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3850-203 SAMPLE PAPER – SET 8

Certificate in English Reading and Writing –

Stage 2 Success

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3850-203 14 June 2018 Document 1

Commander Janice Smith is well aware of her

journey to being named commanding officer of
the USS Oscar Austin. A past student of Linstead
High School, Smith is the first Jamaican and for boring tasks, Smith followed her belief
second black woman to command an that something small today could be a big
American Navy warship. opportunity tomorrow.
‘I started out as a cook in 1989 and never ‘I did everything to the best of my ability, even
dreamed that one day I would command a when that was cleaning the crew's living area,
ship. I ensure that sailors are fully trained; cooking at 4 a.m. or baking all night for a
that the ship is ready for its missions; that we crew of 800 sailors,’ she recalls.
complete tasks as a team, and return home
safely,’ Smith explains. DIFFICULT EXPERIENCE
Smith explained it was difficult to get funding
CONSTANT FOCUS for a college education so she joined the
The passion and energy Smith now puts Navy. Her journey to commander has been
into commanding her ship mirrors her challenging but rewarding.
approach to duties as a navy cook. Even
Her Jamaican upbringing was also very
important. ‘My childhood was not easy, but I
would not change anything. Growing up in
Jamaica made me strong and determined. I
have come this far because people prayed and
supported me. My most difficult experience is
leaving my children for long periods of time,’
she adds.

Smith is grateful for the people before her

who worked for equal opportunities for
women and minorities in the US Navy.

‘It is a humbling experience, and I have so

many people to thank,’ she admits.

Smith urges girls who want to follow in her

footsteps to take every opportunity to get an
education and to work hard towards their

‘My success is because of hard work and the

importance of supportive family, friends, and
colleagues. If I can start as a cook and
become a warship commander, so can you,’
she says.

3850-203 14 June 2018 Document 2

Lifestyle Search



Your Steps to Success with Asa Lewis

Success means different things to different people - some want to become
famous and others would like to be a millionaire, whereas some focus on
having a happy home life. But what about you?

I’ve created a handy guide to help you reach your goals. Follow the steps in
this guide to achieve far more than you ever help you to
thought possible: achieve your goals too. Read my books and start your
route to success today!

1. Know what you are aiming for. Make a note of

everything you would like to do on a daily basis.
Be specific about what you want. Decide when
you want to complete each goal. For big goals, Recent books
set deadlines for each stage, as this will help you • Say Hello to
to achieve them. happiness
• Boost your
2. List everything you need to do to achieve each confidence
of your goals. When you think of new tasks or • Find your
activities, add them to your list. perfect career

3. Each morning, decide what is more important

on your list. Write a plan starting with what you
need to do first.

4. Do something 365 days a year to achieve your

most important goal.

5. Keep believing every day that you will succeed.

There will always be challenges but never give up!

6. You will not reach your goals immediately but

will achieve small steps along the way. Celebrate
the success of these little steps, because each one
gets you closer to your big goal. Success in life is
all about the journey.

7. When you reach your goals, remember how

many people helped you along the way and thank
all of them.

You will be amazed at how soon you start to see

your success.
My name is Asa Lewis and I am a life coach. I help
thousands of people to turn their dreams into reality. I can
Make NOW the best time of your life. Take action today to achieve your goals in record

3 See next page

3850-203 3850-203 14 June 2018 Acknowledgements
Document 1
Text adapted from
janice-smith-humbled-leadership-role-us and
Images from

Document 2
Text adapted from
Images from and

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