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When I was younger

2001 - I was born

I was born on december the 26th
2001 in the General Hospital of

2002 - I was baptism

I was baptism in the church Santa
Rosa Lima for my godparents, and
my mother were really happy.

2005 - I was a student

My preschool years started in 2005
tand my early school year in 2010
in the Lola Gonzalez School in
2011 - Baccalaureate Medellin.
My adolescence was
in 2011 and also started
the baccalaureate
2015 - confirmation
I did the confirmation in
the same church where
was my baptism. My
godparents were the same
of the my baptism.

2018 - pregnant
In the year 2018 I was pregnant on
the same year to born my

2019 - my graduation of school

In Medellin was my graduation of
the school, My school year was very
funny and happy.

2020 - Studen t of Sena

I started to studying in the Sena
technology in industrial
metrological assurance.

2022 - Work
I got a job. At the moment , I am
working in the company of the

2023 - trip of beach

I was of beach with my daughter,
my baby was very happy. It was the
first time I went to the beach..

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