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Declining an invitation.

Semana: 2

Nombre del estudiante:

Sandy Gabriela Cruz Maldonado.

Número de cuenta:

Sede de estudio:
Universidad Virtual

Jackeline Stephany Muñoz Aguirre.


Fecha de entrega:
29 de enero del 2023

Declining an invitation
A. Hello friend, tonight I really want to go out to eat at a good restaurant, I
haven't done it for a long time, would you like to go with me?

B. Hello, I really can't go. I have already started college classes and I have a
lot of homework to do and would like to move forward in the evening.

A. But it will only be for a while, it is okay to go out to distract yourself and so
we talk for a while.

B. Would really like to go with you, but I want to move forward with my
activities, because in the day it is impossible for me to do them since I
spend a lot of work. On another occasion I will gladly accept your invitation.

A. And if we have a coffee in the afternoon, here nearby there is a new coffee
shop and they say it is very good, it will only be for a moment. Would you
like to?

B. Ok, but let it be fast.

A. Ok, thank you. Let´s go.

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