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Daisy Huang

12/02/20 08:03

Error Message:Cost component structure for

period 000 / in plant XXXX not found
382 Views Last edit 12/02/20 08:34 2 rev
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Hello all,

I got an error "Cost component structure for period 000 / in plant XXXX not found" when
I execute CKMSTART in HANA 1909. I have maintained cost type and costing variants
for each valuation, and done CK24 to mark allowance. The cost component was
assigned in the versions for valuation methods.

Can anyone advise? Thanks in advance for your time looking into it!


Deepak Kalra
Feb 13, 2020 at 09:12 AM
Hi Daisy Huang,

Looks like you need to complete the missing customizing for the plant were the error is
obtained. After the completion of the customizing, report MLCCS_STARTUP needs to
be executed for the given plant.

For more details please follow SAP note: 2342258 - Error MLCCS003 after
SAP note - 206629 - Cost component structure not found for actual CCS


I hope its helpful.

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