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A. Explain the following models of communication: (30 PTS)
1. Aristotle’s Model
- Is a model of communication where the sender conveys information or a message
to the recipients in an effort to sway them and get them to react or behave in a
certain way. The speaker, in Aristotle’s opinion, is the most important component
of communication. The main emphasis of Aristotle’s model is on the speaker and
speech. The speaker’s responsibility is to deliver a speech to the community.

2. Osgood and Schramm

- Osgood-communication Schramm’s model is regarded as a circular model since it
suggests that signals can travel in both directions. For example, after decoding a
message, a person can encode it and transmit it back to the sender. They may
continue encoding and decoding indefinitely.

3. Ramon Jakobson
- Six functions of language are included in Jakobson’s communication theory. If
the grammar explains what the message signifies, the functions explain why the
addresser is using the language. Beyond the fundamental link of transmitting and
receiving information, Jacobson’s theory examines what must be present in the
process of linguistic communication. Each function focuses on and interacts with
a different aspect of the communication process. His model shows that messages
and meanings cannot be separated from context.

B. Watch the video presentation of Elements of Communication on Youtube with this link:

  After watching the video, try to answer the following questions. (20 pts)

1. How can we make use of the elements of communication to illustrate the transfer of messages
from the speaker going to the audience?
- We can make use of the elements of communication to illustrate the transfer of
messages from the speaker going to the audience by talking verbally and non-
verbally as well as understanding them in order to know how the communication
work accordingly. If we used the following elements of it, we can have a proper
discussion with the person we are talking with and also the knowledge from the
elements that we have learned will be visible while we are delivering our
2. Among the models that were discussed in the video, choose one that best models the flow of
communication that we currently have. Explain why it is the best model.
- For me, the best communication model that we have nowadays is the Shannon –
Weaver communication model. In my opinion it is the widely use model in
communicating because it has a feedback from the receiver. We all know that if
we talk to another person, we also want to get a feedback from them for us to
know if they fully understand what we are saying to them.

3. If you are to combine the models discussed in the video, what model can you create?
Illustrate your own model.

If I were to combine the models, I would like to choose the combination of Aristotle and Shannon
– Weaver Communication Model. Since Aristotle’s model of communication is about giving an
information or to persuade the listener by speaker, I decided to combine it with Shannon and
Weaver because it gives feedback about what the speaker said.

4. What is the role of verbal and non-verbal messages in all the models and in the model that
you created?
- The role of verbal and non-verbal messages in all the models and in the model
that I have combined or created is that they are both essential in giving and
transporting a message whether it is in the form of using mouth to talk orally and
by using gestures, sign language, etc.

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