ~ if vc- li wil y 11 1011/!, 1l1c .h momentum no r kinetic c,,11erg;, 6
(h) J 11 ,; t lw fl•r l' r u ll 11w, 11 , IIH' n11 11p11111 ,11 l
(d) Nc1 t crcd but LCJta l energy must be c<mserv,., .,
11t,1 nwl nnd 111 1111).1 lht• lllll fl(• III nit· i.;onHerv "-I

. ll il1 ion between a closed <., y;,tem ofp,dll.. O.

I' II c·n ~ n 11111I , ·, II ,- 111 fl 4. nunn g co ~'t
" ► t 1 \fl\llhill 0 1HHH1 I lhe absence of ex ternal fo rces: -
'. I.' J ( a) The total kinetic c-nergy ofth~ system r_ emainsu; E

I• • I/ '
• c 1mm 11111
j), :·, , !
()\Jl{ (J • (b) The momentum of each part1cl~ rcm_ a,ru, ~ 11
' } \ I
( llllljH' lll mis exchanged between d1fferemni.-
•. ti i)11 (c) Momen t u '"'II
l'r. (d) Momentum and kinet_ic energy, both are e~c( !
. .-·,~ -~. ,
'" (J . I

between different particles. m,

""' 11 1\i",
\'-\, lh ~h''' \
11\11111, ;r~·· A
S. If two ball s collide in air whi1~ moving Yerti~

' . '- • .111, 1 lw l 11t1'

,·p lhNl•lll
linear momentum of the system is conserved ~
The ,' PO\f~" 1,c,,H 01 ,·clch·i1y ,n comnwn 1a11 ~u n1 direction (a) grav ity docs not affect the linear momentuni
,, ,11 remain unrhnnµc d nN in 1h is uircc lion I here iH n_o system
11npul1<c Hence ,·, ... 11si n II . . ... (I) (b)force of gravity is very less compared to the iq
\ ' (')C\C' lf~ of the p11r1icle j ust nflcr colltsion along common force I},,.

nonnn I rc:lCI u) n (c) impulsive force is very less than the gravity
... (ii)
I = /'I ' - ( ' // CO:, II ( d) gravity is not acting during collision
:\ fie; co lli ; l(')n the parti cle moves in horizontal direction, 6. In an inelastic collision, Jr
hence the net vcrticn l component of particle velocity (a) linear momentum of the system is always co1151:-r
should be zero for whic h (b) velocity of separation is less than the velll
C"I ', cos 6 = 1·, sin 6
... (iii)
From Eq:,. (i). (ii) and (iii) we get (c) the coefficient ofrestitution can be zero
e( u co s0)- cos0 = (u si n0) -sin0 (d) all of the above
7. A ball rolls with a velocity v on a smooth borizonu
' l tr I
or r= tan · 8 = t.a.n - = - If e = coefficient of restitution, find the average sp-n
6 3
the ball for to and fro journey.

I. Which one of the fol lowing is true in the case of inelastic

collision? 8. A ball is projected from the ground at some an~
Unear Kinetic energy Total energy horizontal. Coefficient of restitution between the I»
momentum the ground is e. Let a, band c be the ratio of times oe
(11) Remain conserved Remain Remain horizontal range and maximum height in two suca
conservedconserved paths. Find a, band c in te.n ns of e.
Not conserved
Rem.1in consr:rved Not conserved
(c) Not conserved Remain Remain
conservedconserved 0
---- 0 -0
(d) Remain conscrvc.d Not con,;erved
conserved 9. A is a fixed point a height H above a perfectly irt
2. A moving build hits a solid target resting on a frictionless smooth horizontal plane. A light inextensible stri
surface and gets embedded in it. What is conserved in this length L (> H) has one end attached to A and o~
procebf,? heavy particle. The particle is held at the A ~
(a) Momentum and kinetic energy level of A with string just taut and H:'
(b) Kjnetic energy alone released from rest. Find the height of the '
( C) alone particle above the plane when it is next
( d) Neither momen1um nor kinetic energy instantaneously at rest.
JO. A small . nf"'
3. W bich one of the following sta tements is correct with ball rolls off the top landing of a sta!fcase: , s
r eforence to elasti c collision between two bodies? the mid-point of the first step and then mid-po~ fnc
a) Momentum ar1d total energy arc conserved but kinetic second step. The steps are smooth and identical JllJin,
energy may he changed into l:iomc other form of and width. Find the coefficient of restitution be~ ;ol
energy, ball and the first step.
l mpu he an d C.nll h ion 2.13

ANSW E R ■ Uloi.) Whe n two hod ic~ or e4wtl JTHI M, colli<lc elasti call y and
the cn ll il, ion ir; l1 end-on , th1:y ex chan ge the ir ve loc iti c:, , So in thi s
J. (d) 2. ( c ) 3. (u ) 4. ( c ) ~- (h) e11 r.c, two ve lnc it ies will he cx ch,in gcd and the tin a l motion is the
7. -
2ev I
.,. II,:' re ve rse o f the initia l in0 Li()l1 fo r bo th .

6. (d)

e+ I
k. " h
' ( '

10 rnY,,, \

I LLU8TAATl0N 2.20
GENERAL EQUATION FO R T hree ha ll s JI , JJ and c; of same mass ' m ' are placed o n a
QIBECT IMPAr T fri ctionl c!-18 hori7.onta l pl ane in a strai ght line as shown. Ball A
ii, moved with ve loc ity u to wards th e m iddl e ball 8 . ff all the
~ If u 1. u2 arc the ve loc ities ~~fore th e impact of' th e rn nss1;:s ,n ,
1 coll i:;; io n11 arc elastic, find the fina l ve loci ties of all the balls.
m 2 and 1•1, v2 arc th e vc loc111 cs a n e r the imrrn ct, th en applyin µ m m m
conservati on o f m om cnturn . w e get ='

... (i)
Gr © .©
[ii) We know when two bodi es o f equa l mass co llide
elastically and the co lli sio n is head-on , th ey exc hange their
velocities. In thi s case, A co llides e lasti call y wi th B and comes to
rest but B starts mov in g with ve loc ity u.
We use coeffic ient of restitution equation After a while B co llides e lasti call y wi th C a nd comes to rest but
e = ( v~ - v 1 ) = re lati ve ve locity of separation C starts moving with ve loc ity u .
m m m m m m
u1 - u 2 relative veloc ity of approach
or v2 - v1 = e(u1 - u 2 ) , . . (ii) ~0 © 0J'r 0
I" co llision ll nd collis ion
From Eqs. (i) and (ii ) we get m m
ity . _ m, - em 2
I I -
m1+ m 2
ul +-
(I +e)m 2
- - - u2
m1 + m z
0 ~
IIl 'd collision

_ (I + e)n1i m 2 - em, Therefore, final velocities, vA = 0, v8 = 0 and v c = u

V, - -------'- U I + --=-----'- U
- mi + m1 mz + m1
a r- - - ------ ---- -
Important Points: Four identical balls A, B, C and D are placed in a line on a
frictionless horizontal surface. A and D are moved with the
• For a perfectly elastic collision, we can substitute e = 1 and
same speed 'u' towards the middle as shown. Assuming elastic
we get
collisions, find the final velocities.
m, -m, 2m2 2m m2 -m 1
"1= - U1+ - - - u2; "2= -~-u1
+ Uz
m, + ~ m,+~ ~+m, ~+m,
Special case: Fore = 1 and m 1 = m 2 = m, we get v·, = u 2
and v2 = u 1 i.e ., w hen two particles of equal mass collide [ii) When two bodies of equal mass collide elastica lly and the
elastically and the collision is head-on, they exchange their collision is head-on, they exchange their velocities . In this case,
velociti es, e.g., A and D collide elastically with Band C, respectively, and come

)~ ~2 L(v1_
After collision
fr to rest but B and C start moving with veiocity u towards each
other as shown.
Before coll bion
v---0 v={)

1 .0= ___ 0 0 ___(x Then B and C collide elastically and exchange their velocities
Ht:fvre collision After colli ~ion
to move in the opposite directions
For a perfectly indastic colli !> ion, we can substitute e = 0

and we get v, = v7 =
' u1 + - -- u2
- m1 + m 2 m1 + m 1
m, m2 0 ~0
- - ----··---- - - Finally , Band C collide elastically with A and D, respectively,
and come to rest but. A and D start moving with velocity ti away
from each other as shown .
Two identical balli; are approac hing towards each other on
a straight line with velocity 5 m/s
and 10 mis, respectivel y. Find the ~!~ xr~
final velocities. after elas tic head-o n , ::.:,_; -. : Q _. Therefore, finally ball A moves with velocity II towards left
collision between them . and ball D moves with velocity u towards right.
Tw o b3ll~ o f m
. . ....
a!SCS 2 kg and 4 kg are
'th velo citi es 4 mis an d 2 ml
mo ved tr~
ot~ ~ w , uf.......... After colliding. the 2s.kgre-r,,ball
fn ct,on1cu s 1- ·
wit h velo city 2 rn/ ~. T hen tioc - -.


at :' lt.-l U"- 9..'-~UiTK thr fin11I w l<x1 1H~<. ~ ( 1hc part
~ ~· 2~
:.m hC' , i cle<> "' nnd h l.§t befo re coll isioo
and 1 ::- ~ .c1i , ·c-1' . 0, ,hr" ',, ,n hgu re
(•) ve locity of the 4 kg bal1 afte 2.
,l ' r collision.;
\, 0_ 'l
~ c> ~·. (b) coe ffi cien t of rest itution e;
(c) imp uLw of def orm atio n
Ju.._, allet c1>lh~1on
(d) ma xim um pot ent ial ene rgy _
s, tt'n ..~·anNJ <'f lme ar mom
of def orm atio n;
entu m. we get (e) impulse of refo rma tion JR.
m( ~, \ --- ::m (-1 I= m ( 1 ~'11\ 1' ) ,+
OJ O = ,m • ,;:ml ;
11 1D
(a) By con
or , ... .::\ . = o serv atio n of line ar mo me ntu
... (i) m 1u
+ m1 u 2 = m1v1 + m, v 1
and t-tn.c c 'the ro.TI1f1on ,., ela811C,
2(4 )-4 (2) = 2(- 2) + 4(v )
, _- , =- :',- (-d 2 ⇒ v2 = 1 ms ·
(b) Coe ffic ien t of rest itut
01 ~ - I :. :0 1 ion ,
.. .(ii) e = veloc ity of separation
Solvtn€ the aoo, e 1'WO equ atio n.s. we get = I - (-2) = ~ = 0..5
':. ,, and,., .. - ~\' velocity of app roa ch
4 - ( - 2) 6 n.. mas s 2m retu rns with (c) Lin ear mo me ntu m wil l be 4.
velocity v while mass m returns con ser ved alw ays . Le
With ,-cloci~ ~, m the dire
ctio n sho wn in figure . tim e of ma xim um def orm atio
n the vel oci ty of al
bod y be v.
= (m, + n½ )v
m,u 1 + m2 u 2
2( 4)- 4(2) = (2 + 4)v ⇒ V = 5.
11¥lui; At the ma xim um def orm ed
state, com bin ed bod y ,
A MU. of1D8!iS "' mo vin g a.I a mo me nta ry at rest .
spee d v makes a head-on collisio v
•<ith en ideorical ball a1 rest n ~ ---- ~ --- ~
. The kinetic energy of the
bal ls
da the collision is of the original. Find the coeffic ~ ~ - J- D- ~
ient -
ofrestitutioo.. ' 4 Impulse of defo rma tion 6~
~ Ai, we h.ave seen in the Usi ng imp ulse mo me ntu m equ
above di scussion that under the atio n for par ticl e
g,'>'.en coo dino ru. . -r
(Pininal ), + JD= V\mai) ,
,n m m J o = 0 ⇒ J o = m,u = 2 x 4
m1u 1 -

Esefore colhblOfl
0 ~ ~ (d) Pot ent ial ene rgy at the ma
1 =8 N s
xim um def orm ed state. tT
Afte r collision
= loss in kin etic ene rgy dur ing def
orm atio n
l. = ( l ~ t' J afld =( l; e)v or u = (.!.
2m ,u1 +2 m2u22) -2(
I \1 1 l l
n1 i+~ )"-,
Vl'-' efl K "' ~K
.I 4 '
=( ½2<4)2 +½4(2)2 ) -½(2+4)(0)~=24J
or -1 mv· + -I m1·;, :;; 3
- ( I m v', )
:! I 2 • 4 2 (e) Usi nv imp u\ ~e . .7.
~ s _m om ent um equ atio n for par ticl e · .,.
(P,o,LUI}, + J R = (piiwl) ,
e i.. ·
.,.U v6ntutm
g ·t.he vu I ue:. , we g.1:1 (\ l + eJ' ➔• ( I - t'.)z_ ~\
2 2 m1v2 - J R == - n'½v
or 11 ➔ e ,Z + (1 - ")' z 3 or 2. + 2,/ J R= '"2l"2+ v) = 4(1 + 0) = 4 N s
==- 3
or r = - V
~ --
2 -~v., -
or e = ✓
2 :~ :::O~
hnpul; c-of refo~;;on
Als o , J H = eJ o = 0.5 x 8 = 4 N
lrnp1i\ •,1, Mill f l/ lJl•,\1i,1 2,1'

H. 'l\vo t,o ll11 or 111 n~11011 111 u11d 2111 i,nd rnmncntu 411 rtrid 2p I
cnllido11 1111 11 h11 w 11 in f1 g11rc I J11ri11H c1,lli 11i(Jn, the vidw:: I
I. A heavy bnll of mnss 2.M movi ng wilh u velocity 1·0 collldc!I of' !incur impuli.c hc1wcc11 tlicrn J'I .I. In tcrrn r, of' J _1ind I
elosticnlly head-on with n crncl lc
of three idcnt icn l hnlls cnl'h of uw_ ~fl {jJfiJf[j)
11 tlud cocflit: lunt of' rc1iti1ut io11 ·,,• . I /1Jdc~ what c<,nd111 on
collision j1, clwHi c. /\ l!io rlnd 1hc cond 1w111 of perfectl y
mass M ns shl)Wl\ in 1l g11rc. A he11vy ball collides a i1tcl111,fic coll ision .
Ddenninc the vciN:ity of ench cradle of t~ree Identical
ball atkr colli sion.
2. In figure. theru arc" identical sphere~ nfmu ~s III suspended
with wires of cqunl length. Thr spheres nrc ulmosl in
contnc t with each other. Sphl'l'c I is AN S WERS ~ - - - - - - - ~
pulled aside anti released . Ir sphere

I - /,/ 3. m 1 .,,. m 1 4. 4 rn/s, X mh,; 64 J

I strikes sphert' 2 with velocit y 11. I 2. ( - 2
find an expression for velocity ,. of ~
s. ,n~ "' ,n 11111 6. 7. 0.5
the 11 th sphere immedintcly at.:r I 5
being struck by the one adjacent to d _,
it. The coet'ficient of restitution for ,: COLLISION IN TWO DIMEN SIONS
all the impacts is e.
3. A mass m 1 moves with a great velocity. Jt strikes another If the velocities of colliding masses arc not linear, then it is
mass m, at rest in head-on collision. Jt comes back along known as oblique colli sion . In such siruati on:
its path with low speed after collision. Then find out I. A pair of equal and oppos ite impulses act alon~ c~~mon
whether m 1 < m2 or m 1 > m2 • normal direction . llence, linear momentum of md1v1dual
4. A ball of mass 4 kg moving with a velocity of 12 mis particles do change along com mon normal dire~ti on. lf_~ass
impinges directly on another ball of mass 8 kg moving with of the colliding particles remains constant during col1Is1on,
velocity of 4 m./s in the same direction . Find their velocities then we can say that linea r velocity of the indi vidual particles
after impact and calculate the loss of KE due to impact if change during collision in this direction .
e= 0.5. 2. No component of impulse acts along common tangent
5. Three balls of masses m 1, m 2 and m 3 are lying in a straight direction. Hence, linear momentum or linear ve l.ocity of
line. The first ball is moved with a certain velocity so individual particles (if mass is constant) remains unchanged
that it strikes the second ball directly and itself comes to along this direction.
rest. The second ball collides with the third and is itself 3. Net impulse on both the particl es is zero during collision.
reduced to rest. If e is the coefficient ofrestitution for each Hence, net momentum of both the particl es remains
ball, write down the relation of m3 in terms of m I and m2. conserved before and after collision in any direction.
6. Two identical balls A and B lie on a smooth horizontal 4. Definition of coefficient of restitution can be applied along
surface, which gradually merges into a curve to a hei~ht common normal direction, i.e., along common normal
3.2 m. Ball A is given a velocity of 10 mis, to collide direction.
head-on with ball B, which then takes up the curved path. Relative speed of separation = e x (relative speed of approach)
What is the minimum coefficient of restitution, e, for the From law of conservation of momentum, we have the
collision between A and B in order that ball B reaches the following.
highest point C of the curve. Along x-axis:
m,u, cos a+ m2u2 cos/J= m1v1 cos t,(+ m2 v2 cos 82

:3.2 m
Along y-axis:
m1u1 sin a+ m2u2 sin /J=m1v sin 6( + m2 v2 sin 82

a-a .! ~ ~ -
11 1 _ ,--..._ ~

. !~v'fi_ ____
II ~

.7. A smooth ball of mass m is suspended from a light string Before impac t
of length J m, Another ball of
mass 2m strikes the ball of
mass m horizontally with a
speed of u= ill mis. The 0
~ \I

coefficient ·of restitution for I

First approach of analyzing oblique collision: When two


the collision is e. The string 1m /

bodies collide obliquely, their relative ve loc ity, resolved along
becomes loose, when it makes ,, their common normal after the impact, is in a constant ratio to
an angle of 30° with the 2m m
0- their relative velocity before impact (resolved along common
horizontal; find the value of e.
normal) and is in the opposite direction.
2.16 Me chanics II - The very first step to solve ~uch _problems is-I()
. f · pact which is along the dtrect1on of force \
hne o 1m . . ar,,.,-
A on B, resulting the stat10na1: particle ~ to move.'~

. the direction of motion of B , lme of irn" ,
watc h mg . . . "act
, · d ln this case, the line of impact 1s along th t
d etcrmme . . .. d' .
• f B i e 45° with the m1t1a1 1rectton of tn ei1:.:'I
0 f motion o . , · ·, f . otif\
' '1 cos &- ,·, cos(/) :. - c (a) Let us apply th_e principle o conservation ofrnolllti N
111 cos a- 11 , cos /J Along x-direct1on: sir.
m Au A = m AvA cos45o + mo ve cos 45 o
=:> 1·1 oos fl - ,·: cos (() = - c( 11 1 co!< a - 11 : cos/I)
To write down the expression for coctlicicnt of restitution, or 1(10) = l(vAcos45 o) + 2(vn cos45a) Henc~
e. we first draw the line of impact. Then we resolve the char
components of ,Tlocitics of points of contact of both the
or vA + 2v8 =
bodies along. line of impact just before and just after the collision. y~
Then. ' ,
I ,

: ', V A,,'
', u : ', ~~
·---~~JA· ----r-------~~i:----~x
uAc 0545 o ', : vAcos90 ,,
Second approach of analyzing oblique collision: Let us
Line ofi~pact \ Line of impact
consider an oblique collision between two particles. We assign I

different axis for oblique collision, normal axis (n-axis) along Before collision : After collision
the line of impact and tangential axis (t-axis) along tangent to
Along y-direction:
surfaces in contact. \ \I.:: assume the particles to be smooth and
frictionless. so that the impulsive force exerted by particles on 0 = mAvA sin45°-m 8 v8 sin45°
each other is internal force for the system. These impulsive force or 0 = l(vA sin 45°)- 2(v8 sin 45 °) NO\
act along line of impact (11-axis).
V9 or vA = 2v8
, (__S.mnmon normal , :

,,,, Solving the two equations,

' .. , B ,' ~ ', : ,,
',, , ' v Common tangent ', B' v
10 5 as
,-, B ' , ,' B vA = ✓2 mis and v8 = ✓2 mis
A/ , , A/ ,
,' ,/' ',,',,, VA .. --,,-:;, ',,',,, (b) Coefficient of restitution
lvA r
Common tangent Common normal
,,---,, e
Velocity of separation along line of impact

Velocity of approach along line of impact or

We can form the following equations: Ne
I . Since no force acts along t-axis on each particle, considered ~2 -0 ly
e = VB - VA 90 0
1 -./ L.
separately, the component of momentum along t-axis
is conserved; hence t component of the velocity of each
u A cos45° = _l_O_ = 2
panicle remains unchanged. Therefore, we obtain ✓2
(vA), = (v/),; (vJJ), = (v/), ... (i)
2. Total momentum of the two particles is conserved along
n-axis. Two identical discs 'A' and 'B' are moving on smooth bod l-l
mA(vA )• + me(v11 )., = m 11 ( v/),, +m1i<v/) ... (ii) 11
surface as shown in the figure. The velocities of di, C
3. From definition of coefficient of restitution, u A= _8 mis and uB = 4 mis respectively . If both the discO

(v/) . - (v/),, =_e[(vJ,, - (v8 ) 11 ] elas~~ally (e = 1), then find the velocities of discs j~
. . .(iii) colhs1on. f

- - ~ YL_ __ ©_B
Two poi.nt particles A and Bare placed in line on a frictionl.ess
ho~1 plane. It paniclc A (mass 1 kg) is moved with ~
-- -- -- -- - - --- - -
velocity IO mis towards stationary particle B (mass 2 kg) and
after co)Jjsion the two move at an angle of 45° with the initial
direction. of motion; then find : - If we take both the disc as system, the impulse~ ;
the discs acts along common normal. This impulse is~
~B•---•·•@ to th e system. Hence we can conserve linear momentuJll'_
.A B sy stem in any direction. In common tangent direction w&
(a) velocities of A and 8 just after collision. component of impulse on any individual disc. It Ille~
(b) coefficient of restitution . momentum of the disc 'A' and 'B' will not change atonS '
tangent. n
Impulse and Collision 2.17

partic les,
Line of motion m 2 . These objects could be billiard balls, subato mic

/ ~ the two need not have the same mass.
of disc A ,, whate ver yo u like, and
\_ '
"A.•· Commo n tangent
After th e collis ion, we observ e that the object l , which was
----- r Line of motion the x-dire ction , diverg e at an angle 01
11 initially in motio n along
'!. __,t of disc 8
rest, will start from the refere nce line
N 02 and the one which was at
g in that
. O
R _ I
2R-2 • 8 ' at an angle 8 2 . Becau se a partic le at rest, starts movin
Co mmon nonrn1I on it. ff initial ly m was movin g
o: Kor 30°
,• directi on where tbe force acts 2
(line of impact) n m after collisi on will be at
6 parall el tom" the direction of motio 2

t wil I an angle less than 0 2 .

Hence the veloci ties of the discs along comm on tangen
Jot chang e after collis ion. ,.-v,
Hence (v4 ) . _ , = 11_4 sin 6 = 8 x sin 30° = 4 mis ,~:,0
and (v8 )w.gcnt = "asin _&= 4xsin 30° = 2m/s
--~ ---t':)1 ----► X

'& .4 ~
I ' (0
(vA)r / ~
Commo n 1/uAsinO Commo n tangent
', 0 1 ,'
) tangent
- --:~P,
, ,' 'B
~ ,
c\~ ~ "A Commo n tangent
/ ~~Ac osO ) ~ V2
(vA)N ', ( ) ,
.' ,·· ',,[Ji ' V9 T •
' ,,_ ~ '/ U9Sin8 n of the
Here the distan ce betwe en the two lines of motio

/ B,('· Commo n normal or

line of impact
Of 11
B partic les before collis ion (if parall el) is called as " impac t
Commo n normal or cos8 eter is 'c' . For collis ion to
param eter". In this case impac t param
/ ::---,. ~8
line of impac1 (va)N
the radii of the two balls.
occur, it must be less than the sum of
along In this situati on, we can again conse rve mome ntum
in x and y
Now we can apply conse rvatio n of linear mome ntum
on and just after collisi on. direct ions as
comm on norma l, just before collisi ... (i)
)Donna! · m1u 1 = m1v1 cos Bi+ m 2 v2 cos 62
mAu .~ cos 9 + m 8u 8 cos 6= mAvA )Donna!+ m 8 (v8
... (ii)
0 = m 1v1 sin ,9i - m 2 v 2 sin 62
= m" here as
as m . ~ ~
and cos9= - 2 If collisi on is elastic we can use energ y conse rvatio n
.Jj .Jj ... (iii)
⇒ (vAt+ (v8 ),, =8x
2 +4x
2 becom e
If m 1 = m 2 and m 2 is at rest then Eqs. (i), (ii) and (iii)
OT (v_J,,+(v8 )n =6✓3 ... (i)
u 1 = v1 cos ,9i + v 2 cos f7i
.. . (iv)
Now we can apply restitu tion equati on which is applic • •• (v)
0 = v1 sin ,9i - v2 sin 92
only along comm on norma l
e = v2 - v1 ⇒ 1 = (vs)N -(vA) N . . .{vi)
u1 -u 2 uA cos& -u8 cos&
Squar ing and addin g Eqs. (iv) and (v)

~ (vat - (vA),, = 8x 1;-4 x 1; = 2✓3 1 2

· ' 0. +cos-, 9i )
- 2 6. +cos 2 6.) + v;'( sm-
u 12 =v12( sm 2

Hence (v8 t - (vA),, = 2✓3 ... (ii)

or u 1 = v1 + v2 + 2v1v2 cos(Bi + 6D ... (vii)
2 2 2

On solvin g Eqs. (i) and (ii) we get

If 6l + ~ = 90° then cos(Bi + ~) = 0
(vAt =2✓3m/s and (va t =4 ✓3mls and Eq. (vii) becom es, u 1 = +
v~ v;
which is same as Eq. (vi),
Hence final speed of the disc are which is true in case of perfec tly elastic collis ion.
VA = .j(vA )~ + (vA ); Hence the partic les will move perpe ndicu lar to each other
collisi on.
s m I and
It is impor tant to note that if two bodie s of masse
m at rest then
m 2 have an elastic collisi on and m 1 = m 2 with 2
)! +('1-• (J I + (J 2 = 90° ·
and v8 = ./(v 8 8

✓{4✓3 }2 + 2 = 2✓13 mis

2 Not :
= on,
• When two identi cal bodie s have an obliqu e elastic collisi
collisi on, then the two partic les
with one particle at rest before
will go in perpe ndicu lar direct ions.
IMPA CT PARAMETER • The collid ing balls of the same mass in an elastic direct
impac t
the secon d
Now consid er the situati on shown in figure , in which interc hange their veloci ties.
mass m 2 is at rest. The object m I with an initial veloci ty u I strikes
2.18 Mechanics II - - From impul se diagram it is cl~r t~at the spheres 8 _
O BLI QUE CO LLI SION O F TWO DISCS move along common no rmal direction and motion o~
d . R
Two di scs of masses m and m, and rn tu s 1 an d R arc movi ng
2 wi ll be confined along x-axis only. \...~
wi th velocities II and,! , respecti vely. Both di scs coll ides. let us T he sphe re A may mov e fo~ar~ , move backwar-0 ~
I • • •
analyse veloc ities of discs j ust after c0llts1on. come to rest. Accord ing to question 1t comes to rest_ 1)
Let ,, be th e velocity of spher e A before im~a~t. As !ht
~ _}!]
·······~ -··1·
are identi cal, the triangle 0 10 20 1 fo~ed by J01ning~1

(jjy-- - _ ------- --''. is equil ateral. The sphe res ~ and C will move ~n d_i r~
and o o aft er impact making an angle of 30 wnh ~
line of n{0 tion of sphere A . Let v be the speed of the ~
1\ n \R and C a fter impact.
....\ -,-.~ ·1·~
\ 0

rl 01 A
d From impul se diagram of sp here A:
(P;n11iai) +] = ( p firw )
~ • . L...... . I
\_4 ' 8 I
. ' Slll =R +R mu - 21 cos fJ = m x 0
'\'\ 1 2
""\ 'Comn1'm 1nn g.:nt mu mu )
Comm0n nom,al
⇒ J = 2 cos fJ = ✓3
Let the , ·elocity of disc l and di sc Now impulse momentum equation in sphere B gi ves
~ Just after collision in the direction
of and tangent are (r1, 11, " 1. ,) J = m v => ✓3 = mv
and t' ·:. ~- ,·:. ,) respectiYely. Then the
, -cloci~· of discs " ill be unchanged in \ ' tn u
or v = Jj
the direction of
, ·1_. = u sin 6 and ":., = ":.sin 6 . .. (i) Here we can also apply conservation of linear roomer.
C onserva.tion oflinear momentum is applicable in any direction x-direction.
as there is no extemaJ impulse on the system. (,oini,ial \ = (,ofinal \
\\·e have already calculated the velocity in tangent direction. mu+ O+ 0 = O+ mv cos&+ mv cos fJ
\\·e need to calculate velocity in normal direction.
u u
Hence conserving linear momentum in normal direction. or v = - - - = - )I
2cos6 .jj
m 1u i cos 0 - m 2 u 2 cos 0 = m 1v 1,,, + m 2 v 2 ,n ... (ii)
-So w using Nev.1.0n· s law of restitution, we get Now applying restitution equation which is applicabk"
(,v2 .,, - v 1 ) = e(u 1 cos 0 - u cos 0) ... (iii) common normal :.
From Eqs. (ii) and (ii i), we can calculate the value of v 1,n
and i ·2 j . )

u c
liilfir ■W tJ Here v2 =v= r:; ;v1 =0 ; u, = Oand u1 = u cos30°
-..J3 -
Two equal sp~r:es of mass m are in contact on a smooth v -0 u. ✓3 2
Hence e
h.orizontaJ table. A thir d identical sphere impinges ucos30° -0 = u ✓3 2 =3
symmetri.eaUy .on th.em and is reduced to rest. Prove that
e = 113 and find.the loss in KE.
Loss in KE , M = ½mu 2 - ( 2 x }mv1 }
liill) l f we take all three spheres A , B and C as system, the
im p uJ se between the spheres wi ll be internal to the system.
Hence no external impulse actin g on the system , ii means we can
conserve the linear momentum of the system in any direction.

/4 ''
,- Common no. rmal of •w~~nON i:ie) V

a ~~
~ ' ,;./ ' .__.A sphere
A and /J
1i ~~}-' ) A ~article (a mud pallet, say) of mass m strikes

J ,

---------·. -r ------~- -·r-

()y:, sin() "' .!.. "' J..
2r 2
st~ttona~ wedge of mass M with a velocity v , at an_i ·c

with honzontal. lf the collision is perfectly inelastic, [Jt/1v
0 11

....,_ J
{) - ~ - UT (j
~ )Q 0

J- ·. _,,,
( 'urnmon nonnul of
spllcro; A and ( · ( a ) ve Ioc1ty_
of the wedge just after the collision. #
(b) change m KE of th~ system (M + m) during coll
(11) I l•I 1t h · -i y 1< \l'III
\'~ h1 ~ i1y , . l
tn1ri 11111llll. \\' ~
(,If I 111) ll lll\' l 'N 11'4 11 r, t11n l11 111 11 111,
°1 1111l1•1, lll tJ. ll w 11 1111 11t•1111111 1 11 1 11,,, 11 v ,11 " 111 111
h11 , 1 1

/11 1'11 l' ll N f/ - ( 1\ ( I 1/1) I'

wlll1 Ii
l l-1.U ■ T9'ATU'JN •
/\ h1dl 11 11111w, 111 ' 11 11 ,v111 n
H w11tli w 11 1 11 11w1 • Al'
111, 11 1 1 ,1 11u ll ; 111h1, l1 •11,11,1,11 1 •11 • 1111•
1111 w, 1111.1 ,, 1, t111111, d 111, " •1m1 ,,,1h
1111!111111 )111 '1 lt ll ll 1 , If 11111 •1 il l l ti' l tJ j~
WIiii Wl\tl lt" 1111~ ,,,di
,11 111 111 1,111 VIII }'. Ill
v1.1 1l l111d d l,,11!11 111 1111 d 11 11• w1•d1i.11 ,i i1111 .,
111uvl11 11111 lt11d1011111 I pl11111• , '1111 11 1111,
(11) 11 111 v,,1,,,·111 ! nf Wf•d w fl
(11) rli,1 V!l liit,lly (1 1 ) w lllt w l1l 1 It Iii ,
l,111111111v,,11 lt 1v,·, tl, 111 dir ,.1 ·111111
111 1· 1' rn,
fl M 11 111 l111p11l111J lt11p111h1d l,y 1111; li11 1l 111 tlw
\f I Il l
(1 1) ll m 1 111d ll,, l,,i 1I 1./
11·11lll11ll t111 ,,

lb) l'h11 l.' h il ll t,\ l' II\ K\o 111' th l' N~INl \' 111 11, l Mol._ )
(11) ,'\ µ 1111 111\ li'J 111d 11, 11 ·1· 111 111 111 1µ, 1111 ll w •l1/'l fe 111 111 h1,r1 1hlll~I
I I dl1 w ·1l1 , 11 tl w l111 c1 11 11 111 H1 c 1111 11 ,i 1d1111 dd h,: r,i,w1 lll f1I 12n d
/\ f\. · (r\f
I 111 )1 ·
2 111 1•i i r n111w1vnd 11 1 l11, r11,1 ,1,t 11 I d1 1m,l1111 1
I ,v i vo lt1iltly , d' w1:d/1t: :dh~, , :1,ll h i1111 I,,: V
1111 \, l' 11:, (I
when: ,. 11//1
. ( i)
,\ f I 1/ / Th on 11111 MV IV
l'hi:- ~i vcs , (h) A H 111 (;) 1'0 IN IH I 1111p11l ,1 r. fl ll l it e ba ll Il l lltc d1rc::" t11111 r}tral ltl

A l "_ ~ , ~ 111) ( 1/11 '11 \' \ l~(/ ) ' ) ,

lo 1-1 l111~lt1g Hid e l1r,11<.:c Ifi e vc l11c1t y 111 hall a l11 ng th,; tdc,pe
L \l\. - 1/1\ ' ' (11111 ~0111 dl 1'uc lio 11 ) 1il1 011ld 11.: 111,1111 1111c ha n/,!cd ,
2 1\f ~ III 2 II
/,/ (.;OH // 1/ ll lit () ... (i i )
'(: ( I - - Ill cosJ· (})
=- -
( M I 111 tli11
(/) mv,; wlih;l1 1:1. iv<.:H v · 11 cot (I ,
2 M I- 111 2 (M 1· 111 ) (c ) Wo c 11 11 li 11d tlto v11lt1 cN of 11 1t 11d V by ,rnpulfll c a pprc,ach ,
wl1 cn bull hit 1-1 tl, o w,~dgc lite imp ul1,c i1; gcn<:ratcd hct ween
bull 11 11d wt dKC it 1 tit (; dircc li (J n pt rpcnd 11.: ul ar u, , lopi ng
COLLISION OF WEDGE AND PARTICLE 1-1 urfi1co. (11onrnd dirc(; ti <,n)
Jfwc toke part icle and th e wedge us a system. th e nonnul i,npultlo .I ni111/ :
between the particle nnd wedge wi lt bo i11 tunrnl lo thll systu111 . ,; .)ii./ ,:01//
lo thi s system there will be impul t-:o du e to normal n,aclion .I i;o~fJ / I
of the ground on the wedge in vcrticul din:ction . It 111ouns wu , . l /1' / .I r11110
can conserve th e linear momentum of the sys lc lll in hori,i:0111u.l
/ fl ( , ( 'unw u,n Lan ~cnl
,,/ f.J' ,)
2 ,/• '\
I '' ,' ( ' 111111110 11 lllllll lt< I

'' Forbull : mu - ./ sin/J = O

' ./ si11 fl = mu .. .(iii)
J COS (} : lfl V .. .(iv)
From Eqs. ( i) und (ii) , v = u col()
rrom Eq . (iii), ./ = m11 coscc tl
u l.x = component of initial vclodty or thi.: particle in horizon tu I J sin& = MV ~ V= ! sit~~
directi on. M
v = component of ve locity or the purti clc j ust afte r co lli sion which gives v=~
• 1,x
m hori zontal direc tion .
(d) The coi.:f'fic i\lnl l>f' n:stitution is given as
Along common tangent the ve locity of th e particle will n.:rnuin
unchanged .
I' ~111/J " ,, t~,~ V 1;1181J

We can apply coefficient of restitution cquuti on along common q> ·"

;(} ,', • , u .;olill
normal direction . V S' '
◄ •- ) 2) , ·' . -"" .ll-0(1)
V ~m/J" ,-' •11 s 1110
e = v,_., - v, _., t)

u 1. ,1 - 11 2.11
Let us learn the applic.itiun o f' thi ~ concept th rn 11 gh f; l Hll t: Vs i116-· (·· 11 cns O) m sin ~ /-/+ M cos 0 m 2 .a
· - • - ""' . - - - - - - == - + cot u
illustrations. 11 si11 0 - 0 M sin i & M
2.20 Mechan iG II

'""""aTIIATIC N 2 •
. t on smooth surface. a particle
A wedge of mass Mrs kept at res I F' d tbe velocity of wedge
tb ) ~ Yi_
of mass m hits tbe wedge ~o_nnal \ in fficient of restitution
and particle just after colhsron. Ta e coe
as e.
• fli ear momentum): If
~ /! (d ) ~
r.:i""\ Method 1 (using conscrvanon o n . (c) L : : _ l ro~gh
L..a-J · . external unpulse acts
we take wedge and particle as a system. no . b tant
in horizontal direction . the linear momentum shout~ e co~s . . . a frictionJess horizontal table "'
• · 10 2 A disc moving 00·
conserved in hori zontal dJrcction . As the particle. 1s movmg
. in · .
. .
Wl·tb another idenucal disc as sbowl _
oonnal direction. it has no component of velocity 10 slop g e1ast1ca 11Y · ak 1
. ns of motion of the two d1scs m ·e angle 91
surface direction (tangent direction). direc 10
1 -rh
with the initial line of morion as shown. i en:
I' ,

r:i. i /
Hence after collision particle will have no velocity component
in co;nmon tangent direction. The velocity of the particle will (a) 0=30° (b) 0 = 60°
confine along common nonnai direction only. Let velocity of the (c) ¢>=30° (d) <j,=60° 8
particle and ~,edge after collision be vn and Vrespectively. 3. Two equal discs are in contact on a table. A third Ii linear momentum in horizontal direction same mass but of double radius strikes them symmetn
nn:0 sin &= MV + mv. sin fl ... (i) and remains at rest after impact. Find the coeffic~
!',;ow, using Newton's law of collision. restitution.
(l·: - v1). = e(u1 -u 2 ).
(V sin 0- v.) = e(v0

Solving Eqs. (i) and (ii), we get

-0) ... (ii)
4. A wedge (free to move) of mass 'M' bas one face rm
V = (] + e)mv0 sin 8
M + msin 2 () an angle a with horizontal and is resting on a smooth:
floor. A particle of mass ' m ' hits the
(msin 2 fl- Me)v0
and v. = V sin 6- ev0
M + msin fl
2 inclined face of the wedge with a ~ a1 ~
horizontal velocity v0 . It is observed
Method 2 (using impulse method): The impulse acting on the that the particle rebounds in vertical
ball and wedge can be represented as direction after impact. Neglect
J sin 0= MV friction between particle and the wedge and take .M =
... (i)
v0 = 10 mis, tan a = 2, g = 10 m/s 2 . Determiti
... (ii) coefficient of restitution for the impact.
5. Two smooth spheres made of identical material ht,
masses . 'm' and '2m' undergoes an oblique im~
shown m figure. The initial velocities of the mas¢
also shown. The im~act force is along the line joining!
centr~s_. The coefficient of restitution is 5/9. Ca!culall
and Newton's law of restitut ion
veloc1t1es of the masses after the impact.
( V sin fJ- v.) = e ( vQ- O)
Solving Eqs. (i), (ii) and (iii), we get v= 10 m/s
V =- (I+ e)mvr, sin 0
M + msin 2 ()
11 = 5 mis

6. A hemisphere 'S' d
In which of the following system(s) 1. 'm' p . an a particle 'P' are of sarne I
. , .. mear momentum
cannot be conse.rved dunng collision alon h .
(parallel to base)?
. .k is dropped from a height 'h'. A hemispbeP
is ept on a smooth h .
g onzontal hne
collides el .
. onzontal surface. The partt ,pl
in the fi astically with hemisphere at the point . .
gure. If 8 = 450 and after collision the ,,e~
lmp_ulse and Collision 2.21

1)f 11t~· pnrti ch.: hcc1,1111.:s h0ri 2.cH1tul. Find th e ve locities of ANSWERS
1w111isphcn: ·s· and pnrtick 'p· alt e r collision .
' : ,}, t. (c, d) 2. (a, d) 3. _2_ 4. 6. /gh /gh
16 4 ~2'~2
~ 8 (a) Vo Vo (b) ✓5 v 9. u ✓3 ~
I ,'
I ' 7.
) ., 2 . 3'3 · 4 ° 2 '2
: ()

r"°) I
6m gh + gh. mjGgh
I '

s IO.
4( 4 M + m )1 2 ' (4 M + m)

i. Dis..: A of nrnss 111 collicks wi th st:itionary ctisc B of mass

2111 ns shown in llgurc . Find th~. va lue of cocffkienl of VARIABLE MASS SYSTEM
f('Stitnti~ll\ fr1r whid1 the two discs mo ve in papcndicular Consider at any time t, a system of mass m travelling with
din.-dion ntkr collisillll. velocity v as shown . After a small time dt , let its mass becomes
m + dm and velocity v + dv. Here a small mass dm travell ing with
velocity u adds into thi s system of mass m. F exi is the force on m
due to an external agent. For the system of (m + dm) :
: ~ v : : -+- v+dv :

: ~
- I I m~ :
:G+dm :

~- :.\ mass 111 1 with initial speed 1·0 in the positive x-direction ~----------- --- -----:
1 _____ ______ :

collicks with a muss m 2 = 2111 1 which is initially at rest at at time I at time t+dt
the origin. as shown in figure . After the collision m moves Impulse= change in momentum
\' 1
off with speed r 1 = ; in the negative y-direction, and m2 ⇒ F x,dt = (m + dm )( v + dv) - mv - dm u

moYes off with speed "~ at angle 0. = mdv + vdm + dm.dv - dmu
but dmdv is very small, so it is negligible.
⇒ F,x,dt = mdv-(u -v)dm
⇒ F,x,dt + v,01 dm = mdv
where vrel = u - v is the relative velocity of the elementary mass
m1 dm w.r.t. the initial mass of system.
i v =vof2
1 ⇒
Fext +vrel -dt= mdt
Before collision After collision
The above equation is also valid in vector form
(a) Find the velocity (magnitude and direction) of the - _ dm dv
centre of mass before the collision, as well as its F.x, +v 1 - = m-
rc dt dt
velocity after the collision.
(b) Find v2 in terms ofv0 . F,xt + F = Fnet thrust

9. A smooth ball ·A ' travels towards another identical ball 'B' F = Net external force acting on the mass 'm'

with a velocity u. Ball Bis at rest and the impact parameter _ dm

d is equal to ✓3 R where R is radius of each ball. Due to vre1 dt = Thrust force acting on the system. The direction of
impact the direction of motion of ball A changes by 30°. this force is in the direction of vrel , if ilie mass is increasing.
Find the velocities of the balls 'A' and ' B 'after collision.
It acts opposite direction of v,.1 if mass is decreasing. The
It is given that collision is elastic.
value of "rel will be zero if a mass just dropped from a moving
body, as dropped mass has same velocity as the moving body at
the time of dropping. In this case no thrust force will act.

• 10. A small particle of mass m is released

IL.&.:UST'AATIQN a.a i)
from a height h on a large smooth A square plate of mass Mand area A, is moving with constant
sphere kept on a perfectly s mooth velocity v against dust particles v

surface , as shown in the figure . moving with velocity u in oppositt! -[ :=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=::

Col lision between particle and sphere direction as shown in figure. The ===========================:
is perfoctly inelastic. Determine the density of the dust particles in the
r ==========-~({:}}}}}
velocities of particle and sphere afkr ~ncdium is µ (in kg/m ) . Find the ( :=====:=:=:===:/=:=:=:==:
collision. lOr\.'.C r required to keep the plate Platt: (M) Dust particle
moving with constant velocity.
2. 22 Mechanic~ II
Herc u is the velocity of mass being added in th
. e~
llliil;) Ve locity of plate relati ve to dust particle~ . direction which 1s zero . 111

,;,._,, = i' ,, - ,~" =- ,. - ( - 11) = (" + 11) (In righlward direction)

. Rate of adding the mass, dm = µ
dt :=:'; V

dm mdv
Apply F+ v - = - - , we get 1-rom l
rel di di

. dv f, dt
ln time 'dt' plntc ..:omes into contact with dust particles stored
in volume.
or fo F - µv = o mo + µt The u1
·dens it
d i . = ..4d.\· :. A(v + u)dt the fi 1
gw un
TI,e mass of dust striking to plate in time dt is
dm = pdl . = pA( ,·+ 11)dr
= - = pA(,· +u)
... (i) :Jau v,

Let us consider "plate + mass of dust" as system, and apply F mo+ µt

⇒ ---=
impulse momentum equation over time dt. F-µv m0

1~i 11-,
M -- M+im
or v = - - -
mo +µt

From Eq. (i), a= F- µv

= F - _f__E!__
mo + µt
m0 + µt
1 ·here
,e v,
Just before striking the
mass dm with the plate
Just after striking the
mass dm with the plate l
Impulse= Fdt = (M+dm)v-[Mv-dmu] Fm 0 her
or a=
Fdt = Mv+dmv-Mv+dmu (mo+ µt)2
bi s
dmu ore
F = - - (u+v)
= pA(v+u) 2 A cart loaded with sand moves along a horizontal fl0the
From Eq. (i), we have F
to a constant force F coinciding in direction with thc 'r
~: ~~ velocity vector. In the process, the sand spills througb t_
in the bottom with a constant rate µ kg/s. Find the accela
A flat car of mass m 0 starts moving to the right due to a constant nJO
and velocity of the cart at the moment t, if at the initial
horizontal force F . Sand spills on the flat car from a stationary t = 0 the cart with loaded sand had mass m 0 and its velocil!et
hopper. The rate ofloading is constant and equal toµ kg/s. Find equal to zero. Friction is to be neglected. rn
the time dependence of the velocity and the acceleration of 1a
the flat car in the process of loading. The friction is negligibly ~ In this problem, the sand spills through a hole ,
small. bottom of the cart. Hence, the relative velocity of the sand1
be zero, because it will acquire the same velocity as tha11
cart at the moment of separation.

- Initial velocity of the flat car is zero. Let v be its velocity

V,cl =Q tr
at t.ime t and m be its mass at that instant. Then J
Apply F + v i dm = m dv
re dt dt

⇒ F +ox(dm)
= (m -µt) dv
dt O

⇒ (mo -µt)- == F
At t = 0, v = 0 and m = m0 dt \
At t = t, v = v and m = m0 + JJI
Here, vr = u - v = 0 - v = -v
or J•dv = Jomo-µt
F dt i

- - - - - -- --------=--------- - -- - - - --- - - - - - - - - - Impulse and Collision 2.23

::::> v=: [ln (m 0 -,Ltt)I or v=

/.I m0 - ).It
Net force on the rocket,

Fn,, = F,hru<t - W (upwards)= v,,1 ( - d,"!_ )- mg

From Eq. (i), acceleration of the cart,
dv F F Net acceleration of the rocket, a = F
a=-=- or a = - --
dt m m0 - µt

or dv = ~ ( _ dm)- 0a
- ~ . (1\fi'.$4) dt m dt
The upper end of the uniform chain oflinear ma
. l ss V
density µ ts owered with a speed v as shown · or dv= --1&(-dm)- gdt
. th ill m
the figure. Frnd e _reaction force offered by the
ground after the cham falls through a distance y.
f dv = v,, f -- - g f dt
V m I

or 1
u mo m O
- The each falling link collides with the fallen links with a
relative velocity, vrcl = - v] Thus, v = u - g t + vrd ln (l mo )

Note: If gravity is ignored and initial velocity of the rocket

u= 0 then v= v 1n( mo)

rel ·

1nitially Finally FBD of fallen part

~~~s'r~Tao t5 2'.3 :i}
where v = velocity of the falling chain, we have the formula for
A rocket, with an initial mass of 1000 kg, is launched vertically
the variable mass system " m" given as: Fext + Fthrust = ftnet , where ,
upwards· from rest under gravity. The rocket burns fuel at the
- _ dm'
Frlwst = V rel ~ rate of 10 kg per second. The burnt matter is ejected vertically
downwards with a speed of 2000 mis relative to the rocket.
_ ~ d dm' (p .. Find the velocity of the rocket after 1 min of start.
where v"' 1
= -vJ an dt = µv os1ttve, as mass m' is increasing)

This givt:s Fthrust = - µv 2J

l!lil The velocity equation is given by
Force equation on the heap: N - m'g + F thrust
=O V =U - gt+ V, il (~)
,r where m' = µy and Fthru.<t = µv
Here u = 0, t = 60s, g = 10 m/s 2 , v, = 2000 mis,
or N=µ(v 2 +gy)
m0 = 1000 kg and m = 1000 -10 x 60 = 400 kg
Putting these values, we get
Let m0 be the mass of the rocket at time t = 0, m its mass at any
time t and v its velocity at that moment. Initially, let us suppose
V = 0- 600 + 2000 ill( lOOO)
that the velocity of the rocket is u. = 20001n2.5- 600 = 1232.6 mis

Fit At t= t,
m = m0 -µt

u Att•O,
1. Sand is falling on a flat car being
v=u pulled with constant speed. The
m = m0

- - Exhaust velocity = v,
rate of mass falling on the cart
is constant. Then the horizontal
Further, let-dm/dt be the mass of the gas ejected per unit time component of force exerted by the
falling sand on the cart /
and vr the exhaust velocity of the gases with respect to rocket.
Usually, -dmldt and v are kept constant throughout the journey (a) increases · §
of the rocket. Now, I~~ us write a few equations which can be (b) decreases
used in the problems of rocket propulsion. (c) remains constant
At time t = t (d) increases and then decreases
' 2. A gun fires 40 shots in one second with a muzzle velocity
Thrust force on the rocket F == v (- dm 1
• thrust fd dt ) (upwards), of 300 mis. If mass of each shot is 40 g, find the average
impact force on the gun.
Weight of the rocket, W = mg (downwards)
2.24 Mechanics II

3. A mass rn is connected by a weightless

cable passing over a frictionless pullc_y
to a container of water, whose mass ts

m at , = 0. If t11e container ejects water
in downward direction at a constant rate
b k,g/s. With a velocity ,·0 relative to the
container, detennine the acceleration of m1 1. A
(l) External force F I~
as a function of time. (ii) The power delivered b~ th~ external force.
4. A unifom, chain of mass m and length l
bangs on a thread and touches the surfoce
of a table by its lower end. Find the force
(ill) The rate of change of kinetic energy.

8. A block of mass Mis kept on a smooth horizontal -

exerted by the table and the chain when A jet of water emerging from a ~ozzle of cross-seq
half of its length has fallen on the table. The
fallen part does not fonn heap.
L strikes the block horizontally with a speed u. ASSIJQ
as the density of water. 2. r

5. A smooth container filled with water moves with a velocity 2
v 0 . If water leak--s at the base with a constant rate µ kg/s,
find the velocity and acceleration of the container as the
function of time. Assume M = initial mass of the system (i) Find the maximum power applied on the block.
(container + water). (ii) Calculate the thrust imparted by water jet on tltl
at this time. 3. ,
(ii) Obtain an expression for the speed of the bloci1
function of time.


6. A rocket has initial velocity v0 and mass m 0 • If it travels in 1. (c) 2.48 N J. (m1 - m0 + bt)g + bv0 _~ 1
free space, find the velocity of the rocket as the function m 0 + m 1 -bt l
of its existing mass M. Assume that that rocket expels the
fuel with a velocity urel with respect to itself. M
S. v = vO and a = O 6. Vo - vrcl 1n -
7. (i) µv (ii) µv 2 (iii) µv
7. A cart is pulled with a constant force F with a constant 2
velocity v on a smooth horizontal ground. A Hooper loads 8• ("') 4 4 A.,ati (iii) __u_M_
\ the cart with sands at a time ofµ kg/s. Find the:
3 ..
i -27 A.,at (u) 9
l+ - -

Impulse and Collision 2.25

IQ_ _____ __E_xe...:__r-=-ci..:.....::se--=-s_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I

Single Correct Answer Type :

1. A ball impinges directly on another ball at rest. The first ball

fraction of the incident energy transferred to the second ball
(l)l~~n (2) ( I : n)1
is brought to '.est by the impact. If half of the kinetic energy
is lost by the impact, the value of coefficient of restitution is
(3) (1 ~t- n)2 (4) 4n
( 1 + n)2

(2) * 7. In the above question, the ratio of the kinetic energies of the
first ball to the second ball after collision is

(4) J/- ( 2n
I) (I - (2) (I - n)2
2. A particle of mass 2 kg moving with a velocity of 3 mis is ) (I + n)2 (I + n)2
acted upon by a force which changes its direction of motion
(3 2 n (4) 411
by an angle of 90° without changing its speed. What is the 8. A gun which fires small balls of mass 20 g is firing 20 balls
magnitude of impulse experienced by the particle? per second on the smooth horizontal table surface ABCD. If
(1 ) 6Ns (2)2Ns the collision is perfectly elastic and balls are striking at the
(3) 3--fi Ns (4) 6.../2:Ns centre of table with a speed of 5 mis at an angle of 60° with
3. A body of mass 3 kg moving with a velocity of 4 mis towards the vertical just before collision, then force exerted by one
left collides head on with a body of mass 4 kg moving in of the legs on ground is (assume total weight of the table is
opposite direction with a velocity of 3 mis. After collision 0.2 kg)
the two bodies stick together and move with a common
velocity which is ,-
D_ _ __ __, C

mg (I) zero (2) 12 mis towards left

(3) 12 mis towards right (4) ¥- mis towards left
4. A ball of mass m moving with m
velocity v0 collides with a wall v,

as shown in figure . After impact

it rebounds with a velocity vof2· (1) 0.5 N (2) 1 N
The component of impulse acting (3) 0.25 N (4) 0.75 N
on the ball along the wall is 9. A system of two blocks A and B are connected by an
mvo A mvo A inextensible massless string as shown in figure. The pulley
(l)Tj (2)---yj
is massless and frictionless . Initially, the system is at rest. A
bullet of mass 'm' moving with a velocity
(4) none of these 'u' as shown hits block 'B' ,u1d gets
5. A particle of mass m moving with a velocity v makes an embedded into it. The impulse imparted by
elastic one dimensional collision with a stationary particle tension force to the block of mass 3m is
of mass m establishing a contact with it for extremely small
(I)~ (2)~
time T. Their force of contact increases from zero to F0
linearly in time T/4, remains constant for a further time T/2 (3)~ (4)~
and decreases linearly from F0 to zero in further time T/4 as
shown in figure . The magnitude possessed by F0 is 10. A hockey player receives a comer shot at a speed of
F 15 mis at angle 30° with y-axis and then shoots the ball
along x-axis with the speed 30 mis. If the mass of the ball
is 150 g and it remains in contact with the hockey stick for
0.01 s, the force exerted on the ball along x-axis is

(l) !!J.j:-
T/4 3Tl4

'A cf I

(3) 1fr (4 ) tf • y

6· A ball of (I) 281 N (2) 187.5 N

mass m moving with speed u undergoes a head-on
elastic collision with a ball of mass nm initially at rest. The (3) 562 .5 N (4) 375N
- .- . ul.,rh:n,lnchct\, l.'~n-!and
11. \t ·!--"lln.c"J"l:C! , .3,...(11<.T\: -
~ __, •~ : , (' t ,, m 11 ,,~, iP ); ,, 11h um hlnTI
o ~~ .., , n r h ... \ ex .1 fT' _j

,:-'i,_ ..... 'J ,\..n,,-..1.a~ i a ·, . ,,'C .:-oh. r.... ~h . . (! I \

, t>rn .. ,h - '_. tt·i..l , ~ ·.J ,, ',, ,1t H
13 l ,{jd-!
"•h ,,._·, ... 11' , .:: a~c tia.! 1 Th.:
JS .\ article los~ 25 r, of its energy dunn_g COl!i3;,,,
,!\ l' ~g,· ·,, ,.,· ('',;:-rt,,1 h ,h: ~-.hi ''"
. ".m!ther ,denucal particle at resL the coefficient ofr~
will l>e
I l 1 0.~5
(-1J 0. 5
n, - !
._, · \ •,-:,c ,, , ...-"' ,,n ,1 ra.r111.'.'k changin g 115 !-peed
,., ,-.-- .. ·,:.
,, t, ~ , \ ..-k\(1t, .:: , The :i.poh ed fo rce
, .,· ,, 11, . f _ k elasrically ·.•.-ith ~
·~c- - · :i , , k,. 11:, ...,'"\:' '-'J'.'PO-il~l ~ ,,n l·ntct.l along the 19. A bod y o mas5 3 -2 . , ..
- ,! tinues to mo·, e m tne ong:ma; r,..
• - : ",,-, ~,--, h~ l"'C ,,ri. .:- ,, at rest an d then Con -
with o ne half of its ongmal speed. \\ oat t5 the r;--"i:ii
, .:: l "' IH target body?
(2) 1.5 kg
ttl) :_ Ju (] J l kg
13. \ - -- : , , ~.1J.:.- hJ m.:>,e \nth uruform spee.d ( 3 J 2 kg
( 4 ) 5 kg
.:. J;if ·'.: j"\,:---:·:·c· ,, .- .1 :-,f ula r he"ag.on. mscnbed in a 20. Two particles of equa l masses mo<.·ing__ 1~·irh 5ar:J
,·- - .:·e ,- ca.:! .._, ::- - ~ ·-3.;n•:ude ot impulse applied at each collide perfectly inelastically. After the collision the q
mass moves '1.'!lll half o f the speed of the individual
sm 0
- ;r Toe angle berv.-een the initial momenr.a of indi-..idual !l
12 1 nn J
{l ) 60::, ( 2 ) 9 00
f .1 ) _...,m, 0
sm 1'
( 3)120" (4 ) 45°
21. A ping-pong ball of mass m is fl oating in air by a ja
i4. t- ::-._ ::_;-...:-e --- :-":-... ±e '.lea·,~ ba ll
emerging out of a nozzle. If the w ater strikes the i;i
..,. -;-...:!!,, .:.- - e-5".s ::-::: :be horizom.z.l
5 __-:i= _ =.3:: =-~ :::-. _ :er hal] of rnass
ball with a speed v and just after collision water fa
the rare of flow o f warer in the nozzle is equal to
~ !- : :: : ~ : : . ::7-:= a heig.::n h > 2. 1.
!._· ::i- :.::s--==:;.: :::c ;T,.ng g~~ tauL (IJ 2mg (2) -
~ _,-"-=-~ :::_ -. e_c•~:;.· of :he hea\: · T
V 0

7::-d. r.. ~ : :,_ (3 ) mg (4 ) n one of these

➔ r-: V
• ,c
e, -:;- , gl
22. A ball collides with a fixed inclined p lane of incl
l ,- after failing through a dis~ce h. If it mo ves bo1
- p" ~
(4 ) - ' g/
- 2' just after the impact, the coefficient of restirntion i
( 1) tao 0 (2) tan~ 0
15 . 1L !:'!~ n .?!.1!= ~t-:rb::. ±c ~ of mass 6m is initialJy at rest . .A.
?'"'-'! • -= ~ :TI1:.:,~ Ul b a:!1.acl;ec to the end of the light rod (3 ) Cot 0 (4 ) cor 8
- ~~- _ ~- r01..2•::: :~,y_--!; ~oo~t A ff the lini A
23. Three cans mo,·e o n a frictionl ess track with ma
t rJ!I.:. 1S '":: ~'::"';. ~ ,,.I_ rr- , . ~ . _n ~ :i<JriZIJntal I m velocities as shown. The cans collide and stick
~-"~·~.,.,., ~ , J\. # '! i:'~'::'"r-m1nt ilit -..elr.>C~t; after successive colli5ions. F ind the total magniru
. ._ ,:: t;;::: ;J"- ,.., . -;!t: ,. •!t. re--..;:,c,t.t w the impu lse experienced by A . ~
m , =3 :. : g
. m: = I kg m3 = 2 kg

,-- ) . ~,7- • 1 =Im,. i:=imsL

•,= 2 ms- · --+ - ,c:

' r,
(I) I ~s
rl I4J - ,,,
( (2) 2 Ns
; ',; (3)3 :'ls (..J) 4 Ns
J6 . T•.•. r de-r,1Lt<:. !1.: in alf mda.., t1c:<llly. One
:,'4r'iC:t. ~;)1 1
24. Block A i-.:. h angmg
· f'.
1rom a vertical sprino O
an d 1.
Bl oc kB stn·k' es the block A w ith ve locity ~• and so·
m,,, t _ tl'-!;n i',.1m.a:1:. 400 ti-..;; t, 1b:1 n,1,, t'3 '<<:fl lCii liy v, ith
-:qu;:.. ~j) ~<;l'. . -' · ! •,d,,•c- •.•Jll' ~,,..r1 f he fr,u.:ttonal le,.,~ in The_n the value of v for w hich the spring just
1~neH _ L."Tlt ··.t:- ., !n.: .,:, ,km t 1 p;,u•H.:lt:, ,., -cql!41 to amuns narural length is
I I J • • ]. {') > i 2
(I) f60m g2
( 2)
/6mg 2
\J k
17. A p,H1Ll: :,:1 ,~,, I"'

ho r1/• -,1:.1' l.:f~ •i~C o> I 10 mg~ (4) none of these

\ k
Impulse and Collision 2.27
25. A pendulum <;onsists of a wooden bDb of mass m and length Rahul : There ore no impulsive ex temal forces in x-direcrion
/. A bullet of mass 111 1 is tired towards the pendulum with 111 hoth coses. hence the totnl momentum of the system in
a speed 1·1. The bullet emerges ou t of the bob with n speed _\·-direction can be treated ns co nserved in both cases.
of 1·1 3 and the bob just completes motion along n ,·erticnl 11) Snunl\ is inco rrect and Rnhu l is correct
circle. then 1·1 is (2) Su un" i" correct and Rahul is incorrect
3m r;-; Ill ,c:; l J) noth ure corrcc t
(!) - \1Sgl (2) _t_ y5g/
2m 1 Ill
(4) Both arc incorrect
31. A 20 g bullet pierces throu gh a platt.: of mass M = I kg and
,m ,- mt r. 1
(3) -- - \S gl (4) - \i .~I th en comes 10 rest inside a seco nd plate of mass
3m 1 m M = 2.98 kg as shown in figure . It is found that the rwo

26. In the arrangeme111s slwwn in the figure masses of each ball
plates. ini tiall y at rest. now mo ve _,. 1. -+ ~
is I kg and mass of trolley is 4 kg. ln the ligure. shell of mass
with eq ual ve loci ties. Find tJ1e
l kg mo,ing horizontally with velocity
percent age loss in the initial ve locit>
,. = 6 ms- 1 collides with the ball and get of tl1e bul Ict w hen ti. .1s between
. '! 11 . u
M ' ~ Af.
;v 1 3C> ·
stuck to it then its maximum deflection of ~ t kg . m
t kg and M 2. Neglect any loss of matenal
the thre;1d (length 1.5 m) with Yertical is of the plates due to tht: ac ti on of
(1) 53 ° (2)3 7° bullet.
(3) 30° (4) 60° (1) 50% (2) 25%
27. A 3000 kg space probe is moving in a gravity free space (3) 100% (4) 75%
at a constant ,·elocity of 300 mis. To change the direction 32. A body Xwith a momentump collides with another identical
of space probe. rockets have been fired in a direction stationary body Y one dimensi onally. During the collision. Y
perpendicular to the direction of initial motion of the space gives an impulse J to body X. Then coefficient of resrirution
probe, the rocker firing exerts a thrust of 4000 N for 225 s. is
The space probe will turn by an angle of (neglect the mass
of the rockets fired)
(1) 3/ - l (2) J+ 1
(1) 30°
(3) 45°
(2) 60°
(4) 37°
(3) i- I J
(4) :jj - I
33. A smooth sphere is moving on a horizontal surface with
8. _.\ highly elastic ball moving at a speed of
velocity vector 2i + 2) immediatel y before it hits a vertical

3 ws approaches a ,vall moving towards it
wall. The wall is parallel to ) vector and the coefficient of
·with a speed of 3 mis. After the collision,
restitution between the sphere and the wall is e = I. 2. The
the speed of the ball will be s
o---+ velocity vector of the sphere after it hits the wall is
( ! ) 3 m/s (2) 6 mis
(3) 9 mis
(l) 'i-) (2)- i+2)
(4) zero
29. Two identical billiard balls undergo an oblique elastic (3)- i-) (4)2i-)
collision. Initially, one of the balls is stationary. If the 34. A ball is dropped from a height of 45 m from the ground. The
initiall y stationary ball after collision moves in a direction coefficient of restitution between the ball and the ground is
whicb makes an angle of37° with direction of initial motion 2/3- What is the distance travelled by the ball in 4th second
of the moving ball, then the angle through which initially
ofits motion? Assume negligible time is spent in rebounding .
moving ball wi ll be deflected is Let g = l 0 m s2 .
( 1) 37° (2) 60° (1)5m (2)20m
(3) 53 ° (4) > 53° (3)15m (4)10m
0. A ball of mass m collides horizontally with a stationary 35. A ball falls vertically onto a floor with momentum p, ,md
wedge on a rough horizontal surface, in the two orientations then bounces repeatedly. lf the coefficient of restitution is e,
as shown . Neglect friction between the ball and the wedge. then the total momentum imparted by the ball on the tloor
The students comment on the system of ball and wedge in till the ball comes 10 rest is
these situation s
(l)p(l +e) (l) I ~ e

(3) p ( l + {) (4)p(i ~!)

36. A ball rekased from a height '1 above a horizontal surface
Rou gh rebounds to a height I, 1 a tter one bounce. The graph that
(i) relates '1 0 to h 1 is shown in fi gun:.
If the ball (of the mass m) was
dropped from an initial height /,
and made thret· bounces , tht:
Saurav: Momentum of the system in x-direction will change kineti c cm:rgy of rhe ba ll
by significant amount in both the cases. immediate ly after thl' third
impact with the surface was
2. 28 Mechan ics II
and C (assumin g th e a ngle of inclination o f the plant . _,.-
( I ) (0.8) 3 mg h mg h
( 2 ) (0.8)2
w ith respec t to the ho ri zontal) is '
(3) 0.8 mg (h '3) ( ➔) f I (0.8)' jn,g /, _
3 7. Two idcnt ica l balls. of e4unl rn,1 ssc~ .../ anJ /J , arc ly mg 0 11 a
( I) O (2) 2m -{[1gJi} si n 0

smooth surface as slHJ wn 111 figure . Ball A hit s bal l B (whi ch (3) 2m ✓Clili) sin rn) (4) 2m -{[1gJi}
is at rcs1) wi th a vclocit) ,·.,., I 6 mis. Whnt shou ld be th e
m inimum , aluc of coeffic ien t l)f restituti on between A and 42. Three ball s A, Band C o f masse s 2 kg , 4 kg and k
B so that B j us t reach es 1hc hi ghe~I point of inclin ed plane? respecti ve ly, move a long th e same straight line and ~•

A B /
/: : 5 111
same direc tion , w ith veloc ities 4 m/ s, 1 mis and 3/4 rt11
;I co llides with B and s ubsequentl y B co llides with c,\

Cb:f (1 ~ - ---- ~
th e veloc ity of ball A and ball B after
co lli sion , takin g the coe ffi c ient of
,n.,~ 11 ~

, 111 1

\ 1 I~ l-") 4
1 restitution as unity. ~
( l )vA = 3,v8 = 9/4 (2) vA = 0 ,v8 =3
(.~I ~ (➔) 1I (3) VA= 3, v8 = 0 (4) VA = 0, VB = 0
- 43. Five balls are placed one after the o th er along a straighi
38. A pamde at rest is constr.iinc:-<l to mo,·c on a smooth hori zontal
surfac~' .\ 1wther ,d\.·ntiol 1x111iclc hi ts the fractiona l particle as shown in the figure. Initially, all the balls are at rest l
w1th a ,clccll~ , . at an angle 0 = 60° with hori zontal. If the the second ball has been projected with speed v 0 towari
r,imcles mo, e to gether. th..:, clocity of th e combination just third ball. Mark the correct statements. (Assume all colhi~
after 1mp.1c1 15 equal to to be head-on and elastic.)

,l l ,

39. A hall of mass m l.S rel ease.d from rest relative ( 1) Total number of collisions in the process is 5
tc' ele, ·ator at a height h abO\·e the floor of (2) Velocity of separation between the first and fifth balh
the ele,·aror. After making c.:>llision with the
floor of the elevator ir rebounces to height
i? I
the last possible collision is v 0
(3) Finally, three balls ret;nain stationary
h . . The coefficient ofrestirurion for collision I T 2
(4) All of the above
is e . For this situation. mark the correc t 44. A ball of mass m is attached to a cord of length L, piv~
,ta:.emeru1 <; l. point 0, as shown in figure. The ball is released from r.s
• l I Jf ek\ aior is mewin g d0wn wi th constant velocity v 0 , then point A, swings down and makes an inelastic co llision,
h. = ._;.1; . a block of mass 2m kept on a rough horizontal floor.· 4'
( : 1 lf e!e, a101 is moYin6 c own with constant ve locity v 0 , then coefficient of restitution of collision is e = 2/ 3 and coeffic
of friction between block and surface is µ . After co!li.~
h.=rh - .,;._ .
- _g the ball comes momentarily to m
<.:; I If ele\ awr is movin g dov:n with constant velocity v0 , then rest at C when cord makes an
angle of 0with the vertical and
impu l<,e imparted by floor of the eleva tor to the bail is
block moves a distance of 3L/2
m(-;2gli2 - ·)gh "'" 2 v ) in 1hc upward direction . Sl
1 0 on rough horizontal floor
(4 ) If elt Yator 1s mo ving with cons tant accelera tion of g/4 before stopping. The values of
in upv. ard di rection, thtn it is nut possible to determine µ and 0 are, respectively,
a relation between '1 1 ~nd h2 from the g iven information .
40. A block of ma1.s m start~ from res t and slides down a
(l) f.f3,cos- (ft) 1
(2) ~ ' cos- 1

frictionle ~., :,emi-cin.:ular track from a height h as shown.

When it reachc~ the lowc,,t poin t of the tnick, it collides (3 .) sr,
- I I\NJ
80 )
(4) ~ . cos- 1 ( }£-)
with a stat1tJnar; piece o f pully also havi ng mass m. ff the
bluck and th L: runy su ck togeth er and <.: ontinuc to slid e, th e 45. Two blocks A and B of masses m and 2m, respective!~
maximum htigh t that th e bl()(;k--p11tly connected with the he lp of a spring having spring cooP
sys tem cou ld reac h :1> k as shown in fi? ure. lnitially, both the blocks are(]):
( 1) hl4 (2J h/2 w ith sam e velocity v on a smooth horizontal plane ivt
( 3 ) Ii (4) indi;pcll(Je ll t ufh sprin g in its naturnl length . During their course of 1111~
41. A parti clc of 1na s s III C(Jll'1 cs tlow11 on block B makes an inelas tic collision with block C ofn~~- S1
a s mooth inc lin ed plane from point whic h is initially at res t. The coefficient ofrestituri 001'i
B at a h e ig ht of h from res t. The
m agniru<l e of change Ill llh)J J] l,; llllllll ur
the particle bctv.iccn pus 1tiu 11 A (jw;I rrr,rrmm
before a rri vi ng on horizo nt al s urface)
l '
Z .-1
collision is l /2. The maximum compression in the srrir

~~ :11

II 1111'nlJ
_ Impulse and Collisio_n_ 2.29

arc shown in the figure . Which of the following statements

(2) will never be attained
correctl y describes the speeds of the two places? ( 0 > 0)
'm m
( ➔ ) ~6}. V

0) 8
~ ..\fter a totally inelastic collision. two objects of the same mass
.mJ same initial speeds are found to move together at half of
0 m
-- -- -- - ------- ►

their initjal s.x--eds. The angie between the initial ve loci ti es .m
vf the objects 1s Before coll ision After collision
tn 120= c2) 60°
t3) J51Y ( l ) Each piece moves with speed v
(4) 45°
J. Three blocks are initially placed as sho\,11 in the figure . Block (2) Each piece moves with speed v/2
(3) One of the pieces moves with speed v/2, the other moves
A has mass m and initial velocity\' to the right. Block B with
ma.--s m and block C with mass 4111 are both initiall y at rest. with speed greater than v/2
:S~kct friction . .'\.11 rnllisions are elastic. The final velocity (4) Each piece moves with speed greater than v/2
0f blocks A is 52. A ball is projected in a direction inclined to the vertical and
·bounces on a smooth horizontal plane. The range of one
A B C rebound is R. If the coefficient of restitution is e, then range
Jmi 1ml Fl of the next rebound is
l l i 0.6\· tO the left (1) R' = eR (2) R' = e'R
(2) l .4v to the left
(.3 ) \. tothe kft (4) 0.4v to the right
I;:i the figure shown.. the n,;o identical balls of mass M and
(3) R' =!!_ (4) R' = R
radius R ~h. are placed in contact with each other on the 53. A glass ball collides with a smooth horizontal surface
iricrion.!cSS horizontal surface. Tne third ball of mass Mand
(xz plane) with a velocity V = ai - b] . If the coefficient of
rdius R 2. iS coming down venicall y and
hzs a \·elociry = r 0 "hen it simultaneously
hirs die rwo balls and itself comes to rest. I
0 restitution of collision be e, the velocity of the ball just after
the collision will be
Tr:-cri. each of the two bigger balls will move
a::e: wllision \\icb a speed equal to ~m ➔ (l) ✓ e2 a 2 + b2 at angle tan-
( :b j to the vertical
(2) 2v0 /✓5
✓ a2 + e2 b2 at angle tan - I ( :b) to the vertical
, : , -h - h. 5
I: ) i -1-.5 (4) none
. In Ihe ilioYe question, suppose that the smaller ball does not
s-..op collision, bm continues to move downwards with
a speed = iq 2, after the collision. Then, the speed of each
(J) R at angle tan_, ( e:) to the vert,cal

b:g_ge:- ball after collision is I 2

(4) ~:
+ b2 at angle tan - 1 ( :b ) to the vertical

,: 1·;,:J._ 5 (4) none 54. A mass m 1 moves with a great velocity. It strikes another
, Three blocks are olace:d on smooth horizontal surfac.e and mass m 2 at rest in head-on collision . It comes back along its
lie on Y.L'll!; ho~nta l straight line. Block I and block 3 path with low speed after collision . Then
have massm each and block 2 has mass M (M > m ). Block 2 (1) m 1 > m2
and blod, 3 are initiaJh, stationary, while block l is initiall y (2) m1 < m2
mo,ing lO"Wards block. wilh speed v as sh.own. Assume (3) m1 = m2
al! collisions are bead on and perfectly elastic. \\ 'hat value ( 4) there is no relation between m and m
I 2
of .~f m ensures tb11t block l and block 3 have the same final 55. A body is hanging from a rigid support by an inextensible
speed? string of length ' I' . lt is struck inelastically by an identical

body of mass m with horizontal velocity v =
tension in the string increases just after the srriking by
the .Jiii ,
( I ) mg (2) 3 mg
(3) 2 mg (4) none of these
56. A s:ecl ball of mass 0.5 kg is fastened to a cord 20 cm
long and fi xed at the far end and is released when the cord
· A P<micl.t of mass m is movin2 along the x-axis with speed
is horizonlal. Al the bonom of its path the ball strikes a
:·;/r..en ncolh~ .-.i.itb a pr.trticle ofrrus..s'> 2m initially al rest.
2.5 kg steel block initially at rest on a frictionless surface ..
Afu:::,- t"n-e u ,!li.,ion. the fir-.,f pankle ha~ come w rest and
The collision is elastic . The speed of the block just after the
'.1:.!: \.,'..'.it~ 'l ;:;.irry:.le r;a~ ~pli t into u .o ,;;qual-rm1 ~<, piece~ that
co ll ision will be
( I J Vcl(l<: tl y o f the cornbin~ masq mu st be maxinill,,
2.30 Mf!dtdrlk: II
natural )(;ngth of the spnng. . .
(2 j Ill ~ ( 2 ) Ve loc ity of the <:<.rm h!~c<.I ma ss must be maximum .,
\ .
nc..--w equilibrium poi11t10n .
'\ (}) Velocity of the comuinc<l mass mus t be rnax 1murn ~
( 3) 5 m s' (4) 1 fTl 't imitan t r,articl c hi ts the block . .
O !!peed of soo !THI (4 J Vcl<,city of the combi ned mass _must b~ max1mlltri.
~7 A bullet of mas~0.0 I " "' and lnJ vcll 111ij Bf
"'n"K point lying b(.,-twccn o ld equ ilibrium p os ition and %,
. stnke~ a block of ma"" 2 k1-1 wh1d1 ,~ ~11 .. pendcd hy o
8, I
of lcnglh 5 m The centre of prAv11 y ol the hlock l!i found w length . . .
ra, .. c 3 \IC-r'llc3I d1, tJIOCC o ( () 2 111 Whal Ill the ~r ecd o f the 3. A hod y moving toward~ a body of finite mass at re!!t C(l\
hullC1 afier ti emcrt,1e, tmm the hlod,' with it. Jt , r-i possible that
. .
I I I l ~ 111 .. I (), 20 IIH : ( J J hoth b<-,di c11 come to rest

' 1 I l 00 m ' i ( 4 ) 'iO m ,,

(2 ) both bodies mvve after collls1on
( 3 ) the mo vi ng body stops an~ the bo_ dy at rest startsrrr;
58. A -.mall ha ll 1-. p1tlJ et.1 cd h11r11onwll y bc11wecn two large
(4 J the <itaticmary remains s tationary and the mi,.
hl('(:k, n,c ball ,, (ll\Cn :_i q ~lou 1y I rn ,, and each ~, f_the body
large bklCI...., mo,
ha.II ..,~1Jhdc, ela..11uilly w11h th e
b io.: L., If the , cloc11~ of th e
c uni!e1mi l) " 11h ;i \-C l o c 1ty of 2v m il . I he body rebounds
4. A ba ll s trike11 a s mooth h or izontal floor obliqueli
re bo un ds ine las tically.

(I) T he kinetic energy of the ball just after hitti~g the ft.-,
t-1 . x. Ls <l" 001 change due tn th e
-+ eq ual to the potential t.,-nergy of the ball at its max~ 9.
n'lJl1qon . then fi nd ou l th e
, d ...--.c1 i-, ol lhc ball aflcr the 2nd ~b<Jent
height after rebound.
• A ~\umc frt c:Wm W be
, <il11SJOn (2) Total energy of the ball is not conserved .
1l1 5 , (2)7v ( 3 ) The angJe ofrebound with the vertical is greater !ha.
131 91 (4) none o fthc ~c angle of incidence .
. A ball A lS f.allmg , ert1caJl y downward s wi th velocity v 1• ft (4) None of the above.
~ elasocallv wnh a wedge moving horizontall y with 5. A particle A suffers an oblique elastic collision with a pa:;
,eloo~ , , ~ s:h~ in figu re . What must be the rati o v/v 2 B that is at rest initially. If their mass es are the same.,
s.o the-ball bounces back in vc-rtically upwards direction after the collision
relat.J'-e to ""edge?
( J) their KE may be equal
(2) A continues to move in tbe original direction wt: 10.
remains at rest
(3) they will move in mutually perpend icular directioo
( 4) A comes to rest and B starts m oving in the directlil
30° the original motion of A
6. A ball strikes a wall w1tb a velocity u
at an angle 0wc
normal to the wall surface and rebounds from it at an ?i
(1, ,'3 (2) ✓3 f3 with the surface . Then
(1) ( 0 + /3) < 90°, if the wa11 is smooth
(2) iftbe wall is rough, coefficient of restitution = tan~ = ll .
(3) if the wall is rough , coefficien t of restitution < tan fi;
(3J 2 (4)
( 4) none of the above
7. Two masses 2m and mare connected by an inextensible
Multiple Correct Answers Type Ill string. The string is passing over a light frictionless J,('
The mass 2m is resting on a surface and mass m is hanf
l . In an eJ&stic coJJisfoo between two f)'.srticles air as shown in figure . A particle of mass m strikes the;
(1) the total lciootfo energy oftbe syt.t.ein is always conserved m from below in case (I) with a velocity v and in ca.¢
'k . o
(2)the kio~tk energy of the sy':ltem before coJlision is stn es mass m with a velocity v from top and stick5 -'
equal to the k inetic energy (Jf th e !system after coll ision Case I Case U
0 J the hriear mvm1:ntum c,f th1: 1,y; i.s c,mscrvcd /

(4J the mediafJkaJ i;n,ergy of the sysr.crn before collis ion

,s to th1; m<;<:hamcal em;rgy o f the 1,y.stt:m after
2. A blocJ.:. uf ma~~ ·m ' i1, hl:lnging from a rna ss lc~~ 12
bpri ng of i,pring wruit..1nt k. If ib in cquilihdum ~
under th e rnflucnc(: ,,f g ra vJtati.o nal lor e,;, k
Anotht:r particl e 9 / 1,amc mct \'l · m • rM,v,n g m .

upwa rd ~ with velocity u11 hit ;, the bind: and

l ) ·rh t.: conservat ion ofli ncar momentum can be ap pf·
~tJcb to it. h:.,r the 1iuhscqucnt m1,tion , e,Ji1,olle ~6t m (
thc tn<·orref'/ i;Uitt:mcnt" : both the case-; j ust before and jus t afte r collisio ·
Imp ulse and Collision 2.31
l: ) The conserYation oflinear momentum can be applied in ( I ) balls I . 2 and 3 would start moving to the ri ght, each with
case I but cannot be applied in case 11 jus: he fore and just velocity v/3
after c-ollis1on. · (2) balls 2 and 3 wo uld start moving to the ri ght, each with
lJ) The ratio of wlocities of mass m just aflcr colli sion in ve locity v/2
first and second cases is I/2. (3) balls 2 and 3 would start moving to the right, each with
( ) The ratio of Yelocities of mass just atl cr collision in ve locity v
I 4 first and se-cond case is 2.
( 4) ball I and ball of mass 2m would remain at rest

t A ball moving wir~ a velocit~ ,· hits a mass ive wa ll movi ng 13. Two particles of masses m 1 and m2 and velocities u 1 and au 1
( CX :;t 0) make an elastic head on collision. If the initial kinetic
wwards the hall wnh a velocity u. An elasti c impact lasts for
time ~r. energies of the two particles are equal and m 1 comes to rest
( t) The average elastic force acting on the ball is aft er co lli sion, th en
(111(11 - ,·)] ~(. UI .M
(2) The average elastic force acting on the ball is
(I) v.
= '1 2 + I
[2111t11 .;.. ,·)] t1:. m m
(3) The kinetic ene rgy of the ball increases by (3) 11/
= 3 + 2-fi (4) m~= 3 - 2-12
2m11 (11 ~ 1-). 14. A ball of mass I kg is dropped from a height of 0

t4) The kinetic energy of the ball remains the same after the 3.2 m on smooth inclined plane. The coefficient
collision. of restitution for the collision is e = 1/2. The
. A particle strikes a horizontal smooth floor with a velocity u ball 's velocity become hori zon tal after th e
making an angk 0 with the floor and rebounds with velocity collision.
1· making an angle <fJ with the floor. If the coefficient of

restitution between the particle and the floor is e, then (1) The angle 0 = tan - 1 [ ~ ).
(I) the impulse delivered by the floor to the body is
mu(l, e) sin 0 (2) The speed of the ball after the collision = 4 ✓ 2 m s- • 1

(2) tan 0 = e tan 0 (3) The total loss in kinetic energy during the collision is
- - - -- - 8 J.
(3) ,· = u \ I - (I - e)2 sin 2 0 (4) The ball hits the inclined plane again whi le trave lling
(4) the ratio of final kinetic energy to the initial kinetic energy vertically downward.
is (cos 2 e.-e2 sin 2 0) 15. A pendulum bob of mass m connected t0 the end of an ideal
~- A body of mass 2 kg moving with a velocity 3 mis collides string oflength / is released from rest from horizontal position
wi th a body of mass I kg moving with a velocity of as shown in figure.
4 mis in opposite direction. If the collision is head on and At the lowest point, the bob
completely inelastic, then makes an elastic collision with
( I) both particles move together with velocity (2/3) mis a stationary block of mass 5m ,
(2) the momentum of system is 2 kg mis throughout which is kept on a frictionless
(3) the momentum of system is l 0 kg mis surface. Mark out the correct
(4) the loss of KE of system is (49/3) J statement( s) for the instant just
. Velocity of a particle of mas s 2 kg changes from after the impact.
v 1
= (- 2i -2)) mis to = (i -)) mis after colliding with ( 1) Tension in the string is ( 17/9) mg.
a plane surface. - (2) Tension in the string is 3 mg.
( 1) The angle made by the plane surface with the positive (3) The velocity of the block is {iii 13.
(4) The maximum height attained by the pendulum bob after
x-axis is 90° + tan- 1 ( ½). impact is (measured from the lowest position) 41/9.
(2) The angle made by the pla:1e surface wi th the positive 16. A string of length 3/ is connected to a fixed cylinder whose
x-axis is tan ~1 ( t ). top view is shown in figure . The string is initially slack. The
other end of the string (connected to a marble) is moving at
(3) The direction of change in momentum makes an angle a constant velocjty of 10 mis as shown. The string will get
tan- 1 (½) wi th the positive x-axis. stretched at some instant and impulsive tension occurs in the
string. If hinge is exerting a force of 40000 N for 0.25 ms on
(4) The direction of change in momentum makes an angle
the cylinder to bear up the
90° + tan- 1 ( t) with the plane surface. impact of impulsive tension,
then m a rk the correct 10 mis
· A steel ball of mass 2m suffers one-dimensional elastic
collision with a row of three steel balls, each of mass m.
statements . (Take string to be !'
light, breaking tension of the 3/ 0
If mass 2m has collided with vdocity v and the three balls
string is 2 x 105 N.) m = 2 kg
numbered I, 2, 3 were initially at rest, then after the collision
( 1) The angle made by the velocity of marble with the length

-vCCD mmm
of string when it is just stretched is 60°.

2.32 ~ h:an 10 D

( 2) The marb k wi11 mn, e 111 a c1rclil nr pn1h of vnry in g ruclh1 s

w ith cor1,la11t ,pecJ nf 5,;'.' mis, on er 1he siri ng is Intl! .
(3) To an_,;wc r nho\'c t,>. o op tm nN. the volume of O111u.'l t he
g 1vc11 .
(4 ) The !-itnng will hrcak tf 1111pul i-c du ni tion is le ss lhnn
0.05 rm..
( I) The 1,phcrc A c <HTI CII to re11t a fter colli sion.
17. In 1he fi gure. the hl c,ck fl of m il.RN m SI01'1ll 1mm t·ci-t nt the
top o f.a '"edge Wof ma.,, A1. All t-urf11cci,i arc wi1hou1 friction . (2 ) Th e sphere /J wi ll mo ve w ith a speed o f l(J mt\ .
. . II
W c:lll ,;;hJc N 1 1hr grn1md . /1 sli des co II 1111011 .
down c.,nro the t2mund. mm•cs olong (3) The direc ti c,ni; of moti on A and B after collision a,,
1\ \\ llh a :i.s, ccd I , hut- All c lns11 c ri ght angles. '
c-,0lhsion ,, hh 1.hc " t1 11 , and cl, mhs ( 4) The Rpced of /J a fter collision is 5 mis .
had, on 10 W 21. A particle ofrnass m makes an e las ti c head-on collision,
( I \ Fn.,m the bcgnmmg. 1ill 1hc cnll ision wi th th 1.: wu ll , the a 1,tuti onary particle of mass 2m . ff in itia l kinetic C'!ltr,
centre of niass \"lf • H r, lus If ~ doc~ 11 0 1 move horiumtnlly. movin g parti cle is 6./, then during th e impact, 'l:
{ : , A t'lertht colliMon. th~ centre of nrnss of · 8 plus w· moves (I) the minimum kineti c energy of th e sy<ite m is 2/
2nn · (2) th e maximum elastic potential e nergy o f the sy,
u 1th lhc vc-locit, - - - . is 4./
. m ➔ M
(3) momcntu m and tota l energy are co nserved ate-~
t 3 l Wb cn B re1chc~ 1ts highes t positi o n of W. lhc speed of
~ ( 4) the ratio of kinetic energy to potential enerf,,y of the s,/\
m+ .\,f first decreases and th en increases
! 4 l \\'b en B rcachc1, 11s hi ghest position of W, the speed of 22. Four identical beads of mass m are arranged in a sm,
ff1.s~ . string. The beads are equally separated by a distance d.1
m -M beads are free to slide without fri cti o n on a thin wilt
18. T~·o blocks .4 and B of masses m and 2m respectively placed constant force F acts on the first bead initially at rest It
on a smooth floor arc connected by a spring. A third body C makes colli sion with the second bead . Th e second bead~
of mass m moves with velocity v0 a long the line joining A collides with the third and :;o on . Suppose that all colli!;r
and B and col tides elasticall y with A . At a certain instant of are elastic,
nme .after collision it is m ,,, 2m
fO'l!Jlrl tha.i the instantaneous
\ elocio es o f A and B are
0- 4
same rheo
1 l J the common velocity of A and B at time t0 is vj 3 (I) s peed of the first bead immediatel y beforn
immediately after its colli sion with the second bea:
the spring constant is k =-3m-v~
2xJ and zero respectively
. . 2mv
O J the spnng constanl is k =--f-
(2) speed of the first bead immediate ly before t
immediately after its collision with the second bei,:
I 4 ) none o f these
19. The i;,.,a ll ib at ex treme right is fixed as shown in figure.
Coefficieot of resti tution fo r colli sion between two balls is
~ and ½ P:d respective ly
(3) speed of the second bead immediately after its col!S
l '2 and between b--a ll and wall is l . Then speed of A and B with third bead is zero
(4) the average speed of the first bead is _}__ ✓ Fd
after all po~!>ibk colhsiom. arc 2
2 m
23. In a one dimensional collision between two identical ctJ
sphere A and B, Bis stationary and A has linear momer.?
p belorc impact. During impact, B gives impulse Jto A
n, )'
(2 ) V
:::: -
4 (I) The total linear momentum of the ' A plus B' systelll~
before and after the impact. and (p - I) during the iJl!i·
(] ) V ;: - (4 ) V c::: - (2 ) lJuring the irnpacl A gives impulse./ to B
8 [J 4
20. A i.moc,th 8p hcrc A of ma1,!> m collides t:l asticall y with an C\ ) Th e Qoelftcient of restitution is Z./ _ I
1di;;ntic<1 l t,-ph.erc B at rest. The veloci ty of A befo re colli sion p
1i,, l () m lb m a d,rcct i(Jll ina krng 6fJ'J wilh lhc li ne o f centre s
(4 ) T ht: 1;udlic i1: nt ot're.~1iru1 ion is :!_ +I
(I I the 1i1r: e o f ,mp,H.:L p
Im pulse and Collision 2.33

,4. Two balls.A & B ofm~s 111 1 and m2 arc kept on a horizontal length of the string as large, so that the pulley does not
5111 00th surface. A is given a veloci ty towards 8 so th at they
obstru ct the motion of masses A and B. [g = IO m/s ]
perfom1 head on coll isi~~-
{ I) If m1 =111 2 an~ collision is elastic A stops and 8 moves
( I)The impul se A cx.erts on ground is 2 Ns
with the velocity of A after collision (2) /J reac hes a max imum height of 2.2 m from the ground
(2) Impulses on A and B duri ng co lli sion arc sn mc in
()) Breaches rnax.imum height from the ground 1.2 s after
magnitude whether it is elastic or inelasti c co ll ision being released
(3) !rnpu~ses on A _and B during co ll ision arc eq tla l in
(4) The impulse A exerts on ground is 6 Ns
magnitude only 1f m 1 = 111, 29. Two identical blocks P and Q have mass m each. They
(4) If n7i_>> m-::. _tho~gl~ imp-ulses arc same in magnitude arc attached to two identica l springs (of spring constant k)
velocity of A is still m tl1e same di rection ini tiall y unstrclched. Both the bl ocks are initially in contact
5, T,rn small spheres 'A · and 'B' mass 1 kg and 2 kg are moving as shown.
with ~pee-ds I m s and 4 mis respecti vely in opposite Now th e left spring (attac hed with block P) is compressed
direcu~n_co~hd~ h~d on_. After coll ision A moves with speed by A/2 and the ri ght spring (attached with block Q) is
t ms m Its m1t1al dtrect1on . \Vh ich is/are con-ect? compressed by A. Both the blocks are then released
t l) Velocity of B after collision is 6 mis opposite to its simultaneously. Then choose th e correct option(s).
direction before collision
(2) The coefficient of restitution e =- 0.2 j A/2 .-- - + A
(~00000 ~
(3) Loss of kinetic energy due to collision is 200 J
m2 I m1 ~ ~G/f~G/f~
(4) Impulse of force between two balls is 400 Ns
6., A small bob of mass m = 200 g is suspended from a Smooth horizontal floor
point A by an inextensible string of length L. The bob (1 ) The speed of block P just before P and Qare about to
is dra·wn to a side and held at same level as A but at a

distance Ji L
from A as shown. Now the bob is released .
collide for the first time is Alf.
Then; (assume string applies only that much jerk which is (2) The speed of block Q just before P and Q are about to
required so that velocity along string becomes zero). collide for the first time is Alf.
f+-- ]3 L ~
~ m (3) The blocks shall collide for the first time, !!./m time
L release. -
(4) If the collision is perfectly inelastic then maximum
I elongation in right spring is ~ .
3 30. A particle of mass m I elastically collides wi th another
(I) speed of ball just after experiencing jerk is ~ gL
2 stationary particle of mass m2• Then if

(2) impulse applied by string .[ii, ( 1) ~ = .!.. and the collision is head on, then the particles
10 m2 2
(3) ball will experience jerk after reacr,ing to point B fly apart in the opposite direction with unequal speed.

(4) speed of ball j ust before experiencing jerk is fii, (2) ~=! and the coliision is head on, then the particles
m1 3
. A body of mass 2 kg moving with a veloci ty 3 mis collides fly apart in the opposite direction with equal speed.
with a body of mass J kg moving with a velocity of 4 mis in
opposite direction., if the coll ision is head on and completely (3) ~ = 3. and the collision is head on, then the particles
1112 1
inelastic, then fly apart in the opposite direction with unequal speed.
(I) the momentum of system is 2 kg mis throughout
(2) the momentum of ~ystem is IO kg mis throughout (4) -mi = -3 an d t he col 1·1S1011
. 1.s head on, then the particles
(3) the loss of KE of system is (49/3) J in collision "'2
(4) both particles move together with velocity (2/3) mis after fl y apart in the opposite direction with equal speed.
· Two masses A and B of 3 kg and 2 kg are
connected by a long inextensible string which
Linked Comprehension Type
passes over a massless and frictionless pulley. For Problems 1- 3
initially the height of both the masses from the Two ident ical balls, each of mass m, are tied with a string and kept
ground is same and equal to 1 metre. When the on a fri ctionless surface. Initially. the string is slack. They are given
masses are release<l, mass A hits the ground A velocities 211 and II in the same direction. Colli sion between the
and gets stuck to the ground. Consider the f Im ball, is perfectly elastic.
2.34 Mechanics II

I. After the first collis ion. w hat is the total loss in kinetic energy the position shown where sphere B is struck by sph
of the ball s? is moving to the ri g ht with a velocity v0 . Knowing t~re CL--
(I) 2mu 2 (2) m,i2 is taut where sphere B is struck by sphere C and ass a~ l~f't
on ' inelastic impact between Band C, we cannot con serve
2 (4) zero
(3) 3mu . qre
e rgy of the balls? e nergy of the entire system .
2. What is the final lo ss in kinetic en
8. The velocity of B immediate ly after collision IS ci.l
( l)mu !4 2 (2)1111//2 al
vector °'I "''
(3) 3mu 1!4 (4) No ne of th ese ~ + ~ tll'
3. What is the impulse generated in the string durin g the second (l) i (2) ~ t
( I) 11111/2 (2) 1111114 ( 4) non e of these
(3) 2mu/'3 (4) Noneofth esc is alono u .
9. Velocity of A immedia tely after collision_,..., o n111
For Problems 4- 7 I\ 1~ V _j '
(l) I (2) Ll + L j
A balli stic pendulum is a devi ce that was used to measure the
s peed s o f bulle ts before the developme nt of electronic timing (3)} (4) none of these
dev ices. The device consist s of a large block of wood of mass M, J0. If velocity of C immediate ly after collision becornes
ha nging from two long cords . A bullet of mass 111 is fired into the the initial direction of motion, the impulse due to sJ
block. !be bull et comes quickly inro rest and the block+ bullet rises sphere A is
to :i ,·e rti ca l di stance h before the pendulum comes momentari ly
t o rest as the ends of the arc . (I)? (2) ~
In the process. the linear momentum is conserved. In such a
collision. some kinetic energy is dissipated as heat; so mechanica l (3)~ (4) non e of these ll
energy is not conserved . When there is a loss in mechanica l
11. The magnitude of velocity of A immediate ly afterc~
energy. the collision is said to be inelastic. Further when two
bodies coalesce. the coliision is said to be perfectly inelastic.
1/. (l)~ (2) ~
,rrv Foi
(4) A s
12. The loss in kinetic energy oftbe system during collisia Ani
,------ --~
:th - ~ (1) ~ (2) ~ ~;;
, and
'f (3) ~ £-J ( 4) none of these off.
4. A fter collision what is the combined velocity of the
bullet + block system? For Problems 13-15
(I) i?u (2)Mr::_m u In figure, a pulley is shown which is
frictionless and a ring of mass m can B 0 - - T - - -
(3) MJ._f m u (4) Mtr-u slide on the string without any friction .
One end of the string is attached to point
5. What is the initial speed of the bullet in tem1s of height h? Band to the other end, a block 'P' of m ~ 19.
(1) i? ✓2gh (2) M '!;_ m ✓2gh mass m is attached. The whole system
lies in vertical plane.
(4) ✓M2!f_1 m gh 13. If the system is released from rest, it is found that the ~!
remains at rest. What is the value of (l? 20.
6. The colli sion of block- bullet system is (1) 30° (2) 45°
( J) perfectly elastic (2) partially inelastic (4) 75°
(3) 60°
(3) partially elastic (4) perfectly inelastic same mass m is attached !
14. Now another block ' C' of
7. The energy dissipated as heat in the collision is from rest. If a, and '
block 'P' and system is released
( I) i mu 2 - mg h (2) i 2
mu - (M + m) git the magnitude s of initial acceleratio ns of ring and b('
respectivel y, then
(3) 1 (M + m) u2 - (M + m) gh (4) cannot be estimated (l)a 1 +a 2 =g (2)a 1 + 2a 2 = g
(3) a,= 2a2 (4) 2a, = a2 ~ 21.

For Problems 8-12 /12 ~,
15. If block 'C' mentioned above was released frorn
Three s pheres, e ach of ma ss and collided with ' P' with some velocity u, th eII P111
m. c a n s lid e fr ee ly o n a . . h coil'·
ve Ioc1ty of the nng just after the collision . T e
frictionles s, hori zontal suiface. I I perfectly inelastic .
Spheres A and Bare atta~hed to I
(I ) u (2) u/2
an in extensible , ine las tic cord (3 ) 1114 (4) u/3
of length ' I' and are at rest m
problems 16-18 - - · - - - - - - - -Impu --- lse and Collision 2. 35
or_ For Problems 22- 24
c1rcu l·ir disc of mass '2m' and radius '3r' is
• .. .
. on a liat ln ct1onless surfac e. Anoth er Two beads A and B o f masse s m and m , respec tively,
5ti 11 II I 2 are thread ed
g ·sc o f mass ·11 1' ,·ind 1·ad·u , ·2 ,. · , mov mg
· on a smoot h c irc ul ar wire of radius a fixed in a vertic
1· •cuIar d1· 1 s al plane.
is station ary at the lowes t point when A is gently di slodge
~ha velocity •11' hits the first disc as shown in d from
e figure. The col 1·1s1on
. . I .
1~ c ast1c .
rest at the highe st point. A col lided with B at the lowes
t point. The
impul se given to n due lo co lli sion is just great enoug
16. What is the tangential component of final veloci ty of the h to carry
smaller disc? it to the leve l of the ce ntre of the ci rcl e while A is imme
diatel y
brou ght. to rest hy the impac t.
( l) II (2) !.!.. 22. Find the ratio m :nz .
1 2
2 (I) I (2) .../'I
(3) 31.1 (4) 411 (3) 1/--fi.
(4) 2
5 23. , What is the coeffi cient of restitu tion betwe en the beads
17. What is the magnitud~ of nonna l comp onent of fin al ( I) I
veloci ty (2) 1/2
of the smalle r dis..:'?
(3) 1/3 (4) 1/.../'I
''t (I) -:-
(2) 211 24. If m 2 again comes down and col Iides with m , then
~ )
5 co llision
1 after the

( 1) m 1 will rise the same height as risen by m

(3) 3~, ( 4 ) 4u 2
.) (2) m 1 will ri se the less heigh t as risen by m
5 2
(3) m 1 will ri se the more heigh t as risen by m
18. \\'hat is the final Yeloc ity of the heavi er disc? 2
(4) m 1 and m will move in oppos ite direct ions
l]) ~ (2) 2u For Probl ems 25-27
5 5 . Two equal spher es B and C,
(3) 3u (4 ) 4u each of mass m, are in contac t
5 5 on a smoot h horizo ntal table.
or Problems 19-21 A third sphere A of same size
small ball of mass 1 kg is kept in circul ar path of radi as that of B or C but mass m/2
us 1 m
id.e a conce ntric smooth horizo ntal fixed casing of radius impin ges symm etrica lly on
R. them with a veloci ty u and is itself broug ht to rest.
gular speed of the ball in the circul ar motio n is 1 rad 1
s- . At a 25. The coeffi cient of restitu tion betwe en the two sphere
rtain mome nt the string , which kept the ball in the s A and
circul ar path
' and the ball goes off tangen tially to the wall of rigid B ( or betwe en A and C) is

d bounces off elastic ally and again hits the casing and (1) 1/3 (2) 1/4
bounc es
ff. This ~ ay. the baU traces a regula r hexag on. Consi (3) 2/3 (4) 3/4
der all the
llisions to be elastic . 26. Find the veloci ty acquired by each of the sphere s
B and C
after collisi on.
Top view

(l) 1,r
C ~---~:-·, ~ (3)TI 'f

27. The loss of KE during collisi on is

19. Total impul se impar ted to the casing by the ball 2 ..,
in first six
colli'>1om will be (l) T c2)T
(1) 6/3 N), (2) 3✓3 Ns (3) T 2
( 4 ) mu"
(3) zero ( 4) I 2 N s
20. rollow ing quant itic:,. ofth<.: ball will remai n a consta For Problems 28-30
nt before
and after any collisi on A horizo ntal frictio nless rod is thread ed throug h a bead
of mass
(I) linear mome ntum
m. The length of the cart is L and the .radius of the bead. r. is
f very
(2) kineti c energy, angul ar rnomt :ntum ahout small in c:omp arison with L(r << L) . Initial l y at (t = 0)
th e centre o the bead is
at the right edge of the cart. The cart is struck
lhc circle . l+-- L --+
(3) ve Ioc1ty,
. angula r momi and as a result , it moves with veloci ty 1·

21 ·
kineti c energy
(4) none of thc~e
:nrum a b ou I ti",..,' centre of the Cll'clc,

lotal time betwe en the fi n,t cul lhion and the s ewnlb co\l
. .
n-; ion
toward s Whe n the bead collid es with
the curfs walls , the collisi ons are alway s
l;ompl etely dustic .

28. What is the ve locity of the: cart just after the first collision'?

(l) {j ), (2) 4/i, i.

(I) -:: ~~~J!.- (2) Mvo
'.\ m~M m+M
0), s M - m 2M
(4) none: (3) - - - - Vo (4) - - - 1·0
(VI + Ill 111 + M
2.36 Mechani cs II
- -----
29. Velocity of bead j ust afkr th e first co llision is co llides with the ball <1nd gets stu ck with it. As a result , th e1,
- 1111.·o M v0 star1 s to deflec t towards right. 11,
( I) (2)
m + ,\,f m+M
M - 111 2M M
(3) - - ,·o
-A1+m (4) - - - 110
m+ M
30. TI,e first co ll ision ta kes place nt tim e r und th e seco nd
11' . 1
co 1s1on ta\.. c-s place nt tim e, ~- Fi nd , i , 1•
36. The velocity of the combined body just afte r co llisio
2L L nI\
( 1) (}) ( 1) 2 mis (2) 3 mis
(3) 1 mis (4) 4 mis
L L 37. At the time of maximum deflection of the thread with v
31 ·0 the tro ll ey wil l move with velocity ~
( I) 2 mis (2) 3 mi s
For Probl<'"ms ~l - 3.3
A h all A of m~ss m is suspended by a thread of leng th r = (3) 1 mis (4) 4 mis
l. ~ m . Another ball B of mass 2m is projected from the ground 38. The maximum deflection of the thread with the vertical
w it h velocity u = 9 mi s suc h that at the highest point of its (l) cos- 1(~) (2) cos- 1({)
trajector;. it coll ides head-on elastically with ball A. It is observed
tha1 during subsequent motion. tension in the thread at the highest
pcint is equal to mg.
3 l. A t highest point of B. tl1e veloc ity of ball A is
For Problems 39-40
l I\ fr"~ ms (2) 2-../o mis Two balls of masses m 1 = 100 g and
m 2 = 300 g are suspended from point A
(3 ) .3,~ ms (4) 3-../o mis
by two equal inextensible threads, each
31. The angle of projection ( 0) of ball B is of length l = 32135 m. Ball of mass m I is
< I) 3-0~ (2) 60° drawn aside and held at the same level as
(3) 45 = (4) 75° A but at a distance (✓ 3 /2)/ from A , as
33. rne height of the point of suspension of ball A from the shown in figure. When ball m 1 is released,
ground is it collides elastically with the stationary
ball of mass m 2 .
1 l) 81 129
4U rn
(2) 4(J"m 39. Velocity u 1 with which the ball of·mass m I collides with,
other ba ll is
(3J ~ rn (4) 40m (1) 1 mis (2) 2 mis
(3) 3 mis (4) 4 mis
For Problems 34-35 40. The maximum rise of centre of m ass of the ball of mail
In me arrangement shown in figure, A is
rhe ball and the block have me same (1) 0.20 m (2) 0.50 m
mass m = 1 kg each. 0 = 60° and 01
(3) 0.75 m
I (4) Im
1e ng th l = 2 .50 m. Coefficien t of
frictio n between the block and the m For Problems 41-44
floor is 0 .5. When the ball is released A pan of mass m = l .5 kg and a block of mass ~
fro m the position snown in figure , it '~- □ M = 3 kg are connected to each other by a light
collides with the block and the block 11111111111 ;lllllll inextensible string, passing over a light pulley
stops after moving a di stance 2.50 m . as shown in figure. Initially, the block is resting
34. The velocity of block just after collision is on a horizontal floor. A ball of mass m = 0.5 kg J
(1) 10 m/S (2) 5 mis co ll ides with the pan at a speed v0 ~ 20 mis. '
( 3J 2 .5 mis (4) 3 mis Consider this instant of collision as , = o. Assume collision 1

35. The coeffic ient of restitution for colli s ion between the ba ll perfectly inelastic. Now, answer the following questioas bast'
the above information.
and the block b
( I J 0 .50 (2) 0.7 5 4 1. Mark the correct statement(s) for th is situation. 1111
(l) After the collision, the pan + ba ll system n
( 3) )_I) (4J 0,30
downwards with decreasing speed. . b'
For ProbJcms 36-38 (2) After the collision. the block is moving upwards w,i I'
A baU o f masr-. m = I kg ib hung ve rti call y by a thread of length 1110
same speed with which the ba ll + pan system is
I = J .50 m . U ppe r e nd of th e thread is attached LO lhc ceiling of downwards.
a trolley o f mas1, M = 4 kg . Initiall y, the tr_o lle y i~ ~1a_1ionary and . durin/
( 3) The b lock will jak for a number of times
- · f: to m ove along hori zo nta l ralli- witho ut fn ctton . A shell motion .
JI JS ree II ., I .
m ovi ng h o ri zo nta y w1t 1 vc oc1 ty v0 = 6 mis ' (4) A ll ofthcst·.
o f ma'>b m = J k g ,
~ Impulse and Collision 2.37
i. Find the time t at which the block strike-s the fl oor for th e (2) When the me11 arc at the highest point of their motion,
- - ---
first tim e. then th e left tro lley will be mov ing downwards .
(I) I s (2) 2 s
(3) Impulse acting on both th e men will be same in the given
(3) 4 s . , (4) 5 s process.
:J, Find the ve loci ty ot pan + ?a ll sys tem at 1 == 2.6 s. Assume (4) None of th ese.
that rhe block comes to rest mstant ancously •
an . t •k·
< Cl S rt 111 g l 1l C
( 1) 4 mis downward
(3) 0.6 mis up_wa rd .
(2) 4 rn/ s upward
(4) 0.4 mis downward
le@idt@dlfr - ~.:m... Ill
I. Column I contains ph ys ical quantity/process wh ile column TI
4• find the. max imum hei ght reached by tli 1.:, "oIoc k a,~ter t 11c co ntains fonnula/principlc. Match co lum ns I and II such th at
~ccond Jerk .
th e formul a/principle is co rrect correspond ing to the quantity
(!)0.2m (2) 0 .64 m
in column f.
(3 ) 0.16111 (4 ) No jerk for the second time
Column I Column II
r Problems 45-47
,0 identical bal ls A and B. each of mass i. Momentum a. m(v 2 - v 1)
g and radi us R. are suspended vertica ll y ii. Impulse b. only momentum is
m inexte nsible stri ngs as show n in conserved
ure. The third ball C of mass J kg and kinetic
iii. Elastic collision c. momentum and
·us r = ( '2 - I)R falls and hits A and B energy both are conserved
unetrically with 10 mis. Speed of both
and B just after the collision is 3 rn/s. iv. Inelastic collision d. mv
5. Speed of C just after collision is A B 2. Match the following :
(I) 2 mis (2) 2--fi m/s Column I Column II
(3) 5 mis (4) (--fi - 1) mis i. Inelastic coll isions a. kinetic energy of the system
. Impulse provided by ~ach string during colli sion is may decrease
(1) 6\l2N s (2) 12 N s ii. Elastic collisions b. kinetic energy of the system
may increase
(4) 6N s
7. The rnlue of coefficient of restitution is iii. Total work done is c. kinetic energy of the system
. 1 zero may remain constant
(2) --a iv. Non-conservative d. just before and after
I forces are not collision, momentum
(3) \ 'L - 1 (4) I present remains constant
r Problems 48-50
system of men and trolley is 3. In column I, nature of collision between two bodies is given
wn in figure. To the left end while in column II some physical quantity that may remain
the string, a trolley of mass M conserved during the collision is given. Match the entries of
connected on which a man of column I with the entries of column II
s m is standing. To the right Column I Column II
of the string another trolley i. Elastic collision a. kinetic energy is
mass mis connected on which M m conserved
n of mass M is standing. Initially, the system is at rest. All
ii. Inelastic collision b. kinetic energy of the
a sudden both the men leap upwards simultaneously with the
e velocity u w.r.t. ground . system may increase
• Find the relative velocity ofleft man with respect to his trolley iii. Pe1fec tly inelastic c. kinetic energy IS not
just after he leaps upwards. collision conserved
(l) mu (2) Mu iv. Collision between two d. total energy is
mTlJ m+1vf cars moving at hi gh conserved
(3) 2mu (4 ) 2Mu spe1xls
m+1v! m+7J
9· Fi nd the impul se ge nerated in the string conn ec tin g the 4. T,:o spheres A and B move on a smooth ho rizontal surface
trolleys du ring this process. with the same ve locity V and have some separation between
2 2 them. A third sphere C is moving in opposite direc tion on the
( I) Mmu (M + m )u
m+11 <2) --,n+ -,;r- same ~\1rfaee \~1 i_th same speed . All the spheres are of equal
mass. Thl' coll1s 1ons arc elastic. Vcrvi represents the centre of
O) m2u (4) _M:u
rn+fJ · m+M mass velocity L) f all the tlm::e spheres. Col umn II represents
the values an~r al l th e possibk impac cs have occ urred.
• Which is correct?
· (J) When the men are at the highest poi nt ol' th eir motion, /] - ~ C-
the trolleys wi ll also be instantaneo usly at rest. 1 . ~ .TTT7T77777
, , , ·' 1 .,
2.38 Mechanics II

Column I Column II iii. Imp ulse by the stri ng on

blo ck c. 25 /3
i. If A and Bar e not a. VcM bef ore coll isio n B
connected to each oth er is V/3 iv. Imp ulse by the par ticl e
on d. 5.2
ii. If A and B are con nec ted b. VcM afte r all the blo ck A
to each other by a 7. A par ticl e is pro ject ed wit
massless rigid rod coll isio n is { h a spe ed u at an angle
hor izo nta l from poi nt A. It stri 8
kes elas tica lly wit h av ~
iii. lf A and B are connected c. Mo men wal l at hei ght h/2. It reb oun
tum of ds and rea che s max~
by an ideal sui ng sys tem (B + C) is not hei ght h and falls bac k on the
gro und at poi nt B as s~
con serv ed in figu re . Dis tan ces fro m A to
wal l and fro m wal l to
h•. If A and B are con nec ted d. Mo men tum x and x , resp ecti vel y, and 6
of sys tem 1 2 tim e to cov er x 1 and x (
by an ideal spr ing whi ch and t , ~espe~tive ly. Ma tch the
is initiall y uns tret che d
(A + B) is con serv ed 2
exp ress ion s m col um n Tl.
val ues in col um n I ,;i:\
5. Tw o ball s of mas ses m and
111 are mo vin g tow ard
oth er with spe eds u 1and u 2 s each
2 respectively. The y coll ide
1 , and their speeds are
v 1 and v2 afte r coll isio n
(111 = 8 kg. 111 = 2 kg,
1 2 u 2 = 3 mis).

I Column I
Colum n II
\i. The spe ed u (in mis ) so tha Column I Column II -
t bot h 9. 1
a. 1
I 1
balls mo ve in sam e dire ctio T4 i. ;/2 X2- X1 a
n if +xi
a. x +x or .~-
I coefficient of restitution is e = X2- X\ r
I ..
0.5 2 1
ll. The spe ed u (in
mis) so tha t the l !2 - ti ~
1 1 ii. !2 + ti
max imu m fraction of ene
rgy lS
b. -g ;/2 b. or C
I trar
u;formed to
(ass um e elastic
iii. 1

u sin 0
ti !2 - t\
Iiii. Coefficient of restitution if stops
m c. 2
g(tl + / 2)
afte r collision and u = 0.5 m7s iv. 1 U COS 0(t 1 + t )
I •
2 d. 2
IV. If coll isio n is inelasti (XI + X2)
I c and d. 4
u_1 = 3 mis, the loss of kin etic ene 8. Blo ck A mo vin g
rgy . On fri ctio
· n1ess hon.zon
\ (m J) afte r coll isio n ma y be tal pla ne coll.~
ead -on wit h b l k B · · ·
oc tmt la1ly at rest . The coll isio
6. A blo ck A of mas s MA = \ kg ( < e < 1) per fec tly elas n is N.
is kep t on a smo oth hor izo nta l tic.
surface and attached by a ligh
t thre ad to ano the r blo ck B of
mas s MB = 2 kg. Blo ck B is
resting on gro und , and thre ad
and pul ley are ma ssle ss and
-~Block A
.0 BBlock
fric tion less . A bul let of mas s
m ~ 0.25 kg moving horizontally
w ith velo city of u = 200 mis Column I
i. Column II
pen etra tes thro ugh blo ck A and For ces exe rted b
y a.
com es out with a velo c ity of th e blo cks
100 mis. 2 kg

Column I
Column 11
(Value s are In the ir
res pec tive SI units) ii. The
i. Velocity of the 2 kg block just pos itio n of b.
afte r the bullet com es out a. 50/3 ma ss centres of the
· two blo ck system
ii. Ma xim um di spla cem ent I

1 kg blo ck in left dire ctio n of b. 25
---- ---- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --
~ Velocity of blocks c. .l
( 1) ( i---c.e): (ii - c,e): (iii - a.e): (iv - b.e)
jji. (2) (i --c .c): (ii b.c): (iii - a.d.c ): (iv - b.e)
I\ D) {i - c.d.e); (ii h.e). (iii - b.d) : (i\ - a. e )
- r-
-\ ;-T,7nc (4 ) (i ( .d ): (1i d.c): (iii b.c ): (iv - b.e)
I;,. Posi ti on of block B d. Numerical Value Type _ Ill
I. N beads identi cal he<1ds arc resting on a smooth horizontal
wi re which is circulM at the end with radius r = 0.5 rn as

I 'x-
shown in the fi gure. Find the minimum velocity wh ich should
he imrartcd to the fir '> t bead such that,/' bead will fa ll in the
tank after completi ng full circle ~

I l in vertical pl ane as shown in the

fi gure . Take all th e co ll ision '> - ~
between the beads elastic (e =- I ).
[i2l /


2. An elevator platform is going up al a speed 20 ms ~nd

I Time
du rin g its upward motion a small ball of 50 g mass fall mg
in downward direction strikes th e platform elast1cal ly at a
(I) (i - b): (ii - c): (ii i d): (i \' - c) speed S ms- 1• Find the speed (in ms 1) with which the ball
12) (i -c): (ii - e): (iii - d) : (i\· - b) rebounds.
(3) (i -c): (ii - b): (iii - d) : (iv - e) m = 50 g

14) 1i -c): (ii - d): (ii i - e): (i \ - b) ! 11, = 5 m s-·

9. Three beads A. B and C of masses 111, m and 2m respectively J

are held at rest inside a fixed vert ical smooth circular tube of
radius R. Beads A and C are released simultaneously at the 3. A ball of mass I kg moving wi th a veloctty of 5 m 1s collides
position shown in the fi gure. The three beads undergo head- elastically with rough ground at l
oe c-01lision simultaneousl y at the bottom of the tube. vi' v2 e
an angle with the vertical as n
and ,·~be the speeds of beads A, B and C shown in figure. What can be the Y
respectively just after the colli sion . For minimum coeffi cient of fric tion e\
Yarious rypes of collisions between the if ball rebounds vertically after
beads given in column I match the column collision? (given tan 0 = 2) ,1
I v.ith column ll. The diameter of beads 4. A small sphere of mass m = I kg is moving with a ve locity
to be very small compared to the radius
(4i - ) ) mis. It hits a fixed smooth wall and rebounds with
of circular tube.
velocity (i + 3)) mis . The coefficient of restitution between
I Column I Column II .the sphere and the wall is n/ 16. Find the value of n.
L If collision between A and a. v1 > v2 > v3 5. A bullet is fired on a fixed target. it penetrates inside t..11.e
B and between B and Care target through distance d= 3.75 cm and then stops. mass of
perfectly elastic, then the bullet ism = l kg and of the target is i'vf = 4 kg. NO\'- an
iL If the collision between A b. v1 = v2 = v3 identical bullet moving with the same velocity is fued on
and B is perfectly elastic the identical target which is placed at rest on a friction less
and between B and C horizontal surface . Then find the distance (in cm) to which
is perfectly inelastic the bullet will penetrate inside the target')
f- 6. Three balls A, B and C (m,1 = me= 4m 8 ) are placed on a
IliL If collision between A and c. v1> v2 = v3
smooth horizontal surface. Ball B collides with ball C with
B and between B and C
an initial velocity v as shown in fi gure. Find the total number
I both are perfectly inelastic
of collisions between the balls (all collisions are dastic).
iv. If collision between A d. Normal reaction at
and B and between B the top most point
and C both are partially on bead A is 4mg,
elastic with coetlident of if it reaches there
. . I after collisi()n
restitution e == - 7. Aparticle' with
c---._ , 2· - ____ ,_ - ----
--- ----.-. . a mass of l kg is hnving
-) :i veklcity of l Omis in
-l ve x-cl1recttllll ut t 0. Forces F 1 a.nd F 2 act on the particle

e. Linl)ar monwnt u1n

of (.4 ➔- H + C') wl1t)~t-: magnitud~s nr~ changing with time accordi ng to the
system remr,in variation i-how n in ligurc. l he magniruck or the velocity of
conserved during the paii icle at t - 3 s (111..•gkcl gravity L'ffcct) is fo und to be
1115 rn/s. Fi nd the value of 11 .
- ---
colli sion
-- -- ---- - -
2.40 Me chanics II
-------- --
pi erces thro ugh it, th en strikes the plank B and stk(\ ~
F (N) Consequentl y both the p lanks move w ith equa l ve1r ·
-> 4
Find the percentage change in speed of the bull et v~~
~ ;1 escapes from the first block. +,

F, 1Ll X
3- - . - - -
I -
F, I
I (
/ I
13. A ba ll mov ing verti call y down ward with a speed of 1,
collides w ith a pl atform . Th e pla tfo rm m oves with a ..~ •
of 5 mis in down ward di rection: I_f e = 0.8, find th-e ~
2 3 l(S) (in mis) of the ba ll j ust a fter collis1o n. ·
14. A body of m ass l kg mov ing wi th ve locity 1 mi s ~
8. Two identica l smooth ball s are projec ted from points O and A
elasti c one dimensional ion with an identical Slati--.,,.'
on the horizontal groun d w ith same speed of proj ecti on. The
body. Th ey are in contact for brief tim e I s. Th eir for,;
ang le of projection in each case is 30" (see figure). The distance
between O and A is I 00 m. Th e ba ll s collid e in mid-air and interacti on increases from zero to F0 linearl y in tirner'
rettm 1 to their respec tive points of proj ecti on. [fthe coeffici ent
and decreases lin early to zero in furth er time 0 .5 s as ~
ofrestitut ion is 0. 7. fi nd the speed o f proj ection of either ball in figure . Find the magnitud e of fo rce F ,, in newton.
(in mi s) correct to nea rest in tege r. (Take g = 10 m s- and F
\G= I. 7) Fo - --- - --- -,

0 0.5s Is

15. A 70 g ball B dropped from a height h 0 = 9 m reach:

9. A sm ooth ball of mass I kg is projected with velocity 7 mis height h 2 = 0.25 m after b ouncing twice from iderr,
horizontal from a tower of height 3 .5 m. It collides elastically 210 g plates. Plate A rests directly on hard ground, t,
with a wedge of mass 3 kg and inclination of 45° kept on plate C rests on a fo am- rubber mat. Fi nd the heigl:
ground (figure). The ball collides with the wedge at a height (in m) oftbe ball 's first b o un ce.
of I m above the ground. Find the velocity of the wedge
(in mis) afte r co llision. (Neglect friction at any contact.)

I kg 7 m/s

3.5 Ill
' \
16. A small ball thrown at an initia l ve locity u = 25 mis diroo
at an angle 0 = 37° above the horizontal co ll ides elastJa
with a vertical massiv e smooth wall mov ing with a uniiJ
I 0. A small ball is projected fro m point P towards a vertical wall
horizontal velocity u/5 toward s th e ba ll. After colful
as shown in figure. It hi ts the
with the wall the ball return s to the poin t fro m w here it •
w all w he n its ve lo c it y is
horizontal. Ba ll reaches point thrown . Determine the time t ( in s) from the begi!Ull!l!
P after one b ou nce on the motion of the ball to the moment of its impact with tbei1
flo o r. Th e coeffi c ie nt of (Take g = 10 m/s2)
restitution assuming it to be
same fo r two collisions is n/2.
All surfaces are smooth . Find
the value of n .
11. A sma ll stee l b all A is su sp e nded by an
inextensible thread of length / = 1.5 m fro m
0. Another identical ba ll is thrown vertically 17. A stream of glass beads, each w ith a mass o f 15 gram, c¢
down wards such that its surface remains just in out of a _horizontal tube at a rate of 100 per second. The ~
contact w ith thread durin g downward motion fall_a d~stance of 5 m to a balance pan and bounce bae},
and collides elastically w ith the suspended ball. ~heir original hei ght. How much mass (in kg) mus1 be p!3:•
If the susp ended ball just completes vertica l m the other pan of the balan ce to keep th e po inter at zfi·
circle after coll ision, cal c ulate the ve loc ity (in
emfs) of the fa ll ing ba ll j u st before coll ision
(g = l O mis 2) .
12. Two wooden pl ank o f mass M 1 == I kg , M 2 ==- 2.98 kg sm ooth
s urface . A bul let of m ass m == 20 g strikes th e bl oc k M 1 and
Impulse and Collision 2,41

s. A 5 kg _spher~ is connected to a fixed point O by an obliquely. Aflcr a certain time mass III is at (9 cm. 20 cm)
inextensible stnng of le~gth 5 m. n,c sph1.'rc is restin g on o while mnss 3m is 25 cm above the x and the stri ng is
horizontal surface at a d1s~nce 4 m from o. Sphere is givel\ tuut . The bu lls nlwuys rcmnin in x-y plnne. Find lhe length
a vertical v~loctty ''o · ~d 11 nlO\'. es free ly till it reaches poi nt of stri ng (in cm)
P. when smng beco1~,t:~ taut. Find the maximum allownblc
,·elocity ,·o (in ms). if impul se l,f tension in string is not. to 21. A boy is pl nyi ng curom board . Str ikers is mo ving wi th
e~ceed 6 N s. veloci ty u ("" l O mis) ond queen Q is at rest. Sec uoglc
0(= 37°) in the figure . Mns11 or Sand Q ore m and 2m. Friction
, is nbscnt and coeffic ient of res1stut ion is e. If ofter collision Q
, moves along SQ direction and S moves along perpendicular
to SQ. Find the va lue of coefficient of rcstitl1tJon.


)9. Abati is released from rest relative to the elevator at a distance

h1 = IS m above the _floor. The speed of the elevator at the At rest
rime of ball release 1s i· 0 . Detennine the bounce height h
(in m) of the ball. The elevator has an upward acceleratiot~ 22. Mass of a partic le and a hemisphere nrc m and Jm 2
a= g 4. The coefficient of restitution for the impact e = 2/3. respectively. Particle hits the hemisphere (at rt·s t on smooth
surface) with a horizontal velocity v 0 and rebounds in verti~
direction after collision (neglect friction). if the value of 8
(in degree) (collision is elastic):

Before collision .-\ tl.:;r ..:olh$10n

23. The centres of the spheres I.~ and} he on a sini.?.k strai~ht

line. Sphere I is moving with an ( initial) veloci~·-\·1 din:.-c~
20. A coordinate axis system taking along this line and hits sphere 2. Sphere : . a,:qttirin.g llfle,r
x-axis as horizontal smooth floor
collision a velocity v,, hits sphere 3. Both l..'1)1lisions m'
is shown in figure. Two small balls
absolutely elastic. What must be the muss of sphcrt· 2 ti n kg)
of masses m and 3m attached with for the sphere 3 to acquire maxim\Un vdocity {The m:1~1;;'-"
a string are released from some m1and m3 of spheres l and} kg and I k.g ~Srt'.'Cti, dy)".'
hei ghts on y-axis as shown in figure.
The balls may collide head on or (0,0)

Archives I
EE ADVANCED 2. A bttll of muss O.~ kg t\"SIS
on n ve rtical post of h~i~ht
fogle Correct Answer Type kg,
5 m. A hullot l,f mass o.nI
I. Two smaU particles of equal masses start moving in opposite trnvelling with n wlocity 1· m. s
directions from a point A in a horizontal circular orbit. Their
in o horiw ntul direction. hits J ~ \t~II , H\1l k 1
tangential velocities are v and 2v, () ~\\ I I'll
the, ce,ntrc of the bull.
respectively, as shown in the figure.
Between collisions, the particles move ~\i\t:r th~ i:o llision, !ht) ha.II untl tlw t,ulkt ttm cl
With constant speeds. After making how
. ,,f
~1tk1pt'ndt' ntl y. Th~ hnll ~its tht g t\'1 1111,l m :\ di~lmh't'
many elastic collisions, other than that _Q m nnd the, bnlkl tu a d1~t ~111r<' ,,f 1(){) m n,,111 thr 1~,,,1 . _, f
at A, these two particles will again reach the pl)st. Tht· i11iti11I vt'l1,1..•it) 1• ,,f th~ b\lll('t i1-
the point A?
( I) 2'.'() lW S
(I) 4 (2) 3 (.1). -IOO Ill s (·I) _'.'(lt) I\\, s
(3) 2 (4) I (IIT-JEE 2009)
l II l~lth: 10 ll)
2 .42 Mechanics II
Multiple Correct Answ
ers Type
1 A point mass of . .
1 kg co llid es ela stical
. point mass ly with a stationary L
of 5 kg~ After their (\) Th e rat e at wh ich .
re\'erses its direction co llis ion. the I ~~ ma the pa r t'c
1 le s tri ke s the pist '--'
and mo \'es with a sp :i5 %
Which of the following eed ot - ms h · v/L
st:.1tem ent{s) is (are) co fte
the pis ton , t he part1c
n ect fo rt e (2) A r each co lli sion wi th · I f)(
svstem of these tw o
.. masses? e Srit,, 1/
inc rea ses by 2 V
( l) Total mo me ntu m . - 1 Si"
of the sys tem 1s 3 kg . •
ms (3) Th e pa rti cle 's km et1c en erg y inc rea se s by a fac
(2) Mo me ntu m of 5
kg mass after co llision
tOJ ,
is 4 kg ms- I
l3) Kinetic energy of 4 wh en the pis ton 1s
. l
mo ve d inw ard fro m L 0 to -1
the centre of ma ss is
0.75 J 2"11
(4) Total kinetic en l
ergy of the system is (4) If the pis ton mo · d by dL the
4 J ve s mw ar pa rti cle sr-..
' I"\ 2
(UT-JEE 2010)
2. A flat pla te is mo inc rea ses by 2v -dL 2
vin g normal to its pla
un de r the action of ne thr ou gh a gas L 3
a constant force F. Th
a ,·e rv low pre ssure . The spe e gas is kept at (J EE Ad va nc ed 2011 3
ed of the plate v is mu
tha n the aYerage spe ch less 4
ed II of the gas molec Numerical Value Type
the fol low ing options ules. W hic h of
is/ are true? 1. Th ree ob jec ts A,
B an d C are ke pt in
( l) Th e pre ssu re dif
ference be tw ee n the lea fri cti on les s ho riz on tal a str aig ht line on, 5
faces of the pla te is ding and trailing su rfa ce . 5
pro po rti on al to uv
(2) Th e pla te will co
nti nue to mo ve wi th
ac ce ler ati on . at all tim constant non-zero [ml FCl
es A
(3) At a later tim e ex B
ternal force F ba lan Th ese ha ve ma sse s m,
force ces the resistive 2m an d m , res pe cti ve
mo ve s tow ard s B wi ly. Th e object.1
( 4) Th e resistive th a sp ee d 9 mi s an
force ex pe rie nc ed co llis ion wi th it. Th d ma ke s an elasti:
pro po rti on al to v by the plate is ere aft er, B ma ke s co
(JE E Ad va nc ed 2017 co llis ion wi th C. Al mp let ely inelastx
) l mo tio ns oc cu r on
3. A sm all pa rti cle of line. Fin d the final sp the sa me straigil
mass m mo vin g inside ee d (in mi s) of ob jec
str aig h t tub e alo ng the a heavy, ho llo w and t C. 2
tube axis un de rgo es
at rwo en ds . Th e tub elastic collision (HT-JEE 2009\ 2
e ha s no friction an d 2. A so lid ho riz on tal
en d by a flat su rfa ce wh it is clo sed at on e su rfa ce is co ve red wi
ile the oth er en d is fitt oil. A rec tan gu lar blo th a thi n layer o: 2
mo va ble flat pis ton ed wi th a he av y ck of ma ss m = 0.4
as sh ow n in figure. W this su rfa ce . An im pu kg is at rest ot lir
of the pis ton from clo he n the distance lse of 1.0 N s is ap pli
sed en d is L = L the ed to the bloc\
v = v . Th e pis ton is 0 pa rti cle sp ee d is at_ tim e to t ".' 0 so
0 mo ve d inw ard at a ve t~at it_~~arts mo vin g
ry low sp ee d V such wi th a ve loc ity v(t) alo ng the x-axtl
- v e
tha t v << dl v wh ere
l o, dL is the infinitesim ~ = 4 s. Th e dis pla ce ~e nt0 , wh ere v is a co ns tan t anl
al dis pla ce me nt of the blo ck~ in me
IS .. .. .... .... .... ... .
Ta ke e = 0 .37. tre s, at 1 == I
of the piston . Which of
the follow ing statement
(s) is/are correct?
(JE E Ad va nc ed 20181

.i i

I ,.
lmpulw a11d Colli~ion 2. 43

Answers Key
ERCISES .\I. II) .' l . ( 1) J .l. ( 2) .H . (2) 35.(1)
·i,gle Correct
Answ er Type J(i. ( 2) 38. I I) .\9. (4 ) 40. (I)
.l7.( ')
,n 2. t-n 3. (1) 4. (3) 4t. (4) 4 2.( ~) .fJ. (4) ..... (J ) 45. (I)
1. \ ~) ~.(J)
6. (4) 7, (- 8. (2 ) 9. (4) 46. (4) 47. (-4) 48. (J ) 49.(2) 50. (I)
lO. (J)
ll. (l ) 12. (2) 13. (\) 14. ( I) l 5. (J)
18. V,) M atrix M atch Type
16, (~) 17. (-4) I ~. ll ) 20. (J) 1. 1 - d . ii -4 R. :. 11i - \ I.'. .: i\ , - b.
21. p~) 12. (2) 23. () ) 24. (2) B . (I) 2. 1 - H.. cl .. it _. c.. d.: i11 . -4 c.: IV. - II .. b.. C
26, (2) 27. ( .i ) 28. (3 ) 29. (3) J0.(4) J. 1. _. n.. d.: 1i . ➔ c.. d.: 111. _. c .. J.. I\ . -4 c .. d.
31. t2) 32. ( l) 33. (2) 3,t (3) J S. (4) 4. i - n.. b.: c.: ii . - n.. h.. c.: iii . ➔ a.. h.: iv. ➔ a.. b.
j 6. \l) 37. (2) 38. (-4) 39. ( 1) 40. (2) 5. i. - c .. d .. 1i . ➔ c .. 111. -4 ,1.: iv - ll . • b . c.. d.
41. (3) 4 2. (-4) 43. (4) 44. (I) 45. (4) 6. i. ➔ c.: ii . ➔ d.: iii. -+ n.: 1v. ➔ b.
"6, (1) 47. (1) 48.(3) 49. (3) 50. (3 ) 7. i. - n.. b.: ii . -4 a .. b.: iii . ➔ d.: iv. _. c.
51_l"~) 52. ( l) 53. (2) 54. (2) 55. (3) 8.(~) 9.( 1)
56. (2) 57. (3) 58. (3 ) 59. (2)
Numerical Value Type
...ultiple Correct Answ ers Type
t. (5) 2.(45) 3. ( I ) 4. (9) 5. (3 )
}. (2).(3).(4 ) 2. (1).(3).(-4) 3. (2).(3)
5, (l ).(3)
6. (2) 7. (2) 8. (38) 9. (4) lO. ( I)
• I 4, (2).(3) 6. ( I ).(3)
11. (1250) 12. (33 .3) 13. ( I) 14. (2) 15. (4)
7. t2).! 4) 8. C~).(3) 9. ( l).(2).(4)
16.(1.8) 17. (3) 18. (8) 19. ( 8) 20. ( 13)
J0. (ll.(2).(4) 11. (1),(3) 12. (3).(4)
l3, (I ).(3) 14. (l ).(2) 21. (0 .50) 22. (60) 23 . (3)
I 15. (1).(4)
16. (1).(2).(4) 17. (1).(2).(3) 18. ( l ).(3)
19. (1).(4) 20. (3).(4) ARCHIVES
21. ( I ).(2 ).(3).(-4)
22. (l ).(3) 23. (2).(3) 24. (1 ).(2).(4) JEE Advancea
25. (2).(3) 26. (1 ).(2),(3) 27. (1).(3).(4) Single Correct Answer Type
28. (3).(4 ) 29. (2 ),(3).(4) 30. (1 ).(2 )
1. (3) 2. (4)
linked Comprehension Type
Multiple Correct Answers Type
1. (4) 2. (1) 3. ( 1) 4. (2) 5. (3)
6. (4) 7. (2 ) 8. (4) 9. (2) 10. ( 1) 1. ( I).(3) 2. ( I ).(3).(4) 3. (2).(3)
11. (2) 12. (1 ) 13. ( 1) 14. (2) 15. (4) Numerical Value Type
16. (4) 17. (l ) 18. (2) 19. (3) 20. (2)
1. (4) 2.(6.30)
21. (2) 22. (3) 23. (4) 24. ( 1) 25. ( 1)
26. (3 ) 27. (2) 28. (3) 29. (4) 30. (2)

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