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English IV

Marcela Medrano Zamora

Forum #1
What is so special about the human brain?


San José, Costa Rica

Watch Herculano-Houzel's TEDTalk "What is so special about the human
brain?" and answer the following questions:

1. Refer to Herculano-Houzel's startling conclusion about "the activity

we do that no other animal does" by writing a sentence.

- Humans are the only species on earth that cooks its food.

2. Look for information about foods that you can eat to boost your
memory, concentration, and brain health. Choose one, post a picture,
and briefly describe its effects on the brain using your own words.

Our brain requires some substances contained in food to boost the memory,
concentration, formation, and restoration of brain tissue. Among the top brain-
healthy foods are : avocados , eggs and fish .

Avocados: Avocado could be classified as one of

most people's favorite fruits, because of the vitamins
and nutrients it contains. Avocado has been called
"the brain food" because it is rich in folic acid, a type
of B vitamin that improves memory and mental

Eggs: Eggs are one of the most nutritious foods

available; it contains choline, a nutrient that plays an
important role in the construction of cell membranes.
Eggs are essential for the normal functioning of all
cells, including those necessary for brain function.
Eggs contain amino acids, B vitamins and bioactive
components that have a neuroprotective effect.

Fish: The consumption of fish such as salmon, cod or

sardines provides the brain with a large amount of
Omega-3, which promotes mental development and
improved learning; it helps to maintain proper brain

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