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FAQ’s: Concept of Nutrition and Functions of Food

1Q. What is the definition of Nutrition?

A.It is the science of food, the other substances there in, their action,
interaction and balance in relationship to health and disease and the
process by which the organism ingests, absorbs, transports and
utilizes nutrients and disposes off their end products.
2Q.Discuss the physiological functions of food.
A The physiological function of foods are it provides energy, body
building, helps in regulating various functions in the body and also
improves the body’s resistance to disease.
3Q.How is food related to health?
A Intake of right kinds and amounts of food can ensure good nutrition
and health, which may be evident in our appearance, efficiency and
emotional well- being.
4Q. What do you understand by adequate nutrition?
A It is an expression used to indicate that the supply of the essential
nutrients is correct in amount and proportion.

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