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Welcome-John Mansfield

Secretary report-approved from last month

Treasurer's report-discussed
Sponsorship- 17 sponsors currently. Working on getting an updated banner with sponsor
names on it that will fit on the trailer for competitions.

Old business-Band camp went very well. Thanks to the people who volunteered at the fair. We
appreciate the Kiwanas helping us with the griddles for the pancake breakfast so we were
happy to help them.

New business-
Food-Thank you to Rhonda, Rob, Stacy and others who volunteered to feed the kids at camp!
Stacy reported our kids like fresh veggies and fruit! So they will plan for that for competitions.
They reported they had enough help for camp and have volunteers for competitions.


Bus chaperones-we need 2 adults per bus. Tera has lined up Cardinal buses for semi-state and
state. We are planning on 4 buses at this time.

Pit crew-they have help lined up.

Spirit-planning on meeting soon and putting cups up in the fence.


Yard signs-are ordered and in the process of being made.


Photos- order forms should be in next week for picture day.

Senior banners-Mr. Yaney will be taking them on Monday Aug 22,2022. Order forms were sent
to senior parents and are available in the band room. Kids need to sign up for a time to get their
photos done. They also need to bring $25 and the boosters pay $20 for each student.



Trailer for the guard was discussed. Mr. Miller and Mr. Mansfield have worked together to see
what they need and what will work best. Mr. Mansfield presented two options.
16 foot trailer it’s lightweight, and would hold what we need and is new.
18 foot trailer is slightly used but heavy duty and will hold more weight. This trailer will also
allow for more equipment, props, and future growth. It also has a ramp.
Also discussed was having the school own it so they carry the title and insurance and keep up
on the maintenance of it.
It was voted on and approved to buy the 18 foot trailer.
Mr. Mansfield will get with Brian at BM trailers of Middlebury who currently have the trailer to
make arrangements to get the trailer.
First State Bank of Middlebury may be interested in wrapping this new trailer to match the band

Spiritwear-New items are online to purchase to support the band and show spirit! Show shirt
order will close Friday.

First Football game is this Friday. Pit crew is ready. We are working on a safe way for the kids
to get to the field around the construction. Water for the kids was discussed. It was decided
that large coolers will be provided with ice and non school water in them.

Senior night-Sept 9 plans are to get with the athletic dept to get flowers orders. An ice cream
social for senior and their parents will be sent out soon.

The old band trailers were cleaned out and the school is getting rid of them. We now have
everything in one trailer.

Mr. Varner-Thanks to everyone who helped with camp. He is excited for the band season to
kick off!

Tricia- Yay for the trailer!!

Send an e-mail to freshmen parents with competition information when it gets closer.

We need someone to be in charge of the large flag.

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