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World History and Geography
White Light, Black Rain: The Destruction of Hiroshima and
Nagasaki Video Guide
1. What percentage of the Japanese population was born after 1945?

2. How many blocks away from the atom bomb explosion was Kiyoko Imori?
3 blocks

3. What does Sunoa Tsuboi say young Japanese men believed to be their duty?
They would put their life for their country

4. Even though the Japanese government told the public they were winning the war, what did most
of the Japanese people realize?
That they were on the losing side
5. Why did Koreans go to Japan during the war?
They were required to enlist

6. Was Hiroshima bombed (with regular bombs) prior to the atomic bomb?
7. What was the name of the plane that dropped “Little Boy” on Hiroshima?

8. How long was it supposed to take from the time the bomb was dropped until it detonated?
45 seconds

9. President Truman said that the atomic bomb was the harnessing of the basic power of the

10. What was the first thing the Japanese saw when the bomb detonated?
White light

11. What was the “mushroom cloud” in actuality?

Radioactive products

12. What happened to the bodies near ground zero?

They were incinerated

13. Did any of the babies at the Catholic orphanage in Nagasaki survive?

14. Where was the only escape from the fires of Hiroshima?

15. What were the people often begging for before they died?

16. What began falling from the sky?

17. How high did temperatures on the ground of Hiroshima reach?

18. Over what community in Nagasaki did “Fat Man” explode?

19. What was the only thing moving in Hiroshima in the time after the bombing?

20. Why did burn victims in the hospital pray to be killed?

21. What did people who should have been getting better come to have?

22. Why wouldn’t people come near people with this “disease”?

23. Why did survivors return to devastated cities?

24. How were the “pika don” people treated?

25. What did American and Japanese scientists begin studying?

26. Since 1946, how many more people have died as a result of the bomb?

27. What did the Japanese government do for the survivors of Nagasaki?

28. What did the organization the male survivor of Nagasaki joined want the Japanese government to
take responsibility for? How did these survivors feel about the Japanese government?

29. What did the Hiroshima Maidens come to the U.S. to receive?

30. What do survivors still live with every day, even after 60 years?

31. What do survivors finally get from the Japanese government?

32. Why does the male survivor say he showed us his wounds?

33. How many “Hiroshimas” do the current amount of nuclear weapons in the war equal?

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