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August 2021 – SDG 2 Zero Hunger

Malaysia was in Phase One of Movement Control under the National Recovery
Plan (NRP) and has been under total lockdown since June 1, 2021. Many low-
income people have been affected by the Movement Control Order. Malaysians
have flooded social media with the # benderaputih movement, calling on those
in need of food or essentials to raise a white flag outside their homes.

At that time, students were learning about a topic related to food in their
Chinese textbook. During the lesson, they were curious about the White Flat
Campaign, and we discussed the campaign in the class. Then, the teachers and
students decided to explore SDG 2: Zero Hunger to help the poor in Sandakan.

They went through five lessons, learning about the situation of hunger around
the world; the causes of hunger; how hunger affects us; the feeling of hunger;
how to reduce waste; and how to help the hungry. They also learn about the
types of food that are nutritious and suitable to donate to the poor, for example
rice, flour, biscutits, instant noodles, salt, sugar, oil, and others. After each
lesson, they will complete a worksheet related to the lesson.

After the lessons, the students decided to donate food to the needy. They had
discussed with their parents using their pocket money or ang pow money to buy
some food and deliver the food to the school. Because it was still MCO, the
teacher helped to sort out the food accordingly. Then, we decided to send it to
Bless Ministry.

The Bless Ministry is led by the Reverend Tomonty. During the pandemic, they
provided food baskets to those foreign workers (Indonesian and Filipino) or
families who were in need, especially the elderly. These elderly people couldn't
get a stable job or were jobless since the pandemic started. The 14 elderly from
Sungai Kayu and Sungai Obar Village were blessed with food donated by the

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