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I am young boy of 19 years of age. I am very humble and hardworking.

I am from a family or
background where we are not financially stable. This has render our educational life into a very
difficult situation such that we are not able to pay for our school fees.
It has been my dream to become a medical Doctor. So I am working very hard to let my dreams
come through but I am lacking some educational stuff like books and among others as a result I
am not able to do all that I can. My mind is not stable and focused because I am always thinking
of feeding and taking care of myself.
I am the only standing block in my family so I want to make them proud and become a role
model to the young once that they can do all that they want if only they focus. I am very grateful
for this opportunity to be awarded as a scholar by your noble institution. When I see persons in
problems I feel it so wanted how to eradicate this or help them. Me becoming a doctor will help
other people and friends to have hope in life because of my background "poverty ". It has been
my habit of helping the sick and the needy. I know if I have this award it will help me to achieve
my goals. My community is not that very good so want to help them to know the important of
education to be able to help the teenagers to focus on their studies.
I will also help them to work hard to achieve their goals. With this belief that Victor has been
able to make it so it is possible for us to do the same regardless of their backgrounds. Living a
selfish life is not a life lived but living a life that will give others hope and help them is a life lived.
Your institution is an honorable one which has putten unto yourselves to help the poor and the
needy in order for them to achieve their goals in life. Hope to also grow to become useful as
you people and this can be done by your support that you will give to me. I also want to work
uncooperation with my fellow workers to help put up a building for the mentally minded persons
walking on the street.
I want to be awarded in order to realize some burden on my old mother who has suffered all the
years to take care of me till this far. She is very old and wants to enjoy what she has sown
before she leaves the land of the living.
Working hard to achieve my dreams is what I am looking up to. As my motto goes "Hard work is
an easy battle ". I am very focused and doing all that I could to let my dreams come to pass and
I can do all things because Christ strengthens me. I am hoping to be awarded as one of the
scholars in order to open or uncover the cover. Thank you.

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