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In this cartoon we can see a family sitting on the sofa where

everyone is on their cell phones without even socializing.

We can also see in this cartoon that even the dog has a cell
phone, this might want to send us the message that a
normal family would be socializing and giving importance to
the dog by giving it some treats, but in this cartoon we have
a whole family on the cell phone symbolizing the today's
society that cares more about their cell phones than
socializing with their family and friends

Why did I choose this cartoon?

I chose this cartoon because I think technology brings some

good things to the evolution of the world but I think it
actually brings more negatives than positives
I think technology has been destroying personal
relationships for example: Sometimes there are people who
try to socialize with another person but that person just
doesn't do the same and sometimes they are unfriendly and
we can say that technology affects people's empathy levels.

In conclusion, technology is gradually destroying society

and people are so attached to technologies that they will
always resort to the internet to solve their problems.

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