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Minutes of Meeting

20 March 202322341311231
S/N Item Action
Global warming, also known as climate change, refers to the long-term increase in the
average temperature of the Earth's atmosphere and oceans. This increase in
temperature is primarily caused by the release of greenhouse gases, such as carbon
dioxide, into the atmosphere due to human activities like burning fossil fuels for energy
and transportation, deforestation, and industrial processes.

The effects of global warming are already being felt around the world, with rising sea
levels, more frequent and severe weather events, melting glaciers and ice caps, and
changes in the behavior of plant and animal species. These effects have far-reaching
implications for human society and the natural environment.

One of the most significant impacts of global warming is on sea levels. As the Earth's
temperature increases, the polar ice caps are melting at an unprecedented rate, leading
to a rise in sea levels. This rise in sea levels is causing coastal areas to flood more
frequently, and is threatening the homes and livelihoods of millions of people who live
near the coast. In addition, warmer ocean temperatures are causing more frequent and
severe storms and hurricanes, which can cause devastating damage to coastal

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