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Gen. Malvar St.

, Davao City

Directions: Each student is to be rated on
performance in the return demonstration.
Careful evaluation to be taken to compare
the jobs and tasks actually performed by
the student nurse with those expected from
the full performance of that assignment. Keeping the guidelines in mind, please complete the Performance Evaluation Tool. Then
determine an overall rating, giving weight to various performance categories as appropriate to the particular assignment. Please
indicate remarks in the space provided if needed. Overall rating must be considered with the following standard definition.



1 Washes hands and provides privacy.

2 Identifies, explains, and assesses the patient.

3 Wears working gloves. Offers the bedpan or urinal and asks client to void.

4 Brings the necessary equipment and wears correct PPE.

5 Raises the bed to a convenient working height and lowers side rails near
the nurse.

6 Assists the patient to the side of the bed.

7 Places the bath blanket over the patient and removes the soiled top
sheet beneath and places it into the hamper.

8 Removes the patient’s gown. (If the patient has intravenous line, injury,
or reduced mobility, begin on the unaffected side.)

9 Fills the basin with 2/3 full of warm water (43 – 46°C) and checks the
temperature of the water.

10 Lets the patient check the temperature of the water and makes sure the
patient can tolerate it.

11 Removes patient's pillow if the patient's condition allows and raises the head
of the bed to 30-45 degrees.
12 Wash the face.

12 Places the towels appropriately. (First towel: under the patient's

.A head; Second towel: over the patient's chest.)

12 Wash the client's eyes with water only and dry them well. Use a
.B separate corner of the washcloth for each eye. [Ask whether the
client wants soap used on the face.]

12 Wash, rinse, and dry the client's face, ears, and neck.

12 Asks the male patient if he'd like a shave.


13 Washes the arms and hands.

13 Exposes the patient’s far arm and places the bath towel lengthwise beneath
.A the arm.

13 Wets, soaps, rinses and dries then covers the arm and axillae (from distal
.B to proximal).

13 Wets, soaps, rinses and dries the hand and nails.


13 Does the same to the other arm. Steps 14.A-14.C.


14 Washes the chest and abdomen.

14 Spreads the towel across the patient’s chest while lowering the blanket
to the umbilical area.

14 Lift the bath towel off the chest, and bathe the chest and abdomen
with your mitted hand using long, firm strokes. Give special attention to
the skin under the breasts and any other skinfolds, particularly if the
client is overweight. Rinse and dry well.

Female Patients:

14 Cleanses and dries the skin beneath the breast.


14 Checks and changes the water as necessary.


14 Drapes the patient's chest and abdomen using a towel and a bath
.E blanket.

15 Washes the legs and feet.

15 Exposes the patient’s leg farthest from you by folding the bath
blanket toward the other leg, being careful to keep the perineum
covered and places the towel lengthwise under the leg.

15 Wets, soaps, rinses, and dries the patient’s farther leg (from distal
to proximal).

15 Washes and dries the patient's foot thoroughly. Applies lotion to the foot.
15 Reverse the coverings and repeat for the other leg.

1 Discards washcloth and maintains patient's privacy.


1 Refills the basin with clean water.


1 Changes clean pair of gloves and applies perineal care as necessary.


1 Changes the water and applies a clean pair of gloves.


2 Washes the back

20 Assist the client into a prone or side-lying position facing away from
you. Place the bath towel lengthwise alongside the back and
buttocks while keeping the client covered with the bath blanket as
much as possible.

20 Wash and dry the client's back, moving from the shoulders to the
buttocks, and upper thighs, paying attention to the gluteal folds.

20 If patient's skin is intact, remove and discard gloves if used.


20 Perform a back massage now or after completion of bath. (If

patient presers)

2 Helps the patient to put on a new gown and checks the devices attached to
1 the patient.

2 Combs the hair properly.


2 Places the signal device near the patient and does the after care of
3 equipment

2 Perform hand hygiene and assesses the patient after the procedure.

2 Perform documentation and reports for any pertinent observations.


OTHERS 30% 54321

1 Maintains body mechanics throughout the performance.

2 Observes neatness and orderliness while performing the assessment.

3 Receptive to criticisms.

4 Observes courtesy.

5 Shows calmness and maintains composure while performing the procedure.

6 Exercises proper and fluent use of English language.

7 Shows mastery of the procedure.



Students' Signature CI's Signature

CMF/AMO/ 3/8/22
Performance 70% Others 30%
Final Rating

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