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Al Ain English Speaking School ‫مدرسة العين الناطقة باإلنجليزية‬

‘Achieving Excellence’


Name: Olivia Jordan Tutor Group: 1B

Phonics Attainment

Exceeding expected standard

English Reading Attainment Attitude to Learning

Achieving expected standard Outstanding

English Writing Attainment Attitude to Learning

Exceeding expected standard Outstanding

Teacher’s Comment In English, Olivia confidently applies her phonic knowledge to decoding unfamiliar words.
She is beginning to use expression when reading aloud and demonstrates a good
understanding of what she has read. Olivia is attempting to use capital letters, finger
spaces and full stops as she begins to record her ideas in sentences. She is able to create a
story map by sequencing key events. Olivia has worked enthusiastically and diligently
during lessons. She expresses herself clearly and is always keen to share her opinions
during class discussions. She must continue to orally rehearse sentences before writing
them down to check they make sense and also reread them to make sure they are
punctuated accurately.

Mathematics Attainment Attitude to Learning

Exceeding expected standard Outstanding

Teacher’s Comment In maths lessons, Olivia is able to count, recognise and record numbers 0-50. He is able to
write number sentences using addition (+), subtraction (-) and the equals sign (=). Olivia
has enjoyed the practical element to measure and explored both standard and non-
standard units. In each of her assessment tasks, she has demonstrated excellent
application of knowledge and skills. Olivia enjoys maths and continues to work confidently
in all aspects of the subject. She needs to continue to develop her understanding of
numbers 0-50.

Behaviour and Attitude Teacher Judgement

Completes class / home learning tasks and assignment to best of ability. Always

Able to work independently during class and/or with assignments at home. Usually

Takes responsibility for his / her learning. Always

Takes part in class and group discussions and is able to collaborate with others. Always
Al Ain English Speaking School ‫مدرسة العين الناطقة باإلنجليزية‬

‘Achieving Excellence’

Has good attendance and punctuality. Always

General Comments

Olivia is a confident and friendly member of the class, who works with enthusiasm and regularly contributes to class discussions.
She always puts her best effort into all areas of the curriculum and has produced some excellent pieces of work to be really
proud of. Olivia has really enjoyed our topic this term and has been keen to share any additional information she has discovered
with the class. She has shown great interest in the world in which we live and learning about different places. Olivia is willing to
share, to cooperate in a group setting, to voice feelings and opinions and listen to others. I have thoroughly enjoyed teaching her
and am confident she will continue to make excellent progress next term.

Mrs C Ebbinkhuysen

Mrs C Ebbinkhuysen Ms. Helen McCauley Mr. Andrew Thomas

Class Teacher Principal of Primary Executive Principal

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