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Environmental Monitoring Report

Adviser TIAN Xiujun

Group 5

Data 5/4/2020

College Beijing Jiaotong University Weihai campus Cohort 2018

Zhiyuan Zhou 18723094

Hankun Liu 18723067

Lifeng Wang 18723074

Group members Wenran Du 18725049

Xinyu Wang 18723076


1. Introduction
1.1. Background
1.1.1. Overview of Muzhu River
1.1.2. Overview of Nanhai New District
1.1.3. Water supply functions of Muzhu River (Nanhai New District)
Industrial water supply
Entertainment water supply
Irrigation water supply
1.1.4. Distribution of pollutant sources
Industrial production sources
Municipal sewage sources
Rural wastewater sources
1.1.5. Current situation
River cut-off
Excessive discharge of pollutants
Key pollutants
Sediment adsorption of non-biodegradable pollutants
1.2. Monitoring purpose

2. Monitoring Variables
2.1. Standard for surface water(表格:水质对照标准)
2.2. Variables to be measured

3. Monitoring Sites
3.1. Monitoring sections
3.1.1. Principles
3.1.2. Set of sampling sections
3.2. Sampling Points

4. Frequency and time of sampling

5. Sampling, transport and preservation

5.1. Sampling
5.2. Transport
5.3. Preservation

6. Determination of pollutants in the water sampling

6.1. Pretreatment
6.2. Determination of Physical Variables
6.2.1. Temperature of Zihe River—on spot measurement
Reagents and Apparatus
6.2.2. Turbidity
Reagents and Apparatus
6.2.3. Electrical Conductivity—on spot
Reagents and Apparatus
6.3. Determination of Metal Oxides
6.3.1. Determination of Determination of permanganate index IMn
Experiments and Calculations
6.4. Determination of Nonmetallic Inorganic Compound
6.4.1. Alkalinity
Reagents and Apparatus
6.4.2. pH—on spot measurement
Reagents and Apparatus
6.4.3. Dissolved Oxygen—on spot measurement
Reagents and Apparatus
6.4.4. Chloride ions
Reagents and Apparatus
6.4.5. Ammonia Nitrogen
Reagents and Apparatus
6.4.6. Total Phosphorus
Reagents and Apparatus
6.5. Determination of Organic Compound
6.5.1. Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD)
Reagents and Apparatus
6.5.2. Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD5)
Reagents and Apparatus

7. Results & Analysis

7.1. Standard 53
7.2. Overall description 55
7.3. Suggestion 58
1. Introduction

1.1 Background

1.1.1 Overview of Muzhu River

The four major rivers in Wendeng, Weihai, are Muzhu River, huanglei, Qinglong
and Changyang rivers. The Muzhu River are 65 kilometers long, with a watershed
area of 1,115.2 square kilometers and an average annual runoff depth of 297
millimeters. The Jinhua and Xiangshui rivers adjacent to the Weihai campus of
Beijing Jiaotong University are tributaries of the Muzhu River. The river joins the
Xiangshui River about 1.5 km to the east from the South Gate of the Weihai campus
of the Beijing Jiaotong University.

Figure 1-1 Top view of Weihai

Muzhu River:

 Overview
Muzhu River are the second longest river in Weihai and the largest in the Weihai
River basin, accounting for 67.8 percent of Wendeng District’s total area. Its upstream
reservoir, the Mishan Reservoir, is Weihai’s largest and a major source of water for
workers, farmers and residents in the Wendeng region. The Mishan Reservoir, a large
reservoir designed and built for irrigation in the late 1950s, was completed in 1960

and began to fill. The reservoir has a total capacity of 280 million cubic meters and
the xingli reservoir has a capacity of 107 million cubic meters.

Figure 1-2 Muzhu River

 Flow profile
On August 2,1940, the maximum peak flow of the Mishan reach of the Muzhu
River was 2040 m3/s, the maximum peak flow of the Dongdaokou reach of the
Muzhu River was 4940 m3/s, and the maximum peak flow of the Zhougezhuang
reach of the east tributary of the Muzhu River was 430 m3/s. From 1952 to 1967, the
average annual runoff of Muzhu River was 354 million cubic meters, of which the
maximum runoff was 641 million cubic meters (1964) and the minimum runoff was
80 million cubic meters (1958) .

Figure 1-3 River Trend of Muzhu River

 Water quality status:

The Muzhu River river basin covers an area of 62% of the whole territory. Its
eastern branch flows through the city of Wendeng. It is the main dumping area for
industrial waste water and production waste water in the city. The receiving waste
water accounts for more than 70% of the total sewage in the city every year, the equal
standard pollution load of pollutants accounts for more than 80% . According to
GB383888《 Surface Water Environmental Quality Standard 》 , the water quality of
Muzhu river has exceeded the standard of permanganate index and ammonia nitrogen
since 1982, and the oil has exceeded the standard of oil since 1986, especially in the
suburb water area.
Historically, the Muzhu river was known as “Black water”because of silt
blockage and frequent flooding. Since the early days of the People’s Republic of
China, the local government has carried out river regulation and finally solved the

flooding problem of the Muzhu river. Since the diversion project, the Muzhu River is
about 500 meters wide in the upper reaches and 600 meters wide in the lower reaches.
During the dry season, the water depth in the lower reaches is 0.2 ~ 0.5 meters.
During the flood season from June to September, the flood depth reaches 5 meters and
the maximum flood peak discharge is 2,600 cubic meters/second. During this period,
the river runoff accounts for more than 80% of the annual river runoff.
Most of the rivers in the Wendeng area are sandy rivers with torrents of
mountains, floods and rocks. The riverbeds are exposed in dry season, and the
gradient of the river bottom is usually 1/200 to 1/800. The Muzhu River and its
tributaries originate from various types of granite bodies and flow southward as a
whole. The riverbed type is straight and slightly curved sandy riverbed, the middle
and upper reaches of the river are bare, and the sediment grains are coarse and of sand,
silty sand, sandy silt, silty sand and clay sand, argillaceous silt and silty clay. In flood
season, the sediment concentration of rivers in Weihai is about 1.77 KGM3, while the
average sediment transport of Muzhu river from 1953 to 1965 was 359,000 tons, and
the maximum sediment transport was 824,000 tons in 1965.

 River runoff main features:

1) The seasonal variation is obvious. During the flood season, the flood water
rises and falls suddenly, while the dry season runoff is very small, even the
dry river.
2) There’s a lot of regional variation. River runoff decreases from southeast to
northwest. Large interannual variation.
3) The difference of runoff between high water year and low water year is more
than 10 times. In 1985, the average annual total hardness of Muzhu river was
1.24 mg equivalent/L.

1.1.2. Overview of Nanhai New District

Overview of the geography of Weihai:

 Topographical Presentation
Weihai is a hilly area with wide slopes and gentle swells. With the exception of
Mt. Tabor, the main peak of Kunlun Mountains, which is 923 metres above sea level,

the rest of the peaks are below 700 metres. Most of them are 200-300 metres above
sea level with slopes below 25 degrees. The mountain is dominated by granodiorite,
and the surface is dominated by brown earth formed from weathered debris. The
mountains in the valleys are wider and flatter; the plains are mostly coastal plains and
piedmont slopes. Low mountains accounted for 15.77% of the total land area, hills for
52.38% , plains for 27.56% , islands for 0.28% , beaches for 4.01% . The river
network is thick, the river channel is smooth, the surface drainage is good. Central
high-lying mountains from east to west, water system from back to north, from south
to south, flowing to the sea. The north, east and south of Weihai are surrounded by the
Yellow Sea. Three seas to the north, southeast by southeast. The coastline is
zigzagged and the promontory is crisscrossed. There are many harbors and islands.
The north, east and south of Weihai are surrounded by the Yellow Sea. The coastline
is 978 kilometers long, accounting for about one-third of Shandong province and
one-eighteenth of the whole country.

 Hydrologic Condition
Weihai is located in the eastern end of Shandong Peninsula, there is no big river,
no foreign water entry, water resources mainly from the domestic precipitation. The
annual average precipitation of the city is 730.2 mm, the annual runoff is 262.4 mm,
the average surface water resource is 1.426 billion cubic meters, and the underground
water resource is 475 million cubic meters, minus 273 million cubic meters of the
duplicate, the city’s annual average water resources total 1.628 billion cubic meters.

Figure 1-4 Annual Average Evaporation of Weihai

 Climatic Characteristics
From the macro-scope, Weihai is located in the mid-latitude, belongs to the north
temperate monsoon type continental climate, the four seasons change and the
monsoon advance and retreat are more obvious. Compared with the same latitude
inland area, it has the characteristics of abundant rainfall, moderate annual
temperature and mild climate. In addition, by the regulation of the ocean, but also
with the spring cold, summer cool, autumn warm, winter temperature, day and night
temperature difference is small, frost-free period long, windy and humidity, and other
oceanic climate characteristics. The city’s annual average temperature 11.9 °C, annual
average precipitation 730.2 mm, annual average sunshine hours 2538.2 hours.
Strong winds are a striking feature of Weihai’s climate. In spring, the south wind
alternates with the north wind. It is a windy season. The main wind in summer is
south wind and southeast wind. At the end of autumn, the frequency of the north wind
begins to increase. There is a lot of north wind in winter.
Based on the statistical analysis of the variation and evolution of the average
annual evaporation from 1981 to 2015 in Weihai, it is found that the average annual
evaporation from Weihai is 119.56 mm, which shows a gradual decreasing trend, and
the evaporation from Weihai has a decreasing trend in all seasons except winter, the
biggest decrease was in summer, followed by spring and autumn. The variation of the
seasonal average evapotranspiration between different years was also different. In
1981-1990 winter and 2001-2010 summer, the evapotranspiration was negative, and
in 1981-2010 it was positive, the results show that the evaporation from 1981 to 2010
is higher than that from 2011, and the decrease of evaporation from 2011 may be
caused by the anomaly of climate change.

An Overview of the Geographical Situation of Wendeng:

 Climate Overview
Wendeng, a region of Weihai in the North Temperate Zone, is also a continental
monsoon with four distinct seasons. The annual mean temperature is 11.5 °C, the
extreme maximum temperature is 36.4 °C, and the extreme minimum temperature
is-25.5 °C. Precipitation 762.2 mm, uneven distribution of precipitation, summer is
more concentrated, June to September precipitation accounted for about 70% of the

year, Spring and autumn precipitation is less, often occur drought. Annual sunshine
hours 2540.7 hours, frost-free period 194 days. Winter is long, the prevalence of cold
and dry winter winds from the northern part of the mainland, the temperature is low,
for the peninsula low-temperature stations; summer is the shortest, the prevalence of
warm and wet summer winds from the ocean, Spring and autumn are winter and
summer monsoon conversion period, spring windy weather more.

 Hydrologic Overview
The river in Wendeng District, Weihai, is a monsoonal source river of the
peninsula. From the overall point of view of the region, the gradient of the river bed is
large, the source short current rapid, rapid rise and fall. The runoff is affected by
season greatly, and dry season is more than dry season. Wendeng district in the
territory of four major rivers, 36 rivers, plus tributaries, size of the river channel 1,226,
a total length of 2,147 km, of which 1 km more than 578 rivers, a total length of 1,814
km. The average density of river network is 0.22 km/km2, the average annual runoff
coefficient is about 0.36, and the runoff coefficient is 0.51 in 2005. In addition, there
are 30,000 hectares of shallow water and 3,067 hectares of fresh water in Wendeng.

An overview of the Nanhai New District:

 Overview of the Nanhai New District
The Nanhai New District lies at the eastern end of Shandong Peninsula, facing
South Korea and Japan on the east and facing each other across the sea. Nanhai new
area traffic is convenient, traffic network is diverse. From Weihai to Beijing, it takes
only an hour in Shanghai and 45 minutes in Seoul.

Figure 1-5 Overview of Nanhai New District

 Overview of Weihai Wubao Island Bay National Wetland Park

The total area of Wubao Bay National Wetland Park is 3660.83 hectares, with a
wetland rate of 98.64% , including the Xiangshui River, Jinhua River, Changyang
River and some intertidal zones. There are 263 species of vascular plant in the park.
There are over 300 species of phytoplankton. At present, more than 200 species of
birds have been collected in the Wetland Park, which is one of the richest wetland
bird resources in Shandong province. Dense pine forests, fresh air, rich in negative
oxygen ions, known as the “Natural oxygen bar.”

 Overview of Weihai campus of Beijing Jiaotong University

The Weihai campus of Beijing Jiaotong University is located on 74.1 hectares of
land in Weihai Nanhai new area, Xiaoguan Town, Wendeng District, Weihai,
Shandong province, China, with a longitude and latitude of 37.00 ° N, 121.94 ° E. The
campus is roughly triangular in shape, bordered on the left by the Jinhai Road, on the
upper right by the Jinhua River, and on the lower right by the Perfume River, which is
separated from the Weihai campus of Beijing Jiaotong University by a road called the
modern road.

1.1.3. Water supply functions of Muzhu River (Nanhai New District)
The Sow River belongs to the first-level water function zone, which integrates
drinking, industrial and agricultural water. After calculation and analysis, the local
average available water resources in Nanhai New Area for many years is 3,687,200
m3, and the total water consumption control index is 40 million m. The Nanhai New
Area mostly adopts the method of joint water supply dispatching by water sources to
implement unified dispatch of water resources. The main types are as follows,
including agricultural irrigation water, livestock breeding water, ecological
environment water and urban living and production water requirements. By analyzing
some water-use indicator values in the planning level year of the Nanhai New Area, it
can be seen that all indicators are relatively advanced. Among them, as the local
farmland irrigation methods in the Nanhai New Area are basically small water pumps
directly from the water source for short-distance irrigation, the irrigation water
utilization coefficient can reach 0.90.

Table 1-1 Water Types and Corresponding Water Consumption of Nanhai New
Type of water Water consumption (100000m3)

There are arable land in 13 villages, which can

Agricultural irrigation water
basically meet the needs of irrigation water

Water requirement for

livestock breeding

Ecological water demand 310

Water demand for urban life

1.1.4. Distribution of pollutant sources

 Industrial production sources
The Muzhu River is an important water source for Nanhai New Area and Wendeng.
Its east tributary flows through Wendeng urban area. It is the main dumping area of
industrial wastewater and production sewage in the city. Industrial pollution is an
important source of pollution. According to the results of the census, the major

pollutant discharge units and their discharge concentrations are as follows as shown in
the table

Table 1-2 The monthly average concentration of chemical oxygen demand and
ammonia nitrogen emissions of key polluting enterprises mg/L
Name of pollution source COD Ammonia
Diesel Pharmaceutical 190 9.07
Hualong Printing and Dyeing 61.4 3.17
Shandong Dongshun Environmental
Protection Technology Co., Ltd. Sewage 114 4.91
Wendeng Sanitation Office 18.2 0.75
Wendeng West Suburb 39.1 4.4
Stanley (Wendeng) Tools Co., Ltd.
72.3 9.73
Vogel Printing and Dyeing 30.4 0.91
Senlu Tanning 300 1.01

 Agricultural pollution source

The Weihai Environmental Protection Bureau has conducted research on the amount
of ammonia nitrogen discharged by water and soil erosion, urban domestic sewage,
industrial wastewater, etc., and the annual replacement amount of ammonia nitrogen
discharged into the river channel is about 27100t/a, of which the ammonia nitrogen is
lost due to the mixing of chemical fertilizers. The volume accounts for about 71.2% of
the ammonia nitrogen compounds in the river

The amount of ammonia nitrogen carried by soil erosion accounted for about 5.4%,
and the amount of ammonia nitrogen discharged from urban domestic sewage and
industrial wastewater accounted for 14.0% and 9.4%, respectively. This shows that
the agricultural non-point source pollution in the watershed is a kind of ammonia
nitrogen pollution in the watershed, and the ammonia nitrogen discharged by it
accounts for 6.6%, while the ammonia nitrogen discharged by the point source only
accounts for 23.4%.

 Life pollution Sources
There is an existing population of about 300,000 people in the Sow River Basin,
including 179,000 non-agricultural population and 120,000 agricultural population.
According to the "Environmental Statistics Manual" and the requirements of Weihai
City's water quota, calculated on the basis of 70 liters of water per person per day,
with a discharge coefficient of 0.8, the annual discharge of domestic sewage from the
sow river is about 6.3 million tons.

The sampling river we selected is located in the residential and commercial area. The
river contains three schools, large commercial centers, and multiple sewage outlets.
Therefore, the source of domestic pollution is also an important indicator.

figure 1-1 Sewage discharge outlet near the school around the sampling point

1.1.5. Current situation

River cut-off
In recent years, floods occur frequently due to the aging or lack of embankments
in most of the lower and middle reaches of the Sow River, silting downstream river
channels, and man-made barriers. According to the statistics of the water conservancy

department, since 2003, due to the concentration of precipitation, sow river
downstream silting serious, resulting in the downstream river inversion irrigation,
water level continues to rise, along both sides of the river people have been affected
for years.

Detection of pollution indicators

According to the survey, Surface water status monitoring for 2 days, sampling 2
times a day, 1 time each in the upper and afternoons, taking mixed samples for
analysis. There are many pollution indicators being detected (pH, DO, CODcr, BOD5,
permanganate index, total phosphorus, ammonia nitrogen, nitrate nitrogen, phosphate,
total salt volume, volatile phenol, cyanide).
Shown as below:

Detection of pollution indicators of Muzhu river

Discharge of wastewater and major pollutants

According to the survey, several pollution indicators were tested for different
kinds of sewage in Wenden District.

Determination of major pollutants discharged from different wastewater

Improvements in water quality

Wenden District has implemented a limited-time closure of more than ten direct
sewage discharges in urban areas, urging the town streets to focus on solving
problems such as pollution of livestock and poultry breeding in the basin, domestic
waste water, household waste, pollution from agricultural sources, and further
reducing the impact of all kinds of pollution on water quality in the basin.
According to the relevant official, after the official operation of the Muzhu river
wetland project can reduce the annual discharge into the Bay of Five Soft Island
COD365 tons, ammonia nitrogen 64 tons, COD concentration decreased by 40%,
ammonia nitrogen decreased by 70%, will greatly improve the environmental quality
of the nearshore waters.

1.2 Monitoring Purpose

1) Regularly monitor surface water pollutants such as rivers, lakes, reservoirs, canals,
seawater and groundwater, and study the water quality status of Jinhua River.
2) Tracking and monitoring of waste water discharged from discharge sources in
industrial production and daily activities.To understand the discharge of waste water
and its related pollutants.Evaluate whether it meets the discharge standard, and
provide a basis for pollution source management
3) Carry out emergency monitoring for water environmental pollution accidents to
provide basis for accident cause analysis, hazard analysis and treatment.

4) Provide necessary relevant databases for the government to formulate
environmental protection standards, regulations and plans.
5) To provide databases and technical means for the prediction and evaluation of
water environmental quality and environmental scientific research.
6) To arbitrate and supervise environmental pollution disputes, and provide
the scientific basis for judging the cause of the dispute.

2. Monitoring Variables

2.1. Standard for surface water(表格:水质对照标准)

According to the surface water environmental quality standards specified by the

People’s Republic of China for the prevention and control of water pollution, the
protection of surface water quality, the protection of human health, and a
well-maintained ecosystem.
Surface water areas are divided into five types based on their use and protection

Type I Mainly applicable to source water and national nature reserves.

Mainly suitable for centralized domestic and drinking water surface water
Type II source first-level protection areas, rare aquatic habitats, fish and shrimp
spawning grounds, feeding grounds for larvae, juveniles, etc.
Mainly suitable for centralized domestic and drinking water surface water
source areas, secondary protection areas, fish and shrimp overwintering
Type III
grounds, migration channels, aquaculture areas and other fishery waters
and swimming areas.
Mainly suitable for general industrial water areas and recreational water
Type IV
areas where the human body does not directly contact.
Mainly suitable for agricultural water areas and waters with general
Type V
landscape requirements.
Table 1
Environmental Quality Standard for Surface Water (mg/L)

2.2 Selection principle
(1) Items listed in national and industrial water environment and water resources
quality standards or evaluation standards.

(2) Monitoring items included in standard analysis methods officially promulgated by
the state and industry.
(3) Monitoring items that reflect the main pollutants in the water bodies of the region.

2.3 Variable to be measured

Based on this, we chose to measure the following indicators:
Bridge length, water depth, flow rate, PH, turbidity, conductivity, dissolved oxygen,
hardness, alkalinity, chloride ion, potassium permanganate index, COD, BOD,
ammonia nitrogen, total phosphorus, etc.

3. Monitoring Sites
3.1. Monitoring sections

Totally, there are four kinds of water quality monitoring sections in river. They are
Baseline section, check section, control section and the bounce of pollution. Baseline
section is established for the water quality monitoring of a whole river. It is
established in where there hardly affected by human activities. Check section is
established beforethe target river section. This mainly help understand how the target
section is affected by the target zone. Control is the sampling section that we are
interested in. The bounceof pollution is the section that the concentration of pollution
decreases by dilution andthe natural degradation. For the water quality monitoring of
a section of river, only check section, control section and bounce of pollution are
Principle of the selection of monitoring section:

1)The selection should consider the dimension of the water body, the representative
of the section and feasibility.

2)The monitoring section should be established at where there is sewagedischarge,

tributaries, industrial zone, residence zone lakes and reservoir.

3)Monitoring section should be also established at drinking water source protection

zone, landscape and recreation zone and where there is severe water and soil loss,
biogeochemistry anomaly.

4) The monitoring section should not be established at stagnant area, the outlet of
sewage drainage outlet.
The water of monitoring section should flow smoothly.

3.2. Monitoring lines and sites

Considering the difference of each location in the river we choose, the

sampling line and sampling sites should follow the following instruction.
Table 3-3 Determination of sampling lines and sampling sites

Sampling line

River width ≤50m 50-100m >100m

Line number 1 2 3

1 centre line and

Illustration Centre line 2 vertical line on the 2 vertical line on
left and right bank the left and right
where there is water bank where there
flow is water flow

Sampling sites

Water depth ≤ 0.5m 0.5-5m 5-10m > 10m

Sites number 1 1 2 3

Midpoint of
0.5m underneath
Midpoint 0.5m underneath underneath
Illustration water surface
ofwater water surface water surface
and 0.5m
depth and 0.5m
beneath river
water surface
and 0.5m
beneath river

4. Frequency and time of sampling

4.1 Introduction of Sampling Frequency:

In the routine water quality monitoring, the appropriate annual sampling
frequency of each water quality station monitoring section should be determined
according to the monitoring target of each water quality station monitoring section
and the actual situation of water quality change, if the sampling frequency is too high,
it will cause unnecessary waste, and if the sampling frequency is too low, it will not
achieve the monitoring purpose. The principle to determine the sampling frequency of
water quality monitoring is: to achieve the goal of water quality monitoring with the
minimum sampling frequency. According to various water quality objectives, the
confidence interval width of water quality representative items is determined, and the
minimum sampling frequency of water quality objectives is calculated by statistical

4.2 Principles for Selecting Sampling Frequency and Sampling


4) Sampling and monitoring shall be carried out at least once a month for the
monitoring sections to be controlled between the drinking water source areas and
the provinces (autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the central
government and special administrative regions) , and the sampling time shall be
determined according to specific conditions.
5) Monitoring sections of large water systems, rivers, lakes and reservoirs shall be
sampled and monitored once a month and 6 times a year. The sampling time was
in high water period, low water period and flat water period, and the samples were
taken twice in each period. When water pollution is serious, the frequency of
sampling and monitoring shall be increased appropriately. The base material is
sampled and monitored once a year during the dry season.
6) The monitoring sections affected by tides are sampled in the spring and neap
periods, respectively. The samples of flood and ebb tide were collected and

measured respectively. The samples of flood tide should be taken at flood time and
the samples of ebb tide should be taken at water level.
7) The background section of the drainage system is sampled once a year. The
national monitoring section (or vertical line) is sampled and monitored once a
month from 5 to 10 days a month. At least 12 times a year, the monitoring sections
in the drinking water source area and the junction section at the provincial level
need to be monitored under key control.
8) In the event of special natural conditions or pollution accidents, emergency
monitoring programs shall be adopted in a timely manner to increase the sampling
frequency; in the case of river course renovation in local water basins, the
sampling frequency shall be increased within a certain period of time, and the
specific program shall be formulated by the local competent administrative
department of Environmental Protection where the renovation project is located.
9) The background section of the river system is sampled and monitored once a year
during the season when pollution is likely to be high.
10) Routine monitoring of seawater quality, taking samples in rainy season, normal
season, dry season or quarter every year.

5. Sampling, transport and preservation

5.1 Sampling

5.1.1 Method

(1) Water samples are generally collected instantaneously.

(2) The bucket is suitable for collecting surface water. When the water flow is rapid,
the bucket should be fixed on the iron rod. Underwater sampling generally adopts
vertical water harvester or plexiglass water harvester.
(3) Sampling in a river with rapid water flow, the sampler should be used in
conjunction with a lead fish of appropriate weight and a winch.
(4) For mixed samples at collection time, continuous automatic water collectors can
be used.

5.1.2 Attention

(1) The amount of water sample collection should be determined according to the
amount of water sample required by the monitoring project and the analysis method
used and the amount of reserve.
(2) When sampling, the mouth of the sampler should face the direction of water flow.
When using a ship to sample, the bow of the ship should be reversed, and the
sampling should be carried out at the front of the ship’s side to prevent the hull from
contaminating the water sample.
(3) Except for measuring bacteria, oil and other water samples, the container should
be rinsed three times with the water sample from the sampling point before loading
the water sample. After loading the water sample, add the corresponding preservative
as required and shake uniform.
(4) The water sample used for the determination of dissolved oxygen and BOD5
should be aerated during collection, and the water sample should be filled with the
container to avoid contact with air.

5.2 Transport
After sampling, it must be safely sent to the laboratory to prevent damage or change
in water quality during transportation. Generally, the following issues should be paid
attention to.
(1) The mouth of the sample container should be sealed before the water sample is
(2) Pack the water sample container into the box and fill it with foam plastic or paper
strips to prevent the container from being upside down or damaged due to vibration;
(3) For samples that need to be refrigerated, a special insulated container should be
equipped with refrigerant and the sample should be placed in it.

5.3 Preservation
(1) The storage methods of water samples mainly include cold storage and chemical
methods. In order to prevent the metal elements in the water samples from changing
during storage, acid or alkali can be added to adjust the pH value of the water sample
(2) See Table 2-5 for the function and application range of commonly used

Preservatives Effects Scope of application
Various forms of nitrogen and
HgCl2 Inhibit the growth of microorganisms
HNO3 Prevent metal precipitation Multiple metals
Inhibit the growth of microorganisms
H2SO4 COD, TOC, oils and greases, amines
and interact with alkali
Prevent the volatilization of
NaOH Cyanide, organic acid, phenol
Table 2-5 Function and scope of application of preservative

(3) In order to avoid contamination of the preservative on site, it is best to add it to the
container proportionally in the laboratory, but do not add it in advance if it is
chemically unstable.
(4) The storage technology of water samples is shown in Table 2-6.

Measurement Storage
preservation method storage Remarks
items container
Lower than water
pH value P、G temperature (2~5℃ 6h Field measurement
Separate constant
Suspended volume sampling,
P、G 2~5℃ refrigerated 24h
matter determine as soon as
Turbidity P、G Field measurement
Conductivity P、G 2~5℃ refrigerated 24h Field measurement
Hardness P、G 2~5℃ refrigerated 7d
Acidity and
P、G 2~5℃ refrigerated 24h Field measurement
Add 1mL1mol/L
manganese sulfate and
Dissolved Fix on site and store in a
G* 2mL1mol/L alkaline 4~8h
oxygen dark place
potassium iodide
Add sulfuric acid to
acidify to make the pH
Ammonia P、G 24h
value<2, refrigerate at
P、G 2~5℃ refrigerated ASAP
Add sulfuric acid to
Total nitrogen P、G acidify to make the pH 24h
Add sulfuric acid to
Total acidify to make the pH
P、G Months
phosphorus value<2, refrigerate at
chloride p 2~5℃ refrigerated 28d

Add sulfuric acid to
COD P、G acidify to make the pH 7d
2~5℃ refrigerate and 24h or Best to use a dedicated
freeze 30d glass container
Table 2-6 Preservation techniques of water samples
[1] Environmental Quality Standard for Surface Water[J]. GHZB-2002, 2002.

6. Determination of pollutants in the water sampling

6.1. Pretreatment
Environmental monitoring is a very important part of the pollution control process,
and the measurement of environmental samples through pre-treatment techniques is
an important step in ensuring the accuracy of environmental monitoring results. This
is because other substances in the sample can affect the results and damage the
instrument, which is why it is so important.

Pre-treatment technology for CODcr determination

Chloride ions in water are the main interfering substance when using the
pre-treatment technique for CODcr determination. Therefore, in the pretreatment of
water samples containing chloride ions, the concentration of chloride ions in the water
should be determined first, and then diluted until the concentration of chloride ions in
the water does not affect the application of the pretreatment technique for CODcr
determination. For some water samples with low CODcr and high chloride ions, low
chromium oxidation should be used, and an appropriate amount of mercury sulphate
should be added so that the chloride ions do not interfere with the results of the

Pre-treatment techniques for the determination of floating matter in

In the analysis of common suspended matter in everyday life, it can be found that
some clean water samples are prone to negative values, and the main reason for this is
that the soluble substances in the filter membrane have dissolved in the water during
the filtration process, resulting in an increase in the weight of the membrane.
Therefore, in the pretreatment of floating substances in water, the membrane should

be washed with distilled water first, preferably three times, and then dried to maintain
a constant weight. At the same time, when filtering water samples with a high salt
content, the sample should also be washed with distilled water, preferably three times,
and then dried to maintain a constant weight. This is a very important step, the loss of
which will inevitably lead to high results in the determination of water samples.

6.2. Determination of Physical Variables

6.2.1 Temperature of Zihe River—on spot measurement Principle

Sensor designed on the principle of metal expansion

The metal will have a corresponding extension when the ambient temperature changes,
so the sensor can convert the signal of this reaction in different ways.

Bimetallic chip sensor: the bimetallic chip is composed of two pieces of metal with
different expansion coefficients. With the change of temperature, the expansion
degree of material a is higher than that of another metal, which causes the bending of
the metal chip. The curvature of the bend can be converted into an output signal.

Bimetallic rod and metal tube sensor: with the increase of temperature, the length of
metal tube (material a) increases, while the length of non expanding steel rod (metal b)
does not increase, so the linear expansion of metal tube can be transferred due to the
change of position. In turn, this linear expansion can be converted into an output

Liquid and gas deformation curve design of the sensor: when the temperature changes,
liquid and gas will also produce corresponding volume changes. Various types of
structures can convert the change of expansion into the change of position, thus
producing the output of position change (potentiometer, inductive deviation, baffle,

Resistance sensing: the resistance value of metal changes with temperature. For
different metals, the change of resistance value is different with each change of
temperature, and the resistance value can be directly used as the output signal.

There are two types of resistance variation

(1) Positive temperature coefficient

Temperature rise = resistance increase

Lower temperature = lower resistance

(2) Negative temperature coefficient

Temperature rise = resistance decrease

Temperature decrease = resistance increase Instrument

Thermometer attached to conductivity meter. Procedures

(1)Samples were taken from the river.

(2)When the reading is stable, measure with a thermometer.

(3)Repeat the measurement three times and take the average value. Results

East Bridge of Beijing Jiaotong University

Time 1 Time 2 Time 3 Average
Measured value
(Temperature 20.1 20.2 20.2 20.17

Zhuoda Bridge No. 6

Time 1 Time 2 Time 3 Average
Measured value
(Temperature 19.3 19.1 19.2 19.2

Measurement of temperture

6.2.2 Turbidity Principle

A beam of parallel light propagates in a transparent liquid. If there are no suspended

particles in the liquid, the beam will not change its direction when propagating in a
straight line; if there are suspended particles, the beam will change its direction when
encountering particles. This forms what is called scattered light. The higher the
turbidity,the more serious the light scattering. Instrument

(1)WZB-170 portable turbidimeter

(2)Turbidity bottle, the bottle is marked with "+" type. When inserting the turbidity
bottle into the instrument, the vertical line in the sign should be positioned in the
middle of the slit. Procedures

Turn on the power supply and the instrument is in standby mode. Put the turbidity
bottlecontaining the sample into the instrument at the designated position according
to the marking line, close the lid, then press the "measurement" button, the
instrument begins to measure, and after a few seconds the measurement results are
displayed and returnedto standby state. When the instrument returns from other states,
it also enters standby state. In standby state, the upper left corner of LCD displays

Sample measurement steps:

1)Clean the same turbidity bottle used for calibration instrument with zero turbidity

2)Wash the turbidity bottle several times with the sample to be tested.

3)The sample to be tested should not be too small to be added to the '+'
labeled part of the turbidity bottle. Carefully hold the turbidity bottle "+"
marking the above part, and then cover the turbidity bottle cap.

4)Hold the cap of the turbidity bottle and wipe the liquid and
fingerprint on thebottle with a soft cloth.

5)Insert the turbidity bottle into the instrument at the designated position
accordingto the marking line and close the cap.

6)Press the "measurement" button in standby state, and the instrument

displays themeasurement results after a few seconds. Result

East Bridge of Beijing Jiaotong University

Time 1 Time 2 Time 3 Average

Measured value
(Turbidity 31.0 30.9 31.2 31.03

The turbidity of water sample(East Bridge of Beijing Jiaotong University) is 31.03


Zhuoda Bridge No. 6
Time 1 Time 2 Time 3 Average
Measured value
(Turbidity 13.67 13.98 13.81 13.82

The turbidity of water sample(Zhuoda Bridge No. 6) is 13.82 NTU.

6.2.3 Electrical Conductivity—on spot Principle
The electrolyte of acid, alkali and salt dissolved in water dissolves into positive and
negative ions in solution, which makes the electrolyte solution possess conductivity,
and its conductivity can be expressed by conductivity. Instrument and Reagent

1)Conductivity Instrument: measuring range 0-10μS/cm, equivalent to resistance

range ∞ − 100kΩ.

2)Conductor (electrode): Platinum or platinum black electrodes are commonly used

in laboratories. The cell constants of each electrode can be divided into three
categories: below 0.1, 0.1-1.0 and 1.0-10.

3)0.1 mol/L potassium chloride standard solution: 7.4365g of high-grade pure

potassium chloride (or reference reagent) was weighed and dried at 105℃ for 2
hours. The II-grade reagent water prepared by heart (20±2 ℃) was dissolved and
transferred into 1L volumetric flask, and diluted to the scale and blended.

4)0.01 mol/L potassium chloride standard solution: 0.7440 g of high-grade pure

potassium chloride (or reference reagent) was weighed and dried at 105 ℃ for 2
hours, dissolved with newly prepared I-grade reagent water (20±2℃) and then
transferred into 1L volumetric flask, diluted to scale, and blended.

5)0.001 mol/L potassium chloride standard solution: before use, absorb 0.01 mol/L
potassium chloride standard solution 100 mL accurately, transfer it into 1L
volumetric bottle, dilute it to the scale with newly prepared I-grade reagent water
(20±2℃), and mix it evenly.

27 Procedures

1)The operation of the conductivity meter should be carried out in accordance with
the requirements of the instructions.

2)Electrodes with different cell constants should be used for different conductivity of
water samples. The electrodes with different conductivity can be selected accordingto
the Table 3-7.

Table 3-7 Selection of Electrodes with Different Conductivity Battery Constants.

Conductance constant, cm-1 Conductivity, μs/cm

<0.1 3-100
0.1-1.0 100-200
>1.0-10 >200

The selected electrodes were washed with grade II reagent water, then washed with
grade I reagent water for 2-3 times, and immersed in grade I reagent water for

3)Take 50-100mL water sample (temperature 25±5℃) into plastic cup or hard glass,
wash the electrode with measured water sample for 2-3 times, then immerse it in water
sample for conductivity measurement, and repeat sampling for 2-3 times. The relative
error of the result reading is within 3%, that is to say, the measured conductivity (when
conductivity meter is used, the reading is conductivity value) Results

East Bridge of Beijing Jiaotong University

EC (μg/cm) Resistance (kΩ) TDS (mg/L)
Time1 2380 0.42 1191
Time2 2390 0.419 1193
Time3 2400 0.416 1201
Average 2390 0.418 1195

Zhuoda Bridge No. 6

EC (μg/cm) Resistance (kΩ) TDS (mg/L)
Time1 2380 0.42 1191
Time2 2390 0.419 1193
Time3 2400 0.416 1201
Average 2390 0.418 1195

Measurement of Electrical Conductivity

6.3 Determination of permanganate index IMn

6.3.1 Principle
Permanganate index is a common index that reflects the pollution of organic and
inorganic oxidants in water bodies, defined as: under certain conditions, some organic
matter and inorganic reductive substances in potassium permanganate water samples
are used to calculate the equivalent amount of oxygen by the amount of potassium
permanganate consumed.
After adding sulphuric acid to the water sample, a certain amount of potassium
permanganate solution is added, and the reaction is heated in the boiling water bath
for a certain period of time. The remaining potassium permanganate is reduced with

sodium oxalate solution and added to meet the excess sodium oxalate in potassium
permanganate solution, thus calculating the potassium permanganate index value.
Apparatus and reagents
(1) Water bath pot
(2) Acid titration tube
(3) Potassium permanganate storage solution: (1/5KMnO4 x 0.1mol/L): 3.2g
potassium permanganate is melted in 1.2L water, heated and boiled, placed overnight,
filtered with G-3 glass core, filter stored in brown bottle.
(4) Potassium permanganate standard solution: (1/5KMnO4 x 0.01mol/L): absorb
100mL potassium permanganate storage solution diluted to 1000mL water, the day of
use should be calibrated, and adjusted to 0.01mol/L accurate concentration.
(5) Sodium oxalate storage solution: (1/2Na2C2O4 x 0.1000mol/L): 0.6705g of
dried sodium oxalate at 105-110 degrees C dissolved in water, moved to 100mL
capacity bottle.
(6) Sodium oxalate standard solution:(1/2Na2C2O4 x 0.01000mol/L): absorb
100.00mL sodium oxalate storage solution into a 1000mL capacity bottle, set
6.3.2 Procedure
(1) Take 100mL mixed water sample in 250mL cone bottle, add 5mL (1 plus 3)
sulfuric acid, mix well, add 10.00mL potassium permanganate solution, shake well,
immediately put into the boiling water bath heating 30min (from the water bath from
the new boiling time), boiling water bath liquid surface to reflect the solution surface.
Remove the tapered bottle, add 10.00mL sodium oxalate standard solution and shake
well while hot. Immediately titrat the potassium permanganate solution to a slight red
color with 0.01mol/L potassium permanganate solution to record the consumption of
potassium permanganate solution.
(2) Calibration of the standard solution of potassium permanganate: The
above-mentioned titrated solution was heated to about 70 degrees C, and the standard
solution of sodium oxalate (0.01mol/L) was accurately added to 10.00mL sodium
oxalate (0.01mol/L), and then dripped to micro-red with 0.01mol/L potassium
permanganate standard solution. The consumption of potassium permanganate
solution is recorded, and the correction coefficient of potassium permanganate
solution is obtained as follows.

6.3.3 Calculate
Permanganate index=(O2,mg/L)={[(10+V1)K-10]×M×8×1000}/100
V1= Consumption of sodium oxalate (mL) when titrating water samples;
K= Calibration factor
M=Concentration of potassium permanganate solution
8= Oxygen molar mass
Here we determine that the concentration of potassium permanganate solution is
accurate and does not need to be calibrated. So changing the function as below:
Permanganate index=(O2,mg/L)=[(V1-V0)×M×8×1000]/100

6.3.4 Result

The sample is heated in a water bath

Titration of the sample

Potassium permanganate oxidizes the organic matter and reductive inorganic

substances in the sample, adds excess sodium oxalate to reduce the remaining
potassium permanganate, and then uses the standard solution of potassium
permanganate to return the excess sodium oxalate. In this way, the permanganate
index in the sample is calculated as below:

6.4.2 Determination of pH of Water Sample Principle

The pH value is the negative logarithm of hydrogen ion activity in water.pH =

−lg H+ , The pH value is determined by measuring the electromotive force of the
battery. The cell usually consists of a saturated calomel electrode as a reference
electrode and a glass
electrode as an indicator electrode. At 25 ℃, the potential difference changes to
59.16 mV for each change of pH unit in the solution, which is correspondingly
expressed by the reading of pH on the instrument. Temperature differences are
compensated on the instrument. Reagents and instruments

1)pH standard solution A (pH 4.008, 25 ℃ ). Potassium hydrogen phthalate

(KHC8H4O4) 10.12g was first dried at 110-130 C for 2-3 hours, dissolved in water
and diluted to 1L in a volumetric bottle.

2)pH standard solution B (pH 6.865, 25 ℃ ). Potassium dihydrogen phosphate

(KH2PO4) 3.388g and sodium hydrogen phosphate (Na2HPO4) 3.533g were dried at
110-130 ℃ for 2-3 hours, respectively. They were dissolved in water and dilutedto 1L
in a capacity bottle.

3)pH standard solution C (pH 9.180, 25 ℃). Borax (Na2B4O7∙10H2O) was weighed at
3.80g, dissolved in water and diluted to 1L in a capacity bottle.

4)Acidimeter or ion concentration meter. Instruments used for routine tests should be
at least accurate to 0.1 pH units, ranging from 0 to 14.

5)Glass electrode and calomel electrode. Procedures

1) Electrode preparation

New glass electrodes or long-standing glass electrodes should be immersed in

standard buffer with pH=4 for one day and night. After use, it should also be soakedin
the above buffer solution, not in the reagent water for a long time. The saturated
potassium chloride electrode should be immersed in a dilute solution diluted 10
times in the saturated potassium chloride solution before use. The upper injection
port is tightened during storage and opened when in use. Attention should be paidto

injecting potassium chloride saturated solution from the injection port to a certain

2) Instrument calibration

Half an hour after the instrument is opened, according to the instructions of the
instrument, adjust zero, compensate the temperature and correct the full scale.

3) pH positioning

 A standard buffer whose pH value is close to the measured water sample is

selected. Wash the electrode and plastic cup with reagent water more than twice
before positioning.

 Then use a clean filter paper to gently dry the droplets at the bottom of the
electrode. Pour the positioning buffer into the plastic cup, dip it into the electrode,
and shake the plastic cup for several seconds.

 Measure the temperature of water sample (the requirement is consistent with the
temperature of positioning buffer), and find out the pH value of positioningbuffer at
this temperature. Position the instrument to the pH value.

 Repeat zeroing, calibration and positioning 1-2 times until stable. Then removethe
electrode, wash it, and pour another standard buffer (pH4 buffer if the watersample is
acidic, Ph=9 buffer if alkaline) into the plastic cup.

 After gently drying the water droplets at the bottom of the electrode with filter
paper, dip the electrode into the cup, shake it for a few seconds, and press thereading

 Adjust the slope knob so that the reading indicates or displays the pH value ofthe
second positioning buffer at the test temperature. Repeat 1-2 times of two- point
positioning operation until stable.

4) Determination of water samples

The plastic cups and electrodes were washed with reagent water, and then rinsed
with the water sample for more than two times. Then, the electrodes were immersed
and the pH values were determined, and the readings were recorded. Notes

1) Glass electrodes should be immersed in distilled water for more than 24 hours
before use. After use, they should be washed and immersed in distilled water.

2) When the glass electrode bulb is contaminated, the inorganic salt dirt can be
dissolved with dilute hydrochloric acid and the oil dirt can be removed with acetone.

3) In order to reduce the dissolution or volatilization of carbon dioxide in air and

water samples, the water sample bottle should not be opened in advance before
measuringthe pH.

4) It must be noted that there should be no bubbles between the inner electrodes of
glass electrodes and spheres, and between the inner electrodes of calomel electrodes
and ceramic cores in order to prevent circuit breakage. Results

Table 3-6 results of pH of water

East Bridge of Beijing Jiaotong University

Number of parallel samples pH of river

1 8.56
2 8.60
3 8.53
Average 8.56

The pH value of water sample from East Bridge of Beijing Jiaotong University
is 8.56.

Zhuoda Bridge No. 6

Number of parallel samples pH of river

1 8.02
2 8.05
3 8.06
Average 8.04

The pH value of water sample from Zhuoda Bridge No. 6 is 8.04.

Measurement of PH

6.4.3 Determination of Dissolved oxygen of Water Samples Principle

The instrument consists of polarographic composite membrane oxygen electrode and

electronic unit with microprocessor.

Polarization voltage output about 0.7 volts, applied to the oxygen electrode, silver
power supply positive, gold power supply negative. The gold electrode is connected
with the integrated operational amplifier of the I-V conversion unit. In this unit, the
current signal from the electrode is converted into voltage signal, and the
temperature coefficient of the electrode is partially compensated. The output signal
of the I-V unit is fed into the temperature compensation unit, and the temperature
coefficient of the electrode is fully compensated. Finally, the measured results are
displayed by digital display. Instrument

1)Portable dissolved oxygen analyzer (JPB-607A)
2)Dissolved oxygen electrode (DO-957) Procedure

Under the measurement of dissolved oxygen concentration, the dissolved oxygen

electrode is washed with distilled water and inserted into the measured solution. The
instrument can be used to measure the dissolved oxygen concentration when it is
turned on. The instrument shows the temperature value of the dissolved oxygen
concentration of the current measured solution in the unit of mg/L. The lower right
corner of the liquid crystal shows "MEAS" indicating that it is in the oxygen
concentration measurement mode. Results

East Bridge of Beijing Jiaotong University

Time 1 Time 2 Time 3 Average
Measured value
(Dissolved 6.6 6.4 6.5 6.5

The dissolved oxygen of water sample(East Bridge of Beijing Jiaotong University) is

6.5 mg/L.

Zhuoda Bridge No. 6

Time 1 Time 2 Time 3 Average
Measured value
(Dissolved 8.9 9.1 9 9

The dissolved oxygen of water sample(East Bridge of Beijing Jiaotong University) is 9


Measurement of Dissolved oxygen
6.4.4 Chloride ions Principles

This method is true in neutral and weakly alkaline (pH 6.5~10.5) solutions. Using
potassium chromate as an indicator, titrating the chloride in the water sample with a
silver nitrate standard solution, a white silver chloride precipitate is formed due to the
interaction of silver ions and chloride ions. When all the chloride ions in the water
sample interact with silver ions, the slight excess of silver nitrate reacts with
potassium chromate to form a brick red precipitate, which means that the reaction has
reached the end of the reaction.
Ag+ + Cl- = AgCl ↓
2Ag+ + CrO42- = Ag2CrO4 ↓
Since the amount of silver nitrate is slightly higher than the theoretical requirement
when it reaches the end point, it is necessary to take distilled water as a blank
experiment to reduce the error. Reagents and Apparatus

(1) Three 250ml conical flasks, one 100ml pipette, one 50ml brown dual-purpose
(2) 0.028 mol/L AgNO3 solution: Weigh 16.987 g of AgNO3 in 1000ml of distilled
water, transfer the solution to a brown bottle, and store it in a dark place to prevent it
from being decomposed by light.
Note: Calibration is required before use. Use a pipette to take 200ml of tap water into
3 Erlenmeyer flasks, add 1ml of K2CrO4 indicator, under constant shaking. Titrate
with AgNO3 to a light orange red, which is the end point, and do a blank experiment
at the same time. Calculate the concentration of AgNO3 based on the volume of
AgNO3 consumed in the titration.
(3) 5% K2CrO4 solution Processes
(1) Blank experiment
Use a pipette to transfer 200 ml of distilled water and add 1 ml of K2CrO4 indicator to
the Erlenmeyer flask, titrate with AgNO3 solution under constant vigorous shaking to
light orange red, and record the amount of AgNO3 solution V1.
(2) Water sample measurement
Take 3 servings of 200 ml tap water in an Erlenmeyer flask, and add 1 ml K2CrO4
indicator to each. Titrate with AgNO3 solution under constant vigorous shaking to
light orange-red, and compare with the blank experiment, the two colors are similar,
which is the end point. Record the amount of AgNO3 solution V2. Measure 3 times in
parallel (V2-1, V2-2, V2-3). According to the amount of AgNO3 solution, calculate
the chloride ion content in the water sample. Results

Figure 6-1 The color of solution

Figure 6-2 The procedure of experiment

East Bridge of Beijing Jiaotong University

50mL Sample
0.028mol/L AgNO3
Number Volume of AgNO3 (mL) Ag+ (mmol) Cl- (mmol) [Ag+] (mol/L)
Blank 0.3 0.0084 0.0084 0.168
Sample 1 37.3 1.0444 1.0444 20.888
Sample 2 38.2 1.0696 1.0696 21.392
Sample 3 38.5 1.078 1.078 21.56

By reading the scale lines before and after the burette, you can see the volume of
AgNO3 solution consumed in the titration. Then calculate the amount of Ag+
substances consumed according to the concentration of AgNO3, and then subtract the
blank value to get the amount of Cl- substances, and finally divide by the water
sample volume and take an average value to get the Cl- concentration of the river to
get the Cl- concentration of the river.

Number Cl- (mmol) Cl- minus Blank (mmol) [Cl-] (mol/L)

Sample 1 1.0444 1.036 0.02072
Sample 2 1.0696 1.0612 0.021224
Sample 3 1.078 1.0696 0.021392
Average 0.021112

Therefore, the Cl- concentration of the eastern river is about 0.021 mol/L

Zhuoda Bridge No. 6

20mL Sample
0.028mol/L AgNO3
Number Volume of AgNO3 (mL) Ag+ (mmol) Cl- (mmol) [Ag+] (mol/L)
Blank 0.1 0.0028 0.0028 0.14
Sample 1 10.7 0.2996 0.2996 14.98
Sample 2 10.7 0.2996 0.2996 14.98
Sample 3 10.8 0.3024 0.3024 15.12

By reading the scale lines before and after the burette, you can see the volume of
AgNO3 solution consumed in the titration. Then calculate the amount of Ag+
substances consumed according to the concentration of AgNO3, and then subtract the
blank value to get the amount of Cl- substances, and finally divide by the water
sample volume and take an average value to get the Cl- concentration of the river to
get the Cl- concentration of the river.

Number Cl- (mmol) Cl- minus Blank (mmol) [Cl-] (mol/L)
Sample 1 0.2996 0.2968 0.01484
Sample 2 0.2996 0.2968 0.01484
Sample 3 0.3024 0.2996 0.01498
Average 0.01488667

Therefore, the Cl- concentration of the Zhuoda Bridge No. 6 is about 0.015 mol/L

6.4.5. Ammonia Nitrogen Principle
The ammonia in the free state or ammonia nitrogen in form of ammonium ions can be
reacted with Nessler reagent to generate light red and brown complex compound, the
absorbance of the complex compound is directly proportional to the ammonia
nitrogen content, and the absorbance should be measured at a wavelength of 425nm.
This standard applies to determination of ammonia nitrogen in surface water,
groundwater, domestic sewage and industrial wastewater. When the water sample
volume is 50mL and the 20mm cuvette is used, the detection limit of this method is
0.025 mg/L, the determination lower limit is 0.10mg/L, and the determination upper
limit is 2.0mg/L (expressed in N).
The reaction is as follows:
NH3+2(HgI2. 2KI)+ 3KOH→ NH2.Hg. HgO+7KI+2H2O Reagents
[1] 25 ml or 50 ml colorimeter;
[2] Erlenmeyer flask (250ml) ;
[3] Brown reagent bottle;
[4] Pipette;
[5] Spectrophotometer;
[6] 10 mm Cuvette.
[7] Ammonia-free water: prepared in Ammonia-free environments by one of the
following methods.
a) Ion Exchange method

Distilled water is passed through a strong acid positive Ion-exchange resin
(hydrogen type) column to collect the effluent on glass with ground glass
stoppers Bottle resin for preservation.
b) Distillation process
In 1000 ml distilled water, add 0.1 mL sulfuric acid (ρ=1.84g/mL) is re-distilled
in an all-glass still, the first 50 mL of the distillate is discarded, and then about
800 mL of the distillate is collected in a glass bottle with a ground glass stopper.
Add 10g strong acid Ion-exchange resin (hydrogen type) per litre of distillate.
c) Water Purifier method
Direct preparation by commercial water purifier.
[8] Nessler's reagent, Mercury iodide-potassium iodide-sodium hydroxide
(HgI2-KI-NaOH) solution:(acute toxicity)
Add 10 grams of mercuric iodide and 7 grams of KI into the agate body. Add a
little desalinized water and grind it into a paste. Add a small amount of
desalinized water until it dissolves completely. Add 50 ml 30% naoh solution,
dilute with desalinized water to 100 ml, shake it, and leave in the dark for a few
days. Aafter the solution is completely clarified, carefully siphon the upper
clarifying solution into the brown reagent and keep it in a dark place.
[9] 10% potassium sodium tartrate solution:
Dissolve 10 g of potassium sodium tartrate and dilute to 100 ml, add 2 ml of
Nessler’s reagent, place in the dark for 2-3 days, then siphon off the
supernatant and set aside.
[10]Standard stock solution of ammonia nitrogen, ρn = 1000ug/ml:
Take 0.3147 g fine pure ammonium chloride, dissolved in desalted water and
diluted to 1 l, mixed. This solution contains 1.00 mg of ammonia nitrogen per
[11]Ammonia-nitrogen standard working solution, ρn = 10μg/ml:
Take10ml reserve solution in 500ml volumetric flask, diluted with ion
exchange water to scale, mixed. This solution contains 0.010 mg of ammonia
nitrogen per milliliter. Processes
[1] Drawing of working curve

Add 0.5, 1.00, 3.00, 5.00, 7.00, 9.00 ml ammonium standard solution into a group
of 50 ml colorimetric tubes, add water to the standard line, add sodium tartrate
solution 1.0 ml, shake well, add 1.5 ml Nessler’s reagent, mix well, after 10
minutes, the absorbance was measured at 425 nm with 1cm Cuvette. Drawing
with ammoniacal nitrogen Working Curve of amount (mg) versus absorbance.
The standard curve is shown as below:

y = 178.38x + 0.0012
R² = 0.9995

Where the function of this curve is y = 178.38x + 0.0012 (y for absorbance, x for
ammonia nitrogen concentration), with the correlation coefficient R² = 0.9995.

[2] Water sample determination

A suitable amount of water sample was added into a 50 ml colorimetric tube, a
certain amount of 1 mol/l sodium hydroxide solution was added to neutralize
boric acid. Water was added to the standard line, 1.5 ml Nashi reagent was added,
mixed, left for 10 minutes, at the wavelength of 425 nm, the absorbance was
measured with a 1 cm colorimetric dish. The ammonia nitrogen content was
obtained from the working curve.

[3] Notes
a) If the water sample itself is coloured, it should be discolored. Method:
1ml 12% AL2(SO4)3 solution was added to 100 ml water sample. Then take
out the top layer of clear liquid for determination.

b) 20 drops of zinc solution should be added to 20 ml water sample in advance
to remove the sulfide. The sample should be left to settle for 2 hours.
c) The ratio of mercuric iodide to potassium iodide in Nessler’s reagent has a
great influence on the sensitivity of color reaction
The precipitates formed should be removed.
d) When the water sample contains hydrazine, because the hydrazine reacts
with sodium reagent to form yellow compound, thus causing interference,
can be added Elimination by iodine method. Reaction:
N H + I → HI + N
e) Filter paper often contains trace amount of ammonium salt, use attention to
use ammonia-free water washing. used glassware should be avoided by
experiment Ammonia pollution in indoor air. Results
Since the standard curve is:

y = 178.38x + 0.0012

Where y for absorbance, x for ammonia nitrogen concentration.

According to the standard curve can be obtained under different absorbance

conditions corresponding to the concentration of ammonia nitrogen in water. Thus the
concentration of ammonia nitrogen can be calculated as below:

− 0.001
− = / ㌳
1Ͳ .


A= Absorbance

Then the calculation are shown in the table below:

Sample Name Absorbance [NH3-N] (mg/L)
1-1 50.00 0.202 1.126
1-2 50.00 0.200 1.114
1-3 50.00 0.206 1.148
Average Value 1.129

2-1 50.00 0.166 0.924
2-2 50.00 0.161 0.896
2-3 50.00 0.162 0.901
Average Value 0.907

6.4.6. Total Phosphorus Principles
Total phosphorus is the result of the conversion of various forms of phosphorus into
positive phosphate after the water sample has been dissolved, and measured by the
number of phosphorus milligrams per liter of water sample. In the acidic medium,
phosphate reacts with paracetamate and ammonium palladium to produce a yellow
polyic acid compound, which reacts as follows:
H3PO4+22(NH4)2MO4+2NH4VO3+23H2SO4 →
The color depth of the solution is proportional to the concentration of phosphate, and
a large number of iron, silicon, copper and other elements do not interfere with the
determination of phosphorus. Reagents and Apparatus
(1) Type 721 spectrophotometer.
(2) 50ml color tube
(3) Phosphate standard reserve liquid: called 105 degrees C dried potassium
dihydrogenate phosphate 0.2170g in a small amount of water, diluted to 1000. This
solution contains 50.0 g of phosphorus per milliliter (in P)
(4) Phosphate standard solution: absorb 10.0mL phosphate standard reserve liquid
in a 250mL capacity bottle, set capacity. This solution contains 2.00 g of phosphorus
per milliliter (in P)
(5) Ammonium niobium niobium phosphate solution: said to be 8.25g ammonium
palladium phosphate dissolved in about 75 ml of water, and another 100 ml of
concentrated sulfuric acid slowly added to 300 ml of water under constant stirring.
But it's at room temperature. Dilute the ammonium niobium palladium solution into
the acid solution and dilute it with water to 500 ml.
(6) chlorinated tin solution: called 0.5g of tin chloride, plus 2.5mL of concentrated
hydrochloric acid so that completely dissolved, after a transparent solution, water
diluted to 25mL, add a metal tin, dark and cold place, after a week of rematch.

46 Procedure
(1) The drawing of the standard curve
<1> Draw 0, 0.50, 1.00, 2.00, 3.00, 5.00, 10.0, 15.0 phosphate standard liquid
In a 50mL color tube, add water to the 50mL line.
The standard curve is shown as below:
<2> Add 5mL ammonium palladium phosphate solution and mix well. Add
0.25mL of tin chloride solution and mix well.
<3> After placing 15min at room temperature, the standard curve is drawn by using
a zero-concentration blank tube for reference, and the absorbance is measured at
700nm with a 20mm dish.
The standard curve is shown as below:

Function of the curve is y=5.326x-0.0097(y for the absorbance, x for the TP

concentration), with the correlation correfficient R2=0.9951

(2) Sample determination

Take the appropriate amount of water sample (so that the phosphorus content does
not exceed 30 sg), plot the same steps according to the standard curve to determine
the absorbance, from the standard curve to find out the corresponding total amount of

(3) Precautions
<1> When formulating ammonium palladium palate solution, attention should be
paid to the slow addition of ammonium palate water solution to the sulfuric acid
solution. If you do the opposite, it results in inadequate color rendering.
<2> The temperature increased by 100 degrees C and the absorbance increased by
about 1%. Therefore, the sample determination should be consistent with the
temperature when drawing the working curve, otherwise the temperature adjustment
measures should be taken.
<3> Phosphorus concentration of low water samples, can prepare a lower
concentration of standard curves, and use 50mm color plate. Result
According to the standard curve: y=5.326x-0.0097 (y for the absorbance, x for the
TP concentration)
By changing this function, x=(y+0.0097)/5.326 (y for the absorbance, x for the TP
concentration). So the concentration of TP can be calculate as below:
The concentration of total phosphorus is calculated as below:

6.5. Determination of Organic Compound

6.5.1. Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) Principle
In this experiment, the permanganate titration is used to determine the chemical
oxygen demand of water. The sample, containing reducing substances and organic
matter is heated to boiling under acidic condition, oxidized with potassium
permanganate, and the excess potassium permanganate is titrated with sodium oxalate.
Chemical oxygen demand is determined by calculating the amount of potassium
permanganate consumed by the water by the difference method.

In the strong acid solution, a certain amount of potassium dichromate oxidizes the
reducing substances in the water sample, the excess potassium dichromate is used as
the indicator, and ammonium ferrous sulfate is used as the standard solution to drip
back. According to this amount, the CODcr value of the water sample can be
calculated, expressed as MgO /L. Reagents
[12]HACH-Dr 1900 Portable Spectrophotometer;
[13]HACH-DRB 200 Digester;
[14]HACH COD Reagent Tube (LR, 3-150mg/L); Processes
[4] HACH-DRB 200 Digester Preheating
Turn on the switch of HACH-DRB 200 Digester, and press the button below
COD on the screen to start preheating and heating up the digester. When the
temperature rises to 165 ℃, the digester will make a "dididi" sound, which
means the preheating is completed.

[5] Add Water Sample

Add 2ml filtered water sample into the HACH COD Reagent Tube (LR,
3-150mg/L) , three parallel tubes are set for each water sample, and 2ml RO
water should be added into one tube as blank, cover the reagent tube, and turn it
upside down several times.
[Attention]: Do not touch the reagent tube with hands to avoid scalding.

[6] Digestion
Open the plastic cover of digestion instrument, place the colorimetric tubes in
the digestion hole, close the plastic cover. Press the button below "start" on
the screen to start digestion.

[7] Spectrophotometer Reading

The digester digests at 165 ℃ for 15 minutes. After 15 minutes, the digester
will make a sound again. Wait for the digestion tube to drop to a suitable

temperature, put it into HACH-Dr 1900 Portable Spectrophotometer. Take
RO water as reference, read them at 420nm wavelength. Results
HACH COD Reagent Tube is easy to operate, and the content of COD in water
sample can be obtained directly after reading by spectrophotometer, which are shown
as below:

Sample Name Sample Volume(ml) COD (mg/L)

1-1 2.00 41.6

1-2 2.00 40.8
1-3 2.00 39.8
Average Value 40.7
2-1 2.00 21.2
2-2 2.00 26.6
2-3 2.00 24.6
Average Value 24.1

6.5.2 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD5) Principles
BOD5 refers to the dissolved oxygen consumed by the biological oxidation of organic
and inorganic substances in water under specified conditions, expressed in mass
concentration. Fill the culture flask with the water sample, stopper it so that it does
not leak, place the culture flask in a constant temperature incubator at (20 ± 1) ℃
constant temperature conditions for 5 days. Measure the dissolved oxygen
concentration before and after using iodometry, and the difference between the two is
the value of BOD5. Reagents and Apparatus Apparatus
(1) Constant temperature incubator. 36
(2) 20L thin-mouth glass bottle.
(3) Dissolved oxygen bottle 250~300mL.
(4) Air pump

(5) Special glass rod. At the bottom of the glass rod is installed a 2mm thick,
perforated hard rubber plate that matches the size of the measuring cylinder. Reagents
(1) Calcium chloride solution. Weigh 27.5g of anhydrous calcium chloride, dissolve it
in water, and dilute to 1L.
(2) Ferric chloride solution. Weigh 0.25g of ferric chloride, dissolve it in water, and
dilute to 1L.
(3) Magnesium sulfate solution. Weigh 22.5g MgSO4.7H2O, dissolve in water, and
dilute to 1L.
(4) Phosphate solution. Weigh 8.5g potassium dihydrogen phosphate, 21.75g
​ ​ dipotassium hydrogen phosphate, 33.4g disodium hydrogen phosphate and 1.7g
ammonium chloride, dissolve in water and dilute to 1L. The pH value of this solution
should be 7.2.
(5) Glucose-glutamic acid solution. Weigh 150mg glucose and glutamic acid (both
dried at 103°C for 1 hour), dissolve in water, and dilute to 1L.
(6) 1mol/L hydrochloric acid solution.
(7) 1mol/L sodium hydroxide solution.
(8) Dilution water. Add 18L of water into a 20L glass bottle, and use a suction pump
to inject clean air for 2-8 hours to saturate the dissolved oxygen in the water. The
bottle cap is covered with two layers of gauze that has been washed and dried, and
placed in an incubator at 20°C for an hour, so that the dissolved oxygen content in the
water reaches 8 mg/L. Before use, add 1mL of calcium chloride solution, ferric
chloride solution, magnesium sulfate solution and phosphate solution per liter of age,
and mix well. The pH value of the dilution water should be 7.2, and its BOD5 should
be less than 0.2mg/L.
(9) Inoculate dilution water. Take an appropriate amount of domestic sewage and
place it at 20°C for 24 to 36 hours. The supernatant is the inoculum, and 1 to 3 mL of
the inoculum per liter of dilution water is the inoculation dilution water.
(10) Other solutions. Reagents for measuring dissolved oxygen. Processes
(1) Collection, storage and pretreatment of water samples
① Collect the water sample in a glass bottle of appropriate size, stop it tightly with a
glass stopper, and leave no air bubbles. After sampling, it should be measured within

2h; otherwise, it should be stored in the refrigerator, and it should be measured within
10h after collection.
② Adjust the pH to 7.2 with 1mo/L sodium hydroxide or 1mol/L hydrochloric acid
③Water samples with free chlorine greater than 0.10mol/L should be removed by
adding sodium sulfite or sodium thiosulfate [see Note (1)].
④Determine the dilution factor [see Note (2)]
(2) Dilution of water samples
According to the determined dilution factor, use the siphon method to introduce a
certain amount of sewage into the 1L measuring cylinder, and then slowly add the
required dilution water along the wall, and use a special glass rod to slowly stir evenly
under the water surface (no bubbles should be generated), and then Slowly pour the
wall into two pre-numbered iodine measuring bottles of the same volume until it
overflows a little after being full. Cover tightly and seal with water, taking care that
there should be no bubbles in the bottle.
Use the same method to configure the other two dilution ratio water samples.
(3) Preparation of control samples
Take another two numbered iodine measuring bottles and add dilution water or
inoculation water as blanks.
(4) Cultivation
Take a bottle of the water sample of each dilution ratio and the blank of the dilution
water (or inoculation water) and place it in an incubator at 20°C for 5 days. During
the cultivation process, add sealing water every day.
(5) Determination of dissolved oxygen
① Measure the remaining dissolved oxygen in the uncultured water samples of each
dilution ratio and the blank water samples by iodometry.
② Use the same method to determine the remaining dissolved oxygen in each diluted
water sample and dissolved water sample after 5 days of incubation. Results
BOD5 were recorded as follows:

Figure 6-3 the BOD5 readings
Note: Number 7 and 8 were the BOD5 of the first day of eastern bridge, and number 9
was the BOD5 of the second day of 88 bridge.
Then we have the BOD5 of the eastern bridge is (2.64 + 3.52) / 2 = 3.08 mg/L; the
BOD5 of the 88 bridge is 1.82 mg/L.

7. Results & Analysis

7.1 Standard

This standard is formulated to implement the Environmental Protection Law of the

People's Republic of China and the Law of the People's Republic of China on the
Prevention and Control of Water Pollution, to prevent and control water pollution, to
protect the quality of surface water, to safeguard human health and to maintain a
sound ecosystem.
This standard can be divided into: basic surface water environmental quality standard
project, supplementary project of surface water source of centralized domestic
drinking water and specific project of surface water source of centralized domestic
drinking water.The basic items of surface water environmental quality standards shall

apply to the surface water areas with functional use such as rivers, lakes, canals,
channels and reservoirs throughout the country;Supplementary projects and specific
projects of surface water source of centralized domestic drinking water are applicable
to the first-level and second-level protection areas of surface water source of
centralized domestic drinking water.Specific projects for the surface water source of
centralized domestic drinking water shall be selected by the competent administrative
department of environmental protection of the people's government at or above the
county level according to the characteristics of the local surface water quality and the
needs of environmental management. Supplementary projects for the surface water
source of centralized domestic drinking water and specific projects selected and
determined shall be used as supplementary indexes for the basic projects.
There are 109 items in total, including 24 basic items of surface water environmental
quality standard, 5 supplementary items of surface water source of centralized
domestic drinking water, and 80 specific items of surface water source of centralized
domestic drinking water.
Compared with GHZB1-1999, this standard adds an index of total nitrogen to the
basic items of the environmental quality standard, deletes the basic requirements and
three indexes of nitrite, non-ionic ammonia and Kjeldahl nitrogen, and adjust sulfate,
chloride, nitrate, iron and manganese to the supplementary project of surface water
source of centralized domestic drinking water.The standard values of pH, dissolved
oxygen, ammonia nitrogen, total phosphorus, permanganate index, lead and fecal
coliform group of 7 items were revised, and 40 specific items of surface water source
of centralized drinking water were added.This standard deletes the lake reservoir
specific project standard value.
The competent administrative departments of environmental protection of the people's
governments at or above the county level and other relevant departments shall,
according to the division of their functions and duties, conduct supervision and
administration of various surface water areas in accordance with these Standards.
The surface water estuarine waters connected with the offshore waters are managed
according to the water environment function according to the corresponding class
standard value of this standard, and the waters near the seawater functional areas are
managed according to the use function according to the corresponding class standard
value of the Seawater Quality Standard.The single fishery waters approved for
demarcation shall be managed in accordance with the Fishery Water Quality

Standards;The treated urban sewage and industrial wastewater with similar quality to
urban sewage used for farmland irrigation water quality shall be managed according
to the farmland irrigation water quality standard.
The Environmental Quality Standard for Surface Water (GB3838-83) was published
for the first time, the first revision was in 1988, the second revision was in 1999, and
this is the third revision.This standard will come into effect on June 1, 2002, and the
surface water environmental quality standard (GB3838-88) and the surface water
environmental quality standard (GHZB1-1999) will be abolished at the same time.

7.2 Overall description(Evaluation of water quality monitoring)

By integrate the data of water quality in the golden flower river. We have:

East Bridge of Beijing Jiaotong University

Monitoring items Value Unit

pH 8.56

DO 6.5 mg/L
Alkalinity 0.125 meq/L
Ammonia nitrogen 1.129 ppm
Phosphate 0.011 ppm
Cl- 745.5 ppm
Hardness 0.468 ppm caco3
COD 40.7 mg/L
BOD5 3.08 mg/L

The evaluation of East Bridge of Beijing jiaotong University:

According to Surface water environment quality standard GB 3838-2002, we have

an assessment both on physical items and chemical items of the water sample. Items
included in Surface water environment quality standard GB 3838-2002 and
determined exactly in our experiment are pH, DO, ammonia nitrogen (NH3-N), the
total phosphoros (TP), COD and BOD5, which are the very items to be mainly
evaluated in the assessment. For physical indicators, the pH value of the water
sample from the East Bridge of Beijing Jiaotong University is 8.56. Among in the
pH range specified in GB3838-2002. DO is 6.5, is Ⅱclass of water quality which is
mean that the water in East Bridge of Beijing Jiaotong University has good self
purification capacity.

As for the chemical indexes, firstly, the alkalinity is only 0.125meq/L, converted into
expression using CaCO3 is 0.250 mg/L, which is far from consistent with common
sense, indicating that the neutralization capacity of the water quality is far from
sufficient, and it is difficult to regulate the pH value of its own water.This is much
lower than the alkalinity of tap water.We analyzed the inaccuracy of the results due to
errors in the experiment.Therefore, this value is not enough as a basis for
judgment.The total phosphoros(TP) is 0.011, falling in the range of theⅠ class of GB
3838-88. The ammonia nitrogen(NH3-N),which is 1.129ppm,falling in the range of
Ⅳclass. It means that the ammonia nitrogen content in the water is very high, which
may have an impact on the fish and other organisms in the water. From the content of
total phosphorus and ammonia nitrogen, it shows that the water body is likely to
produce eutrophication, thus damaging the ecological environment of the water. In
addition, the content of chlorine in the water is 745.5 ppm, but there is no evaluation
standard for chloride ion in the national standard, so the evaluation is not done here.
The hardness of the water is only 0.468 ppm CaCO3, which is very low, even lower

than the content in tap water, so we think there is an error in the measurement process.
The COD value is 40.7mg/l, which even exceeds the level V content of COD in the
national standard GB3838-2002, indicating that the content of reducing materials is
quite high. As for BOD5, its content belongs to class Ⅱ environmental quality
standard for surface water. The grade of COD and BOD means that the concentration
of organic carbon and organic nitrogen in water is very high.

To sum up, some monitoring items of water quality of the East Bridge of Beijing
Jiaotong University belong to the first two categories of water quality standards, and
the water quality is good, but some monitoring items belong to category IV or even
exceed the standard.

Zhuoda Bridge No. 6

Monitoring items Value Unit
pH 8.04
DO 9.0 mg/L
Alkalinity 0.025 meq/L
Ammonia nitrogen 0.907 ppm
Phosphate 0.007 ppm
Cl- 528.48 ppm
Hardness 0.358 ppm caco3
COD 24.1 mg/L
BOD5 1.82 mg/L

The evaluation of Zhuoda Bridge No. 6:

According to Surface water environment quality standard GB 3838-2002, we have an
assessment both on physical items and chemical items of the water sample. Items
included in Surface water environment quality standard GB 3838-2002 and determined
exactly in our experiment are pH, DO, ammonia nitrogen (NH3-N), the total
phosphoros(TP), COD and BOD5, which are the very items to be mainly evaluated in
the assessment. For physical indicators, the pH value of the water sample from the
Zhuoda Bridge No. 6 is 8.04. Among in the pH range specified in GB3838-2002. DO
is 9.0, is Ⅰclass of water quality which is mean that the water in Zhuoda Bridge No. 6
has excellent self purification capacity. As for the chemical indexes, firstly, the

alkalinity is only 0.025eq/L, converted into expression using CaCO3 is 0.050 mg/L,
which is far from consistent with common sense, indicating that the neutralization
capacity of the water quality is far from sufficient, and it is difficult to regulate the pH
value of its own water.This is much lower than the alkalinity of tap water.We
analyzed the inaccuracy of the results due to errors in the experiment.Therefore, this
value is not enough as a basis for judgment. The total phosphoros(TP) is 0.007, falling
in the range of theⅠ class of GB 3838-2002. The ammonia nitrogen(NH3-N),which is
0.907ppm,falling in the range of Ⅲ class. It means that the ammonia nitrogen content
in the water is a little high, which may have an impact on the fish and other organisms
in the water. From the content of total phosphorus and ammonia nitrogen, it shows
that the water body is likely to produce eutrophication, thus damaging the ecological
environment of the water. In addition, the content of chlorine in the water is 528.48
ppm, but there is no evaluation standard for chloride ion in the national standard, so
the evaluation is not done here. The hardness of the water is only 0.358ppm CaCO3,
which is very low, even lower than the content in tap water, so we think there is an
error in the measurement process. The COD value is 24.1mg/l, which level Ⅳ
content of COD in the national standard GB3838-2002, indicating that the content of
reducing materials is quite high. As for BOD5, its content belongs to
classⅠenvironmental quality standard for surface water. The grade of COD and BOD
means that the concentration of organic carbon and organic nitrogen in water is a little

To sum up, some monitoring items of water quality of the Zhuoda Bridge No. 6
belong to the first two categories of water quality standards, and the water quality is
good, but some monitoring items belong to category IV.

This also proves that the water quality of the river is complex and needs further
investigation before comprehensive evaluation.

7.3 Suggestion

When pollutants enter rivers, lakes, groundwater and other water bodies, their content
exceeds the natural purification capacity of the water body, which changes the
physical and chemical properties of the water quality and the bottom material of the
water body or the composition of the biological community, thus reducing the use
value and function of the water body, which is called water pollution. A large number

of inorganic and organic pollutants enter into the water body, which not only damages
the aquatic ecosystem, but also harms human health, resulting in water quality
shortage and affecting people's industrial and agricultural production and life.

In order to solve the problem of water pollution in China, we should start from many
aspects and make unremitting efforts. The countermeasures are as follows:

1. Reduce water consumption: the current utilization of water resources in China, on

the one hand, feel the shortage of water resources, on the other hand, waste is very
serious. Compared with developed countries, water consumption per unit product in
China is much higher. Large water consumption is not only a waste of water resources,
but also an important cause of water environmental pollution.

Through the technological transformation of enterprises, the implementation of

cleaner production, the reduction of water consumption per unit product, the multiple
use of one water, and the improvement of water reuse rate have been proved to be
effective in practice.

2. The establishment of urban sewage treatment system: in order to control the

development of water pollution, industrial enterprises must also actively control water
pollution, especially the discharge of toxic pollutants must be treated separately or
pretreated. With the adjustment of industrial layout and urban layout and the
construction and improvement of urban sewer network, the centralized treatment of
urban sewage can be gradually realized, and the urban sewage treatment and
industrial wastewater treatment can be combined.

3. Industrial structure adjustment: the natural purification capacity of water body is

limited. Reasonable industrial layout can make full use of the natural capacity of
natural environment, change vicious circle into virtuous circle, and play the role of
economic development and pollution control. Shut down, stop, merge and transfer
those enterprises that consume large amount of water, pollute heavily and control
pollution at high cost. It is also necessary to adjust the agricultural structure with large
water consumption, especially in arid and semi-arid areas, to reduce the rice planting
area and take the road of water-saving agriculture and sustainable development.

4. Control of agricultural non-point source pollution: agricultural non-point source
pollution includes rural life source, agricultural non-point source, livestock and
poultry industry, aquaculture pollution. To solve the non-point source pollution is
more difficult than industrial pollution and domestic sewage in large and
medium-sized cities, we need to control it through comprehensive control and
ecological agriculture demonstration project.

5. Development of new water sources: China's industrial, agricultural and domestic

water saving potential is not small, we need to do a good job in water saving, reduce
waste, and reduce the water consumption per unit of GDP. The implementation of
South to North Water Diversion Project plays an important role in alleviating the
severe water shortage in North China of Shandong Province. The construction of
reservoir, exploitation of groundwater and purification of seawater can alleviate the
increasing pressure of water use, but the impact on ecological environment and social
environment should be fully considered when constructing reservoir and exploiting

6. Strengthen the planning and management of water resources: water resources

planning is the main part of regional planning, urban planning, industrial and
agricultural development planning, and should be carried out at the same time with
other planning.

Reasonable development must also be based on the supply and demand of water, the
implementation of water quota, and the unified development and utilization of surface
water, groundwater and sewage resources, to prevent the depletion of surface water
sources, groundwater level decline, to achieve reasonable development,
comprehensive utilization, active protection, scientific management.

Using market mechanism and economic leverage to promote water conservation and
sewage management and resource utilization. In order to effectively control water
pollution, the management should be gradually transferred from concentration
management to total amount control management.


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